- function [out1,xval,out3] = intwave(wname,in2,in3)
- %INTWAVE Integrate wavelet function psi.
- % [INTEG,XVAL] = INTWAVE('wname',PREC) computes the integral INTEG,
- % of the wavelet function psi (from -inf to XVAL values).
- % The function psi is approximated on the 2^PREC
- % points grid XVAL where PREC is a positive integer.
- % 'wname' is a string containing the name of the wavelet
- % (see WFILTERS for more information).
- % Output argument INTEG is a real or complex vector
- % depending on the wavelet type.
- %
- % For biorthogonal wavelets:
- % computes the integrals INTDEC and INTREC of the wavelet
- % decomposition function psi_dec and the wavelet
- % reconstruction function psi_rec.
- %
- % INTWAVE('wname',PREC) is equivalent to
- % INTWAVE('wname',PREC,0).
- % INTWAVE('wname') is equivalent to INTWAVE('wname',8).
- %
- % When used with three arguments INTWAVE('wname',IN2,IN3),
- % PREC = MAX(IN2,IN3) and plots are displayed.
- % When IN2 is equal to the special value 0
- % INTWAVE('wname',0) is equivalent to
- % INTWAVE('wname',8,IN3).
- % INTWAVE('wname') is equivalent to INTWAVE('wname',8).
- %
- % See also WAVEFUN.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 17-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Check arguments.
- iterDEF = 8;
- switch nargin
- case 1 ,
- iter = iterDEF; pflag = 0;
- case 2
- if in2 == 0,
- pflag = 1;
- iter = iterDEF;
- else
- pflag = 0;
- if isnumeric(in2)
- iter = in2;
- else
- iter = iterDEF
- end
- end
- otherwise
- pflag = 1;
- in2NUM = isnumeric(in2);
- in3NUM = isnumeric(in3);
- if in2NUM
- if in3NUM
- iter = max(in2,in3);
- else
- iter = in2;
- end
- elseif in3NUM
- iter = in3;
- else
- iter = iterDEF;
- end
- end
- if iter~=fix(iter) || iter<1 || iter>20
- iter = iterDEF;
- end
- wtype = wavemngr('type',wname);
- switch wtype
- case {1,3} , [phi,psi,xval] = wavefun(wname,iter);
- case 2 , [phi1,psi1,phi2,psi2,xval] = wavefun(wname,iter);
- case {4,5} , [psi,xval] = wavefun(wname,iter);
- end
- step = xval(2)-xval(1);
- switch wtype
- case {1,3,4,5} , out1 = cumsum(psi)*step;
- case 2 , out1 = cumsum(psi1)*step; out3 = cumsum(psi2)*step;
- end
- if pflag
- switch wtype
- case {1,3,4}
- ax(1) = subplot(211); plot(xval,psi,'r'); title('psi function');grid
- ax(2) = subplot(212); plot(xval,out1,'g');
- title('psi function integral value from 0 to x-value');grid
- set(ax,'Xlim',[xval(1),xval(end)])
- case 2
- ax(1) = subplot(221);
- plot(xval,psi1,'r');title('psi dec. funct.');grid
- ax(2) = subplot(222); plot(xval,out1,'g');
- title('psi dec. funct. integ. value from 0 to x-value');grid
- ax(3) = subplot(223);
- plot(xval,psi2,'r');title('psi rec. funct');grid
- ax(4) = subplot(224);plot(xval,out3,'g');
- title('psi rec. funct. integ. value from 0 to x-value');grid
- set(ax,'Xlim',[xval(1),xval(end)])
- case {5}
- ax(1) = subplot(221);
- plot(xval,real(psi),'r');title('real part of psi funct.');grid
- ax(2) = subplot(222);plot(xval,real(out1),'g');
- title('real part of psi funct. integ. value from 0 to x-value');grid
- ax(3) = subplot(223);
- plot(xval,imag(psi),'r');title('imag. part of psi funct');grid
- ax(4) = subplot(224);plot(xval,imag(out1),'g');
- title('imag. part of psi funct. integ. value from 0 to x-value');grid
- set(ax,'Xlim',[xval(1),xval(end)])
- end
- end