- function dispSTR = lpstr(P,maxLEN)
- %LPSTR String to display a Laurent polynomial object.
- % S = LPSTR(P) returns a string S used to display
- % the Laurent polynomial P.
- % S = LPSTR(P,MAXLEN) uses at most MAXLEN chars for
- % each line of the string S. The default is MAXLEN = 60.
- %
- % Example:
- % P = laurpoly(1:8,0);
- % S1 = lpstr(P) , S2 = lpstr(P,90) , S3 = lpstr(P,30)
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 20-Mar-2001.
- % Last Revision 08-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/04/13 00:38:50 $
- if nargin<2 , maxLEN = 60; end
- dispSTR = [];
- lineSTR = '';
- d = P.maxDEG;
- c = P.coefs;
- nbCoefs = length(c);
- for k=1:nbCoefs
- v = c(k);
- if v~=0
- if abs(v)~=1
- tmp = num2str(abs(v),4);
- else
- if d~=0 , tmp = ''; else , tmp = '1'; end
- end
- if v<0 , tmp = ['- ' , tmp]; elseif (nbCoefs>1) , tmp = ['+ ' , tmp]; end
- if d~=0
- if abs(v)~=1 , tmp = [tmp '*']; end
- if d<0 , tmp = [tmp 'z^(-'];
- elseif d>0 , tmp = [tmp 'z^(+'];
- end
- tmp = [tmp , int2str(abs(d)) ') ' ];
- else
- tmp = [tmp ' '];
- end
- lineSTR = [lineSTR , tmp];
- elseif nbCoefs==1
- lineSTR = [lineSTR , '0'];
- end
- lenlineSTR = length(lineSTR);
- if (lenlineSTR>maxLEN) & (k<nbCoefs)
- lineSTR = [lineSTR ,' ...'];
- dispSTR = strvcat(dispSTR,lineSTR);
- lineSTR = '';
- end
- d = d-1;
- end
- dispSTR = strvcat(dispSTR,lineSTR);