- function [pts_Opt,kopt,t_est] = wvarchg(y,K,d)
- %WVARCHG Find variance change points.
- % [PTS_OPT,KOPT,T_EST] = WVARCHG(Y,K,D) computes the estimated
- % change points of the variance of signal Y for j change
- % points, with j = 0, 1, 2,..., K.
- % Integer D is the minimum delay between two change points.
- %
- % Integer KOPT is the proposed number of change points
- % (0 <= KOPT <= K).
- % The vector PTS_OPT contains the corresponding change points.
- % For 1 <= k <= K, T_EST(k+1,1:k) contains the k instants
- % of the variance change points and then,
- % if KOPT > 0, PTS_OPT = T_EST(KOPT+1,1:KOPT)
- % else PTS_OPT = [].
- %
- % K and D must be integers such that 1 < K << length(Y) and
- % 1 <= D << length(Y).
- % Signal Y should be zero mean.
- %
- % WVARCHG(Y,K) is equivalent to WVARCHG(Y,K,10).
- % WVARCHG(Y) is equivalent to WVARCHG(Y,6,10).
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 09-Jun-1999.
- % Last Revision: 07-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:43:38 $
- % Set defaults.
- if nargin == 2, d = 10; elseif nargin == 1, K = 6; d = 10; end
- % Center y.
- y = y(:)-mean(y);
- % Increment K.
- K = K+1;
- % t_est computation using dynamic programming.
- N = length(y);
- y2 = y.^2;
- matD = repmat(NaN,N,N);
- wSAVE = warning;
- warnState = warning;
- warning('off','all')
- for i=1:N-d
- vi = 1:N-i+1;
- dummy = vi.*log(cumsum(y2(i:N)')./vi);
- matD(i,i+d-1:N) = dummy(d:end);
- end
- warning(warnState);
- ind = isinf(-matD); matD(ind) = -matD(ind);
- ind = isnan(matD); matD(ind) = Inf;
- I = zeros(K,N);
- I(1,:) = matD(1,:);
- t = zeros(K,N);
- if K>2,
- for k=2:K-1
- for L=k:N
- [I(k,L),t(k-1,L)] = min(I(k-1,1:L-1) + matD(2:L,L)');
- end
- end
- end
- t_est = diag(ones(1,K)*N);
- [I(K,N),t(K-1,N)] = min(I(K-1,1:N-1) + matD(2:N,N)');
- for j=2:K
- for k=j-1:-1:1
- t_est(j,k) = t(k,t_est(j,k+1));
- end
- end
- % Kopt computation using penalization.
- V=I(:,N);
- for j=2:K
- g2(j) = min((V(1:j-1)-V(j))./(j-1:-1:1)');
- end;
- k=0;
- for j=2:K
- if g2(j) > max(g2(j+1:K))
- k = k+1; G2(k) = g2(j); M(k)=j;
- end
- end;
- M(k+1) = K; G2(k+1) = g2(K); M = M'; G2 = G2';
- G1 = [G2(1:k+1);0]; G2 = [inf;G2]; M = [1;M]-1;
- % G1 (resp G2) contains the lower (resp upper) bounds of
- % penalty intervals, M(i) contains the number of change points
- % found for a penalty within the interval from G1(i) to G2(i)
- % The length of G1 is at least 2.
- % When the length of G1 is equal to 2, kopt = 0,
- % else we select kopt as M(i) corresponding to the maximum
- % penalty interval range.
- if length(G1) == 2
- kopt = 0; pts_Opt = [];
- else
- [lmax,indopt] = max(G2(2:end-1)-G1(2:end-1));
- kopt = M(indopt+1)*(lmax>G2(end));
- pts_Opt = t_est(kopt+1,1:kopt);
- end