- function out1 = wp1ddraw(option,win_wptool,in3)
- %WP1DDRAW Wavelet packets 1-D drawing manager.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 08-Jun-1999.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.15 $
- % Memory Blocks of stored values.
- %================================
- % MB2 (main window).
- %-------------------
- n_wp_utils = 'WP_Utils';
- ind_tree_lin = 1;
- ind_tree_txt = 2;
- ind_type_txt = 3;
- ind_sel_nodes = 4;
- ind_gra_area = 5;
- ind_nb_colors = 6;
- nb2_stored = 6;
- % MB3 (main window).
- %-------------------
- n_structures = 'Structures';
- ind_tree_st = 1;
- ind_data_st = 2;
- nb3_stored = 2;
- % Tag property of objects.
- %-------------------------
- tag_pop_colm = 'Txt_PopM';
- tag_curtree = 'Pop_CurTree';
- tag_nodact = 'Pop_NodAct';
- tag_axe_t_lin = 'Axe_TreeLines';
- tag_axe_sig = 'Axe_Sig';
- tag_lin_sig = 'Lin_sig';
- tag_axe_pack = 'Axe_Pack';
- tag_axe_cfs = 'Axe_Cfs';
- tag_axe_col = 'Axe_Col';
- tag_sli_size = 'Sli_Size';
- tag_sli_pos = 'Sli_Pos';
- % Miscellaneous values.
- %----------------------
- Col_SigIni = 'r';
- children = get(win_wptool,'Children');
- axe_handles = findobj(children,'flat','type','axes');
- uic_handles = findobj(children,'flat','type','uicontrol');
- WP_Axe_Tree = findobj(axe_handles,'flat','Tag',tag_axe_t_lin);
- WP_Axe_Sig = findobj(axe_handles,'flat','Tag',tag_axe_sig);
- WP_Axe_Pack = findobj(axe_handles,'flat','Tag',tag_axe_pack);
- WP_Axe_Cfs = findobj(axe_handles,'flat','Tag',tag_axe_cfs);
- WP_Axe_Col = findobj(axe_handles,'flat','Tag',tag_axe_col);
- WP_Sli_Size = findobj(uic_handles,'Tag',tag_sli_size);
- WP_Sli_Pos = findobj(uic_handles,'Tag',tag_sli_pos);
- switch option
- case 'sig'
- % Signal_Anal = in3;
- %------------------
- set([ WP_Axe_Tree,WP_Axe_Cfs,WP_Axe_Sig,WP_Axe_Pack, ...
- WP_Axe_Col,WP_Sli_Size,WP_Sli_Pos],'Visible','on');
- xmin = 1; xmax = length(in3);
- ymin = min(in3); ymax = max(in3);
- if ymin==ymax , dy = 0.01; else , dy = (ymax-ymin)/25; end
- ymin = ymin-dy; ymax = ymax+dy;
- plot(in3,'Color',Col_SigIni,'tag',tag_lin_sig,'Parent',WP_Axe_Sig);
- set(WP_Axe_Sig,'Xlim',[xmin xmax],'Ylim',[ymin ymax],'Tag',tag_axe_sig);
- wtitle(sprintf('Analyzed Signal : length = %.0f',xmax),...
- 'Parent',WP_Axe_Sig);
- wtitle('Decomposition Tree','Parent',WP_Axe_Tree);
- wtitle('Node Action Result','Parent',WP_Axe_Pack);
- set(WP_Axe_Cfs,'Xlim',[xmin xmax]);
- wtitle('Colored Coefficients for Terminal Nodes','Parent',WP_Axe_Cfs);
- pop_colm = findobj(win_wptool,'style','popupmenu',...
- 'tag',tag_pop_colm);
- col_mode = get(pop_colm,'Value');
- if find(col_mode==[1 2 3 4])
- strlab = ['frequency ordered coefficients'];
- else
- strlab = ['(down -> up) for Cfs <==> (left -> right) in Tree'];
- end
- wsetxlab(WP_Axe_Cfs,strlab);
- NB_ColorsInPal = wmemtool('rmb',win_wptool, ...
- n_wp_utils,ind_nb_colors);
- image([0 1],[0 1],[1:NB_ColorsInPal],'Parent',WP_Axe_Col);
- set(WP_Axe_Col,...
- 'XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[],...
- 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],'Tag',tag_axe_col);
- wsetxlab(WP_Axe_Col,'Scale of Colors from Min to Max');
- case 'anal'
- pop_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'style','popupmenu');
- pop_curtree = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_curtree);
- pop_nodact = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_nodact);
- % Reading structures.
- %--------------------
- [tree_struct,data_struct] = wmemtool('rmb',win_wptool,n_structures,...
- ind_tree_st,ind_data_st);
- if isa(tree_struct,'wptree')
- wptreeop('input_tree',win_wptool,tree_struct);
- else
- wptreeop('input_tree',win_wptool,tree_struct,data_struct);
- end
- depth = treedpth(tree_struct);
- str_depth = int2str([0:depth]');
- set(pop_curtree,'String',str_depth,'Value',depth+1);
- wtitle('Node Action Result','Parent',WP_Axe_Pack);
- % Setting Dynamic Visualization tool.
- %------------------------------------
- dynvtool('init',win_wptool,...
- [WP_Axe_Pack],[WP_Axe_Sig,WP_Axe_Cfs],[],[1 0],'','',...
- 'wp1dcoor',WP_Axe_Cfs);
- wptreeop('nodact',win_wptool,pop_nodact);
- case 'r_orig'
- out1 = findobj(WP_Axe_Sig,'type','line','tag',tag_lin_sig);
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Option','msg');
- error('*');
- end