- function fig = drawtree(t,varargin)
- %DRAWTREE Draw wavelet packet decomposition tree.
- % DRAWTREE(T) draws the wavelet packet tree T.
- % F = DRAWTREE(T) returns the figure's handle.
- %
- % For an existing figure F produced by a previous call
- % to the DRAWTREE function, DRAWTREE(T,F) draws the wavelet
- % packet tree T in the figure whose handle is F.
- %
- % Example:
- % x = sin(8*pi*[0:0.005:1]);
- % t = wpdec(x,3,'db2');
- % fig = drawtree(t);
- % %---------------------------------------
- % % Use command line function to modify t
- % %---------------------------------------
- % t = wpjoin(t,2);
- % drawtree(t,fig);
- %
- % See also READTREE.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-Oct-97.
- % Last Revision: 21-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- %--------------%
- %--------------%
- % DRAWTREE(T,D) draws the wavelet packet tree T.
- % D is the data structure associated with T.
- % F = DRAWTREE(T,D) returns the figure's handle.
- %
- % For an existing figure F produced by a previous call
- % to the DRAWTREE function, DRAWTREE(T,F) draws the wavelet
- % packet tree T in the figure whose handle is F.
- %
- % Example:
- % x = sin(8*pi*[0:0.005:1]);
- % [t,d] = wpdec(x,3,'db2');
- % fig = drawtree(t,d);
- % %--------------------------------------------
- % % Use command line function to modify t or d
- % %--------------------------------------------
- % [t,d] = wpjoin(t,d,2);
- % drawtree(t,d,fig);
- %
- % See also READTREE.
- % Check arguments.
- %-----------------
- nbIn = nargin;
- switch nbIn
- case {0} , error('Not enough input arguments.');
- case {1,2,3}
- if isa(t,'wptree')
- maxarg = 2;
- else
- maxarg = 3;
- end
- if (nbIn>maxarg) , error('Too many input arguments.'); end
- otherwise , error('Too many input arguments.');
- end
- % Draw tree.
- %-----------
- order = treeord(t);
- switch order
- case 2 , prefix = 'wp1d';
- case 4 , prefix = 'wp2d';
- end
- func1 = [prefix 'tool'];
- func2 = [prefix 'mngr'];
- newfig = 1;
- if nargin==maxarg
- fig = varargin{end};
- varargin(end) = [];
- wins = wfindobj('figure');
- if ~isempty(find(wins==fig))
- tagfig = lower(get(fig,'tag'));
- if isequal(func1,tagfig) , newfig = 0; end
- end
- end
- if newfig , fig = feval(func1); end
- feval(func2,'load_dec',fig,t,varargin{:});