- function varargout = nwavtool(varargin)
- %NWAVTOOL New wavelet for continuous analysis tool.
- % NWAVTOOL M-file for nwavtool.fig
- % NWAVTOOL, by itself, creates a new NWAVTOOL or raises the existing
- % singleton*.
- %
- % H = NWAVTOOL returns the handle to a new NWAVTOOL or the handle to
- % the existing singleton*.
- %
- % NWAVTOOL('Property','Value',...) creates a new NWAVTOOL using the
- % given property value pairs. Unrecognized properties are passed via
- % varargin to nwavtool_OpeningFcn. This calling syntax produces a
- % warning when there is an existing singleton*.
- %
- % NWAVTOOL('CALLBACK') and NWAVTOOL('CALLBACK',hObject,...) call the
- % local function named CALLBACK in NWAVTOOL.M with the given input
- % arguments.
- %
- % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one
- % instance to run (singleton)".
- %
- % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 15-Jun-2003 17:49:17
- %
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-Feb-2003.
- % Last Revision: 25-Feb-2004.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:41:28 $
- %*************************************************************************%
- % BEGIN initialization code - DO NOT EDIT %
- % ---------------------------------------- %
- %*************************************************************************%
- gui_Singleton = 0;
- gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...
- 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
- 'gui_OpeningFcn', @nwavtool_OpeningFcn, ...
- 'gui_OutputFcn', @nwavtool_OutputFcn, ...
- 'gui_LayoutFcn', [], ...
- 'gui_Callback', []);
- if nargin & isstr(varargin{1})
- gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
- end
- if nargout
- [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
- else
- gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
- end
- %*************************************************************************%
- % END initialization code - DO NOT EDIT %
- %*************************************************************************%
- %*************************************************************************%
- % BEGIN Opening Function %
- % ---------------------- %
- % --- Executes just before nwavtool is made visible. %
- %*************************************************************************%
- function nwavtool_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
- % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
- % hObject handle to figure
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % varargin unrecognized PropertyName/PropertyValue pairs from the
- % command line (see VARARGIN)
- % Choose default command line output for nwavtool
- handles.output = hObject;
- % Update handles structure
- guidata(hObject, handles);
- % UIWAIT makes nwavtool wait for user response (see UIRESUME)
- % uiwait(handles.Fig_Pat2Cwt);
- %%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%
- % TOOL INITIALISATION Introduced manualy in the automatic generated code %
- %%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%
- Init_Tool(hObject,eventdata,handles);
- %*************************************************************************%
- % END Opening Function %
- %*************************************************************************%
- %*************************************************************************%
- % BEGIN Output Function %
- % --------------------- %
- % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. %
- %*************************************************************************%
- function varargout = nwavtool_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);
- % hObject handle to figure
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % Get default command line output from handles structure
- varargout{1} = handles.output;
- %*************************************************************************%
- % END Output Function %
- %*************************************************************************%
- %=========================================================================%
- % BEGIN Create Functions %
- % ---------------------- %
- % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. %
- %=========================================================================%
- function EdiPop_CreateFcn(hObject,eventdata,handles)
- % hObject handle to Edi_Object or Pop_Object (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
- % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
- % Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows.
- % See ISPC and COMPUTER.
- if ispc
- % set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
- set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'));
- else
- set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'));
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %=========================================================================%
- % END Create Functions %
- %=========================================================================%
- %=========================================================================%
- % BEGIN Callback Functions %
- % ------------------------ %
- %=========================================================================%
- % --- Executes on selection change in Pop_ApproxMeth.
- function Pop_ApproxMeth_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pop_ApproxMeth (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- hPolDefFra = [handles.Fra_PolDegree handles.Pop_PolDegree handles.Txt_PolDegree];
- ApproxMeth = getApproxMeth(hObject);
- switch ApproxMeth
- case 'Polynomial'
- set(hPolDefFra,'Visible','on');
- BoundCondStr = {'None';'Continuous';'Differentiable'};
- case 'OrthConst'
- set(hPolDefFra,'Visible','off');
- BoundCondStr = {'None';'Continuous'};
- end
- set(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'String',BoundCondStr);
- set(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'Value',2);
- Pop_PolDegree = get(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'Value');
- set(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'Value',max([3,Pop_PolDegree]));
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- hRunSig = tool_PARAMS.hRunSig;
- set(hRunSig,'Enable','Off');
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Edi_LowBound_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Edi_LowBound (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- LowInter = tool_PARAMS.LowInter;
- LowBound = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
- if LowBound > LowInter | isnan(LowBound)
- set(hObject,'String',sprintf('%0.4g',LowInter));
- end
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- hRunSig = tool_PARAMS.hRunSig;
- set(hRunSig,'Enable','Off');
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Edi_UppBound_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Edi_UppBound (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- UppInter = tool_PARAMS.UppInter;
- UppBound = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
- if UppBound < UppInter | isnan(UppBound)
- set(hObject,'String',sprintf('%0.4g',UppInter));
- end
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- hRunSig = tool_PARAMS.hRunSig;
- set(hRunSig,'Enable','Off');
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on selection change in Pop_PolDegree.
- function Pop_PolDegree_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pop_PolDegree (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- ApproxMeth = getApproxMeth(handles.Pop_ApproxMeth);
- switch ApproxMeth
- case 'Polynomial'
- Regularity = getRegularity(handles.Pop_BoundCond);
- PolDegree = get(hObject,'Value');
- NBConstraint = 1 + 2*(Regularity + 1);
- freeDegree = PolDegree - NBConstraint;
- if freeDegree<0
- Regularity = floor((PolDegree-3)/2);
- end
- set(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'Value',Regularity+2);
- case 'OrthConst',
- end
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- hRunSig = tool_PARAMS.hRunSig;
- set(hRunSig,'Enable','Off');
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on selection change in Pop_BoundCond.
- function Pop_BoundCond_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pop_BoundCond (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- ApproxMeth = getApproxMeth(handles.Pop_ApproxMeth);
- switch ApproxMeth
- case 'Polynomial'
- Regularity = getRegularity(hObject);
- PolDegree = get(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'Value');
- NBConstraint = 1 + 2*(Regularity + 1);
- freeDegree = PolDegree - NBConstraint;
- if freeDegree<0
- Regularity = floor((PolDegree-3)/2);
- end
- set(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'Value',NBConstraint);
- case 'OrthConst',
- end
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- hRunSig = tool_PARAMS.hRunSig;
- set(hRunSig,'Enable','Off');
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Rad_Trans.
- function Rad_Trans_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Rad_Trans (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- set(hObject,'Value',1);
- set(handles.Rad_Super,'Value',0);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Rad_Super.
- function Rad_Super_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Rad_Super (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- set(hObject,'Value',1);
- set(handles.Rad_Trans,'Value',0);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Chk_Noise.
- function Chk_Noise_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Chk_Noise (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Chk_Triangle.
- function Chk_Triangle_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Chk_Triangle (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Pus_Approximate.
- function Pus_Approximate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pus_Approximate (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % Get figure handle.
- %-------------------
- hFig = handles.output;
- % Cleaning.
- %-----------
- wwaiting('msg',hFig,'Wait ... cleaning');
- cleanTOOL([handles.Axe_PatWav handles.Axe_RunSig handles.Axe_Detect]);
- ColorBarVisibility(handles.Axe_ColBar,'Off');
- % Computing.
- %-----------
- wwaiting('msg',hFig,'Wait ... computing');
- % Get parameter values.
- %----------------------
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- X = tool_PARAMS.X;
- Y = tool_PARAMS.Y;
- hRunSig = tool_PARAMS.hRunSig;
- ApproxMeth = getApproxMeth(handles.Pop_ApproxMeth);
- LowBound = str2double(get(handles.Edi_LowBound,'String'));
- UppBound = str2double(get(handles.Edi_UppBound,'String'));
- PolDegreeStr = get(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'String');
- PolDegreeVal = get(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'Value');
- PolDegree = str2double(PolDegreeStr{PolDegreeVal});
- BoundCondStr = get(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'String');
- BoundCondVal = get(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'Value');
- BoundCond = BoundCondStr{BoundCondVal};
- switch ApproxMeth
- case 'Polynomial'
- switch BoundCond
- case 'Continuous' , , Regularity = 0;
- case 'Differentiable' , Regularity = 1;
- otherwise , Regularity = -1;
- end
- case 'OrthConst'
- switch BoundCond
- case 'none' , Regularity = -1; PolDegree = 0;
- case 'Continuous' , , Regularity = 0; PolDegree = 2;
- otherwise , Regularity = -1; PolDegree = 0;
- end
- end
- % Compute approximation.
- %-----------------------
- [PSI,X_PSI,NC_PSI] = pat2cwav(Y,ApproxMeth,PolDegree,Regularity);
- PSI_pat = NC_PSI*PSI; % Approximation of the original pattern.
- deltaX = 0.05;
- XVAL_PSI = [LowBound-deltaX,LowBound,min(X_PSI)-eps, ...
- NaN,X_PSI,NaN,max(X_PSI)+eps,UppBound,UppBound+deltaX];
- XVAL_FUN = [LowBound-deltaX,LowBound,NaN,X,NaN,UppBound,UppBound+deltaX];
- YVAL_PSI = [0,0,0,NaN,PSI_pat,NaN,0,0,0];
- YVAL_FUN = [NaN,NaN,NaN,Y,NaN,NaN,NaN];
- % Store PSI.
- %-----------
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- tool_PARAMS.PSI = PSI;
- wtbxappdata('set',hObject,'tool_PARAMS',tool_PARAMS);
- % Pattern and wavelet axes display.
- %----------------------------------
- lw = 1;
- axes(handles.Axe_PatWav);
- line(XVAL_FUN,YVAL_FUN,'color','r','linewidth',max(lw,2));
- line(XVAL_PSI,YVAL_PSI,'color','g','linewidth',max(lw,2));
- Xlim = [LowBound-deltaX UppBound+deltaX];
- Ymin = min(min(PSI_pat),min(Y));
- Ymax = max(max(PSI_pat),max(Y));
- ext = abs(Ymax - Ymin) / 100;
- Ylim = [Ymin-ext Ymax+ext];
- set(handles.Axe_PatWav,'Xlim',Xlim,'Ylim',Ylim);
- % Init DynVTool.
- %---------------
- axe_IND = [...
- handles.Axe_Pattern , ...
- handles.Axe_PatWav ...
- ];
- axe_CMD = [...
- handles.Axe_RunSig , ...
- handles.Axe_Detect ...
- ];
- axe_ACT = [];
- dynvtool('init',hFig,axe_IND,axe_CMD,axe_ACT,[1 0],'','','');
- % Set the axes visible.
- %----------------------
- set(handles.Axe_PatWav,'Visible','on');
- % Set visible and enabled uicontrols.
- %------------------------------------
- set(hRunSig,'Visible','on','Enable','On');
- % get Menu Handles.
- %------------------
- hdl_Menus = wtbxappdata('get',hFig,'hdl_Menus');
- % Enable the Save Synthetisized signal Menu item.
- %------------------------------------------------
- set(hdl_Menus.m_save,'enable','on');
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',hFig);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Pus_Run.
- function Pus_Run_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pus_Run (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % Get figure handle.
- %-------------------
- hFig = handles.output;
- % Cleaning.
- %-----------
- wwaiting('msg',hFig,'Wait ... cleaning');
- cleanTOOL([handles.Axe_RunSig handles.Axe_Detect]);
- % ColorBarVisibility(handles.Axe_ColBar,'On');
- % Computing.
- %-----------
- wwaiting('msg',hFig,'Wait ... computing');
- % Get parameter values.
- %----------------------
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- X = tool_PARAMS.X;
- Y = tool_PARAMS.Y;
- PSI = tool_PARAMS.PSI;
- RadTrans = get(handles.Rad_Trans,'Value');
- RadSuper = get(handles.Rad_Super,'Value');
- ChkNoise = get(handles.Chk_Noise,'Value');
- ChkTriangle = get(handles.Chk_Triangle,'Value');
- % Running signal construction.
- %-----------------------------
- titleSTR{1} = 'Running Signal';
- if RadTrans
- nbFormeBASE = 8; scaleBASE = 8; rapport = 2; PONDERATIONS = [1,1];
- signalBASE = getSignal('translate',Y,rapport,PONDERATIONS,nbFormeBASE);
- lenSIG = length(signalBASE);
- scaleMIN = 1;
- scaleMAX = 2*scaleBASE;
- NoiseLevel = 1.25;
- titleSTR{2} = 'F((t-20)/8) + sqrt(2)timesF((t-40)/4)';
- else
- nbFormeBASE = 3; scaleBASE = 32; rapport = 4; PONDERATIONS = [1,1];
- signalBASE = getSignal('superpose',Y,rapport,PONDERATIONS,nbFormeBASE);
- lenSIG = length(signalBASE);
- scaleMIN = 1;
- scaleMAX = 2*scaleBASE;
- NoiseLevel = 0.75;
- titleSTR{2} = 'F((t-40)/32) + 2timesF((t-40)/8)';
- end
- signal = signalBASE;
- if ChkNoise
- NoiseLevel = NoiseLevel*std(signal);
- Noise = NoiseLevel*randn(1,lenSIG);
- signal = signal + Noise;
- titleSTR{2} = [titleSTR{2} ' + N'];
- end
- if ChkTriangle
- L = lenSIG/2;
- Triangle = [1:floor(L) , ceil(L):-1:1]/ceil(L);
- signal = signal + Triangle;
- titleSTR{2} = [titleSTR{2} ' + T'];
- end
- intervalleSIG = [0,nbFormeBASE*scaleBASE];
- stepSIG = (intervalleSIG(2)-intervalleSIG(1))/(lenSIG-1);
- xvalSIG = linspace(intervalleSIG(1),intervalleSIG(2),lenSIG);
- stepScales = 1;
- scales = [scaleMIN:stepScales:scaleMAX];
- % Running signal axes display.
- %-----------------------------
- lw = 1;
- axes(handles.Axe_RunSig);
- line(xvalSIG,signal,'color','b','linewidth',lw);
- Xlim = intervalleSIG;
- ext = abs(max(signal) - min(signal)) / 100;
- Ylim = [min(signal)-ext max(signal)+ext];
- set(handles.Axe_RunSig,'Xlim',Xlim,'Ylim',Ylim);
- setAxesTitle(handles.Axe_RunSig,titleSTR);
- % Set the axes visible.
- %----------------------
- set(handles.Axe_RunSig,'Visible','on');
- % Compute the cwt.
- %-----------------
- C_psi = cwt({signal,stepSIG},scales,PSI);
- % Find the coordinates of max coefs.
- %-----------------------------------
- [ROW_psi,COL_psi] = maxCoefs(C_psi);
- % Plot contours and local grid lines.
- %------------------------------------
- plotCONTOUR(C_psi,scales,xvalSIG,handles.Axe_Detect,handles.Axe_ColBar);
- LocalGrid(handles.Axe_Detect,RadTrans)
- % Set the axes visible.
- %----------------------
- set(handles.Axe_Detect,'Visible','on');
- % Set Colorbar visible.
- %----------------------
- ColorBarVisibility(handles.Axe_ColBar,'On');
- % Init DynVTool.
- %---------------
- axe_IND = [...
- handles.Axe_Pattern , ...
- handles.Axe_PatWav ...
- ];
- axe_CMD = [...
- handles.Axe_RunSig , ...
- handles.Axe_Detect ...
- ];
- axe_ACT = [];
- dynvtool('init',hFig,axe_IND,axe_CMD,axe_ACT,[1 0],'','','');
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',hFig);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Pus_Compare.
- function Pus_Compare_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pus_Compare (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % Get figure handle.
- %-------------------
- hFig = handles.output;
- % get Tool Parameters.
- %---------------------
- Nwavetool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hFig,'tool_PARAMS');
- Nwavetool_PARAMS.RadTrans = get(handles.Rad_Trans,'Value');
- Nwavetool_PARAMS.RadSuper = get(handles.Rad_Super,'Value');
- Nwavetool_PARAMS.ChkNoise = get(handles.Chk_Noise,'Value');
- Nwavetool_PARAMS.ChkTriangle = get(handles.Chk_Triangle,'Value');
- Nwavetool_PARAMS.Pus_Compare = handles.Pus_Compare;
- % Call the compwav figure and pass the tool_PARAMS structure.
- %------------------------------------------------------------
- % compwav('NwavtoolCall_Callback',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo),Nwavetool_PARAMS)
- compwav('NwavtoolCall_Callback',hFig,[],handles,Nwavetool_PARAMS);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on button press in Pus_CloseWin.
- function Pus_CloseWin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Pus_CloseWin (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- hdl_Menus = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'hdl_Menus');
- m_save = hdl_Menus.m_save;
- ena_Save = get(m_save,'Enable');
- hFig = get(hObject,'Parent');
- if isequal(lower(ena_Save),'on')
- status = wwaitans({hFig,'Save Adapted Wavelet'},...
- 'Save the adapted wavelet ?',2,'Cancel');
- switch status
- case -1 , return;
- case 1
- Men_SaveWave_Callback(m_save, eventdata, handles)
- otherwise
- end
- end
- delete(handles.Axe_ColBar); % BUG AXES
- close(hFig)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %=========================================================================%
- % END Callback Functions %
- %=========================================================================%
- %=========================================================================%
- % BEGIN Callback Menus %
- % -------------------- %
- %=========================================================================%
- % --- Executes on menu item press in File ---> Load Pattern.
- function Men_LoadPat_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles, pathname, filename)
- % hObject handle to Men_LoadPat (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % Get figure handle.
- %-------------------
- hFig = handles.output;
- % Testing file.
- %--------------
- if nargin<4
- [sigInfos,sig_Anal,ok] = ...
- utguidiv('load_sig',hFig,'*.mat','Load Pattern');
- if ok
- pathname = sigInfos.pathname;
- filename = sigInfos.filename;
- end
- else
- ok = 1;
- try
- load(filename)
- catch
- ok = 0;
- end
- end
- if ~ok, return; end
- % Cleaning.
- %-----------
- wwaiting('msg',hFig,'Wait ... cleaning');
- hdl_Menus = wtbxappdata('get',hFig,'hdl_Menus');
- set(hdl_Menus.m_save,'Enable','Off');
- cleanTOOL([ handles.Axe_Pattern handles.Axe_PatWav ...
- handles.Axe_RunSig handles.Axe_Detect]);
- ColorBarVisibility(handles.Axe_ColBar,'Off');
- % Reinitialization of the GUI default values.
- %--------------------------------------------
- hPolDefFra = [handles.Fra_PolDegree handles.Pop_PolDegree handles.Txt_PolDegree];
- set(hPolDefFra,'Visible','on');
- BoundCondStr = {'None';'Continuous';'Differentiable'};
- set(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'String',BoundCondStr);
- set(handles.Pop_BoundCond,'Value',2);
- set(handles.Pop_ApproxMeth,'Value',1);
- set(handles.Pop_PolDegree,'Value',3);
- set(handles.Rad_Super,'Value',0);
- set(handles.Rad_Trans,'Value',1);
- set(handles.Chk_Noise,'Value',0);
- set(handles.Chk_Triangle,'Value',0);
- % Loading file.
- %--------------
- [name,ext] = strtok(filename,'.');
- if isempty(ext) | isequal(ext,'.')
- ext = '.mat'; filename = [name ext];
- end
- try
- fullName = [pathname filename];
- % fileStruct = whos('-file',fullName);
- TMP = load(fullName);
- DUM = fieldnames(TMP);
- idxY = find(strcmp(DUM,'Y'));
- if ~isempty(idxY)
- Y = TMP.(DUM{idxY});
- else
- Y = TMP.(DUM{1});
- end
- clear TMP DUM idxY
- catch
- errargt(mfilename,'Load FAILED !','msg');
- wwaiting('off',hFig);
- return;
- end
- % Get variable values.
- %---------------------
- X = linspace(0,1,length(Y));
- if size(X)~=size(Y) , Y = Y'; end
- LowInter = X(1);
- UppInter = X(end);
- Interval = sprintf('[%0.4g , %0.4g]',LowInter,UppInter);
- % Store variable values.
- %-----------------------
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hObject,'tool_PARAMS');
- tool_PARAMS.LowInter = LowInter;
- tool_PARAMS.UppInter = UppInter;
- tool_PARAMS.X = X;
- tool_PARAMS.Y = Y;
- wtbxappdata('set',hObject,'tool_PARAMS',tool_PARAMS);
- % Update uicontrols on the command part.
- %---------------------------------------
- set(handles.Edi_Pattern,'String',name);
- set(handles.Edi_Interval,'String',Interval);
- set(handles.Edi_LowBound,'String',sprintf('%0.4g',LowInter));
- set(handles.Edi_UppBound,'String',sprintf('%0.4g',UppInter));
- set(handles.Pus_Approximate,'Enable','on');
- % Axe_Pattern axes display.
- %--------------------------
- lw = 1;
- axes(handles.Axe_Pattern);
- line(X,Y,'color','r','linewidth',lw);
- ext = abs(max(Y) - min(Y)) / 100;
- Ylim = [min(Y)-ext max(Y)+ext];
- Xlim = [min(X) max(X)];
- set(handles.Axe_Pattern,'Xlim',Xlim,'Ylim',Ylim);
- % Set Title in the pattern axes.
- %-------------------------------
- IntegVAL = 0.5*sum((Y(1:end-1)+Y(2:end)).*diff(X));
- titleSTR{1} = ['Pattern F'];
- titleSTR{2} = ['(Integral = ' num2str(IntegVAL,4) ')'];
- setAxesTitle(handles.Axe_Pattern,titleSTR);
- % Set the axes visible.
- %----------------------
- set(handles.Axe_Pattern,'Visible','on');
- % Set unvisible the running signal block of uicontrols.
- %----------------------------------------------------
- set(tool_PARAMS.hRunSig,'Enable','Off');
- % Init DynVTool.
- %---------------
- axe_IND = [...
- handles.Axe_Pattern , ...
- handles.Axe_PatWav ...
- ];
- axe_CMD = [...
- handles.Axe_RunSig , ...
- handles.Axe_Detect ...
- ];
- axe_ACT = [];
- dynvtool('init',hFig,axe_IND,axe_CMD,axe_ACT,[1 0],'','','');
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',hFig);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --- Executes on menu item press in File ---> Save Adapted Wavelet.
- function Men_SaveWave_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % hObject handle to Men_SaveWave (see GCBO)
- % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
- % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
- % Get figure handle.
- %-------------------
- hFig = handles.output;
- % Begin waiting.
- %---------------
- wwaiting('msg',hFig,'Wait ... saving');
- % Get PSI values.
- %----------------
- tool_PARAMS = wtbxappdata('get',hFig,'tool_PARAMS');
- Y = tool_PARAMS.PSI;
- LowInter = tool_PARAMS.LowInter;
- UppInter = tool_PARAMS.UppInter;
- X = linspace(LowInter,UppInter,length(Y));
- % Testing file.
- %--------------
- [filename,pathname,ok] = utguidiv('test_save',hFig, ...
- '*.mat','Save Adapted Wavelet');
- if ~ok,
- wwaiting('off',hFig); % End waiting.
- return;
- end
- % Saving file.
- %-------------
- [name,ext] = strtok(filename,'.');
- if isempty(ext) | isequal(ext,'.')
- ext = '.mat'; filename = [name ext];
- end
- try
- save([pathname filename],'X','Y','-mat');
- catch
- errargt(mfilename,'Save FAILED !','msg');
- end
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',hFig);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function demo_FUN(hObject,eventdata,handles,numDEM)
- % Default Demo Parameters.
- %-------------------------
- LowInter = 0; UppInter = 1;
- TransVAL = 1; NoiseVAL = 0; TrianVAL = 0;
- switch numDEM
- case 1 ,
- filename = 'ptpssin1';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = -1;
- case 2 ,
- filename = 'ptpssin1';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 3 ,
- filename = 'ptpssin1';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = -1;
- TransVAL = 0;
- case 4 ,
- filename = 'ptpssin1';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- TransVAL = 0;
- case 5 ,
- filename = 'ptpssin2';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 6 ,
- filename = 'ptpssin2';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 7 ,
- filename = 'ptsine';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- NoiseVAL = 1; TrianVAL = 1;
- case 8 ,
- filename = 'ptsine';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- NoiseVAL = 1; TrianVAL = 1;
- case 9 ,
- filename = 'ptsumsin';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 10 ,
- filename = 'ptsumsin';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 11 ,
- filename = 'ptsinpol';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 6; Regularity = 0;
- NoiseVAL = 1;
- case 12 ,
- filename = 'ptsinpol';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- NoiseVAL = 1;
- case 13 ,
- filename = 'ptodtri';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 5; Regularity = 0;
- case 14 ,
- filename = 'ptodtri';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 15 ,
- filename = 'pat8_256';
- methode = 'Polynomial'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 16 ,
- filename = 'pthaar';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 17 ,
- filename = 'pthaar';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = -1;
- case 18 ,
- filename = 'ptodlin';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 19 ,
- filename = 'ptodpoly';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- TransVAL = 0;
- case 20 ,
- filename = 'ptbumps';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- case 21 ,
- filename = 'ptbumps';
- methode = 'OrthConst'; PolDegree = 3; Regularity = 0;
- TransVAL = 0;
- end
- % Get figure handle.
- %-------------------
- hFig = handles.output;
- % Testing and loading file.
- %--------------------------
- filename = [filename '.mat'];
- pathname = utguidiv('WTB_DemoPath',filename);
- hdl_Menus = wtbxappdata('get',hFig,'hdl_Menus');
- m_load = hdl_Menus.m_load;
- Men_LoadPat_Callback(m_load,eventdata,handles,pathname,filename);
- % Setting Method, PolDegree, Regularity.
- %---------------------------------------
- popHDL = handles.Pop_ApproxMeth;
- switch methode
- case 'Polynomial' , popVAL = 1;
- case 'OrthConst' , popVAL = 2;
- end
- set(popHDL,'Value',popVAL);
- Pop_ApproxMeth_Callback(popHDL, eventdata, handles);
- popHDL = handles.Pop_PolDegree;
- set(popHDL,'Value',PolDegree);
- popHDL = handles.Pop_BoundCond;
- popVAL = Regularity + 2;
- set(popHDL,'Value',popVAL);
- set(handles.Edi_LowBound,'String',sprintf('%0.4g',LowInter));
- set(handles.Edi_UppBound,'String',sprintf('%0.4g',UppInter));
- % Setting Run Parameters.
- %------------------------
- set(handles.Rad_Trans,'Value',TransVAL);
- set(handles.Rad_Super,'Value',1-TransVAL);
- set(handles.Chk_Noise,'Value',NoiseVAL);
- set(handles.Chk_Triangle,'Value',TrianVAL);
- % Approximation and Run.
- %-----------------------
- Pus_Approximate_Callback(handles.Pus_Approximate, eventdata, handles)
- Pus_Run_Callback(handles.Pus_Run, eventdata, handles)
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function close_FUN(hObject,eventdata,handles)
- Pus_CloseWin = handles.Pus_CloseWin;
- Pus_CloseWin_Callback(Pus_CloseWin,eventdata,handles);
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %=========================================================================%
- % END Callback Menus %
- %=========================================================================%
- %=========================================================================%
- % BEGIN Tool Initialization %
- % ------------------------- %
- %=========================================================================%
- function Init_Tool(hObject, eventdata, handles)
- % WTBX -- Install DynVTool.
- %--------------------------
- dynvtool('Install_V3',hObject,handles);
- % WTBX -- Install MENUS.
- %-----------------------
- wfigmngr('extfig',hObject,'ExtFig_GUIDE');
- wfigmngr('attach_close',hObject);
- set(hObject,'HandleVisibility','On');
- hdl_Menus = Install_MENUS(hObject);
- wtbxappdata('set',hObject,'hdl_Menus',hdl_Menus);
- % Set Title in the pattern axes.
- %-------------------------------
- titleSTR = 'Original Pattern';
- setAxesTitle(handles.Axe_Pattern,titleSTR);
- % Set Title in the pattern and adapted wavelet axes.
- %---------------------------------------------------
- titleSTR = 'Pattern and Adapted Wavelet';
- setAxesTitle(handles.Axe_PatWav,titleSTR);
- % Set Title in the running signal axes.
- %--------------------------------------
- titleSTR = 'F((x-20) / 8 + (x-48) / 4) + T + N';
- setAxesTitle(handles.Axe_RunSig,titleSTR);
- % Set Title in the pattern detection axes.
- %-----------------------------------------
- titleSTR = 'Pattern Detection using Adapted Wavelet';
- setAxesTitle(handles.Axe_Detect,titleSTR);
- % Initialize colorbar.
- %---------------------
- cmap = get(hObject,'Colormap');
- axes(handles.Axe_ColBar);
- image([1:size(cmap,1)])
- set(handles.Axe_ColBar,...
- 'Xtick',[],'Xticklabel',[],'Ytick',[],'Yticklabel',[] ...
- );
- dynvzaxe('exclude',hObject,handles.Axe_ColBar)
- ColorBarVisibility(handles.Axe_ColBar,'Off');
- % Save Tool Parameters.
- %----------------------
- hRunSig = [ ...
- handles.Fra_RunSignal, handles.Txt_RunSignal, ...
- handles.Txt_TwoPatterns, handles.Txt_With, ...
- handles.Rad_Trans, handles.Rad_Super, ...
- handles.Chk_Noise, handles.Chk_Triangle, ...
- handles.Pus_Run, handles.Pus_Compare ...
- ];
- tool_PARAMS.hRunSig = hRunSig;
- wtbxappdata('set',hObject,'tool_PARAMS',tool_PARAMS);
- % End Of initialization.
- %-----------------------
- redimfig('On',hObject);
- set(hObject,'HandleVisibility','Callback');
- %=========================================================================%
- % END Tool Initialization %
- %=========================================================================%
- %=========================================================================%
- % BEGIN CleanTOOL function %
- % ------------------------ %
- %=========================================================================%
- function cleanTOOL(handles)
- hLINES = findobj(handles,'type','line');
- hPATCH = findobj(handles,'type','patch');
- hIMAGES = findobj(handles,'type','image');
- delete(hLINES,hPATCH,hIMAGES);
- set(handles,'Visible','off');
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ColorBarVisibility(Axe_ColBar,status)
- hIMAGES = wfindobj(Axe_ColBar,'type','image');
- set(Axe_ColBar,'Visible',status);
- set(hIMAGES,'Visible',status);
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %=========================================================================%
- % END CleanTOOL function %
- %=========================================================================%
- %=========================================================================%
- % BEGIN Internal Functions %
- % ------------------------ %
- %=========================================================================%
- function ApproxMeth = getApproxMeth(Pop_ApproxMeth)
- ApproxMethVal = get(Pop_ApproxMeth,'Value');
- switch ApproxMethVal
- case 1 , ApproxMeth = 'Polynomial';
- case 2 , ApproxMeth = 'OrthConst';
- end
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Regularity = getRegularity(Pop_BoundCond)
- Regularity = get(Pop_BoundCond,'Value')-2;
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function hdl_Menus = Install_MENUS(hFig)
- % Add UIMENUS.
- %-------------
- m_files = wfigmngr('getmenus',hFig,'file');
- m_close = wfigmngr('getmenus',hFig,'close');
- cb_close = [mfilename '(''close_FUN'',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo));'];
- set(m_close,'Callback',cb_close);
- str_numwin = sprintf('%20.15f',hFig);
- m_load = uimenu(m_files, ...
- 'Label','&Load Pattern', ...
- 'Position',1, ...
- 'Enable','On', ...
- 'Callback', ...
- [mfilename '(''Men_LoadPat_Callback'',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo));'] ...
- );
- m_save = uimenu(m_files, ...
- 'Label','&Save Adapted Wavelet', ...
- 'Position',2, ...
- 'Enable','Off', ...
- 'Callback', ...
- [mfilename '(''Men_SaveWave_Callback'',gcbo,[],guidata(gcbo));'] ...
- );
- m_demo = uimenu(m_files,'Label','&Example ','Position',3,'Separator','On');
- tab = setstr(9);
- demoSET = {...
- ['Pattern 1' tab '- Not-Continuous Polynomial Approximation of d