- function [phiS,psiS,phiA,psiA,xval] = bswfun(Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R,IN5,IN6)
- %BSWFUN Biorthogonal scaling and wavelet functions.
- % returns approximations on the grid XVAL of the two
- % pairs of scaling function and wavelet (PHIA,PSIA),
- % (PHIS,PSIA) associated with the two pairs of filters
- % (LoD,HiD), (LoR,HiR).
- %
- % BSWFUN(...,ITER) computes the two pairs of scaling
- % and wavelet functions using ITER iterations.
- %
- % BSWFUN(...,'plot') or BSWFUN(...,ITER,'plot') or
- % BSWFUN(...,'plot',ITER), computes and, in addition,
- % plots the functions.
- %
- % See also WAVEFUN.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 24-Jun-2003.
- % Last Revision: 13-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:39:42 $
- % Comments:
- %----------
- % In the Daubechies' book pages 261-278 and more
- % precisely pages 272-276:
- % (PHIA,PSIA) corresponds to (PHI,PSI)
- % (PHIS,PSIS) corresponds to (PHI_tilda,PSI_tilda)
- % Reverse decomposition scaling function
- % and wavelet if flagREVERSE is true.
- %---------------------------------------
- flagREVERSE = true;
- flagREVERSE = false;
- % Check input arguments.
- iterDEF = 10;
- switch nargin
- case {1,2,3} ,
- error('Not enough input arguments.');
- case 4 ,
- flagPLOT = false;
- iter = iterDEF;
- case 5 ,
- if ischar(IN5)
- flagPLOT = true;
- iter = iterDEF;
- else
- flagPLOT = false;
- iter = IN5;
- end
- case 6
- flagPLOT = true;
- if ischar(IN5)
- iter = IN6;
- else
- iter = IN5;
- end
- end
- if (ischar(iter) | any(iter < 1) | any(iter ~= fix(iter)))
- iter = iterDEF;
- end
- % Compute scaling functions and wavelets.
- coef = (sqrt(2)^iter);
- if flagREVERSE && isequal(Lo_R,wrev(Lo_D))
- phiA = coef*upcoef('a',1,wrev(Lo_D),NaN,iter);
- psiA = coef*upcoef('d',1,wrev(Lo_D),wrev(Hi_D),iter);
- else
- phiA = coef*upcoef('a',1,Lo_D,NaN,iter);
- psiA = coef*upcoef('d',1,Lo_D,Hi_D,iter);
- end
- phiS = coef*upcoef('a',1,Lo_R,NaN,iter);
- psiS = coef*upcoef('d',1,Lo_R,Hi_R,iter);
- % Plot scaling functions and wavelets if requested.
- if flagPLOT
- flgNUM = 1;
- figure('DefaultAxesXgrid','On','DefaultAxesYgrid','On');
- else
- flgNUM = 0;
- end
- LW = 2;
- phiCOL = 'r';
- psiCOL = 'b';
- strTitle = 'Analysis scaling function (phiA)';
- [phiA,x_phiA] = getAndplotFUN(phiA,Lo_D,LW,phiCOL,1*flgNUM,strTitle);
- strTitle = 'Analysis wavelet function (psiA)';
- [psiA,x_psiA] = getAndplotFUN(psiA,Hi_D,LW,psiCOL,2*flgNUM,strTitle);
- strTitle = 'Synthesis scaling function (phiS)';
- [phiS,x_phiS] = getAndplotFUN(phiS,Lo_R,LW,phiCOL,3*flgNUM,strTitle);
- strTitle = 'Synthesis wavelet function (psiS)';
- [psiS,x_psiS] = getAndplotFUN(psiS,Hi_R,LW,psiCOL,4*flgNUM,strTitle);
- xval = x_phiS;
- %-----------------------------------------------------------
- function [y,x] = getAndplotFUN(y,F,LW,color,numSub,strTitle)
- [x,y,ymin,ymax,dy] = getXY(y,F);
- if numSub==0 , return; end
- a = subplot(2,2,numSub);
- plot(x,y,color,'linewidth',LW);
- try , set(a,'Xlim',[x(1) x(end)]); end
- try , set(a,'Ylim',[ymin-dy ymax+dy]); end
- title(strTitle,'FontSize',8,'FontWeight','bold')
- %---------------------------------------------------------
- function [x,y,ymin,ymax,dy] = getXY(fVAL,filtre)
- y = fVAL;
- ymin = min(y); ymax = max(y);
- if abs(ymax-ymin)<100*eps ,
- y = [0 y 0]; ymin = min(y); ymax = max(y);
- end
- dy = (ymax-ymin)/100;
- ly = length(y);
- L = length(filtre);
- x = linspace(0,L-1,ly);
- %---------------------------------------------------------