- function labels = tlabels(t,varargin)
- %TLABELS Labels for the nodes of a wavelet packet tree.
- % LABELS = TLABELS(T,TYPE,N) returns the labels for
- % the nodes N of the tree T.
- % The valid values for TYPE are:
- % 'i' or 1 --> indices.
- % 'p' or 2 --> depth-position.
- % 'e' or 3 --> entropy.
- % 'eo' or 4 --> optimal entropy.
- % 's' or 5 --> size.
- % 'n' or 6 --> none.
- % 't' or 7 --> type.
- %
- % LABELS = TLABELS(T,TYPE) returns the labels
- % for all nodes of T.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Feb-2003.
- % Last Revision: 11-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:38:57 $
- labtype = varargin{1};
- if length(varargin)<2
- nodes = allnodes(t);
- else
- nodes = varargin{2};
- end
- nbnodes = length(nodes);
- labels = [];
- switch labtype
- case {3,'e'}
- entropies = read(t,'ent',nodes);
- labels = num2str(entropies(:),5);
- case {4,'eo'}
- ent_opt = read(t,'ento',nodes);
- labels = num2str(ent_opt(:),5);
- case {5,'s'}
- order = treeord(t);
- sizes = read(t,'sizes',nodes);
- switch order
- case 2
- for k=1:nbnodes
- labels = strvcat(labels,sprintf('%0.f',max(sizes(k,:))));
- end
- case 4
- for k=1:nbnodes
- labels = strvcat(labels,sprintf('(%0.f,%0.f)',sizes(k,:)));
- end
- end
- case {7,'t'}
- order = treeord(t);
- [d,p] = ind2depo(order,nodes);
- p = rem(p,order);
- pstr = repLine('a',nbnodes);
- if order==2
- I = find(p==1); pd = repLine('d',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- else
- I = find(p==1); pd = repLine('h',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- I = find(p==2); pd = repLine('v',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- I = find(p==3); pd = repLine('d',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- end
- lp = repLine('(',nbnodes);
- rp = repLine(')',nbnodes);
- labels = [lp pstr rp];
- case {8,'en'}
- [tn,K] = leaves(t,'s');
- E = wenergy(t);
- E = E(K);
- for k=1:nbnodes
- n = nodedesc(t,nodes(k));
- idx = istnode(t,n);
- idx(idx==0) = [];
- lab = sprintf('%2.2f',sum(E(idx)));
- labels = strvcat(labels,lab);
- end
- otherwise
- labels = tlabels(t.dtree,varargin{:});
- end
- %--------------------------%
- function m = repLine(c,n)
- %REPLINE Replicate Lines.
- m = c(ones(n,1),:);
- %--------------------------%