- function x = recons(t,node,x,sizes,edges)
- %RECONS Reconstruct node coefficients.
- % Y = RECONS(T,N,X,S,E) reconstructs the data X
- % associated with the node N of the data tree T,
- % using sizes S and the edges values E.
- % S contains the size of datas associated with
- % each ascendant of N.
- % The children of a node F are numbered from left
- % to right: [0, ... , ORDER-1].
- % The edge value between F and a child C is the
- % child number.
- %
- % Caution:
- % This method has to be overloaded for a
- % concrete class of objects.
- % ----------
- % For the Class DTREE the RECONS method returns
- % the data of the most left child of T if all edges
- % are 0. Otherwise, a matrix of zeros with the same
- % size as the original data is returned.
- % ----------
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 18-Oct-96.
- % Last Revision: 04-Jun-1998.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2002/04/14 19:35:11 $
- nb_up = length(edges);
- if any(edges) , x = zeros(sizes(nb_up,:)); end