- function out1 = dw2dhist(option,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6,in7)
- %DW2DHIST Discrete wavelet 2-D histograms.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 12-Dec-2000.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.21 $
- % Memory Blocks of stored values.
- %================================
- % MB1.
- %-----
- n_param_anal = 'DWAn2d_Par_Anal';
- ind_img_name = 1;
- ind_wav_name = 2;
- ind_lev_anal = 3;
- ind_img_t_name = 4;
- ind_img_size = 5;
- ind_nbcolors = 6;
- ind_act_option = 7;
- ind_simg_type = 8;
- ind_thr_val = 9;
- nb1_stored = 9;
- % MB2.1 & MB2.2
- %--------------
- n_coefs = 'MemCoefs';
- n_sizes = 'MemSizes';
- % MB3.
- %-----
- n_miscella = 'DWAn2d_Miscella';
- ind_graph_area = 1;
- ind_pos_axebig = 2;
- ind_pos_axeini = 3;
- ind_pos_axevis = 4;
- ind_pos_axedec = 5;
- ind_pos_axesyn = 6;
- ind_pos_axesel = 7;
- ind_view_status = 8;
- ind_save_status = 9;
- ind_sel_funct = 10;
- nb3_stored = 10;
- % Tag property of objects.
- %-------------------------
- tag_cmd_frame = 'Cmd_Frame';
- tag_orig_sig = 'Orig_sig';
- tag_synt_sig = 'Synt_sig';
- tag_app_sig = 'App_sig';
- tag_det_sig = 'Det_sig';
- tag_app_txt = 'App_Txt';
- tag_app_all = 'App_All';
- tag_app_none = 'App_None';
- tag_det_txt = 'Det_Txt';
- tag_detdir_val = 'Detdir_Val';
- tag_det_all = 'Det_All';
- tag_det_none = 'Det_None';
- tag_bins_txt = 'Bins_Txt';
- tag_bins_data = 'Bins_Data';
- tag_show_hist = 'Show_Hist';
- tag_status_line = 'Status_Line';
- tag_fra_sep = 'Frame_Separ';
- if ~isequal(option,'create') , win_dw2dhist = in2; end
- switch option
- case 'create'
- % Get Globals.
- %-------------
- [Def_Txt_Height,Def_Btn_Height,Def_Btn_Width, ...
- Pop_Min_Width,X_Spacing,Y_Spacing, ...
- Def_EdiBkColor,Def_FraBkColor] = mextglob('get',...
- 'Def_Txt_Height','Def_Btn_Height','Def_Btn_Width', ...
- 'Pop_Min_Width','X_Spacing','Y_Spacing', ...
- 'Def_EdiBkColor','Def_FraBkColor');
- % Calling figure.
- %----------------
- win_dw2dtool = in2;
- str_win_dw2dtool = sprintf('%.0f',win_dw2dtool);
- % Window initialization.
- %----------------------
- win_name = 'Wavelet 2-D -- Histograms';
- [win_dw2dhist,pos_win,win_units,str_numwin,...
- frame0,pos_frame0,Pos_Graphic_Area,pus_close] = ...
- wfigmngr('create',win_name,'','ExtFig_HistStat',mfilename,0);
- out1 = win_dw2dhist;
- % Begin waiting.
- %---------------
- set(wfindobj('figure'),'Pointer','watch');
- % Getting globals from dw2dtool figure memory block.
- %---------------------------------------------------
- [Img_Name,Img_Size,NB_ColorsInPal,Wav_Name,Lev_Anal] = ...
- wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_param_anal, ...
- ind_img_name, ...
- ind_img_size, ...
- ind_nbcolors, ...
- ind_wav_name, ...
- ind_lev_anal ...
- );
- [Wav_Fam,Wav_Num] = wavemngr('fam_num',Wav_Name);
- % General parameters initialization.
- %-----------------------------------
- dx = X_Spacing; dx2 = 2*dx;
- dy = Y_Spacing; dy2 = 2*dy;
- d_txt = (Def_Btn_Height-Def_Txt_Height);
- x_frame0 = pos_frame0(1);
- cmd_width = pos_frame0(3);
- push_width = (cmd_width-4*dx)/2;
- txt_width = Def_Btn_Width;
- pop_width = Pop_Min_Width;
- nb_inline = 3;
- default_bins = 50;
- % Position property of objects.
- %------------------------------
- [chk_heigth,dy1_chk,dy_chk] = depOfMachine(Def_Btn_Height);
- deltay = min(dy2,dy1_chk);
- xlocINI = [x_frame0 cmd_width];
- ybottomINI = pos_win(4)-3.5*Def_Btn_Height-dy2;
- y_low = ybottomINI-2*Def_Btn_Height;
- wx = 7*push_width/4;
- px = x_frame0+(cmd_width-7*push_width/4)/2;
- pos_orig_sig = [px , y_low , wx , chk_heigth];
- y_low = y_low-chk_heigth-dy1_chk;
- pos_synt_sig = [px , y_low , wx , chk_heigth];
- y_low = y_low-chk_heigth-dy1_chk;
- pos_app_sig = [px , y_low , wx , chk_heigth];
- y_low = y_low-chk_heigth-dy1_chk;
- pos_det_sig = [px , y_low , wx , chk_heigth];
- wx = 3*push_width/2;
- px = x_frame0+(cmd_width-wx)/2;
- y_low = y_low-3*Def_Btn_Height/2;
- pos_app_txt = [px, y_low, wx, Def_Btn_Height];
- nb = nb_inline+1;
- x_left = x_frame0+(cmd_width-nb*txt_width/2)/(nb+1);
- y_low = y_low-Def_Btn_Height-deltay;
- pos_app_all = [x_left, y_low, txt_width/2, Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = y_low-3*Def_Btn_Height/2;
- pos_app_none = [x_left, y_low, txt_width/2, Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = pos_app_txt(2)-4*Def_Btn_Height;
- pos_det_txt = [px, y_low, wx, Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = pos_det_txt(2)-4*Def_Btn_Height;
- pos_detdir_val = [px, y_low, wx, Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = pos_detdir_val(2)-3*Def_Btn_Height/2;
- pos_det_all = [x_left, y_low, txt_width/2, Def_Btn_Height];
- y_low = y_low-3*Def_Btn_Height/2;
- pos_det_none = [x_left, y_low, txt_width/2, Def_Btn_Height];
- px = x_frame0+(cmd_width-3*pop_width)/2;
- y_low = pos_det_txt(2)-4*Def_Btn_Height;
- pos_bins_txt = [px, y_low+d_txt/2, 2*pop_width, Def_Txt_Height];
- px = pos_bins_txt(1)+pos_bins_txt(3)+dx;
- pos_bins_data = [px, y_low, pop_width, Def_Btn_Height];
- px = x_frame0+(cmd_width-3*push_width/2)/2;
- y_low = y_low-3*Def_Btn_Height;
- pos_show_hist = [px, y_low, 3*push_width/2, 2*Def_Btn_Height];
- % String property of objects.
- %----------------------------
- s_i = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_param_anal,ind_simg_type);
- if s_i=='ss', str_ss = 'Synthesized image';
- elseif s_i=='ds', str_ss = 'De_noised image';
- elseif s_i=='cs', str_ss = 'Compressed image';
- end
- str_synt_sig = str_ss;
- str_orig_sig = 'Original image';
- str_app_sig = 'Approximations';
- str_det_sig = 'Details';
- str_app_txt = 'Approximation levels';
- str_appdet_all = 'All';
- str_appdet_none = 'None';
- str_det_txt = 'Detail levels';
- str_detdir_val = [ 'Horizontal' ; 'Diagonal ' ; 'Vertical '];
- str_bins_txt = 'Number of bins';
- str_bins_data = sprintf('%.0f',default_bins);
- str_show_hist = 'Show histograms';
- % Command part construction of the window.
- %-----------------------------------------
- utanapar('create_copy',win_dw2dhist, ...
- {'xloc',xlocINI,'bottom',ybottomINI},...
- {'n_s',{Img_Name,Img_Size},'wav',Wav_Name,'lev',Lev_Anal} ...
- );
- chk_orig_sig = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Checkbox',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_orig_sig,...
- 'String',str_orig_sig,...
- 'Enable','off',...
- 'UserData',0,...
- 'Tag',tag_orig_sig...
- );
- chk_synt_sig = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Checkbox',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_synt_sig,...
- 'String',str_synt_sig,...
- 'Enable','off',...
- 'UserData',0,...
- 'Tag',tag_synt_sig...
- );
- chk_app_sig = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Checkbox',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_app_sig,...
- 'String',str_app_sig,...
- 'Enable','off',...
- 'UserData',0,...
- 'Tag',tag_app_sig...
- );
- chk_det_sig = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Checkbox',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_det_sig,...
- 'String',str_det_sig,...
- 'Enable','off',...
- 'UserData',0,...
- 'Tag',tag_det_sig...
- );
- % Approximations checkboxes construction.
- txt_app_txt = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Text',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_app_txt,...
- 'String',str_app_txt,...
- 'Backgroundcolor',Def_FraBkColor,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_app_txt...
- );
- pus_app_all = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','PushButton',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_app_all,...
- 'String',xlate(str_appdet_all),...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_app_all...
- );
- pus_app_none = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','PushButton',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_app_none,...
- 'String',xlate(str_appdet_none),...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_app_none...
- );
- wx = (cmd_width-nb*txt_width/2)/(nb+1);
- xbtchk0 = x_frame0+txt_width/2+2*wx;
- ybtchk0 = pos_app_txt(2)-Def_Btn_Height-deltay;
- xbtchk = xbtchk0;
- ybtchk = ybtchk0;
- Chk_App_Lst = zeros(Lev_Anal,1);
- for i=1:Lev_Anal
- pos_app_i = [xbtchk ybtchk txt_width/2 Def_Btn_Height];
- str_app_i = sprintf('%.0f',i);
- tag_app_i = ['App' sprintf('%.0f',i)];
- chk_app_i = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Checkbox',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_app_i,...
- 'String',str_app_i,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_app_i...
- );
- Chk_App_Lst(i) = chk_app_i;
- if rem(i,nb_inline)==0
- xbtchk = xbtchk0;
- ybtchk = ybtchk-Def_Btn_Height-dy_chk;
- else
- xbtchk = xbtchk+txt_width/2+wx;
- end
- end
- % Details checkboxes construction.
- txt_det_txt = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Text',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_det_txt,...
- 'String',str_det_txt,...
- 'Backgroundcolor',Def_FraBkColor,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_det_txt...
- );
- pop_detdir_val = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Popup',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_detdir_val,...
- 'String',str_detdir_val,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_detdir_val...
- );
- pus_det_all = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','PushButton',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_det_all,...
- 'String',xlate(str_appdet_all),...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_det_all...
- );
- pus_det_none = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','PushButton',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_det_none,...
- 'String',xlate(str_appdet_none),...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_det_none...
- );
- ybtchk0 = pos_det_txt(2)-Def_Btn_Height-dy_chk;
- xbtchk = xbtchk0;
- ybtchk = ybtchk0;
- Chk_Det_Lst = zeros(Lev_Anal,1);
- for i=1:Lev_Anal
- pos_det_i = [xbtchk ybtchk txt_width/2 Def_Btn_Height];
- str_det_i = sprintf('%.0f',i);
- tag_det_i = ['Det' sprintf('%.0f',i)];
- chk_det_i = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Checkbox',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_det_i,...
- 'String',str_det_i,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_det_i...
- );
- Chk_Det_Lst(i) = chk_det_i;
- if rem(i,nb_inline)==0
- xbtchk = xbtchk0;
- ybtchk = ybtchk-Def_Btn_Height-dy_chk;
- else
- xbtchk = xbtchk+txt_width/2+wx;
- end
- end
- txt_bins_txt = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Text',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_bins_txt,...
- 'String',str_bins_txt,...
- 'Backgroundcolor',Def_FraBkColor,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_bins_txt...
- );
- edi_bins_data = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Edit',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_bins_data,...
- 'String',str_bins_data,...
- 'Backgroundcolor',Def_EdiBkColor,...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Tag',tag_bins_data...
- );
- pus_show_hist = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','Pushbutton',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_show_hist,...
- 'String',xlate(str_show_hist),...
- 'Interruptible','On',...
- 'Visible','off',...
- 'Userdata',[],...
- 'Tag',tag_show_hist...
- );
- drawnow
- % Sets of handles.
- %-----------------
- set1_hdls = [txt_app_txt
- pus_app_all
- pus_app_none
- Chk_App_Lst];
- set2_hdls = [txt_det_txt
- pop_detdir_val
- pus_det_all
- pus_det_none
- Chk_Det_Lst];
- set3_hdls = [txt_bins_txt
- edi_bins_data
- pus_show_hist
- pus_close];
- % Selected box limits.
- %---------------------
- Axe_Ref = findobj(get(win_dw2dtool,'Children'),'flat', ...
- 'type','axes','Tag','Axe_ImgIni');
- [xlim_selbox ylim_selbox]= mngmbtn('getbox',win_dw2dtool);
- if ~isempty(xlim_selbox)
- xlim_selbox = [min(xlim_selbox) max(xlim_selbox)];
- else
- xlim_selbox = get(Axe_Ref,'XLim');
- end
- if ~isempty(ylim_selbox)
- ylim_selbox = [min(ylim_selbox) max(ylim_selbox)];
- else
- ylim_selbox = get(Axe_Ref,'YLim');
- end
- xlim_selbox = round(xlim_selbox);
- ylim_selbox = round(ylim_selbox);
- xlim1 = xlim_selbox(1);
- xlim2 = xlim_selbox(2);
- ylim1 = ylim_selbox(1);
- ylim2 = ylim_selbox(2);
- if xlim1<1, xlim1 = 1; end
- if xlim2>Img_Size(1), xlim2 = Img_Size(1); end
- if (xlim2<1) | (xlim1>Img_Size(1)), return, end
- if ylim1<1, ylim1 = 1; end
- if ylim2>Img_Size(2), ylim2 = Img_Size(2); end
- if (ylim2<1) | (ylim1>Img_Size(2)), return, end
- selbox = [xlim1 xlim2 ylim1 ylim2];
- % Callbacks update.
- %------------------
- str_set1_hdls = num2mstr(set1_hdls);
- str_set2_hdls = num2mstr(set2_hdls);
- str_set3_hdls = num2mstr(set3_hdls);
- str_group_hdls = num2mstr([set1_hdls;set2_hdls;set3_hdls]);
- str_chk_orig_sig = num2mstr(chk_orig_sig);
- str_chk_synt_sig = num2mstr(chk_synt_sig);
- str_chk_app_sig = num2mstr(chk_app_sig);
- str_chk_det_sig = num2mstr(chk_det_sig);
- str_Chk_App_Lst = num2mstr(Chk_App_Lst);
- str_Chk_Det_Lst = num2mstr(Chk_Det_Lst);
- str_edi_bins_data = num2mstr(edi_bins_data);
- str_selbox = num2mstr(selbox);
- tmp_txt = [str_set1_hdls ',' ...
- str_set2_hdls ',' ...
- str_set3_hdls ',' ...
- str_group_hdls];
- cba_orig_sig = [mfilename '(''select'',' ...
- str_numwin ',' ...
- str_chk_orig_sig ',' ...
- tmp_txt ...
- ');'];
- cba_synt_sig = [mfilename '(''select'',' ...
- str_numwin ',' ...
- str_chk_synt_sig ',' ...
- tmp_txt ...
- ');'];
- cba_app_sig = [mfilename '(''select'',' ...
- str_numwin ',' ...
- str_chk_app_sig ',' ...
- tmp_txt ...
- ');'];
- cba_det_sig = [mfilename '(''select'',' ...
- str_numwin ',' ...
- str_chk_det_sig ',' ...
- tmp_txt ...
- ');'];
- cba_bins_data = [mfilename '(''update_bins'',' ...
- str_numwin ',' ...
- str_edi_bins_data ...
- ');'];
- cba_app_all = ['set(' str_Chk_App_Lst ',''Value'',1);'];
- cba_app_none = ['set(' str_Chk_App_Lst ',''Value'',0);'];
- cba_det_all = ['set(' str_Chk_Det_Lst ',''Value'',1);'];
- cba_det_none = ['set(' str_Chk_Det_Lst ',''Value'',0);'];
- cba_show_hist = ['dw2dhist(''draw'',' ...
- str_numwin ',' ...
- str_win_dw2dtool ',' ...
- str_selbox ',' ...
- str_Chk_App_Lst ',' ...
- str_Chk_Det_Lst ');'];
- set(chk_orig_sig,'Callback',cba_orig_sig);
- set(chk_synt_sig,'Callback',cba_synt_sig);
- set(chk_app_sig,'Callback',cba_app_sig);
- set(chk_det_sig,'Callback',cba_det_sig);
- set(pus_app_all,'Callback',cba_app_all);
- set(pus_app_none,'Callback',cba_app_none);
- set(pus_det_all,'Callback',cba_det_all);
- set(pus_det_none,'Callback',cba_det_none);
- set(edi_bins_data,'Callback',cba_bins_data);
- set(pus_show_hist,'Callback',cba_show_hist);
- % Displaying the window title.
- %-----------------------------
- str_nb_val = [' (' sprintf('%.0f',Img_Size(1)) ' x ' sprintf('%.0f',Img_Size(2)) ')'];
- str_wintitle = [Img_Name,str_nb_val,' analyzed at level ',...
- sprintf('%.0f',Lev_Anal),' with ',Wav_Name];
- str_wintitle = [str_wintitle ' ---> X = ' ,...
- sprintf('%.0f',selbox(1)) ' : ' ...
- sprintf('%.0f',selbox(2)) ' Y = ' ...
- sprintf('%.0f',selbox(3)) ' : ' ...
- sprintf('%.0f',selbox(4))];
- wfigtitl('string',win_dw2dhist,str_wintitle,'off');
- % Setting units to normalized.
- %-----------------------------
- wfigmngr('normalize',win_dw2dhist);
- % Initialization with signal histogram (31/08/2000).
- %---------------------------------------------------
- set(chk_orig_sig,'Value',1);
- group_hdls = [set1_hdls;set2_hdls;set3_hdls;];
- dw2dhist('select',win_dw2dhist,chk_orig_sig,...
- set1_hdls,set2_hdls,set3_hdls,group_hdls);
- dw2dhist('draw',win_dw2dhist,win_dw2dtool,selbox,Chk_App_Lst,Chk_Det_Lst);
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- set(wfindobj('figure'),'Pointer','arrow');
- set([chk_orig_sig chk_synt_sig chk_app_sig chk_det_sig],'Enable','on');
- case 'select'
- %***********************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'select' - SIGNAL TYPE SELECTION **%
- %***********************************************%
- sel_chk_btn = in3;
- set1_hdls = in4;
- set2_hdls = in5;
- set3_hdls = in6;
- group_hdls = in7;
- group_hdls = group_hdls(1:end-1);
- % Get Globals.
- %-------------
- [Def_Btn_Height,Y_Spacing] = ...
- mextglob('get','Def_Btn_Height','Y_Spacing');
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- child = get(win_dw2dhist,'Children');
- axe_handles = findobj(child,'flat','type','axes');
- uic_handles = findobj(child,'flat','type','uicontrol');
- chk_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'flat','Style','checkbox');
- txt_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'flat','Style','text');
- fra_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'flat','Style','frame');
- chk_orig_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_orig_sig);
- chk_synt_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_synt_sig);
- chk_app_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_app_sig);
- chk_det_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_det_sig);
- hdl1 = findobj(fra_handles,'Tag',tag_fra_sep);
- hdl2 = findobj(txt_handles,'Tag',tag_status_line);
- hdl3 = axe_handles;
- % Cleaning the graphical part.
- %-----------------------------
- delete([hdl1; hdl2; hdl3]);
- % Get the current selection.
- %---------------------------
- orig_sig = (get(chk_orig_sig,'Userdata')~=0);
- synt_sig = (get(chk_synt_sig,'Userdata')~=0);
- app_sig = (get(chk_app_sig,'Userdata')~=0);
- det_sig = (get(chk_det_sig,'Userdata')~=0);
- % Get to the current positions.
- %------------------------------
- pos_det_sig = get(chk_det_sig,'Position');
- pos_app_txt = get(set1_hdls(1),'Position');
- pos_app_all = get(set1_hdls(2),'Position');
- pos_app_none = get(set1_hdls(3),'Position');
- pos_det_txt = get(set2_hdls(1),'Position');
- pos_detdir_val = get(set2_hdls(2),'Position');
- pos_det_all = get(set2_hdls(3),'Position');
- pos_det_none = get(set2_hdls(4),'Position');
- pos_bins_txt = get(set3_hdls(1),'Position');
- pos_bins_data = get(set3_hdls(2),'Position');
- pos_show_hist = get(set3_hdls(3),'Position');
- pos_close = get(set3_hdls(4),'Position');
- % Redefine heigth of buttons depending on levels.
- %------------------------------------------------
- levels = length(set1_hdls)-3;
- nb_inline = 3;
- hbtn1 = pos_bins_data(4);
- [nul,ypixl] = wfigutil('prop_size',win_dw2dhist,0,1);
- deltay = min(2*Y_Spacing,0.25*Def_Btn_Height)*ypixl;
- % Redraw the command part depending on the current selection.
- %------------------------------------------------------------
- if sel_chk_btn==chk_orig_sig
- if orig_sig
- set(chk_orig_sig,'Value',0,'Userdata',0)
- if ~(synt_sig | app_sig | det_sig)
- set(group_hdls,'Visible','off');
- end
- else
- set(chk_orig_sig,'Value',1,'Userdata',1)
- if ~(synt_sig | app_sig | det_sig)
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-2*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set(set3_hdls,'Visible','on');
- end
- end
- elseif sel_chk_btn==chk_synt_sig
- if synt_sig
- set(chk_synt_sig,'Value',0,'Userdata',0)
- if ~(orig_sig | app_sig | det_sig)
- set(group_hdls,'Visible','off');
- end
- else
- set(chk_synt_sig,'Value',1,'Userdata',1)
- if ~(orig_sig | app_sig | det_sig)
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-2*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set(set3_hdls,'Visible','on');
- end
- end
- elseif sel_chk_btn==chk_app_sig
- set(group_hdls,'Visible','off');
- if app_sig
- set(chk_app_sig,'Value',0,'Userdata',0)
- if (orig_sig | synt_sig) & ~det_sig
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-2*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set(set3_hdls,'Visible','on');
- elseif det_sig
- pos_det_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_detdir_val(2) = pos_det_txt(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_det_all(2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_det_none(2) = pos_det_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set2_hdls(1),'Position',pos_det_txt);
- set(set2_hdls(2),'Position',pos_detdir_val);
- set(set2_hdls(3),'Position',pos_det_all);
- set(set2_hdls(4),'Position',pos_det_none);
- pos_chk_det = zeros(levels,4);
- for i=1:levels
- j=i+4;
- k = ceil(i/nb_inline);
- pos_chk_det(j,:) = get(set2_hdls(j),'Position');
- pos_chk_det(j,2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-k*(3*hbtn1/2);
- set(set2_hdls(j),'Position',pos_chk_det(j,:));
- end
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_txt(2)-6*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- yl = pos_close(2)+pos_close(4);
- dy = pos_bins_data(2)-yl-pos_show_hist(4);
- pos_show_hist(2)= yl+dy/2;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set([set2_hdls;set3_hdls],'Visible','on');
- end
- else
- set(chk_app_sig,'Value',1,'Userdata',1)
- if det_sig
- pos_app_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_app_all(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_app_none(2) = pos_app_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set1_hdls(1),'Position',pos_app_txt);
- set(set1_hdls(2),'Position',pos_app_all);
- set(set1_hdls(3),'Position',pos_app_none);
- pos_det_txt(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-4.5*hbtn1;
- pos_detdir_val(2)= pos_det_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_det_all(2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_det_none(2) = pos_det_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set2_hdls(1),'Position',pos_det_txt);
- set(set2_hdls(2),'Position',pos_detdir_val);
- set(set2_hdls(3),'Position',pos_det_all);
- set(set2_hdls(4),'Position',pos_det_none);
- pos_chk_det = zeros(levels,4);
- for i=1:levels
- j=i+4;
- k = ceil(i/nb_inline);
- pos_chk_det(j,:) = get(set2_hdls(j),'Position');
- pos_chk_det(j,2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-k*1.5*hbtn1;
- set(set2_hdls(j),'Position',pos_chk_det(j,:));
- end
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_txt(2)-6*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- yl = pos_close(2)+pos_close(4);
- dy = pos_bins_data(2)-yl-pos_show_hist(4);
- pos_show_hist(2)= yl+dy/2;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set([set1_hdls;set2_hdls;set3_hdls],'Visible','on');
- else
- pos_app_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_app_all(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_app_none(2) = pos_app_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set1_hdls(1),'Position',pos_app_txt);
- set(set1_hdls(2),'Position',pos_app_all);
- set(set1_hdls(3),'Position',pos_app_none);
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-5*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set([set1_hdls;set3_hdls],'Visible','on');
- end
- end
- elseif sel_chk_btn==chk_det_sig
- set(group_hdls,'Visible','off');
- if det_sig
- set(chk_det_sig,'Value',0,'Userdata',0)
- if (orig_sig | synt_sig) & ~app_sig
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-2*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set(set3_hdls,'Visible','on');
- elseif app_sig
- pos_app_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_app_all(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_app_none(2) = pos_app_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set1_hdls(1),'Position',pos_app_txt);
- set(set1_hdls(2),'Position',pos_app_all);
- set(set1_hdls(3),'Position',pos_app_none);
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-5*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set([set1_hdls;set3_hdls],'Visible','on');
- end
- else
- set(chk_det_sig,'Value',1,'Userdata',1)
- if app_sig
- pos_app_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_app_all(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_app_none(2) = pos_app_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set1_hdls(1),'Position',pos_app_txt);
- set(set1_hdls(2),'Position',pos_app_all);
- set(set1_hdls(3),'Position',pos_app_none);
- pos_det_txt(2) = pos_app_txt(2)-4.5*hbtn1;
- pos_detdir_val(2)= pos_det_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_det_all(2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_det_none(2) = pos_det_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set2_hdls(1),'Position',pos_det_txt);
- set(set2_hdls(2),'Position',pos_detdir_val);
- set(set2_hdls(3),'Position',pos_det_all);
- set(set2_hdls(4),'Position',pos_det_none);
- pos_chk_det = zeros(levels,4);
- for i=1:levels
- j=i+4;
- k=ceil(i/nb_inline);
- pos_chk_det(j,:) = get(set2_hdls(j),'Position');
- pos_chk_det(j,2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-k*(3*hbtn1/2);
- set(set2_hdls(j),'Position',pos_chk_det(j,:));
- end
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_txt(2)-6*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- yl = pos_close(2)+pos_close(4);
- dy = pos_bins_data(2)-yl-pos_show_hist(4);
- pos_show_hist(2)= yl+dy/2;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set([set1_hdls;set2_hdls;set3_hdls],'Visible','on');
- else
- pos_det_txt(2) = pos_det_sig(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_detdir_val(2) = pos_det_txt(2)-hbtn1-deltay;
- pos_det_all(2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- pos_det_none(2) = pos_det_all(2)-3*hbtn1/2;
- set(set2_hdls(1),'Position',pos_det_txt);
- set(set2_hdls(2),'Position',pos_detdir_val);
- set(set2_hdls(3),'Position',pos_det_all);
- set(set2_hdls(4),'Position',pos_det_none);
- pos_chk_det = zeros(levels,4);
- for i=1:levels
- j=i+4;
- k=ceil(i/nb_inline);
- pos_chk_det(j,:) = get(set2_hdls(j),'Position');
- pos_chk_det(j,2) = pos_detdir_val(2)-k*(3*hbtn1/2);
- set(set2_hdls(j),'Position',pos_chk_det(j,:));
- end
- pos_bins_txt(2) = pos_det_txt(2)-6*hbtn1;
- pos_bins_data(2)= pos_bins_txt(2);
- pos_show_hist(2)= pos_bins_data(2)-3*hbtn1;
- set(set3_hdls(1),'Position',pos_bins_txt);
- set(set3_hdls(2),'Position',pos_bins_data);
- set(set3_hdls(3),'Position',pos_show_hist);
- set([set2_hdls;set3_hdls],'Visible','on');
- end
- end
- end
- case 'draw'
- %*********************************%
- %** OPTION = 'draw' - DRAW AXES **%
- %*********************************%
- win_dw2dtool = in3;
- selbox = in4;
- Chk_App_Lst = in5;
- Chk_Det_Lst = in6;
- % Get Globals.
- %-------------
- [Def_Btn_Height,Def_TxtBkColor,Def_FraBkColor] = ...
- mextglob('get','Def_Btn_Height','Def_TxtBkColor','Def_FraBkColor');
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- child = get(win_dw2dhist,'Children');
- uic_handles = findobj(child,'flat','type','uicontrol');
- chk_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','checkbox');
- pop_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','popupmenu');
- pus_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','pushbutton');
- edi_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','edit');
- pus_show_hist = findobj(pus_handles,'Tag',tag_show_hist);
- chk_orig_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_orig_sig);
- chk_synt_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_synt_sig);
- chk_app_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_app_sig);
- chk_det_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_det_sig);
- pop_detdir_val = findobj(pop_handles,'Tag',tag_detdir_val);
- edi_bins_data = findobj(edi_handles,'Tag',tag_bins_data);
- % Handles of tagged objects continuing.
- %-------------------------------------
- txt_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','text');
- fra_handles = findobj(uic_handles,'Style','frame');
- axe_handles = findobj(child,'flat','type','axes');
- hdl1 = findobj(fra_handles,'Tag',tag_fra_sep);
- hdl2 = findobj(txt_handles,'Tag',tag_status_line);
- hdl3 = axe_handles;
- hdl_frame0 = findobj(fra_handles,'Tag',tag_cmd_frame);
- % Check the bins number.
- %-----------------------
- default_bins = 50;
- old_params = get(pus_show_hist,'Userdata');
- if ~isempty(old_params) , default_bins = old_params(1); end
- nb_bins = wstr2num(get(edi_bins_data,'String'));
- if isempty(nb_bins) | nb_bins<2
- nb_bins = default_bins;
- set(edi_bins_data,'String',sprintf('%.0f',default_bins))
- end
- % Main parameters selection before drawing.
- %------------------------------------------
- orig_sig = (get(chk_orig_sig,'Value')~=0);
- synt_sig = (get(chk_synt_sig,'Value')~=0);
- app_sig = (get(chk_app_sig,'Value')~=0);
- det_sig = (get(chk_det_sig,'Value')~=0);
- % Getting memory blocks.
- %-----------------------
- [Img_Name,Wav_Name,Lev_Anal] = ...
- wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_param_anal, ...
- ind_img_name, ...
- ind_wav_name, ...
- ind_lev_anal ...
- );
- % Actives apps and dets lists construction.
- %------------------------------------------
- if app_sig
- tmp = get(Chk_App_Lst(1:Lev_Anal),'Value');
- if ~iscell(tmp) , tmp = {tmp}; end
- app_lst = find(cat(2,tmp{:})~=0);
- else
- app_lst = [];
- end
- if det_sig
- tmp = get(Chk_Det_Lst(1:Lev_Anal),'Value');
- if ~iscell(tmp) , tmp = {tmp}; end
- det_lst = find(cat(2,tmp{:})~=0);
- else
- det_lst = [];
- end
- % Direction value for details.
- %-----------------------------
- dir_str = get(pop_detdir_val,'String');
- dir_val = get(pop_detdir_val,'Value');
- dir = lower(dir_str(dir_val,1));
- new_params = [nb_bins orig_sig synt_sig app_sig ...
- det_sig abs(dir) app_lst det_lst ...
- ];
- if ~isempty(axe_handles) & isequal(new_params,old_params)
- return;
- end
- % Deseable new selection.
- %-------------------------
- set([chk_handles;pop_handles;pus_handles;edi_bins_data],'Enable','off');
- % Updating parameters.
- %---------------------
- set(pus_show_hist,'Userdata',new_params);
- % Show the status line.
- %----------------------
- wfigtitl('vis',win_dw2dhist,'on');
- % Waiting message.
- %-----------------
- wwaiting('msg',win_dw2dhist,'Wait ... computing');
- % Cleaning the graphical part.
- %-----------------------------
- delete([hdl1; hdl2; hdl3]);
- drawnow;
- % Getting memory blocks.
- %-----------------------
- coefs = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_coefs,1);
- sizes = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_sizes,1);
- % Sort and get length of apps. and dets. lists.
- %----------------------------------------------
- app_lst = sort(app_lst);
- app_lst_len = length(app_lst);
- det_lst = sort(det_lst);
- det_lst_len = length(det_lst);
- % General graphical parameters initialization.
- %--------------------------------------------
- win_units = get(win_dw2dtool,'Units');
- if ~strcmp(win_units,'pixels')
- [nul,btn_height] = wfigutil('prop_size',win_dw2dhist,1,Def_Btn_Height);
- end
- pos_win = get(win_dw2dtool,'Position');
- bdx = 0.1*pos_win(3);
- bdy = 0.05*pos_win(4);
- ecy = 0.03*pos_win(4);
- pos_graph = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_miscella,...
- ind_graph_area);
- h_graph = pos_graph(4);
- w_graph = pos_graph(3);
- pos_graph(2) = pos_graph(2)-btn_height;
- fontsize = wmachdep('fontsize','normal',9,app_lst_len);
- % Axes construction.
- %-------------------
- n_axeleft = app_lst_len;
- n_axeright = det_lst_len;
- if orig_sig, n_axeleft = n_axeleft+1; end
- if synt_sig, n_axeleft = n_axeleft+1; end
- if n_axeleft*n_axeright~=0
- w_left = (w_graph-3*bdx)/2;
- x_left = pos_graph(1)+bdx;
- w_right = w_left;
- x_right = x_left+w_left+bdx+bdx/5;
- w_fra = 0.01*pos_win(3);
- x_fra = pos_graph(1)+(w_graph-w_fra)/2;
- y_fra = btn_height;
- h_fra = 1-2*btn_height;
- elseif n_axeleft~=0
- w_left = w_graph-2*bdx;
- x_left = pos_graph(1)+bdx;
- elseif n_axeright~=0
- w_right = w_graph-2*bdx;
- x_right = pos_graph(1)+bdx;
- end
- if ~isequal(get(0,'CurrentFigure'),win_dw2dhist)
- figure(win_dw2dhist);
- end
- % Building axes on the left part.
- %--------------------------------
- if n_axeleft~=0
- h_left = (pos_graph(4)-2*bdy-(n_axeleft-1)*ecy)/n_axeleft;
- y_left = pos_graph(2)+bdy;
- axe_left = zeros(1,n_axeleft);
- pos_left = [x_left y_left w_left h_left];
- for k = 1:n_axeleft
- axe_left(k) = axes(...
- 'Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_left,...
- 'Drawmode','fast',...
- 'Box','On'...
- );
- pos_left(2) = pos_left(2)+pos_left(4)+ecy;
- end
- end
- % Building axes on the right part.
- %---------------------------------
- if n_axeright~=0
- h_right = (pos_graph(4)-2*bdy-(n_axeright-1)*ecy)/n_axeright;
- y_right = pos_graph(2)+bdy;
- axe_right = zeros(1,n_axeright);
- pos_right = [x_right y_right w_right h_right];
- for k = 1:n_axeright
- axe_right(k) = axes(...
- 'Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Position',pos_right,...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',pos_right,...
- 'Drawmode','fast',...
- 'Box','On'...
- );
- pos_right(2) = pos_right(2)+pos_right(4)+ecy;
- end
- end
- ind_left = n_axeleft;
- ind_right = n_axeright;
- % Displaying the image histogram.
- %---------------------------------
- if orig_sig
- curr_img = get(dw2drwcd('r_orig',win_dw2dtool),'Cdata');
- curr_img = curr_img(selbox(3):selbox(4),selbox(1):selbox(2));
- curr_img = curr_img(:);
- curr_color = wtbutils('colors','sig');
- axes(axe_left(ind_left));
- his = wgethist(curr_img,nb_bins);
- his(2,:) = his(2,:)/length(curr_img);
- wplothis(axe_left(ind_left),his,curr_color);
- set(axe_left(ind_left),'Tag','s','Userdata',curr_img);
- h = txtinaxe('create','s',axe_left(ind_left),'left',...
- 'on','bold',fontsize);
- set(h,'Units',win_units);
- ind_left = ind_left-1;
- end
- % Displaying the synthesized image histogram.
- %---------------------------------------------
- if synt_sig
- curr_img = get(dw2drwcd('r_synt',win_dw2dtool),'Cdata');
- curr_img = curr_img(selbox(3):selbox(4),selbox(1):selbox(2));
- curr_img = curr_img(:);
- curr_color = wtbutils('colors','ssig');
- axes(axe_left(ind_left));
- his = wgethist(curr_img,nb_bins);
- his(2,:) = his(2,:)/length(curr_img);
- wplothis(axe_left(ind_left),his,curr_color);
- set(axe_left(ind_left),'Tag','ss');
- set(axe_left(ind_left),'Userdata',curr_img);
- s_i = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw2dtool,n_param_anal,ind_simg_type);
- if s_i=='ss', str_ss = 'ss';
- elseif s_i=='ds', str_ss = 'ds';
- elseif s_i=='cs', str_ss = 'cs';
- end
- h = txtinaxe('create',str_ss,axe_left(ind_left),'left',...
- 'on','bold',fontsize);
- set(h,'Units',win_units);
- ind_left = ind_left-1;
- end
- % Displaying the approximations histograms.
- %------------------------------------------
- col_app = wtbutils('colors','app',Lev_Anal);
- for k = app_lst_len:-1:1
- level = app_lst(k);
- ind_coef = 1;
- curr_img = appcoef2(coefs,sizes,Wav_Name,level);
- curr_selbox = ceil(selbox./2^level);
- if curr_selbox(2)-curr_selbox(1)<2 | ...
- curr_selbox(4)-curr_selbox(3)<2
- f = wwarndlg([' Not enough approximation ' ...
- 'coefficients remaining at level ' ...
- sprintf('%.0f',level)],...
- 'Wavelet 2-D -- Histograms','block');
- ind_coef = 0;
- else
- curr_img = curr_img(curr_selbox(3):curr_selbox(4),...
- curr_selbox(1):curr_selbox(2));
- end
- curr_img = curr_img(:);
- axes(axe_left(ind_left));
- if ind_coef
- curr_color = col_app(level,:);
- his = wgethist(curr_img,nb_bins);
- his(2,:) = his(2,:)/length(curr_img);
- wplothis(axe_left(ind_left),his,curr_color);
- set(axe_left(ind_left),'Userdata',curr_img);
- end
- set(axe_left(ind_left),'Tag',['a' sprintf('%.0f',level)]);
- h = txtinaxe('create',['a' wnsubstr(level)],...
- axe_left(ind_left),'left','on','bold',fontsize);
- set(h,'Units',win_units);
- ind_left = ind_left-1;
- end
- % Displaying the details histograms.
- %-----------------------------------
- col_det = wtbutils('colors','det',Lev_Anal);
- for k = det_lst_len:-1:1
- level = det_lst(k);
- ind_coef = 1;
- curr_img = detcoef2(dir,coefs,sizes,level);
- curr_selbox = ceil(selbox./2^level);
- if curr_selbox(2)-curr_selbox(1)<2 | ...
- curr_selbox(4)-curr_selbox(3)<2
- f = wwarndlg([' Not enough detail ' ...
- 'coefficients remaining at level ' ...
- sprintf('%.0f',level)],...
- 'Wavelet 2-D -- Histograms','block');
- ind_coef = 0;
- else
- curr_img = curr_img(curr_selbox(3):curr_selbox(4),...
- curr_selbox(1):curr_selbox(2));
- end
- curr_img = curr_img(:);
- axes(axe_right(ind_right));
- if ind_coef
- curr_color = col_det(level,:);
- his = wgethist(curr_img,nb_bins);
- his(2,:) = his(2,:)/length(curr_img);
- wplothis(axe_right(ind_right),his,curr_color);
- set(axe_right(ind_right),'Userdata',curr_img);
- end
- set(axe_right(ind_right),'Tag',['d' sprintf('%.0f',level)]);
- h = txtinaxe('create',['d' wnsubstr(level)],...
- axe_right(ind_right),'right','on','bold',fontsize);
- set(h,'Units',win_units);
- ind_right = ind_right-1;
- end
- % Vertical separation.
- %---------------------
- if n_axeleft*n_axeright~=0
- uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','frame',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',[x_fra,y_fra,w_fra,h_fra],...
- 'Visible','On',...
- 'Backgroundcolor',Def_FraBkColor,...
- 'Tag',tag_fra_sep...
- );
- end
- % Signals type for the status line display.
- %------------------------------------------
- str_sig_type = [];
- if orig_sig
- str_sig_type = [str_sig_type 'original image - '];
- end
- if synt_sig
- if s_i=='ss', str_ss = 'synthesized image';
- elseif s_i=='ds', str_ss = 'de_noised image';
- elseif s_i=='cs', str_ss = 'compressed image';
- end
- str_sig_type = [str_sig_type str_ss ' - '];
- end
- if (app_sig & ~isempty(app_lst)) | (det_sig & ~isempty(det_lst))
- str_dir = deblankl(dir_str(dir_val,:));
- if app_sig & ~isempty(app_lst) & det_sig & ~isempty(det_lst)
- str_sig_type = [str_sig_type ...
- 'approximations and ' ...
- str_dir ' details'];
- elseif (app_sig & ~isempty(app_lst)) & (~det_sig | isempty(det_lst))
- str_sig_type = [str_sig_type 'approximations'];
- elseif (~app_sig | isempty(app_lst)) & (det_sig & ~isempty(det_lst))
- str_sig_type = [str_sig_type str_dir ' details'];
- end
- str_sig_type = [str_sig_type ' coefficients'];
- end
- if ~orig_sig & ~synt_sig & ...
- (~app_sig | isempty(app_lst)) & ...
- (~det_sig | isempty(det_lst))
- str_sig_type = 'Nothing selected';
- end
- txt_sig_type = uicontrol('Parent',win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'Unit',win_units,...
- 'Position',[0,0,w_graph,btn_height],...
- 'Visible','On',...
- 'Backgroundcolor',Def_TxtBkColor,...
- 'String',str_sig_type,...
- 'Tag',tag_status_line...
- );
- % Setting units to normalized.
- %-----------------------------
- set(findobj(win_dw2dhist,'Units','pixels'),'Units','normalized');
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',win_dw2dhist);
- % Enable new selection.
- %-------------------------
- set([chk_handles;pop_handles;pus_handles;edi_bins_data],'Enable','on');
- case 'update_bins'
- %**************************************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'update_bins' - UPDATE HISTOGRAMS WITH NEW BINS **%
- %**************************************************************%
- edi_bins_data = in3;
- % Handles of tagged objects.
- %---------------------------
- pus_show_hist = findobj(win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','pushbutton',...
- 'Tag',tag_show_hist...
- );
- axes_hdls = findobj(get(win_dw2dhist,'Children'),'flat','type','axes');
- Sigtype_hdl = findobj(win_dw2dhist,'Style','text','Tag',tag_status_line);
- if isempty(axes_hdls) , return; end
- % Check the bins number.
- %-----------------------
- default_bins = 50;
- old_params = get(pus_show_hist,'Userdata');
- if ~isempty(old_params) , default_bins = old_params(1); end
- nb_bins = wstr2num(get(edi_bins_data,'String'));
- if isempty(nb_bins) | nb_bins<2
- nb_bins = default_bins;
- set(edi_bins_data,'String',sprintf('%.0f',default_bins))
- end
- if default_bins==nb_bins , return; end
- % Waiting message.
- %-----------------
- set(Sigtype_hdl,'Visible','off');
- wwaiting('msg',win_dw2dhist,'Wait ... computing');
- % Updating histograms.
- %---------------------
- old_params(1) = nb_bins;
- set(pus_show_hist,'Userdata',old_params);
- nb_axes = length(axes_hdls);
- fontsize = wmachdep('fontsize','normal',9,nb_axes);
- for i=1:nb_axes
- curr_axe = axes_hdls(i);
- curr_img = get(curr_axe,'Userdata');
- if ~isempty(curr_img)
- axes(curr_axe);
- curr_child = findobj(get(curr_axe,'Children'),'type','patch');
- axe_col = get(curr_child,'FaceColor');
- his = wgethist(curr_img,nb_bins);
- his(2,:) = his(2,:)/length(curr_img);
- wplothis(curr_axe,his,axe_col);
- curr_txt = get(curr_axe,'tag');
- switch curr_txt(1)
- case {'a','d'}
- curr_txt = [curr_txt(1), wnsubstr(curr_txt(2:end))];
- end
- if curr_txt(1)=='d'
- txtinaxe('create',curr_txt,curr_axe,'right',...
- 'on','bold',fontsize);
- else
- txtinaxe('create',curr_txt,curr_axe,'left',...
- 'on','bold',fontsize);
- end
- set(curr_axe,'Userdata',curr_img)
- end
- end
- % End waiting.
- %-------------
- wwaiting('off',win_dw2dhist);
- set(Sigtype_hdl,'Visible','on');
- case 'demo'
- %****************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'demo' - DEMOS or TESTS **%
- %****************************************%
- chk_handles = findobj(win_dw2dhist,'Style','checkbox');
- chk_orig_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_orig_sig);
- chk_synt_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_synt_sig);
- chk_app_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_app_sig);
- chk_det_sig = findobj(chk_handles,'Tag',tag_det_sig);
- pus_show_hist = findobj(win_dw2dhist,...
- 'Style','pushbutton',...
- 'Tag',tag_show_hist...
- );
- set(chk_handles,'Value',1);
- eval(get(chk_orig_sig,'Callback'));
- eval(get(chk_synt_sig,'Callback'));
- eval(get(chk_app_sig,'Callback'));
- eval(get(chk_det_sig,'Callback'));
- eval(get(pus_show_hist,'Callback'));
- case 'close'
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Option','msg');
- error('*');
- end
- %-------------------------------------------------
- function varargout = depOfMachine(varargin)
- Def_Btn_Height = varargin{1};
- scrSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- if scrSize(4)<700
- chk_heigth = Def_Btn_Height;
- else
- chk_heigth = 3*Def_Btn_Height/2;
- end
- dy1_chk = Def_Btn_Height/4;
- dy_chk = Def_Btn_Height/2;
- varargout = {chk_heigth,dy1_chk,dy_chk};
- %-------------------------------------------------