- function [xnpos,ynpos] = xynodpos(table_node,order,depth)
- %XYNODPOS Computes graphical position of a node in a tree.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 25-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- %--------------
- if (order<=1) || (depth==0)
- xnpos = zeros(1,depth+1);
- if depth > 0
- pasy = 0.8/depth;
- y = 0.1+pasy*[0:depth-1]';
- ynpos = [y y+pasy];
- else
- ynpos = [0.1];
- end
- return
- end
- % Create nodes indices table.
- %----------------------------
- ord_ind = 1:order;
- order1 = order+1;
- N = size(table_node,2);
- xnpos = zeros(order1,N);
- node_exist = (table_node ~= -1);
- % Setting the width of the subtrees.
- % The initial width is 1.
- %-----------------------------------------
- xnpos(1,node_exist) = 1;
- % Left Nodes Indices.
- %--------------------
- i_Ltree = (order.^[0:depth]-1)/(order-1)+1;
- for d=depth-1:-1:0
- n_d = i_Ltree(d+1);
- i_fath = n_d+[0:order^d-1];
- i_left_child = (i_fath-1)*order+2;
- for k=1:order^d
- i_f = i_fath(k);
- i_lc = i_left_child(k);
- if table_node(i_lc) ~= -1
- for i=1:order
- xnpos(i,i_f) = sum(xnpos(ord_ind,i_lc+i-1));
- end
- else
- up = 1;
- i_asc = i_f;
- while table_node(i_asc) == -1
- up = up+1;
- i_asc = floor((i_asc-2)/order)+1;
- end
- xnpos(1,i_lc:i_lc+order-1) = 1/(order^up);
- end
- end
- end
- % Now the rows 1:order contain the width (depth) of the subtrees.
- %
- % Elimination of the nodes for the maximum depth.
- %------------------------------------------------
- if N > 1, xnpos(:,(N-1)/order+1:size(xnpos,2)) = []; end
- % Normalization : the total width is 1.
- %--------------------------------------
- xnpos(ord_ind,:) = xnpos(ord_ind,:)/sum(xnpos(ord_ind,1));
- % Setting the minimum values of the abcisses of the subtrees.
- %------------------------------------------------------------
- xnpos(order1,i_Ltree) = -0.5*ones(size(i_Ltree));
- for d=1:depth-1
- n_d = i_Ltree(d+1);
- for p=n_d+1:n_d+order^d-1
- xnpos(order1,p) = sum(xnpos([1:order1],p-1));
- end
- end
- % Now the row order+1 contains the abscisses of the left extremity
- % of the subtrees.
- % Change the width of the subtrees.
- %----------------------------------
- xnpos(ord_ind,:) = cumsum(xnpos(ord_ind,:)) - xnpos(ord_ind,:)/2;
- xnpos(ord_ind,:) = xnpos(ord_ind,:)+xnpos((order1)*ones(1,order),:);
- % Suppress the last row.
- %-----------------------
- xnpos = xnpos(1:order,:);
- xnpos = [0 xnpos(:)'];
- % Y position.
- %------------
- pasy = 0.8/depth;
- y = 0.1+pasy*[0:depth-1]';
- ynpos = [y y+pasy];