- function varargout = iswt(varargin)
- %ISWT Inverse discrete stationary wavelet transform 1-D.
- % ISWT performs a multilevel 1-D stationary wavelet
- % reconstruction using either a specific orthogonal wavelet
- % ('wname', see WFILTERS for more information) or specific
- % reconstruction filters (Lo_R and Hi_R).
- %
- % X = ISWT(SWC,'wname') or X = ISWT(SWA,SWD,'wname')
- % or X = ISWT(SWA(end,:),SWD,'wname') reconstructs the
- % signal X based on the multilevel stationary wavelet
- % decomposition structure SWC or [SWA,SWD] (see SWT).
- %
- % For X = ISWT(SWC,Lo_R,Hi_R) or X = ISWT(SWA,SWD,Lo_R,Hi_R),
- % or X = ISWT(SWA(end,:),SWD,Lo_R,Hi_R),
- % Lo_R is the reconstruction low-pass filter.
- % Hi_R is the reconstruction high-pass filter.
- %
- % See also IDWT, SWT, WAVEREC.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 08-Dec-97.
- % Last Revision: 14-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:40:54 $
- % Check arguments.
- nbIn = nargin;
- if nbIn < 2
- error('Not enough input arguments.');
- elseif nbIn > 4
- error('Too many input arguments.');
- end
- switch nbIn
- case 2 , argstr = 1; argnum = 2;
- case 4 , argstr = 0; argnum = 3;
- case 3
- if ischar(varargin{3})
- argstr = 1; argnum = 3;
- else
- argstr = 0; argnum = 2;
- end
- end
- % Compute reconstruction filters.
- if argstr
- [lo_R,hi_R] = wfilters(varargin{argnum},'r');
- else
- lo_R = varargin{argnum}; hi_R = varargin{argnum+1};
- end
- % Set DWT_Mode to 'per'.
- old_modeDWT = dwtmode('status','nodisp');
- dwtmode('per','nodisp');
- % Get inputs.
- if argnum==2
- p = size(varargin{1},1);
- n = p-1;
- d = varargin{1}(1:n,:);
- a = varargin{1}(p,:);
- else
- a = varargin{1};
- d = varargin{2};
- end
- a = a(size(a,1),:);
- [n,lx] = size(d);
- for k = n:-1:1
- step = 2^(k-1);
- last = step;
- for first = 1:last
- ind = first:step:lx;
- lon = length(ind);
- subind = ind(1:2:lon);
- x1 = idwtLOC(a(subind),d(k,subind),lo_R,hi_R,lon,0);
- subind = ind(2:2:lon);
- x2 = idwtLOC(a(subind),d(k,subind),lo_R,hi_R,lon,-1);
- a(ind) = 0.5*(x1+x2);
- end
- end
- varargout{1} = a;
- % Restore DWT_Mode.
- dwtmode(old_modeDWT,'nodisp');
- %===============================================================%
- %===============================================================%
- function y = idwtLOC(a,d,lo_R,hi_R,lon,shift)
- y = upconvLOC(a,lo_R,lon) + upconvLOC(d,hi_R,lon);
- if shift==-1 , y = y([end,1:end-1]); end
- %---------------------------------------------------------------%
- function y = upconvLOC(x,f,l)
- lf = length(f);
- y = dyadup(x,0,1);
- y = wextend('1D','per',y,lf/2);
- y = wconv1(y,f);
- y = wkeep1(y,l,lf);
- %===============================================================%