- function y = wshift(type,x,p)
- %WSHIFT Shift Vector or Matrix.
- % Y = WSHIFT(TYPE,X,P) with TYPE = {1,'1','1d' or '1D'}
- % performs a P-circular shift of vector X.
- % The shift P must be an integer, positive for right to left
- % shift and negative for left to right shift.
- %
- % Y = WSHIFT(TYPE,X,P) with TYPE = {2,'2','2d' or '2D'}
- % performs a P-circular shift of matrix X.
- % The shifts P must be integers. P(1) is the shift for rows
- % and P(2) is the shift for columns.
- %
- % WSHIFT('1D',X) is equivalent to WSHIFT('1D',X,1)
- % WSHIFT('2D',X) is equivalent to WSHIFT('2D',X,[1 1])
- %
- % Example 1D:
- % x = [1 2 3 4 5]
- % wshift('1D',x,1) = [2 3 4 5 1]
- % wshift('1D',x,-1) = [5 1 2 3 4]
- %
- % Example 2D:
- % x = [1 2 3;5 6 7]
- % wshift('2D',x,[1 1]) = [6 7 5;2 3 1]
- % wshift('2D',x,[-1,0]) = [5 6 7;1 2 3]
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-Dec-97.
- % Last Revision: 01-May-1998.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:43:31 $
- if isempty(x) | all(p==0) , y = x; return; end
- switch type
- case {1,'1','1d','1D'}
- if nargin<3 , p = 1; end
- L = length(x);
- p = rem(p,L);
- if p<0 , p = L+p; end
- y = x([p+1:L,1:p]);
- case {2,'2','2d','2D'}
- if nargin<3 , p = [1 1]; end
- S = size(x);
- p = rem(p,S);
- k = (p<0);
- p(k) = S(k)+p(k);
- y = x([p(1)+1:S(1),1:p(1)],[p(2)+1:S(2),1:p(2)]);
- end