- function [C,d] = reduce(COld,dOld,precision)
- %REDUCE Simplification for Laurent polynomial.
- % [C,D] = REDUCE(COLD,DOLD,PRECISION) returns the "new" values
- % the cofoefficients C and the maximum degree D for a Laurent
- % polynomial, starting from the corresponding "old" values.
- % COLD and DOLD. The element of COLD which the absolute values
- % are less than PRECISION are set to zero, then the "new"
- % maximum degree D is computed.
- %
- % [C,D] = REDUCE(COLD,DOLD) uses PRECISION = 1E-8.
- % Copyright 2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 20-Mar-2001.
- % Last Revision 24-Jun-2003.
- if nargin<3 , precision = 1E-8; end
- C = COld;
- C(abs(C)<precision) = 0;
- idxNZ = find(C~=0);
- if ~isempty(idxNZ)
- d = dOld-(idxNZ(1)-1);
- idxMin = min(idxNZ);
- idxMax = max(idxNZ);
- C([1:idxMin-1,idxMax+1:length(C)]) = [];
- else
- d = 0;
- C = 0;
- end