- function M = laurmat(V)
- %LAURMAT Constructor for the class LAURMAT (Laurent Matrix).
- % M = LAURMAT(V) returns a the Laurent matrix object M associated to V
- % which can be a cell array (at most two dimensional) of Laurent
- % polynomials (see LAURPOLY) or an ordinary matrix.
- %
- % Examples:
- % M1 = laurmat(eye(2,2))
- % Z = laurpoly(1,1);
- % M2 = laurmat({1 Z;0 1})
- %
- % See also LP.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 29-Mar-2001.
- % Last Revision: 16-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/04/13 00:39:15 $
- %===============================================
- % Class LAURMAT (Parent objects: None)
- % Fields:
- % Matrix - cell array of Laurent polynomials.
- %===============================================
- switch nargin
- case 0 , V = laurpoly(1,0);
- end
- % Built object.
- %--------------
- if isa(V,'laurmat')
- M = V;
- return
- elseif isnumeric(V)
- V = num2cell(V);
- elseif isa(V,'laurpoly')
- V = {V};
- elseif ~iscell(V)
- error('Invalid argument value.')
- end
- [nbRow,nbCol] = size(V);
- for j=1:nbRow
- for k=1:nbCol
- if ~isa(V{j,k},'laurpoly'),
- if isnumeric(V{j,k}),
- V{j,k} = laurpoly(V{j,k},0);
- else
- error('Invalid argument value.')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- M = struct('Matrix',{V});
- M = class(M,'laurmat');