- /* wdbPipePktDrv.c - pipe packet driver for lightweight UDP/IP */
- /* Copyright 1998-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01q,15apr02,hbh Removed call to excJobAdd() to support System Mode Debugging
- on Windows simulator (SPR# 23866) and fix SPR# 26247.
- 01p,21nov01,jmp added intLock()/intUnlock() around NT system call.
- 01o,19oct01,hbh Opened transmit pipe with L_NONBLOCK flag to avoid process
- lock (SPR #34107).
- Freed allocated buffer if excJobAdd() fails.
- Fixed passing of right # of parameters to excJobAdd().
- Got rid of compilation warnings.
- 01n,16mar99,dbt In wdbPipeInt() routine, call wdbPipeFlush() only if some
- data have been received (SPR #25734).
- 01m,24nov98,cym moving interrupt handling to task level
- 01l,06oct98,jmp doc : cleanup.
- 01k,27aug98,fle doc : fixed a typo in file header and removed dash
- underscores in library description
- 01j,06aug98,pdm used wd timer instead of poll task (SIMHPPA only)
- 01i,19may98,cym changed forward for wdbPipeInt for SIMNT.
- 01h,19may98,dbt test if the pipe is used by another simulator before using
- it.
- Test if the kernel is initialized (with taskIdCurrent)
- before running intConnect() or taskCreate() routines.
- Disable pipe interrupts when we enter polling mode.
- Removed build warnings.
- 01g,27apr98,dbt no longer unlink the pipe if it already exists.
- added copyright.
- 01f,09apr98,pdn used select while polling the fd so we don't block.
- 01e,08apr98,pdn used poll mode for HP Sim.
- 01d,20mar98,cym changed for vxSim NT.
- 01c,20mar98,pdn fixed wdbPipeInt() to return if packet size can not be
- determent.
- 01b,12mar98,pdn fixed to work with system mode (poll.)
- 01a,11mar98,pdn written.
- */
- /*
- This module is a pipe for drivers interfacing with the WDB agent's
- lightweight UDP/IP interpreter. It can be used as a starting point
- when writing new drivers. Such drivers are the lightweight equivalent
- of a network interface driver.
- These drivers, along with the lightweight UDP-IP interpreter, have two
- benefits over the stand combination of a netif driver + the full VxWorks
- networking stack; First, they can run in a much smaller amout of target
- memory because the lightweight UDP-IP interpreter is much smaller than
- the VxWorks network stack (about 800 bytes total). Second, they provide
- a communication path which is independant of the OS, and thus can be
- used to support an external mode (e.g., monitor style) debug agent.
- Throughout this file the word "pipe" is used in place of a real
- driver name. For example, if you were writing a lightweight driver
- for the lance ethernet chip, you would want to substitute "pipe"
- with "ln" throughout this file.
- When the driver detects that a packet has arrived (either in its receiver
- ISR or in its poll input routine), it invokes a callback to pass the
- data to the debug agent. Right now the callback routine is called "udpRcv",
- however other callbacks may be added in the future.
- The driver's wdbPipeDevInit() routine should be passed the callback as
- a parameter and place it in the device data structure. That way the driver
- will continue to work if new callbacks are added later.
- Ideally the driver should support both polled and interrupt mode, and be
- capable of switching modes dynamically. However this is not required.
- When the agent is not running, the driver will be placed in "interrupt mode"
- so that the agent can be activated as soon as a packet arrives.
- If your driver does not support an interrupt mode, you can simulate this
- mode by spawning a VxWorks task to poll the device at periodic intervals
- and simulate a receiver ISR when a packet arrives.
- For dynamically mode switchable drivers, be aware that the driver may be
- asked to switch modes in the middle of its input ISR. A driver's input ISR
- will look something like this:
- .CS
- doSomeStuff();
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.stackRcv (pMbuf); /@ invoke the callback @/
- doMoreStuff();
- .CE
- If this channel is used as a communication path to an external mode
- debug agent, then the agent's callback will lock interrupts, switch
- the device to polled mode, and use the device in polled mode for awhile.
- Later on the agent will unlock interrupts, switch the device back to
- interrupt mode, and return to the ISR.
- In particular, the callback can cause two mode switches, first to polled mode
- and then back to interrupt mode, before it returns.
- This may require careful ordering of the callback within the interrupt
- handler. For example, you may need to acknowledge the interrupt within
- the doSomeStuff() processing rather than the doMoreStuff() processing.
- The driver is typically only called only from usrWdb.c. The only directly
- callable routine in this module is wdbPipePktDevInit().
- You will need to modify usrWdb.c to allow your driver to be initialized
- by the debug agent.
- You will want to modify usrWdb.c to include your driver's header
- file, which should contain a definition of WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU.
- There is a default user-selectable macro called WDB_MTU, which must
- be no larger than WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU. Modify the begining of
- usrWdb.c to insure that this is the case by copying the way
- it is done for the other drivers.
- The routine wdbCommIfInit() also needs to be modified so that if your
- driver is selected as the WDB_COMM_TYPE, then your drivers init
- routine will be called. Search usrWdb.c for the macro "WDB_COMM_CUSTOM"
- and mimic that style of initialization for your driver.
- The drivers only need to handle one input packet at a time because
- the WDB protocol only supports one outstanding host-request at a time.
- If multiple input packets arrive, the driver can simply drop them.
- The driver then loans the input buffer to the WDB agent, and the agent
- invokes a driver callback when it is done with the buffer.
- For output, the agent will pass the driver a chain of mbufs, which
- the driver must send as a packet. When it is done with the mbufs,
- it calls wdbMbufChainFree() to free them.
- The header file wdbMbuflib.h provides the calls for allocating, freeing,
- and initializing mbufs for use with the lightweight UDP/IP interpreter.
- It ultimatly makes calls to the routines wdbMbufAlloc and wdbMbufFree, which
- are provided in source code in usrWdb.c.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "string.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "sioLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "simLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbMbufLib.h"
- #include "drv/wdb/wdbPipePktDrv.h"
- #if CPU != SIMNT
- #include "u_Lib.h"
- #endif /* CPU != SIMNT */
- /* externals */
- #undef READ
- #undef WRITE
- #if CPU == SIMNT
- extern void simMailSlotInit(void *inBuf,int *busyFlag, int *writeFd,
- void (* intHandler)(),int intArg);
- extern void simDelay (int);
- extern int mailslotWrite (int hFile, char * szMessage, int len);
- extern int mailslotConnect (char * szSlotName, int timeout);
- extern int mailslotClose (int hSlot);
- #define TGTSVR_MAIL_SLOT "\\.\mailslot\tgtsvr.1"
- extern int simLastMailSize;
- extern int simInIntHandle;
- int polledPackets = 0;
- int pollingInt = 0;
- #else /* CPU != SIMNT */
- extern int UNLINK (char *);
- extern int MKFIFO (char *, int);
- extern int OPEN (char *, int);
- extern int READ (int, char *, int);
- extern int WRITE (int, char*, int);
- extern int GETUID (void);
- extern int SELECT (int, fd_set *, fd_set *, fd_set *, struct timeval *);
- #endif /* CPU == SIMNT */
- /* pseudo-macros */
- #define DRIVER_MODE_SET(pDev, mode) wdbPipeDrvModeSet (pDev, mode)
- #else /* CPU != SIMSPARCSOLARIS */
- #define DRIVER_MODE_SET(pDev, mode)
- #endif /* CPU == SIMSPARCSOLARIS */
- #define DRIVER_RESET_INPUT(pDev) {pDev->inputBusy=FALSE;}
- #define DRIVER_RESET_OUTPUT(pDev) {pDev->outputBusy=FALSE;}
- #define DRIVER_POLL_TX(pDev, pBuf) {}
- #define DRIVER_DROP_PACKET(pDev) {}
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS wdbPipePoll (void *pDev);
- LOCAL STATUS wdbPipeTx (void *pDev, struct mbuf * pMbuf);
- LOCAL STATUS wdbPipeModeSet (void *pDev, uint_t newMode);
- LOCAL void wdbPipeFree (void *pDev);
- #if CPU == SIMNT
- LOCAL STATUS wdbPipeInt (WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev,int byteRead);
- #else /* CPU != SIMNT */
- LOCAL void wdbPipeFlush (int pipeFd);
- #if CPU == SIMHPPA
- LOCAL void wdbPipeInputChk (WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev);
- #define WD_TIMEOUT 2
- #else /* CPU != SIMHPPA */
- LOCAL void wdbPipeDrvModeSet (WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev, uint_t newMode);
- #endif /* CPU == SIMHPPA */
- #endif /* CPU == SIMNT */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipePktDevInit - initialize a pipe packet device.
- */
- STATUS wdbPipePktDevInit
- (
- WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev, /* pipe device structure to init */
- void (*stackRcv)() /* receive packet callback (udpRcv) */
- )
- {
- #if CPU != SIMNT
- char h2tPipe[64] = {0};
- char t2hPipe[64] = {0};
- int rc;
- #else
- int lvl;
- #endif /* CPU != SIMNT */
- /* initialize the wdbDrvIf field with driver info */
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.mode = WDB_COMM_MODE_POLL | WDB_COMM_MODE_INT;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.mtu = WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.stackRcv = stackRcv; /* udpRcv */
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.devId = (WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV *)pPktDev;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.pollRtn = wdbPipePoll;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.pktTxRtn = wdbPipeTx;
- pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.modeSetRtn = wdbPipeModeSet;
- /* initialize the device specific fields in the driver structure */
- pPktDev->inputBusy = FALSE;
- pPktDev->outputBusy = FALSE;
- #if CPU != SIMNT
- {
- struct unix_stat buf;
- /*
- * Initialize the named pipe, and connect the driver interrupt
- * handler.
- */
- sprintf (h2tPipe, "/tmp/vxsim_h2t_%d", GETUID());
- sprintf (t2hPipe, "/tmp/vxsim_t2h_%d", GETUID());
- /* create the named pipes if they don't already exist */
- if (u_stat (h2tPipe, (char*)&buf) < 0)
- {
- rc = UNLINK (h2tPipe);
- rc = MKFIFO (h2tPipe, 0600);
- }
- if (u_stat (t2hPipe, (char*)&buf) < 0)
- {
- rc = UNLINK (t2hPipe);
- rc = MKFIFO (t2hPipe, 0600);
- }
- rc = pPktDev->h2t_fd = OPEN (h2tPipe, L_RDWR|L_NDELAY);
- /* test if the pipe is already in used by another simulator */
- if (u_lockf (rc, F_TLOCK, 0) != 0)
- {
- if (_func_printErr != NULL)
- _func_printErr ("wdbPipePktDevInit: pipe is already used by another simulatorn");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * SPR 34107 : use NONBLOCK flag to avoid the simulator to lock on the
- * next write if fifo stream is full.
- */
- rc = pPktDev->t2h_fd = OPEN (t2hPipe, L_RDWR|L_NONBLOCK);
- /* flush reception pipe */
- wdbPipeFlush (pPktDev->h2t_fd);
- /*
- * Connect interrupt or spawn the task (for HPPA) only if the OS is
- * initialized.
- */
- if (taskIdCurrent)
- {
- #if CPU == SIMHPPA
- /* named pipe on HP host does not generate SIGIO. */
- if (wdPipeId == NULL)
- wdPipeId = wdCreate();
- wdStart (wdPipeId, WD_TIMEOUT, (FUNCPTR) wdbPipeInputChk, (int)pPktDev);
- #else /* CPU != SIMHPPA */
- /* setting up interrupt. */
- s_fdint (pPktDev->h2t_fd, 1);
- intConnect (FD_TO_IVEC (pPktDev->h2t_fd),
- (void (*)())wdbPipeInt, (int)pPktDev);
- #endif /* CPU == SIMHPPA */
- }
- }
- #else /* CPU != SIMNT */
- /* Initialize the mailslot. */
- pPktDev->t2h_fd = 0;
- lvl = intLock(); /* lock windows system call */
- simMailSlotInit(pPktDev->inBuf,
- &(pPktDev->inputBusy),
- &(pPktDev->t2h_fd),
- (void (*)())&wdbPipeInt,
- (int)pPktDev);
- intUnlock (lvl); /* unlock windows system call */
- #endif /* CPU != SIMNT */
- return (OK);
- }
- #if CPU == SIMHPPA
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeInputChk - fake an input ISR when a packet arrives
- */
- static void wdbPipeInputChk
- (
- )
- {
- int key;
- fd_set readFds;
- struct timeval timeout;
- timeout.tv_sec = 0;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- FD_ZERO (&readFds);
- FD_SET (pDev->h2t_fd, &readFds);
- if (SELECT (FD_SETSIZE, &readFds, (fd_set *)NULL,
- (fd_set *)NULL, &timeout) > 0)
- {
- key = intLock();
- wdbPipeInt (pDev);
- intUnlock (key);
- }
- wdStart (wdPipeId, WD_TIMEOUT, (FUNCPTR) wdbPipeInputChk, (int)pDev);
- }
- #endif /* CPU == SIMHPPA */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeInt - pipe driver interrupt handler
- *
- */
- static STATUS wdbPipeInt
- (
- #if CPU==SIMNT
- ,
- int byteRead
- #endif
- )
- {
- #if CPU!=SIMNT
- int byteRead;
- short packetSize = 0;
- char szPacketSize [sizeof(short)] = {0};
- #endif
- struct mbuf * pMbuf;
- #if CPU==SIMNT
- if ( polledPackets && !pollingInt )
- {
- polledPackets--;
- return(ERROR);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * The code below is for handling a packet-recieved interrupt.
- * A real driver may also have to check for other interrupting
- * conditions such as DMA errors, etc.
- */
- #if CPU != SIMNT /* SIMNT Fake device does all of this */
- /* input buffer already in use - drop this packet */
- if (pPktDev->inputBusy)
- {
- wdbPipeFlush (pPktDev->h2t_fd);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * get the packet size
- */
- byteRead = READ (pPktDev->h2t_fd, szPacketSize, sizeof(short));
- if (byteRead < sizeof(short))
- {
- /*
- * Flush the pipe only if we have received something. This is
- * usefull for polling mode if a packet was received between
- * READ() call and this test.
- */
- if (byteRead > 0)
- wdbPipeFlush (pPktDev->h2t_fd);
- return FALSE;
- }
- packetSize = * (short *) szPacketSize;
- if (packetSize > WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU)
- {
- wdbPipeFlush (pPktDev->h2t_fd);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Fill the input buffer with the packet. Use an mbuf cluster to pass
- * the packet on to the agent.
- */
- byteRead = READ (pPktDev->h2t_fd, pPktDev->inBuf, packetSize);
- if (byteRead != packetSize)
- {
- wdbPipeFlush (pPktDev->h2t_fd);
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif /* CPU != SIMNT */
- pMbuf = wdbMbufAlloc();
- if (pMbuf == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- wdbMbufClusterInit (pMbuf, pPktDev->inBuf, byteRead,
- (int (*)())wdbPipeFree, (int)pPktDev);
- pPktDev->inputBusy = TRUE;
- (*pPktDev->wdbDrvIf.stackRcv) (pMbuf); /* invoke callback */
- return TRUE;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeTx - transmit a packet.
- *
- * The packet is realy a chain of mbufs. We may have to just queue up
- * this packet is we are already transmitting.
- *
- */
- static STATUS wdbPipeTx
- (
- void * pDev,
- struct mbuf * pMbuf
- )
- {
- WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev = pDev;
- int lockKey;
- struct mbuf * pFirstMbuf = pMbuf;
- char data [WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU + sizeof(short)];
- int len;
- int byteWritten = -1;
- /* if we are in polled mode, transmit the packet in a loop */
- if (pPktDev->mode == WDB_COMM_MODE_POLL)
- {
- DRIVER_POLL_TX(pPktDev, pMbuf);
- return (OK);
- }
- lockKey = intLock();
- /* if the txmitter isn't cranking, queue the packet and start txmitting */
- if (pPktDev->outputBusy == FALSE)
- {
- pPktDev->outputBusy = TRUE;
- #if CPU==SIMNT /* SIMNT doesn't need to prepend length */
- len = 0;
- #else
- len = 2;
- #endif
- while (pMbuf != NULL)
- {
- bcopy (mtod (pMbuf, char *), &data[len], pMbuf->m_len);
- len += pMbuf->m_len;
- pMbuf = pMbuf->m_next;
- }
- wdbMbufChainFree (pFirstMbuf);
- #if CPU != SIMNT
- * (short *) &data [0] = (short) len - 2;
- byteWritten = WRITE (pPktDev->t2h_fd, data, len);
- #else
- if(pPktDev->t2h_fd)
- {
- byteWritten = mailslotWrite (pPktDev->t2h_fd, data, len);
- }
- if(byteWritten == -2)
- {
- mailslotClose( pPktDev->t2h_fd );
- pPktDev->t2h_fd = mailslotConnect(TGTSVR_MAIL_SLOT,2);
- if (pPktDev->t2h_fd == -1 )
- {
- pPktDev->outputBusy = FALSE;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- else
- {
- byteWritten = mailslotWrite (pPktDev->t2h_fd, data, len);
- }
- }
- #endif /* CPU != SIMNT */
- /* Write has failed, treat the error for all arch */
- if(byteWritten == -1)
- {
- pPktDev->outputBusy = FALSE;
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- pPktDev->outputBusy = FALSE;
- }
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeFree - free the input buffer
- *
- * This is the callback used to let us know the agent is done with the
- * input buffer we loaded it.
- *
- */
- static void wdbPipeFree
- (
- void * pDev
- )
- {
- WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev = pDev;
- pPktDev->inputBusy = FALSE;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeModeSet - switch driver modes
- *
- * RETURNS: OK for a supported mode, else ERROR
- */
- static STATUS wdbPipeModeSet
- (
- void * pDev,
- uint_t newMode
- )
- {
- WDB_PIPE_PKT_DEV * pPktDev = pDev;
- if (newMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT)
- else if (newMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_POLL)
- else
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipePoll - poll for a packet
- *
- * This routine polls for a packet. If a packet has arrived it invokes
- * the agents callback.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if a packet has arrived, else ERROR.
- */
- static STATUS wdbPipePoll
- (
- void * pDev
- )
- {
- #if CPU == SIMNT
- if(pPktDev->inputBusy)
- {
- pollingInt = 1;
- polledPackets++;
- wdbPipeInt(pPktDev,simLastMailSize);
- pollingInt = 0;
- return( 0 );
- }
- simDelay(1);
- return(ERROR);
- #else
- if (wdbPipeInt (pPktDev))
- return (OK);
- else
- return (ERROR);
- #endif /* CPU == SIMNT */
- }
- #if CPU != SIMNT
- #if CPU != SIMHPPA
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeDrvModeSet - switch driver modes
- *
- */
- static void wdbPipeDrvModeSet
- (
- uint_t newMode
- )
- {
- if (newMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT)
- {
- s_fdint (pPktDev->h2t_fd, 1);
- /*
- * XXX - DBT flush the pipe before entering interrupt mode. If the
- * pipe is not empty, it won't generate any interrupt when a packet
- * is received.
- */
- wdbPipeFlush (pPktDev->h2t_fd);
- }
- else /* poll mode */
- s_fdint (pPktDev->h2t_fd, 0);
- }
- #endif /* CPU != SIMHPPA */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbPipeFlush - flush pipe receive bufer
- */
- static void wdbPipeFlush
- (
- int pipeFd /* pipe file desc */
- )
- {
- char tmpBuf [WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU];
- int nBytes;
- do
- {
- nBytes = u_read (pipeFd, tmpBuf, WDB_PIPE_PKT_MTU);
- }
- while (nBytes > 0);
- }
- #endif /* CPU != SIMNT */