- function [LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = lp2filters(Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs,signFLAG)
- %LP2FILTERS Laurent polynomials to filters.
- % [LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = LP2FILTERS(Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs) returns the
- % filters associated to the Laurent polynomials (Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs).
- %
- % [LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = LP2FILTERS(...,signFLAG) changes the
- % sign of the two high-pass filters (HiD,HiR).
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 24-Jun-2003.
- % Last Revision: 02-Sep-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:36:35 $
- if nargin>4 , IncPOW = 1; else , IncPOW = 0; end
- isORTH = (Ha==Hs);
- Ha = reflect(Ha);
- Ga = reflect(Ga);
- [LoD,HiD] = getFilters('a',Ha,Ga,isORTH,IncPOW);
- [LoR,HiR] = getFilters('s',Hs,Gs,isORTH,IncPOW);
- %--------------------------------------------------------
- function [Lo,Hi] = getFilters(typeFILT,H,G,isORTH,IncPOW)
- Lo = H.coefs;
- Hi = G.coefs;
- lenLo = length(Lo);
- lenHi = length(Hi);
- powHi = powers(G);
- if lenLo==lenHi % Orthogonal case in necessary here.
- switch typeFILT
- case 'a' , AddPOW = 0;
- case 's' , AddPOW = 1;
- end
- else % Part of biorthogonal case.
- [long,idx] = max([lenLo,lenHi]);
- add = fix(abs((lenLo-lenHi)/2));
- switch idx
- case 1 , Hi = extend_Filter(Hi,lenHi,long);
- case 2 , Lo = extend_Filter(Lo,lenLo,long);
- end
- switch typeFILT
- case 'a' , AddPOW = 1 + add;
- case 's' , AddPOW = 1;
- end
- end
- AddPOW = AddPOW + IncPOW;
- powMUL = powHi(end) + AddPOW;
- Hi = ((-1)^powMUL)*Hi;
- % %----------------------------------------------------
- % powLo = powers(H);
- % disp('------------------------------------------')
- % if lenLo~=lenHi
- % disp(['typeFILT: ' typeFILT]);
- % disp([' add: ' sprintf('%3.0f',add) , ...
- % ' - idx: ' sprintf('%3.0f',idx)]);
- % end
- % disp(['AddPOW: ' sprintf('%3.0f',AddPOW)]);
- % disp([' powHi: ' sprintf('%3.0f',powHi) ...
- % ' (len: ' sprintf('%2.0f',lenHi),')']);
- % disp([' powLo: ' sprintf('%3.0f',powLo) ...
- % ' (len: ' sprintf('%2.0f',lenLo),')']);
- % disp(['powMUL: ' sprintf('%3.0f',powMUL)]);
- % disp(['dLenM4: ' sprintf('%3.0f',mod(lenHi-lenLo,4))]);
- % if lenLo~=lenHi && idx==1
- % disp(['lenHiExt: ' sprintf('%3.0f',length(Hi)-lenHi)]);
- % end
- % disp('------------------------------------------')
- % %----------------------------------------------------
- %--------------------------------------------
- function G = extend_Filter(F,len,long)
- d = (long-len)/2;
- G = [zeros(1,floor(d)) F zeros(1,ceil(d))];
- %--------------------------------------------