- function [thresh,rl2scr,n0scr,imin,suggthr] = wcmpscr(c,l,in3)
- %WCMPSCR Wavelet 1-D or 2-D Compression Scores.
- % [THR,RL2,NZ,IMIN] = WCMPSCR(C,L) returns for
- % the input wavelet decomposition structure [C,L],
- % compression scores for detail coefficients
- % thresholding and suggested threshold.
- % Outputs are :
- % THR the vector of ordered thresholds.
- % and vectors of scores induced by a THR(i)-thresholding :
- % RL2 vector of 2-norm recovery score in percent.
- % NZ vector of relative number of zeros in percent.
- % IMIN is the index of THR for which the two scores are
- % approximately the same.
- % STHR is a suggested threshold.
- %
- % When used with three arguments WCMPSCR(C,L,IN3) returns
- % the same outputs but for approximation and details
- % coefficients thresholding.
- %
- % See also KEY2INFO, WPCMPSCR.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 31-Oct-1998.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Check arguments and set problem dimension.
- dim = 1; if min(size(l))~=1, dim = 2; end
- keepapp = (nargin == 2);
- % Set possible thresholds.
- if keepapp % only detail coeffs can be thresholded.
- if dim == 1
- last = l(1);
- else
- last = prod(l(1,:));
- end
- app = c(1:last);
- c = c(last+1:end);
- dimapp = length(app);
- nl2app = sum(app.^2);
- n0app = length(find(app==0));
- else % all coeffs can be thresholded.
- dimapp = 0; nl2app = 0; n0app = 0;
- end
- % Compute compression scores.
- thresh = sort(abs(c));
- lenthr = length(thresh);
- if (nl2app<eps & thresh(lenthr)<eps)
- rl2scr = 100*ones(1,lenthr);
- n0scr = 100*ones(1,lenthr);
- suggthr = 0;
- indmin = 1;
- return
- end
- rl2scr = cumsum(thresh.^2) / (sum(thresh.^2)+nl2app);
- n0det = length(find(c==0));
- n0scr = ((n0app + n0det + ...
- [zeros(1,n0det+1) , 1:(lenthr-n0det)]) / (lenthr+dimapp));
- rl2scr = 100 * (1 - rl2scr);
- n0scr = 100 * n0scr;
- thresh = [0 thresh];
- rl2scr = [100 rl2scr];
- % Find threshold for which the two scores are the same.
- [dummy,imin] = min(abs(rl2scr-n0scr));
- if nargout<5 , return; end
- % Set suggested threshold.
- suggthr = thresh(imin);
- if dim==2, suggthr = sqrt(suggthr); end