- function varargout = cbthrw1d(option,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6)
- %CBTHRW1D Callbacks for threshold utilities 1-D.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 23-May-97.
- % Last Revision: 18-Dec-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:39:45 $
- % MB1 of stored values.
- %----------------------
- n_membloc1 = 'ReturnTHR_Bloc';
- ind_ret_fig = 1;
- ind_tog_thr = 2;
- ind_status = 3;
- nb1_stored = 3;
- % Same bloc in utthrw1d.
- %-----------------------
- n_memblocTHR = 'MB_ThrStruct';
- ind_thr_struct = 1;
- ind_int_thr = 2;
- % Tag property.
- %--------------
- tag_lineH_up = 'LH_u';
- tag_lineH_down = 'LH_d';
- tag_lineV = 'LV';
- % First test DYNVTOOL Select Option.
- %----------------------------------
- if ~ischar(option)
- varargout = {[],[]};
- x = option;
- y = in2;
- axe = in3;
- ok = find(axe==in4);
- if isempty(ok) , return; end
- %-------------------------------
- lines = findobj(axe,'type','line');
- lHu = findobj(lines,'tag',tag_lineH_up);
- lHd = findobj(lines,'tag',tag_lineH_down);
- ll = findobj(lines,'tag',tag_lineV);
- NB_LV = length(ll);
- tol = 0.01;
- xh = get(lHu,'Xdata');
- i_inf = max(find(xh<=x));
- i_sup = min(find(xh>x));
- if ~isequal(i_sup,i_inf+1) , return; end
- yh = get(lHu,'Ydata');
- [ecx,ii] = min([x-xh(i_inf),xh(i_sup)-x]);
- xlim = get(axe,'Xlim');
- dlim = xlim(2)-xlim(1);
- ecx = ecx/dlim;
- fig = get(axe,'Parent');
- if ecx>tol % Create line
- if NB_LV>=10 , return; end
- xh = [xh(1:i_inf) x NaN x xh(i_sup:end)];
- yh = [yh(1:i_inf) yh(i_inf) NaN yh(i_inf) yh(i_sup:end)];
- set(lHu,'Xdata',xh,'Ydata',yh)
- set(lHd,'Xdata',xh,'Ydata',-yh)
- ylim = get(axe,'Ylim');
- cbthrw1d('plotLV',[fig ; lHu ; lHd],[x x NaN; ylim NaN]);
- else
- if NB_LV==0
- return
- end
- xval = get(ll,'Xdata');
- if NB_LV>1
- xval = cat(1,xval{:});
- end
- xval = xval(:,1);
- if ii==1
- i_suppress = [i_inf-2:i_inf];
- else
- i_suppress = [i_sup:i_sup+2];
- end
- ind_lv = find((abs(xval-x)/dlim)<tol);
- if ~isempty(ind_lv)
- lv = ll(ind_lv);
- delete(lv);
- drawnow
- else
- return
- end
- xh(i_suppress) = [];
- ynew = (yh(i_suppress(1))+yh(i_suppress(3)))/2;
- yh(i_suppress(1)-1) = ynew;
- yh(i_suppress(3)+1) = ynew;
- yh(i_suppress) = [];
- set(lHu,'Xdata',xh,'Ydata',yh)
- set(lHd,'Xdata',xh,'Ydata',-yh)
- end
- cbthrw1d('upd_thrStruct',fig,lHu);
- pause(0.5)
- return
- end
- switch option
- case 'downH'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- % in2(4:6) = [pop_int ; sli_lev ; edi_lev] (optional)
- % in3 = +1 or -1
- %---------------------------------------------------------
- flag_HDL = (length(in2)>3);
- axe = get(in2(2),'Parent');
- if (axe~=gca) , axes(axe); drawnow discard; end;
- fig = in2(1);
- p = get(axe,'currentpoint');
- xold = get(in2(2),'Xdata');
- i_inf = max(find(xold<p(1,1)));
- i_sup = min(find(xold>p(1,1)));
- if ~isequal(i_sup,i_inf+1) , return; end
- calledFUN = wfigmngr('getWinPROP',fig,'calledFUN');
- feval(calledFUN,'clear_GRAPHICS',fig);
- if flag_HDL
- num_int = fix(i_inf/3)+1;
- val_pop = get(in2(4),'Value');
- if num_int~=val_pop
- yold = get(in2(2),'Ydata');
- thr = abs(yold(i_inf));
- set(in2(4),'Value',num_int)
- set(in2(5),'Value',thr);
- set(in2(6),'string',sprintf('%1.4g',thr));
- end
- end
- set(in2(2:3),'Color','g');
- drawnow
- handles = num2mstr(in2);
- cba_move = [mfilename '(''moveH'',' handles ...
- ',' int2str(in3) ',' int2str(i_inf) ');'];
- cba_up = [mfilename '(''upH'',' handles ');'];
- wtbxappdata('new',fig,'save_WindowButtonUpFcn',get(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn'));
- set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',cba_move,'WindowButtonUpFcn',cba_up);
- setptr(fig,'uddrag');
- case 'moveH'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- % in2(4:6) = [pop_int ; sli_lev ; edi_lev] (optional)
- % in3 = +1 or -1
- % in4 = index point
- %-----------------------------------------------------------
- flag_HDL = (length(in2)>3);
- lin_max = in2(2);
- axe = get(lin_max,'Parent');
- p = get(axe,'currentpoint');
- new_thresh = p(1,2)*in3;
- if flag_HDL
- min_sli = get(in2(5),'Min');
- max_sli = get(in2(5),'Max');
- new_thresh = max([min_sli,min([new_thresh,max_sli])]);
- else
- lineUD = get(lin_max,'Userdata');
- new_thresh = min([max([new_thresh,0]),lineUD.max]);
- end
- yold = get(lin_max,'Ydata');
- if isequal(yold(in4),new_thresh) , return; end
- ynew = yold;
- ynew([in4 in4+1]) = [new_thresh new_thresh];
- set(lin_max,'Ydata',ynew);
- if new_thresh<sqrt(eps)
- ynew([in4 in4+1]) = [NaN NaN];
- end
- set(in2(3),'Ydata',-ynew);
- if flag_HDL
- set(in2(5),'Value',new_thresh);
- set(in2(6),'string',sprintf('%1.4g',new_thresh));
- end
- case 'upH'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- % in2(4:6) = [pop_int ; sli_lev ; edi_lev] (optional)
- %-----------------------------------------------------------
- fig = in2(1);
- lHu = in2(2);
- lHd = in2(3);
- save_WindowButtonUpFcn = wtbxappdata('del',fig,'save_WindowButtonUpFcn');
- set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','wtmotion', ...
- 'WindowButtonUpFcn',save_WindowButtonUpFcn);
- cbthrw1d('upd_thrStruct',fig,lHu);
- figDef = get(fig,'Default');
- try
- linCol = figDef.defaultAxesColorOrder(1,:);
- catch
- linCol = figDef.axesColorOrder(1,:);
- end
- set([lHu;lHd],'Color',linCol);
- drawnow;
- utthrw1d('show_LVL_perfos',fig);
- setptr(fig,'arrow');
- case 'plotLH'
- % in2 = ax_hdl or...
- % in2 = [pop_ind ; sli_lev ; edi_lev ; ax_hdl] (optional)
- % in3 = xHOR
- % in4 = yHOR
- % in5 = ind_lev
- % in6 = max(abs(sig))
- %--------------------
- flg_HDL = (length(in2)>1);
- if flg_HDL==0 , ax_hdl = in2(1); else , ax_hdl = in2(4); end
- xHOR = in3;
- yHOR = in4;
- ind_lev = in5;
- fig = get(ax_hdl,'Parent');
- figDef = get(fig,'Default');
- try
- linCol = figDef.defaultAxesColorOrder(1,:);
- catch
- linCol = figDef.axesColorOrder(1,:);
- end
- lineUD.lev = ind_lev;
- lineUD.hdl = in2;
- lineUD.max = in6;
- vis = get(ax_hdl,'Visible');
- commonProp = {...
- 'Parent',ax_hdl, ...
- 'Visible',vis, ...
- 'Xdata',xHOR, ...
- 'Linestyle','--', ...
- 'linewidth',2, ...
- 'Color',linCol, ...
- 'EraseMode','xor', ...
- 'Userdata',lineUD ...
- };
- lHu = line(commonProp{:},'Ydata',yHOR,'Tag',tag_lineH_up);
- ind = find(abs(yHOR)<sqrt(eps));
- if ~isempty(ind) , yHOR(ind) = NaN; end
- lHd = line(commonProp{:},'Ydata',-yHOR,'Tag',tag_lineH_down);
- handles = [fig ;lHu ;lHd];
- if flg_HDL , handles = [handles ; in2(1:3)]; end
- hdl_str = num2mstr(handles);
- cba_thr_max = [mfilename '(''downH'',' hdl_str ',' int2str(+1) ');'];
- cba_thr_min = [mfilename '(''downH'',' hdl_str ',' int2str(-1) ');'];
- set(lHu,'ButtonDownFcn',cba_thr_max)
- set(lHd,'ButtonDownFcn',cba_thr_min)
- varargout = {lHu,lHd};
- setappdata(lHu,'selectPointer','H')
- setappdata(lHd,'selectPointer','H')
- case 'downV'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_ver ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- %------------------------------------------
- mousefrm(0,'arrow');
- lin_ver = in2(2);
- axe = get(lin_ver,'Parent');
- if (axe~=gca), axes(axe); drawnow discard; end;
- fig = in2(1);
- p = get(axe,'currentpoint');
- xv = get(lin_ver,'Xdata');
- xv = xv(1);
- xh = get(in2(3),'Xdata');
- i_inf = min(find(xh==xv));
- i_sup = max(find(xh==xv));
- if ~isequal(i_sup,i_inf+2) , return; end
- calledFUN = wfigmngr('getWinPROP',fig,'calledFUN');
- feval(calledFUN,'clear_GRAPHICS',fig);
- set(lin_ver,'Color','g');
- drawnow
- % Getting memory blocks.
- %-----------------------
- handles = num2mstr([in2]);
- cba_move = [mfilename '(''moveV'',' handles ',' ...
- num2mstr([i_inf i_sup]) ');'];
- cba_up = [mfilename '(''upV'',' handles ');'];
- wtbxappdata('new',fig,'save_WindowButtonUpFcn',get(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn'));
- set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',cba_move,'WindowButtonUpFcn',cba_up);
- setptr(fig,'lrdrag');
- case 'moveV'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_ver ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- % in3 = point indices
- %------------------------------------------
- lin_ver = in2(2);
- if ~ishandle(lin_ver) , return; end
- axe = get(lin_ver,'Parent');
- p = get(axe,'currentpoint');
- new_thresh = p(1,1);
- xold = get(lin_ver,'Xdata');
- xnew = [new_thresh new_thresh];
- if isequal(xold,xnew) , return; end
- xh = get(in2(3),'Xdata');
- if (new_thresh<=xh(in3(1)-1)+sqrt(eps)) | ...
- (new_thresh>=xh(in3(2)+1)-sqrt(eps))
- return
- end
- xh(in3) = xnew;
- set(lin_ver,'Xdata',xnew);
- set(in2(3),'Xdata',xh);
- set(in2(4),'Xdata',xh);
- case 'upV'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_ver ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- %-------------------------------------------
- fig = in2(1);
- lv = in2(2);
- lHu = in2(3);
- save_WindowButtonUpFcn = wtbxappdata('del',fig,'save_WindowButtonUpFcn');
- set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','wtmotion',...
- 'WindowButtonUpFcn',save_WindowButtonUpFcn);
- if ~ishandle(lv) , vide = 2; return; end
- cbthrw1d('upd_thrStruct',fig,lHu);
- set(lv,'Color','r');
- drawnow;
- utthrw1d('show_LVL_perfos',fig);
- setptr(fig,'arrow');
- case 'plotLV'
- % in2 = [fig ; lin_max ; lin_min]
- % in3 = [xHOR ; yHOR]
- % in4 = yVMin (optional)
- %--------------------------------
- fig = in2(1);
- lHu = in2(2);
- lHd = in2(3);
- xHOR = in3(1,:);
- yHOR = in3(2,:);
- if nargin<4
- yVMin = 0;
- else
- yVMin = in4;
- end
- ax_hdl = get(lHu,'Parent');
- vis = get(ax_hdl,'Visible');
- NB_int = fix(length(xHOR)/3)+ 1;
- for k=1:NB_int-1;
- x = xHOR(3*k-1);
- xVER = [x x];
- y = max(abs([yHOR(3*k-1),yVMin]));
- yVER = [-y y];
- lv = line(...
- 'Parent',ax_hdl, ...
- 'Visible',vis, ...
- 'Xdata',xVER, ...
- 'Ydata',yVER, ...
- 'Linestyle','--', ...
- 'Markersize',2, ...
- 'linewidth',2, ...
- 'Color','r', ...
- 'EraseMode','xor', ...
- 'Tag',tag_lineV ...
- );
- hdl_str = num2mstr([fig ; lv ; lHu ; lHd]);
- cba_LV = [mfilename '(''downV'',' hdl_str ');'];
- set(lv,'ButtonDownFcn',cba_LV)
- setappdata(lv,'selectPointer','V')
- end
- case 'upd_thrStruct'
- % in2 = fig
- % in3 = lHu
- %-----------
- fig = in2;
- lHu = in3;
- x = get(lHu,'Xdata');
- y = get(lHu,'Ydata');
- lineUD = get(lHu,'Userdata');
- level = lineUD.lev;
- handles = lineUD.hdl;
- thrStruct = wmemtool('rmb',fig,n_memblocTHR,ind_thr_struct);
- thrParams = getparam(x,y);
- thrStruct(level).thrParams = thrParams;
- if length(handles)>1
- pop_int = handles(1);
- nb_int = size(thrParams,1);
- nb_val = size(get(pop_int,'String'),1);
- if nb_int~=nb_val
- set(pop_int,'String',int2str([1:nb_int]'),'Value',1)
- thr = thrParams(1,3);
- set(handles(2),'String','Value',thr); % Slider
- set(handles(3),'String',sprintf('%1.4g',thr)); % Edit
- end
- end
- wmemtool('wmb',fig,n_memblocTHR,ind_thr_struct,thrStruct);
- hmb = wmemtool('hmb',fig,n_membloc1);
- if ~isempty(hmb) , wmemtool('wmb',fig,n_membloc1,ind_status,1); end
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Option','msg');
- error('*');
- end
- %--------------------------------------%
- function param = getparam(x,y)
- lx = length(x);
- x_beg = x(1:3:lx);
- x_end = x(2:3:lx);
- y = y(1:3:lx);
- param = [x_beg(:) , x_end(:) , y(:)];
- %--------------------------------------%