- function w = symaux(N,sumw)
- %SYMAUX Symlet wavelet filter computation.
- % Symlets are the "least asymmetric"
- % Daubechies' wavelets.
- % W = SYMAUX(N,SUMW) is the order N Symlet scaling
- % filter such that SUM(W) = SUMW.
- % Possible values for N are:
- % N = 1, 2, 3, ...
- % Caution: Instability may occur when N is too large.
- %
- % W = SYMAUX(N) is equivalent to W = SYMAUX(N,1)
- % W = SYMAUX(N,0) is equivalent to W = SYMAUX(N,1)
- %
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 06-Feb-98.
- % Last Revision: 14-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:41:49 $
- % Check arguments.
- if nargin < 2 | sumw==0 , sumw = 1; end
- if N==1 % Haar filters
- w = [0.5 0.5];
- w = sumw*(w/sum(w));
- return
- end
- % Compute the "Lagrange a trous" filter of order N.
- % and the roots (abs(R) ~= 1).
- %--------------------------------------------------
- [P,Proots] = wlagrang(N);
- % Find complex and real zeros.
- % The real zeros are grouped by duplets:
- % [z,1/z]
- % The complex zeros are grouped by quadruplets:
- % [z,conj(z),1/z,1/conj(z)]
- %------------------------------------------------
- realzeros = Proots(find(imag(Proots)==0));
- nbrealzeros = length(realzeros);
- imagzeros = Proots(find(imag(Proots)~=0));
- nbimagzeros = length(imagzeros);
- % Get complex modulus and angle for each group of complex zeros.
- tmp = imagzeros(1:2:nbimagzeros/2);
- rho = abs(tmp);
- teta = angle(tmp);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- % Calculate phase contribution of complex and real zeros
- % for all the combination of these zeros.
- % A combination is composed by one real zero in each duplets
- % and two conjugate complex zeros in each quadruplets.
- % Each combination of zeros is identified with a binary number.
- % The phase of kth combination is the opposite of the phase
- % of the combination which num is (2^NbGroup-k+1).
- %--------------------------------------------------------------
- nbfr = 200;
- freq = linspace(0,2*pi,nbfr);
- uZ = exp(-i*freq);
- nbGroupOfRealZ = nbrealzeros/2;
- nbGroupOfImagZ = nbimagzeros/4;
- nbGroupOfZeros = nbGroupOfImagZ+nbGroupOfRealZ;
- pow2NbGroup = 2^(nbGroupOfZeros-1);
- indImagZ = [1:nbGroupOfImagZ];
- indRealZ = [nbGroupOfImagZ+1:nbGroupOfZeros];
- phas = zeros(pow2NbGroup,nbfr);
- for numG=1:pow2NbGroup;
- [indReZ,indImZ] = getZeroInd(numG,nbGroupOfZeros,nbGroupOfRealZ, ...
- indRealZ,indImagZ);
- tmp = realzeros(indReZ);
- for ii=1:nbGroupOfRealZ
- phas(numG,:) = phas(numG,:) + phasecontrib(uZ,tmp(ii));
- end
- tmp = rho;
- tmp(indImZ) = 1./tmp(indImZ);
- for ii=1:nbGroupOfImagZ
- phas(numG,:) = phas(numG,:) + phasecontrib(uZ,tmp(ii),teta(ii));
- end
- end
- % To retain only the non linear part of the phase.
- phas = nonlinph(phas,freq);
- % We select the combination which phase is closer to zero
- % (The L2-norm or variance of the phase is minimum).
- phas = sum(phas'.^2);
- [phasMin,imin] = min(phas);
- %-----------------------------------------------------
- % The following choice is only for compatibility
- % with load symN
- switch N
- case {4,5,7,8} , imin = 2*pow2NbGroup-imin+1;
- end
- %-----------------------------------------------------
- [indReZ,indImZ] = getZeroInd(imin,nbGroupOfZeros,nbGroupOfRealZ, ...
- indRealZ,indImagZ);
- % Choose real zeros.
- realzeros = realzeros(indReZ);
- % Choose imaginary zeros.
- tmp = rho;
- tmp(indImZ) = 1./tmp(indImZ);
- tmp = tmp.*exp(j*teta);
- tmp = [tmp conj(tmp)]';
- imagzeros = tmp(:);
- % Construction of the filter from its zeros.
- w = real(poly([realzeros;imagzeros;-ones(N,1)]));
- w = sumw*(w/sum(w));
- %-----------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function [iReZ,iImZ] = getZeroInd(num,nbGrZ,nbGrReZ,indReZ,indImZ)
- % Get indices of zeros for a group which number is num.
- bin = dec2bin(num-1,nbGrZ);
- bin = logical(wstr2num(bin')');
- iReZ = [1:2:2*nbGrReZ]+bin(indReZ);
- iImZ = bin(indImZ);
- %-----------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function F = phasecontrib(Z,R,teta)
- % returns the phase contribution of a complex pair of zeros
- % or of a real zero.
- switch nargin
- case 2 , V = Z-R; % real case
- case 3 , V = (Z-R*exp(i*teta)).*(Z-R*exp(-i*teta)); % imaginary case
- end
- % Compute continuous phase over the pi-borders.
- F = atan2(imag(V),real(V));
- N = length(F);
- DF = F(1:N-1)-F(2:N);
- I = find(abs(DF)>3.5);
- for ii=I
- F = F+2*pi*sign(DF(ii))*[zeros(1,ii) ones(1,N-ii)];
- end
- F = F-F(1);
- %-----------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function nlphase = nonlinph(v,freq)
- %NONLINPH NLPHASE = NONLINPH(V) eliminates the linear
- % part of the phase vector V.
- [m,n] = size(v);
- nlphase = zeros(m,n);
- for row=1:m
- nlphase(row,:) = v(row,:)-v(row,n)*freq/(2*pi);
- end
- %-----------------------------------------------------------------------%