- function varargout = detcoef(coefs,longs,levels,dummy)
- %DETCOEF Extract 1-D detail coefficients.
- % D = DETCOEF(C,L,N) extracts the detail coefficients
- % at level N from the wavelet decomposition structure [C,L].
- % See WAVEDEC for more information on C and L.
- % Level N must be an integer such that 1 <= N <= NMAX
- % where NMAX = length(L)-2.
- %
- % D = DETCOEF(C,L) extracts the detail coefficients
- % at last level NMAX.
- %
- % If N is a vector of integers such that 1 <= N(j) <= NMAX:
- %
- % DCELL = DETCOEF(C,L,N,'cells') returns a cell array where
- % DCELL{j} contains the coefficients of detail N(j).
- %
- % If length(N)>1, DCELL = DETCOEF(C,L,N) is equivalent to
- % DCELL = DETCOEF(C,L,N,'cells').
- %
- % DCELL = DETCOEF(C,L,'cells') is equivalent to
- %
- % [D1,...,Dp] = DETCOEF(C,L,[N(1),...,N(p)]) extracts the details
- % coefficients at levels [N(1),...,N(p)].
- %
- % See also APPCOEF, WAVEDEC.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 22-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Check arguments.
- nmax = length(longs)-2;
- cellFLAG = false;
- if nargin>2
- if isnumeric(levels)
- if (any(levels < 1)) || (any(levels > nmax) ) || ...
- any(levels ~= fix(levels))
- error('Invalid level(s) value.');
- end
- cellFLAG = (nargin>3);
- else
- cellFLAG = true;
- levels = [1:nmax];
- end
- else
- levels = nmax;
- end
- first = cumsum(longs)+1;
- first = first(end-2:-1:1);
- longs = longs(end-1:-1:2);
- last = first+longs-1;
- nblev = length(levels);
- tmp = cell(1,nblev);
- for j = 1:nblev
- k = levels(j);
- tmp{j} = coefs(first(k):last(k));
- end
- if nargout>0
- if (nargout==1 && nblev>1) || cellFLAG
- varargout{1} = tmp;
- else
- varargout = tmp;
- end
- end