- function OUT = lwtcoef(type,xDEC,LS,level,levEXT)
- %LWTCOEF Extract or reconstruct 1-D LWT wavelet coefficients.
- % Y = LWTCOEF(TYPE,XDEC,LS,LEVEL,LEVEXT) returns the coefficients
- % or the reconstructed coefficients of level LEVEXT, extracted
- % from XDEC, the LWT decomposition at level LEVEL obtained with
- % the lifting scheme LS.
- % The valid values for TYPE are:
- % - 'a' for approximations
- % - 'd' for details
- % - 'ca' for coefficients of approximations
- % - 'cd' for coefficients of details
- %
- % Y = LWTCOEF(TYPE,XDEC,W,LEVEL,LEVEXT) returns the same output
- % using W which is the name of a "lifted wavelet".
- %
- % See also ILWT, LWT.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 03-Feb-2000.
- % Last Revision: 30-Jun-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/04/13 00:39:59 $
- firstIdxAPP = 1;
- firstIdxDET = 1+mod(firstIdxAPP,2);
- DELTA = firstIdxAPP-1;
- indCFS = [1:length(xDEC)];
- indEXT = (1-DELTA)*ones(1,levEXT);
- switch type
- case {'a','ca'}
- case {'d','cd'} , indEXT(levEXT) = DELTA;
- end
- % Extract coefficients.
- for k=1:levEXT
- first = 2-indEXT(k);
- indCFS = indCFS(first:2:end);
- end
- switch type
- case {'a','d'}
- OUT = zeros(size(xDEC));
- OUT(indCFS) = xDEC(indCFS);
- OUT = ilwt(OUT,LS,level);
- case {'ca','cd'}
- OUT = xDEC(indCFS);
- if isequal(type,'ca') & (level>levEXT)
- OUT = ilwt(OUT,LS,level-levEXT);
- end
- end