- function y = wcodemat(x,nb,opt,absol)
- %WCODEMAT Extended pseudocolor matrix scaling.
- % Y = WCODEMAT(X,NBCODES,OPT,ABSOL) returns a coded version
- % of input matrix X if ABSOL=0, or ABS(X) if ABSOL is
- % nonzero, using the first NBCODES integers.
- % Coding can be done row-wise (OPT='row' or 'r'), columnwise
- % (OPT='col' or 'c'), or globally (OPT='mat' or 'm').
- % Coding uses a regular grid between the minimum and
- % the maximum values of each row (column or matrix,
- % respectively).
- %
- % Y = WCODEMAT(X,NBCODES,OPT) is equivalent to
- % Y = WCODEMAT(X,NBCODES) is equivalent to
- % Y = WCODEMAT(X,NBCODES,'mat',1).
- % Y = WCODEMAT(X) is equivalent to
- % Y = WCODEMAT(X,16,'mat',1).
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-May-96.
- % Last Revision: 26-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Check arguments.
- switch nargin
- case 1 , absol = 1; opt = 'm'; nb = 16;
- case 2 , absol = 1; opt = 'm';
- case 3 , absol = 1;
- end
- opt = lower(opt(1));
- trans = false;
- if isequal(opt(1),'r')
- trans = true;
- opt = 'c';
- x = x';
- end
- if absol , x = abs(x); end
- switch opt
- case 'm'
- y = ones(size(x));
- x = x - min(min(x));
- maxx = max(max(x));
- if maxx<eps , return; end
- x = nb*(x/maxx);
- y(:) = 1 + fix(x);
- case 'c'
- [t1,t2] = size(x);
- y = ones(t1,t2);
- minx = min(x);
- x = (x - minx(ones(1,t1),:));
- maxx = max(x);
- echel = maxx(ones(1,t1),:);
- indexs = echel<eps;
- warning('off','MATLAB:divideByZero')
- x = nb*(x./echel);
- y = 1 + fix(x);
- warning('on','MATLAB:divideByZero')
- y(indexs) = 1;
- otherwise ,
- error(['Unknown Option.']);
- end
- y(y>nb) = nb;
- if trans, y = y'; end