- function t = write(t,varargin)
- %WRITE Write values in DTREE object fields.
- % T = write(T,'data',DATA) writes data for all
- % terminal nodes. In this case DATA contains the
- % data associates to all leaves of T. It can be
- % an array or a cell array.
- %
- % T = write(T,'data',NODE,DATA) writes data for the
- % terminal node NODE.
- %
- % Caution: Don't use the DTREE WRITE function!
- %
- % See also DISP, GET, READ, SET.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-Jan-97.
- % Last Revision: 22-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:37:38 $
- nbin = length(varargin);
- k = 1;
- while k<=nbin
- argNAME = lower(varargin{k});
- switch argNAME
- case 'data'
- % nextarg = new data
- % or
- % nextarg = terminal node (index num or depth/pos num)
- % next nextarg = new data
- % out1 = new tree
- %--------------------------------------------------------
- if (k<nbin-1) && ~ischar(varargin{k+2})
- n_rank = istnode(t,varargin{k+1});
- if n_rank ~= 0
- order = treeord(t);
- n_rank = depo2ind(order,n_rank);
- [beg,len,siz] = fmdtree('tn_beglensiz',t,n_rank);
- sizcfs = size(varargin{k+2});
- if ~isequal(siz,sizcfs)
- error('Invalid size for coefs.');
- else
- t = fmdtree('tn_write',t,n_rank,sizcfs,varargin{k+2});
- k = k+1;
- end
- else
- error('Invalid node value.');
- end
- else
- if ~iscell(varargin{k+1})
- sizes = fmdtree('tn_read',t,'sizes');
- t = fmdtree('tn_write',t,sizes,varargin{k+1});
- else
- tn = leaves(t);
- n_rank = istnode(t,tn);
- [beg,len,siz] = fmdtree('tn_beglensiz',t,n_rank);
- for j = 1:length(tn)
- t = fmdtree('tn_write',t,n_rank(j),siz(j,:),varargin{k+1}{j});
- end
- end
- end
- otherwise
- error('Unknown object field.');
- end
- k = k+2;
- end