- function varargout = plot(t,varargin);
- %PLOT Plot DTREE object.
- % PLOT(T) plots the DTREE object T.
- % FIG = PLOT(T) returns the handle of the figure which,
- % contains the tree T.
- % PLOT(T,FIG) plots the tree T in the figure FIG which,
- % already contains a tree.
- %
- % PLOT is a graphical tree-management utility. The figure
- % that contains the tree is a GUI tool. It lets you change
- % the Node Label to Depth_Position or Index, and Node Action
- % to Split-Merge or Visualize.
- % The default values are Depth_Position and Visualize.
- %
- % You can click the nodes to execute the current Node Action.
- %
- % After some split or merge actions you can get the new tree
- % using the handle of the figure, which contains this one.
- % You must use the following special syntax:
- % NEWT = PLOT(T,'read',FIG).
- % In fact, the first argument is dummy. Then the most general
- % syntax for this purpose is:
- % where DUMMY is any object parented by an NTREE object.
- %
- % DUMMY can be any object constructor name, which returns
- % an object parented by an NTREE object. For example:
- % NEWT = PLOT(ntree,'read',FIG);
- % NEWT = PLOT(dtree,'read',FIG);
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 13-Feb-2002.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2002/04/14 19:35:05 $
- nbin = length(varargin);
- fig_tree = NaN;
- switch nbin
- case 0 , option = 'create';
- otherwise
- option = varargin{1};
- if isnumeric(option)
- fig_tree = option;
- option = 'create';
- end
- end
- switch option
- case 'create'
- case 'Visualize' , fig_tree = varargin{2};
- end
- switch option
- case 'create'
- fig_tree = plot(t.ntree,class(t),fig_tree);
- if nargout>0 , varargout{1} = fig_tree; end
- % Store the DTREE.
- %-----------------
- plot(ntree,'write',fig_tree,t);
- % Add menus for node actions.
- %----------------------------
- plot(t,'addNodeAction',fig_tree,'Split-Merge');
- plot(t,'addNodeAction',fig_tree,'Visualize');
- plot(t,'setNodeAction',fig_tree,'Visualize');
- % Add one axes.
- %--------------
- pos_axe_visu = [0.55 0.08 0.40 0.84];
- axe_vis = axes(...
- 'Parent',fig_tree, ...
- 'Visible','on', ...
- 'Units','normalized', ...
- 'Position',pos_axe_visu, ...
- 'Box','On' ...
- );
- wtitle('Node Action Result','Parent',axe_vis);
- % Store the handle of new axes.
- %------------------------------
- plot(ntree,'storeValue',fig_tree,'axe_vis',axe_vis);
- case 'Visualize'
- node = plot(ntree,'getNode',fig_tree);
- if isempty(node) , return; end
- t = plot(ntree,'read',fig_tree);
- axe_vis = plot(ntree,'getValue',fig_tree,'axe_vis');
- %============================================================%
- mousefrm(fig_tree,'watch')
- [t,x] = nodejoin(t,node);
- if ~isempty(x)
- if min(size(x))<2
- plot(x,'Color','r','parent',axe_vis);
- lx = length(x);
- if lx> 1 , set(axe_vis,'Xlim',[1,lx]); end
- else
- NBC = 128;
- colormap(pink(NBC))
- image(wcodemat(x,NBC,'mat',1),'parent',axe_vis);
- end
- endTitle = '.';
- else
- delete(get(axe_vis,'Children'))
- endTitle = ' ==> NONE.';
- end
- lind = tlabels(t,'i',node);
- ldep = tlabels(t,'p',node);
- axeTitle = ['data for node: ' lind ' or ' ldep endTitle];
- wtitle(axeTitle,'parent',axe_vis);
- mousefrm(fig_tree,'arrow')
- %============================================================%
- otherwise
- try
- nbout = nargout;
- varargout{1:nbout} = plot(ntree,varargin{:});
- end
- end