- function varargout = wavemngr(option,varargin)
- %WAVEMNGR Wavelet manager.
- % WAVEMNGR is a wavelet manager used to add, delete, restore
- % or read wavelets.
- %
- % adds a new wavelet family.
- % FN = family name (string).
- % FSN = family short name (string).
- %
- % WT defines the wavelet type:
- % WT = 1 for orthogonal wavelets.
- % WT = 2 for biorthogonal wavelets.
- % WT = 3 for wavelet with scale function.
- % WT = 4 for wavelet without scale function.
- % WT = 5 for complex wavelet without scale function.
- %
- % If the wavelet is a single one, NUMS = ''.
- % examples: mexh, morl.
- % If the wavelet is part of a finite family of wavelets, NUMS
- % is a string containing a blank separated list of items
- % representing wavelet parameters.
- % example: bior, NUMS = '1.1 1.3 ... 4.4 5.5 6.8'.
- % If the wavelet is part of an infinite family of wavelets,
- % NUMS is a string containing a blank separated list of
- % items representing wavelet parameters, terminated by the
- % special sequence **.
- % examples:
- % db, NUMS = '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 **'.
- % shan, NUMS = '1-1.5 1-1 1-0.5 1-0.1 2-3 **'
- % In these last two cases, TYPNUMS specifies the wavelet parameter
- % input format: 'integer' or 'real' or 'string'; the default
- % value is 'integer'.
- % examples: db, TYPNUMS = 'integer'
- % bior, TYPNUMS = 'real'
- % shan, TYPNUMS = 'string'
- %
- % FILE = MAT-file or M-file name (string).
- %
- % B = [lb ub] specifies lower and upper bounds of
- % effective support for wavelets of type = 3, 4 or 5.
- %
- % WAVEMNGR('del',N), deletes a wavelet or a wavelet family where
- % N is the wavelet name or the family short name.
- %
- % WAVEMNGR('restore') restores the previous
- % wavelets.asc ASCII-file.
- % WAVEMNGR('restore',IN2) restores the initial
- % wavelets.asc ASCII-file.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('read') returns all wavelets family names.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('read',IN2) returns all wavelet names.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('read_asc') returns all wavelets information
- % retrieved from wavelets.asc ASCII-file.
- %----------------------
- %----------------------
- % WAVEMNGR('create')
- % creates wavelets.inf MAT-file using wavelets.asc ASCII-file.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('load') or WAVEMNGR('load')
- % loads Wavelets_Info from wavelets.inf matfile,
- % and puts it in the global variable: Wavelets_Info.
- %
- % WAVEMNGR('clear') clear the global Wavelets_Info.
- %
- % [OUT1,OUT2,OUT3,OUT4,OUT5,OUT6] = WAVEMNGR('indw',W)
- % returns:
- % family indice, number indice,
- % family, number for the wavelet W.
- % OUT5 is the family table of number.
- % OUT6 is a flag for GUI.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('indf',F) returns indice
- % for wavelet family F (short name).
- %
- % varargout = wavemngr('fields',varargin) see below.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('read_struct')
- % OUT1 gives all wavelets structures.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('read_struct',NUMS)
- % OUT1 gives the wavelets structures.
- % specified by NUMS.
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('tfsn') or WAVEMNGR('tfsn',T)
- % returns shortname-table (of type = T : 'dwt' or 'cwt' or 'owt' or 'ccwt').
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('tfn') or out1 = WAVEMNGR('tfn',T)
- % returns name-table (of type = T : 'dwt' or 'cwt' or 'owt' or 'ccwt').
- %
- % OUT1 = WAVEMNGR('isbior',W)
- % returns 1 for biorthogonal wavelets.
- %
- % [FAM,NUM] = WAVEMNGR('fam_num',W) returns
- % family and number for the wavelet W.
- %
- % LEN = WAVEMNGR('length',W) returns the
- % length of the support of the wavelet W.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 26-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- global Wavelets_Info
- %----------------------%
- % Wavelets Structures. %
- %--------------------------------------------------------%
- % Wavelets_Info is a structure array with size [nb_fam 1]
- %
- % Wavelet_Struct =
- % struct(...
- % 'index' integer
- % 'familyName' string
- % 'familyShortName' string
- % 'type' integer
- % 'tabNums' matrix of string
- % 'typNums' string
- % 'file' string
- % 'bounds' string
- % );
- %---------------------------------------------------------%
- % Files Names.
- %--------------
- bin_ini_file = 'wavelets.bin';
- asc_ini_file = 'wavelets.ini';
- bin_file = 'wavelets.inf';
- asc_file = 'wavelets.asc';
- sav_file = 'wavelets.prv';
- if nargin==0 , option = 'create' ; end
- % Miscellaneous Values.
- %----------------------
- nb_InfoByWave = 7;
- NB_FamInWTB = 11;
- WaveTypePOS = [1:5];
- switch option
- case 'load'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info)
- try
- load(bin_file,'-mat')
- catch
- try
- load(bin_ini_file,'-mat')
- catch
- clc
- disp(' ');
- disp('---------------------------------------------');
- sprintf('*** File : %s not found ! ***', bin_ini_file);
- disp(['*** Using rescue resource ... ! ***']);
- disp('---------------------------------------------');
- disp(' ');
- Wavelets_Info = wavemngr('rescue');
- end
- end
- end
- if nargout>0 , varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info; end
- case 'clear' , clear global Wavelets_Info
- case 'indw'
- % in2 : wavelet name
- %-------------------
- % out1 = i_fam
- % out2 = i_num
- % out3 = fam
- % out4 = num_str
- % out5 = tabNums
- % out6 = flag '**' (for GUI)
- %---------------------------
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- nb_fam = size(Wavelets_Info,1);
- wname = deblankl(varargin{1});
- lwna = length(wname);
- for i_fam=1:nb_fam
- fam = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).familyShortName;
- len = length(fam);
- ok_wave = 0;
- if lwna>=len
- if fam==wname(1:len)
- tabNums = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).tabNums;
- for i_num = 1:size(tabNums,1)
- num_str = noblank(tabNums(i_num,:));
- if strcmp(num_str,'no') , num_str = '' ; end
- if strcmp([fam num_str],wname)
- ok_wave = 1; add_num = 0; break;
- end
- end
- % test for ** number
- %------------------
- if ok_wave==0 && strcmp(num_str,'**') && (lwna>len)
- typNums = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).typNums;
- num_str = wname(len+1:lwna);
- switch typNums
- case 'integer'
- num = wstr2num(num_str);
- if ~isempty(num) && (num==fix(num)) && (0<num)
- ok_wave = 1; add_num = 1;
- end
- case 'real'
- num = wstr2num(num_str);
- if ~isempty(num)
- ok_wave = 1; add_num = 1;
- end
- case 'string'
- ok_wave = 1; add_num = 1;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if ok_wave , break; end
- end
- if ok_wave
- varargout = {i_fam,i_num};
- if nargout<3 , return; end
- varargout = {varargout{:},fam,num_str,tabNums,add_num};
- else
- msg = sprintf('Invalid wavelet name : %s', wname);
- errargt('Wavelet test',msg,'msg');
- error(['*** ' msg ' ***']);
- end
- case 'indf'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- fsnCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyShortName}';
- fsnInput = deblankl(varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = find(strcmp(fsnInput,fsnCell)==1);
- case 'tfsn'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- fsnCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyShortName}';
- varargout{1} = strvcat(fsnCell{:});
- if nargin==2
- wtype = lower(varargin{1});
- if isequal(wtype,'all') , return; end
- tab_type = {Wavelets_Info(:).type}';
- tab_type = cat(1,tab_type{:});
- switch wtype
- case {'dwt'} , ind = find(tab_type==1 | tab_type==2);
- case {'cwt'} , ind = find(tab_type>0 & tab_type<5);
- case {'owt'} , ind = find(tab_type==1);
- case {'ccwt'} , ind = find(tab_type==5);
- case {'666'}
- ind = [find(tab_type==5) ; find(tab_type>0 & tab_type<5)];
- end
- varargout{1} = varargout{1}(ind,:);
- end
- case 'tfn'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- fnCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyName}';
- varargout{1} = strvcat(fnCell{:});
- if nargin==2
- wtype = lower(varargin{1});
- if isequal(wtype,'all') , return; end
- tab_type = {Wavelets_Info(:).type}';
- tab_type = cat(1,tab_type{:});
- switch wtype
- case {'dwt'} , ind = find(tab_type==1 | tab_type==2);
- case {'cwt'} , ind = find(tab_type>0 & tab_type<5);
- case {'owt'} , ind = find(tab_type==1);
- case {'ccwt'} , ind = find(tab_type==5);
- end
- varargout{1} = varargout{1}(ind,:);
- end
- case 'fields'
- % in2 = {'ind', wavelet index} or
- % in2 = {'fsn', family shortname} or
- % in2 = {'wn' , wavelet name}
- % or
- % in2 = wavelet name
- %----------------------------
- % in3 ... = field(s) name(s)
- %----------------------------
- % out1 ... = field(s) value(s)
- %-----------------------------
- if iscell(varargin{1})
- in_type = varargin{1}{1};
- arg = varargin{1}{2};
- else
- in_type = 'wn';
- arg = varargin{1};
- end
- switch in_type
- case 'ind'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- i_fam = arg;
- case 'fsn' , i_fam = wavemngr('indf',arg);
- case 'wn' , i_fam = wavemngr('indw',arg);
- end
- nb = nargin-2;
- if nb==0
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam);
- return;
- end
- for k=1:nb
- switch varargin{k+1}
- case 'ind' , field = 'index';
- case 'fn' , field = 'familyName';
- case 'fsn' , field = 'familyShortName';
- case 'type' , field = 'type';
- case 'tabNums' , field = 'tabNums';
- case 'typNums' , field = 'typNums';
- case 'file' , field = 'file';
- case 'bounds' , field = 'bounds';
- otherwise , field = '';
- end
- if ~isempty(field)
- varargout{k} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).(field);
- else
- varargout{k} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam);
- end
- end
- case 'type'
- i_fam = wavemngr('indw',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('type');
- case 'file'
- i_fam = wavemngr('indw',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('file');
- case 'fn'
- i_fam = wavemngr('indw',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('familyName');
- case 'fsn'
- i_fam = wavemngr('indw',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('familyShortName');
- case {'tabnums','tabNums'}
- i_fam = wavemngr('indf',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('tabNums');
- case {'typNums'}
- i_fam = wavemngr('indf',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('typNums');
- case 'bounds'
- i_fam = wavemngr('indw',varargin{1});
- varargout{1} = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).('bounds');
- case 'isbior'
- wname = varargin{1};
- if length(wname)>3,
- wname = wname(1:4);
- varargout{1} = isequal(wname,'bior') | isequal(wname,'rbio');
- else
- varargout{1} = 0;
- end
- case 'fam_num'
- [nul,nul,varargout{1},varargout{2}] = wavemngr('indw',varargin{1});
- case 'length'
- wname = varargin{1};
- [wtype,bounds] = wavemngr('fields',{'wn',wname},'type','bounds');
- switch wtype
- case {1,2}
- Lo_D = wfilters(wname);
- varargout{1} = length(Lo_D);
- case {3,4}
- varargout{1} = bounds(2)-bounds(1)+1;
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'invalid argument','msg'); error('*');
- end
- case 'create'
- wavemngr('clear')
- beg_fam = 'Family Name : ';
- fid = fopen(asc_file);
- if fid==-1
- fid = fopen(asc_ini_file);
- winfo = fread(fid);
- fclose(fid);
- fid = fopen(asc_file,'w');
- fwrite(fid,winfo);
- fclose(fid);
- else
- winfo = fread(fid);
- fclose(fid);
- end
- winfo = setstr(winfo');
- str_NL = findNL('string',winfo);
- lennewl = length(str_NL);
- ind_NL = findstr(str_NL,winfo);
- first = findstr(beg_fam,winfo)+length(beg_fam);
- nb_fam = length(first);
- %------------------------------%
- % Building Wavelets Structure. %
- %------------------------------%
- nul = cell(nb_fam,1);
- Wavelets_Info = struct(...
- 'index',nul, ...
- 'familyName',nul, ...
- 'familyShortName',nul, ...
- 'type',nul, ...
- 'tabNums',nul, ...
- 'typNums',nul, ...
- 'file',nul, ...
- 'bounds',nul ...
- );
- for j = 1:nb_fam
- i_fam = first(j);
- indexs = find(ind_NL>i_fam);
- indexs = ind_NL(indexs(1:nb_InfoByWave));
- fam = winfo(i_fam:indexs(1)-1);
- sname = winfo(indexs(1)+lennewl:indexs(2)-1);
- wtype = winfo(indexs(2)+lennewl:indexs(3)-1);
- nums = winfo(indexs(3)+lennewl:indexs(4)-1);
- typNums = winfo(indexs(4)+lennewl:indexs(5)-1);
- fname = winfo(indexs(5)+lennewl:indexs(6)-1);
- bounds = winfo(indexs(6)+lennewl:indexs(7)-1);
- notspace = ~isspace(nums);
- lnot = length(notspace);
- index1 = find(notspace==1);
- k0 = index1(1);
- k1 = index1(length(index1));
- indnum = diff(notspace);
- fnum = find(indnum==1)+1;
- lnum = find(indnum==-1);
- if k0==1 , fnum = [1 fnum]; end
- if k1==lnot , lnum = [lnum k1]; end
- nb_num = length(fnum);
- tabNums = '';
- for p = 1:nb_num
- tabNums = strvcat(tabNums,nums(fnum(p):lnum(p)));
- end
- Wavelets_Info(j).index = j;
- Wavelets_Info(j).familyName = fam;
- Wavelets_Info(j).familyShortName = sname;
- Wavelets_Info(j).type = wstr2num(wtype);
- Wavelets_Info(j).tabNums = tabNums;
- Wavelets_Info(j).typNums = typNums;
- Wavelets_Info(j).file = fname;
- Wavelets_Info(j).bounds = wstr2num(bounds);
- end
- try
- save(bin_file,'Wavelets_Info')
- catch
- errargt(mfilename,'Changing Wavelets : Save FAILED !','msg');
- end
- case 'read'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- nb_fam = size(Wavelets_Info,1);
- sep_fam = '=';
- sep_fam = sep_fam(:,ones(1,35));
- sep_num = '-';
- sep_num = sep_num(:,ones(1,30));
- varargout{1} = sep_fam;
- tab = setstr(9);
- families = strvcat(Wavelets_Info(:).familyName);
- tabtab = tab(ones(1,nb_fam),ones(1,2));
- if nargin==1
- famSName = strvcat(Wavelets_Info(:).familyShortName);
- famTAB = [families tabtab famSName];
- varargout{1}= strvcat(varargout{1},famTAB,sep_fam);
- else
- famTAB = [families tabtab];
- for k =1:nb_fam
- sfname = Wavelets_Info(k).familyShortName;
- varargout{1} = strvcat(varargout{1},[famTAB(k,:) sfname]);
- nb = 0;
- wnames = [];
- tabNums = Wavelets_Info(k).tabNums;
- if size(tabNums,1)>1
- varargout{1} = strvcat(varargout{1},sep_num);
- end
- for j = 1:size(tabNums,1)
- num_str = noblank(tabNums(j,:));
- if ~strcmp(num_str,'no')
- wnames = [wnames sfname noblank(tabNums(j,:)) tab];
- end
- if nb<3
- nb = nb+1;
- else
- if ~isempty(wnames)
- varargout{1} = strvcat(varargout{1},wnames);
- end
- nb = 0;
- wnames = [];
- end
- end
- if nb>0 && ~isempty(wnames)
- varargout{1} = strvcat(varargout{1},wnames);
- end
- varargout{1} = strvcat(varargout{1},sep_fam);
- end
- end
- case 'read_asc'
- fid = fopen(asc_file);
- if fid==-1 , fid = fopen(asc_ini_file); end
- winfo = fread(fid);
- fclose(fid);
- varargout{1} = setstr(winfo');
- case 'read_struct'
- if isempty(Wavelets_Info) , wavemngr('load'); end
- if nargin==2
- indfam = varargin{1};
- else
- nb_fam = size(Wavelets_Info,1);
- indfam = [1:nb_fam];
- end
- if nargout==0
- sep_fam = '*';
- sep_fam = sep_fam(:,ones(1,35));
- disp(' '); disp(' '); disp(' ');
- disp(sep_fam);
- end
- for k =1:length(indfam)
- tmp{k} = Wavelets_Info(indfam(k));
- if nargout==0
- disp(tmp{k}); disp(sep_fam);
- end
- end
- if nargout>0 , varargout = tmp; end
- case 'add'
- wavemngr('clear')
- Wavelets_Info = wavemngr('load');
- nb_fam = size(Wavelets_Info,1);
- err = 0;
- family_Name = varargin{1};
- if isempty(family_Name)
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Wavelet Family Name is empty !';
- else
- fnIn = noblank(family_Name);
- tmpCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyName}';
- ind = find(strcmp(fnIn,tmpCell)==1);
- err = ~isempty(ind);
- if err , msg = 'The Wavelet Family Name is already used !'; end
- end
- if err==0
- family_Short_Name = varargin{2};
- if isempty(family_Short_Name)
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Wavelet Family Short Name is empty !';
- else
- fsnIn = deblankl(family_Short_Name);
- tmpCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyShortName}';
- ind = find(strcmp(fsnIn,tmpCell)==1);
- err = ~isempty(ind);
- if err
- msg = 'The Wavelet Family Short Name is already used !';
- end
- end
- end
- if err==0
- wavelet_Type = varargin{3};
- if isempty(find(wavelet_Type==WaveTypePOS))
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Invalid Wavelet Type !';
- end
- end
- if err==0
- if isempty(varargin{4})
- wavelet_tabNums = 'no';
- wavelet_typNums = 'no';
- elseif ischar(varargin{4})
- wavelet_tabNums = deblank(varargin{4});
- wavelet_typNums = 'integer';
- elseif iscell(varargin{4})
- wavelet_tabNums = deblank(varargin{4}{1});
- wavelet_typNums = deblank(varargin{4}{2});
- if ischar(wavelet_typNums)
- switch wavelet_typNums
- case {'integer','real','string'}
- otherwise
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Invalid Wavelet type of numbers !';
- end
- else
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Invalid Wavelet type of numbers !';
- end
- else
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Invalid Wavelet numbers !';
- end
- end
- if err==0
- wavelet_File = varargin{5};
- if isempty(wavelet_File)
- err = 1;
- elseif findstr('.mat',wavelet_File)
- else
- wavelet_File = deblankl(wavelet_File);
- ind = findstr('.m',wavelet_File);
- if ind>0 , wavelet_File = wavelet_File(1:ind-1); end
- if isempty(wavelet_File) , err = 1; end
- end
- if err==1
- msg = 'Invalid Wavelet File Name !';
- end
- end
- if err==0
- nbArgIN = length(varargin);
- switch wavelet_Type
- case {1,2}
- if nbArgIN<6 , wavelet_Bounds = ''; end
- otherwise
- if nbArgIN<6
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Invalid number of arguments !';
- else
- wavelet_Bounds = varargin{6};
- if length(wavelet_Bounds)~=2, err = 1;
- elseif wavelet_Bounds(1)>wavelet_Bounds(2), err = 1;
- end
- if err==1
- msg = 'Invalid value for wavelet bounds !';
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if err
- msg = strvcat('Add New Wavelet FAILED !!',msg);
- errargt(mfilename,msg,'msg');
- return
- end
- fid = fopen(asc_file);
- if fid==-1 , fid = fopen(asc_ini_file); end
- winfo = fread(fid);
- fclose(fid);
- fid = fopen(sav_file,'w');
- fwrite(fid,winfo);
- fclose(fid);
- Chrline = findNL('char',winfo);
- beg_fam = 'Family Name : ';
- sep_fam = '------------------------';
- wavelet_Type = sprintf('%.0f',wavelet_Type);
- if ~isempty(wavelet_Bounds)
- wavelet_Bounds = [num2str(wavelet_Bounds(1)) ' ' ...
- num2str(wavelet_Bounds(2))];
- end
- winfo = [winfo(1:end-1); Chrline; ...
- abs(beg_fam'); ...
- abs(family_Name(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(family_Short_Name(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(wavelet_Type(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(wavelet_tabNums(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(wavelet_typNums(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(wavelet_File(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(wavelet_Bounds(:)); Chrline; ...
- abs(sep_fam'); Chrline ...
- ];
- fid = fopen(asc_file,'w');
- fwrite(fid,winfo);
- fclose(fid);
- wavemngr('create');
- case 'del'
- wavemngr('clear')
- Wavelets_Info = wavemngr('load');
- err = 0;
- i_fam = [];
- if isempty(varargin{1})
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Wavelet Family (Short) Name is empty !';
- else
- name = noblank(varargin{1});
- tmpCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyName}';
- i_fam = find(strcmp(name,tmpCell)==1);
- if isempty(i_fam)
- tmpCell = {Wavelets_Info(:).familyShortName}';
- i_fam = find(strcmp(name,tmpCell)==1);
- end
- end
- if err==0
- if isempty(i_fam)
- err = 1;
- msg = 'Invalid Wavelet Family (Short) Name !';
- elseif i_fam<=NB_FamInWTB
- err = 1;
- fn = Wavelets_Info(i_fam).familyName;
- msg = sprintf('You can''t delete %s Wavelet Family !',fn);
- end
- end
- if err
- errargt(mfilename,msg,'msg');
- return
- end
- fid = fopen(asc_file);
- if fid==-1 , fid = fopen(asc_ini_file); end
- winfo = fread(fid);
- fclose(fid);
- fid = fopen(sav_file,'w');
- fwrite(fid,winfo);
- fclose(fid);
- str_winfo = setstr(winfo');
- str_NL = findNL('string',winfo);
- beg_fam = 'Family Name : ';
- first = findstr(beg_fam,str_winfo);
- first = first(i_fam);
- ind_NL = findstr(str_NL',str_winfo);
- indexs = find(ind_NL>first);
- indexs = ind_NL(indexs(1:nb_InfoByWave+1));
- last = indexs(nb_InfoByWave+1)+length(str_NL)-1;
- winfo(first:last) = [];
- fid = fopen(asc_file,'w');
- fwrite(fid,winfo);
- fclose(fid);
- wavemngr('create');
- case 'restore'
- wavemngr('clear')
- if nargin==1
- fid = fopen(sav_file);
- if fid==-1 , fid = fopen(asc_ini_file); end
- else
- fid = fopen(asc_ini_file);
- end
- winfo = fread(fid);
- fclose(fid);
- fid = fopen(asc_file,'w');
- fwrite(fid,winfo);
- fclose(fid);
- wavemngr('create');
- case 'rescue'
- famtype = ...
- {...
- 1, 'Haar', 'haar', 1;
- 2, 'Daubechies', 'db', 1;
- 3, 'Symlets', 'sym', 1;
- 4, 'Coiflets', 'coif', 1;
- 5, 'BiorSplines', 'bior', 2;
- 6, 'ReverseBior', 'rbio', 2;
- 7, 'Meyer', 'meyr', 3;
- 8, 'DMeyer', 'dmey', 1;
- 9, 'Gaussian', 'gaus', 4;
- 10, 'Mexican_hat', 'mexh', 4;
- 11, 'Morlet', 'morl', 4;
- 10, 'Complex Gaussian', 'cgau', 5;
- 11, 'Shannon', 'shan', 5;
- 10, 'Frequency B-Spline', 'fbsp', 5;
- 11, 'Complex Morlet', 'cmor', 5
- };
- nums = ...
- {...
- '';
- '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 **';
- '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 **';
- '1 2 3 4 5';
- '1.1 1.3 1.5 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.4 5.5 6.8';
- '1.1 1.3 1.5 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.4 5.5 6.8';
- '';
- '';
- '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 **';
- '';
- '';
- '1 2 3 4 5 **';
- '1-1.5 1-1 1-0.5 1-0.1 2-3 **';
- '1-1-1.5 1-1-1 1-1-0.5 2-1-1 2-1-0.5 2-1-0.1 **';
- '1-1.5 1-1 1-0.5 1-1 1-0.5 1-0.1 **'
- };
- typNums = ...
- {...
- 'no';
- 'integer';
- 'integer';
- 'integer';
- 'real';
- 'real';
- 'no';
- 'no';
- 'integer';
- 'no';
- 'no';
- 'integer';
- 'string';
- 'string';
- 'string'
- };
- files = ...
- {...
- 'dbwavf';
- 'dbwavf';
- 'symwavf';
- 'coifwavf';
- 'biorwavf';
- 'rbiowavf';
- 'meyer';
- 'dmey.mat';
- 'gauswavf';
- 'mexihat';
- 'morlet'
- 'cgauwavf';
- 'shanwavf';
- 'fbspwavf';
- 'cmorwavf'
- };
- bounds = ...
- {...
- [];
- [];
- [];
- [];
- [];
- [];
- [-8 8];
- [];
- [-5 5];
- [-8 8];
- [-8 8];
- [-5 5];
- [-20 20];
- [-20 20];
- [-8 8]
- };
- nbfam = size(famtype,1);
- tabNums = cell(nbfam,1);
- for k = 1:nbfam
- tabNums{k} = '';
- s = deblank(nums{k});
- if ~isempty(s)
- I = find(isspace(s));
- i_beg = 1;
- for j = 1:length(I)
- i_end = I(j)-1;
- ss = deblank(s(i_beg:i_end));
- if ~isempty(ss)
- tabNums{k} = strvcat(tabNums{k},ss);
- end
- i_beg = i_end+2;
- end
- ss = deblank(s(i_beg:end));
- tabNums{k} = strvcat(tabNums{k},ss);
- end
- if isempty(tabNums{k}) , tabNums{k} = 'no'; end
- end
- varargout{1} = ...
- struct(...
- 'index', famtype(:,1), ...
- 'familyName', famtype(:,2), ...
- 'familyShortName', famtype(:,3), ...
- 'type', famtype(:,4), ...
- 'tabNums', tabNums, ...
- 'typNums', typNums, ...
- 'file', files, ...
- 'bounds', bounds ...
- );
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Option','msg');
- error('*');
- end
- %----------------------------------%
- % Internal Function(s) %
- %----------------------------------%
- function nl = findNL(opt,txt)
- %FINDNL Find New Line char or string.
- ind10 = find(txt==10);
- ind13 = find(txt==13);
- if isempty(ind13) ,
- nl = 10;
- elseif isempty(ind10)
- nl = 13;
- else
- nl = [13;10];
- end
- if isequal(opt,'string')
- nl = setstr(nl);
- end
- if size(txt,2)>1 , nl = nl'; end
- %----------------------------------%
- function s = noblank(x)
- %NOBLANK Removes blanks in a string.
- if ~isempty(x)
- s = x(find(x~=' ' & x~=0));
- else
- s = '';
- end
- %----------------------------------%