- function varargout = wpdtool(option,varargin)
- %WPDTOOL Wavelet packets display tool.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 16-Jan-2001.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.20 $ $Date: 2002/06/17 12:18:56 $
- % Test inputs.
- %-------------
- if nargin==0 , option = 'create'; end
- [option,winAttrb] = utguidiv('ini',option,varargin{:});
- % MemBloc1 of stored values.
- %---------------------------
- n_miscella = 'WpDisp_Misc';
- ind_graph_area = 1;
- ind_wave_fam = 2;
- ind_wave_nam = 3;
- ind_maxnum = 4;
- ind_refinment = 5;
- nb1_stored = 5;
- % Tag property of objects.
- %-------------------------
- tag_prec_val = 'Prec_Val';
- tag_cmd_frame = 'Cmd_Frame';
- tag_pop_mod = 'Pop_Mod';
- tag_display = 'Display';
- tag_pus_inf1 = 'Pus_Inf1';
- tag_pus_inf2 = 'Pus_Inf2';
- switch option
- case 'create'
- % Get Globals.
- %-------------
- [Def_Txt_Height,Def_Btn_Height,Def_Btn_Width, ...
- Pop_Min_Width,X_Spacing,Y_Spacing,Def_FraBkColor] = ...
- mextglob('get',...
- 'Def_Txt_Height','Def_Btn_Height','Def_Btn_Width', ...
- 'Pop_Min_Width','X_Spacing','Y_Spacing','Def_FraBkColor' ...
- );
- % Window initialization.
- %----------------------
- win_title = 'Wavelets Packets W System Functions Display';
- [win_loctool,pos_win,win_units,str_numwin,...
- frame0,pos_frame0,Pos_Graphic_Area,pus_close] = ...
- wfigmngr('create',win_title,winAttrb,'ExtFig_WDisp',mfilename);
- varargout{1} = win_loctool;
- % Add Help for Tool.
- %------------------
- wfighelp('addHelpTool',win_loctool,'Wavelet Packet Dis&play','WPDI_GUI');
- % Add Help Item.
- %----------------
- wfighelp('addHelpItem',win_loctool,'Building Wavelet Packets','WPDI_BUILDING');
- wfighelp('addHelpItem',win_loctool,'Wavelet Packets Atoms','WPDI_ATOMS');
- % Begin waiting.
- %---------------
- set(wfindobj('figure'),'Pointer','watch');
- % General graphical parameters initialization.
- %--------------------------------------------
- dx = X_Spacing; dx2 = 2*dx;
- dy = Y_Spacing; dy2 = 2*dy;
- d_txt = (Def_Btn_Height-Def_Txt_Height);
- push_width = (pos_frame0(3)-4*dx)/2;
- % Position property of objects.
- %------------------------------
- xlocINI = pos_frame0([1 3]);
- ybottomINI = pos_win(4)-1.5*Def_Btn_Height-dy2;
- y_low = ybottomINI-2*Def_Btn_Height;
- x_left = pos_frame0(1)+dx2;
- pos_prec_txt = [x_left, y_low+d_txt/2, Def_Btn_Width, Def_Txt_Height];
- x_left = x_left+Def_Btn_Width+dx;
- pos_prec_val = [x_left , y_low , Def_Btn_Width , Def_Btn_Height];
- x_left = pos_frame0(1)+dx2;
- y_low = y_low-2*Def_Btn_Height;
- pos_txt_mod = [x_left , y_low , 2*Def_Btn_Width , Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = y_low-Def_Btn_Height;
- x_left = pos_frame0(1)+(pos_frame0(3)-Pop_Min_Width)/2;
- pos_pop_mod = [x_left , y_low , Pop_Min_Width+dx , Def_Btn_Height];
- w_uic = 3*push_width/2;
- xborder = (pos_frame0(3)-w_uic)/2;
- x_left = pos_frame0(1)+xborder;
- y_low = pos_prec_txt(2)-7*Def_Btn_Height;
- pos_display = [x_left , y_low , w_uic , 2*Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = y_low-3*Def_Btn_Height;
- x_left = pos_frame0(1)+dx2;
- pos_inf_txt = [x_left , y_low , 2.5*Def_Btn_Width , Def_Btn_Height];
- pos_pus_inf1 = pos_display;
- pos_pus_inf1(2) = pos_inf_txt(2)-2*Def_Btn_Height-dy;
- pos_pus_inf2 = pos_pus_inf1;
- pos_pus_inf2(2) = pos_pus_inf1(2)-3*Def_Btn_Height;
- % pos_pus_inf1(1) = pos_pus_inf1(1)-xborder/2;
- % pos_pus_inf1(3) = pos_pus_inf1(3)+xborder;
- % String property of objects.
- %----------------------------
- str_mod_txt = 'Wav. Pack. from 0 to :';
- str_pop_mod = ['1 ' ; '2 ' ; '3 ' ; '4 ' ; '5 ' ; '6 ' ; '7 ' ; '8 ' ; ...
- '9 ' ; '10' ; '11' ; '12' ; '13' ; '14'] ;
- str_display = 'Display';
- str_inf_txt = 'Information on:';
- str_inf1 = 'Haar Family (HAAR)';
- str_inf2 = 'W Systems';
- str_prec_txt = 'Refinement';
- str_prec_val = ['5 ' ; '6 ' ; '7 ' ; '8 ' ; '9 ' ; '10' ; '11' ; '12'];
- % Command part construction of the window.
- %-----------------------------------------
- utanapar('create',win_loctool, ...
- 'xloc',xlocINI,'bottom',ybottomINI,...
- 'datflag',0,'levflag',0,...
- 'wtype','owt' ...
- );
- comFigProp = {'Parent',win_loctool,'Unit',win_units};
- comPopProp = {comFigProp{:},'Style','Popup'};
- comPusProp = {comFigProp{:},'Style','Pushbutton'};
- comTxtProp = {comFigProp{:},'Style','Text', ...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','left','Backgroundcolor',Def_FraBkColor};
- Tooltip = 'Number of iterations used to calculate the wavelet packets';
- txt_prec_txt = uicontrol(comTxtProp{:}, ...
- 'Position',pos_prec_txt,...
- 'String',str_prec_txt,...
- 'Tooltip',Tooltip ...
- );
- pop_prec_val = uicontrol(comPopProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_prec_val,...
- 'String',str_prec_val,...
- 'Value',4,...
- 'Tooltip',Tooltip,...
- 'Tag',tag_prec_val...
- );
- txt_mod_txt = uicontrol(comTxtProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_txt_mod,...
- 'String',str_mod_txt...
- );
- pop_mod_dis = uicontrol(comPopProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_pop_mod,...
- 'String',str_pop_mod,...
- 'Value',6,...
- 'Tag',tag_pop_mod...
- );
- pus_display = uicontrol(comPusProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_display,...
- 'String',xlate(str_display),...
- 'Tag',tag_display...
- );
- txt_inf_txt = uicontrol(comTxtProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_inf_txt,...
- 'String',str_inf_txt...
- );
- pus_inf1 = uicontrol(comPusProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_pus_inf1,...
- 'String',xlate(str_inf1),...
- 'Tag',tag_pus_inf1...
- );
- pus_inf2 = uicontrol(comPusProp{:},...
- 'Position',pos_pus_inf2,...
- 'String',xlate(str_inf2),...
- 'Tag',tag_pus_inf2...
- );
- % Callbacks update.
- %------------------
- utanapar('set_cba_num',win_loctool,[pus_display]);
- [pop_fam,pop_num] = utanapar('handles',win_loctool,'fam','num');
- cb_fam = get(pop_fam,'Callback');
- cb_num = get(pop_num,'Callback');
- cba_upd_fam = [mfilename '(''upd_fam'',' str_numwin ');'];
- cba_update = [mfilename '(''new'',' str_numwin ');'];
- cba_draw_1d = [mfilename '(''draw1d'',' str_numwin ');'];
- cba_inf1 = [mfilename '(''inf1'',' str_numwin ');'];
- cba_inf2 = [mfilename '(''inf2'',' str_numwin ');'];
- set(pop_fam,'Callback',[cb_fam , cba_upd_fam]);
- set(pop_num,'Callback',[cb_num , cba_update]);
- set(pop_prec_val,'Callback',cba_update);
- set(pop_mod_dis,'Callback',cba_update);
- set(pus_display,'Callback',cba_draw_1d);
- set(pus_inf1,'Callback',cba_inf1);
- set(pus_inf2,'Callback',cba_inf2);
- % Setting units to normalized.
- %-----------------------------
- Pos_Graphic_Area = Pos_Graphic_Area./[pos_win(3:4),pos_win(3:4)];
- set(findobj(win_loctool,'Units','pixels'),'Units','normalized');
- % Add Context Sensitive Help (CSHelp).
- %-------------------------------------
- hdl_WPDI_GUI = [txt_prec_txt,pop_prec_val,txt_mod_txt,pop_mod_dis];
- wfighelp('add_ContextMenu',win_loctool,hdl_WPDI_GUI,'WPDI_GUI');
- %-------------------------------------
- % Memory for stored values.
- %--------------------------
- wmemtool('ini',win_loctool,n_miscella,nb1_stored);
- wmemtool('wmb',win_loctool,n_miscella,...
- ind_graph_area,Pos_Graphic_Area,...
- ind_wave_fam,'haar', ...
- ind_wave_nam,'haar', ...
- ind_maxnum,6, ...
- ind_refinment,0 ...
- );
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- set(wfindobj('figure'),'Pointer','arrow');
- case 'upd_fam'
- %**********************************************************%
- %**********************************************************%
- win_loctool = varargin{1};
- new = wpdtool('new',win_loctool);
- if new==0 , return; end
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- pus_handles = findobj(win_loctool,'Style','pushbutton');
- pus_inf1 = findobj(pus_handles,'Tag',tag_pus_inf1);
- % Set visible on or off the wavelet number if exists.
- %----------------------------------------------------
- wav_nam = cbanapar('get',win_loctool,'wav');
- [wav_fn,wav_fsn,tabNums] = wavemngr('fields',wav_nam,'fn','fsn','tabNums');
- if size(tabNums,1)<2 ,add = ' wavelet'; else , add = ' wavelets'; end
- strPush = sprintf('%s Family (%s)', wav_fn, upper(wav_fsn));
- set(pus_inf1,'String',strPush);
- case 'inf1'
- %*****************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'inf1' - LOCAL INFORMATION **%
- %*****************************************%
- win_loctool = varargin{1};
- % Getting wavelet.
- %-----------------
- wav_nam = cbanapar('get',win_loctool,'wav');
- wav_fam = wavemngr('fam_num',wav_nam);
- infotxt = [deblankl(wav_fam) 'info.m'];
- [old_info,fig] = whelpfun('getflag');
- if ~isempty(old_info) & strcmp(infotxt,old_info)
- figure(fig); return;
- end
- % Waiting message.
- %-----------------
- wwaiting('msg',win_loctool,'Wait ... loading');
- [str_inf,fid] = wreadinf(infotxt,'noerror');
- if fid==-1
- msg = sprintf('File %s not found !', infotxt);
- errargt(mfilename,msg,'msg');
- wwaiting('off',win_loctool);
- return
- else
- dim = size(str_inf);
- rowfam = str_inf(1,:);
- str_inf = str_inf(2:dim(1),:);
- col = 1;
- while all(str_inf(:,col)==' ') , col = col+1; end
- blk = ' ' ;
- str_inf = [rowfam ; ...
- str_inf(:,col:dim(2)) blk*ones(dim(1)-1,col-1) ];
- end
- ftnsize = wmachdep('fontsize','winfo');
- whelpfun('create',str_inf,infotxt,ftnsize);
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',win_loctool);
- case 'inf2'
- %*****************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'inf2' - LOCAL INFORMATION **%
- %*****************************************%
- win_loctool = varargin{1};
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- infotxt = 'infowsys.m';
- [old_info,fig] = whelpfun('getflag');
- if ~isempty(old_info) & strcmp(infotxt,old_info)
- figure(fig); return;
- end
- % Waiting message.
- %-----------------
- wwaiting('msg',win_loctool,'Wait ... loading');
- [str_inf,fid] = wreadinf(infotxt,'noerror');
- if fid==-1
- msg = sprintf('File %s not found !', infotxt);
- errargt(mfilename,msg,'msg');
- wwaiting('off',win_loctool);
- return
- end
- ftnsize = wmachdep('fontsize','winfo');
- whelpfun('create',str_inf,infotxt,ftnsize);
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',win_loctool);
- case 'draw1d'
- %************************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'draw1d' - DRAW AXES IN 1D **%
- %************************************************%
- win_loctool = varargin{1};
- [new,Wave_Fam,Wave_Nam,nb_func,prec_val] = wpdtool('new',win_loctool);
- if new==0 , return; end
- % Waiting message.
- %-----------------
- wwaiting('msg',win_loctool,'Wait ... computing');
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- fra_handles = findobj(win_loctool,'Style','frame');
- hdl_frame0 = findobj(fra_handles,'Tag',tag_cmd_frame);
- % Update parameters selection before drawing.
- %-------------------------------------------
- wmemtool('wmb',win_loctool,n_miscella, ...
- ind_wave_fam,Wave_Fam, ...
- ind_wave_nam,Wave_Nam, ...
- ind_maxnum,nb_func, ...
- ind_refinment,prec_val ...
- );
- % General graphical parameters initialization.
- %--------------------------------------------
- pos_g_area = wmemtool('rmb',win_loctool,n_miscella,ind_graph_area);
- pos_hdl_frame0 = get(hdl_frame0,'Position');
- win_units = 'normalized';
- pos_win = get(win_loctool,'Position');
- bdx = 0.08*pos_win(3);
- bdy = 0.09*pos_win(4);
- bdy_d = bdy;
- bdy_u = bdy;
- w_graph = pos_hdl_frame0(1);
- h_graph = pos_g_area(4);
- % Computing and displaying wavelets and filters.
- %-----------------------------------------------
- wtype = wavemngr('type',Wave_Nam);
- if wtype==1
- str_wintitle = [Wave_Fam ' Wavelet Packets --> ' Wave_Nam];
- else
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',win_loctool);
- return;
- end
- nb_axes = nb_func+1;
- pos_axe = zeros(nb_func,4);
- if nb_axes<11
- nb2 = ceil(nb_axes/2);
- w_axe = (w_graph-3*bdx)/2;
- h_axe = (h_graph-(nb2-1)*bdy-bdy_u-bdy_d)/nb2;
- x_left = bdx;
- y_low = pos_g_area(2)+pos_g_area(4)-bdy_u-h_axe;
- for k= 1:nb2
- pos_axe(2*k-1,:) = [x_left,y_low,w_axe,h_axe];
- pos_axe(2*k,:) = [x_left+w_axe+bdx,y_low,w_axe,h_axe];
- y_low = y_low-h_axe-bdy;
- end
- else
- nb2 = ceil(nb_axes/3);
- w_axe = (w_graph-4*bdx)/3;
- h_axe = (h_graph-(nb2-1)*bdy-bdy_u-bdy_d)/nb2;
- x_left = bdx;
- y_low = pos_g_area(2)+pos_g_area(4)-bdy_u-h_axe;
- for k= 1:nb2
- pos_axe(3*k-2,:) = [x_left,y_low,w_axe,h_axe] ;
- xl = x_left+w_axe+bdx;
- pos_axe(3*k-1,:) = [xl,y_low,w_axe,h_axe];
- xl = xl+w_axe+bdx;
- pos_axe(3*k,:) = [xl,y_low,w_axe,h_axe];
- y_low = y_low-h_axe-bdy;
- end
- end
- [wpws,xval] = wpfun(Wave_Nam,nb_func,prec_val);
- hdl_axe = zeros(1,nb_func);
- xaxis = [min(xval) max(xval)];
- % if isequal(Wave_Nam,'dmey') , xaxis = [40 60]; end
- if ~isequal(get(0,'CurrentFigure'),win_loctool)
- figure(win_loctool);
- end
- for k= 1:nb_axes
- yaxis = [min(wpws(k,:))-eps max(wpws(k,:))+eps];
- ecart = abs(yaxis(2)-yaxis(1))/20;
- yaxis(1) = yaxis(1)-ecart;
- yaxis(2) = yaxis(2)+ecart;
- hdl_axe(k) = axes(...
- 'Parent',win_loctool, ...
- 'Units',win_units, ...
- 'Position',pos_axe(k,:),...
- 'DrawMode','Fast', ...
- 'Xlim',xaxis, ...
- 'Ylim',yaxis, ...
- 'Box','On' ...
- );
- line(...
- 'Xdata',xval,...
- 'Ydata',wpws(k,:),...
- 'Color','r',...
- 'Parent',hdl_axe(k));
- strlab = ['W' sprintf('%.0f',k-1)];
- if k==1 , strlab = [strlab ' - phi function -'];
- elseif k==2 , strlab = [strlab ' - psi function -'];
- end
- wtitle(strlab,'Parent',hdl_axe(k));
- end
- % Display status line.
- %---------------------
- wfigtitl('string',win_loctool,str_wintitle,'on');
- % Axes attachment.
- %-----------------
- dynvtool('init',win_loctool,[],hdl_axe,[],[0 0]);
- % Setting units to normalized.
- %-----------------------------
- set(findobj(win_loctool,'Units','pixels'),'Units','normalized');
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',win_loctool);
- case 'new'
- %*************************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'new' - test drawing parameters **%
- %*************************************************%
- win_loctool = varargin{1};
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- pop_handles = findobj(win_loctool,'Style','popupmenu');
- pop_mod_dis = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_pop_mod);
- pop_prec_val = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_prec_val);
- % Test Main parameters selection before drawing.
- %-----------------------------------------------
- Wave_Nam = cbanapar('get',win_loctool,'wav');
- Wave_Fam = wavemngr('fam_num',Wave_Nam);
- prec_val = get(pop_prec_val,'Value')+4;
- ind = get(pop_mod_dis,'value');
- strnum = get(pop_mod_dis,'string');
- nb_func = wstr2num(strnum(ind,:));
- varargout{1} = 0;
- [wfam,wnam,maxn,raf] = wmemtool('rmb',win_loctool,n_miscella,...
- ind_wave_fam,ind_wave_nam,...
- ind_maxnum,ind_refinment);
- if raf~=prec_val | ~strcmp(wnam,Wave_Nam) | ...
- ~strcmp(wfam,Wave_Fam) | nb_func~=maxn
- varargout = {1,Wave_Fam,Wave_Nam,nb_func,prec_val};
- else
- varargout{1} = 0;
- return
- end
- % Setting refinment to 0 (as flag).
- %----------------------------------
- wmemtool('wmb',win_loctool,n_miscella,ind_refinment,0);
- % Cleaning the graphical part.
- %-----------------------------
- dynvtool('stop',win_loctool);
- axe_handles = findobj(get(win_loctool,'children'),'flat', ...
- 'type','axes','visible','on');
- delete(axe_handles);
- wfigtitl('vis',win_loctool,'off');
- case 'demo'
- %*******************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'demo' - for DEMOS or TESTS **%
- %*******************************************%
- win_loctool = varargin{1};
- Wave_Nam = varargin{2};
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- children = get(win_loctool,'Children');
- uic_handles = findobj(children,'flat','type','uicontrol');
- pop_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','popupmenu');
- pop_prec_val = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_prec_val);
- pop_mod_dis = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_pop_mod);
- pus_handles = findobj(win_loctool,'Style','pushbutton');
- pus_inf1 = findobj(pus_handles,'Tag',tag_pus_inf1);
- cbanapar('set',win_loctool,'wav',Wave_Nam);
- [Wave_Fam,tabNums] = wavemngr('fields',Wave_Nam,'fsn','tabNums');
- if nargin>3
- set(pop_prec_val,'Value',varargin{3});
- if nargin>4 , set(pop_mod_dis,'Value',varargin{4}); end
- end
- new = wpdtool('new',win_loctool);
- str_inf1 = [upper(Wave_Fam) ' wavelet'] ;
- if size(tabNums,1)>1
- str_inf1 = [str_inf1 's'] ;
- end
- set(pus_inf1,'String',str_inf1);
- wpdtool('draw1d',win_loctool);
- case 'close'
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Option','msg');
- error('*');
- end