- function y = upsaconv(type,x,f,s,dwtATTR,shiFLAG)
- %UPSACONV Upsample and convolution.
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('1D',X,F_R) returns the one step dyadic
- % interpolation (upsample and convolution) of vector X
- % using filter F_R.
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('1D',X,F_R,L) returns the length-L central
- % portion of the result obtained using Y = UPSACONV('1D',X,F_R).
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('2D',X,{F1_R,F2_R}) returns the one step dyadic
- % interpolation (upsample and convolution) of matrix X
- % using filter F1_R for rows and filter F2_R for columns.
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('2D',X,{F1_R,F2_R},S) returns the size-S
- % central portion of the result obtained
- % using Y = UPSACONV('2D',X,{F1_R,F2_R})
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('1D',X,F_R,DWTATTR) returns the one step
- % interpolation of vector X using filter F_R where the upsample
- % and convolution attributes are described by DWTATTR.
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('1D',X,F_R,L,DWTATTR) combines the two
- % other usages.
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('2D',X,{F1_R,F2_R},DWTATTR) returns the one step
- % interpolation of matrix X using filters F1_R and F2_R where
- % the upsample and convolution attributes are described by DWTATTR.
- %
- % Y = UPSACONV('2D',X,{F1_R,F2_R},S,DWTATTR) combines the
- % other usages.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-Nov-97.
- % Last Revision: 22-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:41:59 $
- % Special case.
- if isempty(x) , y = 0; return; end
- y = x;
- if nargin<4 , sizFLAG = 1; else , sizFLAG = isempty(s); end
- if nargin<5 , dwtATTR = dwtmode('get'); end
- if nargin<6 , shiFLAG = 1; end
- dumFLAG = ~isstruct(dwtATTR);
- if ~dumFLAG , perFLAG = isequal(dwtATTR.extMode,'per'); else , perFLAG = 0; end
- shiFLAG = shiFLAG && ~dumFLAG;
- switch type
- case {1,'1','1d','1D'}
- ly = length(y);
- lf = length(f);
- if sizFLAG
- if ~perFLAG , s = 2*ly-lf+2; else , s = 2*ly; end
- end
- if shiFLAG , shift = dwtATTR.shift1D; else , shift = 0; end
- shift = mod(shift,2);
- if ~perFLAG
- if sizFLAG , s = 2*ly-lf+2; end
- y = wconv1(dyadup(y,0),f);
- y = wkeep1(y,s,'c',shift);
- else
- if sizFLAG , s = 2*ly; end
- y = dyadup(y,0,1);
- y = wextend('1D','per',y,lf/2);
- y = wconv1(y,f);
- y = wkeep1(y,2*ly,lf);
- if shift==1 , y = y([2:end,1]); end
- y = y(1:s);
- end
- case {2,'2','2d','2D'}
- sy = size(y);
- lf = length(f{1});
- if sizFLAG
- if ~perFLAG , s = 2*sy-lf+2; else , s = 2*sy; end
- end
- if shiFLAG , shift = dwtATTR.shift2D; else , shift = [0 0]; end
- shift = mod(shift,2);
- if ~perFLAG
- y = wconv2('col',dyadup(y,'row',0),f{1});
- y = wconv2('row',dyadup(y,'col',0),f{2});
- y = wkeep2(y,s,'c',shift);
- else
- y = dyadup(y,'mat',0,1);
- y = wextend('2D','per',y,[lf/2,lf/2]);
- y = wconv2('col',y,f{1});
- y = wconv2('row',y,f{2});
- y = wkeep2(y,2*sy,[lf lf]);
- if shift(1)==1 , y = y([2:end,1],:); end
- if shift(2)==1 , y = y(:,[2:end,1]); end
- y = wkeep2(y,s,[1,1]);
- end
- end