- function y = dyaddown(x,IN2,IN3)
- %DYADDOWN Dyadic downsampling.
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,EVENODD) where X is a vector, and returns
- % a version of X that has been downsampled by 2.
- % Whether Y contains the even- or odd-indexed samples
- % of X depends on the value of positive integer EVENODD:
- % If EVENODD is even, then Y(k) = X(2k).
- % If EVENODD is odd, then Y(k) = X(2k-1).
- %
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X) is equivalent to Y = DYADDOWN(X,0)
- %
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,EVENODD,'type') or
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,'type',EVENODD) where X is a matrix,
- % return a version of X obtained by suppressing columns
- % (or rows or both) if 'type' = 'c' (or 'r' or 'm'
- % respectively), according to the parameter EVENODD, which
- % is as above.
- %
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X) is equivalent to
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,0,'c').
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,'type') is equivalent to
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,0,'type').
- % Y = DYADDOWN(X,EVENODD) is equivalent to
- %
- % |1 2 3 4| |2 4|
- % Examples : X = |2 4 6 8| , DYADDOWN(X,'c') = |4 8|
- % |3 6 9 0| |6 0|
- %
- % |1 2 3 4| |1 3|
- % DYADDOWN(X,'r',1) = |3 6 9 0| , DYADDOWN(X,'m',1) = |3 9|
- %
- % See also DYADUP.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 14-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Check arguments.
- def_evenodd = 0;
- nbin = nargin-1;
- [r,c] = size(x);
- if min(r,c)<=1
- dim = 1;
- switch nbin
- case 1 , if ischar(IN2) , dim = 2; end
- case 2 , if ischar(IN2) | ischar(IN3) , dim = 2; end
- end
- else
- dim = 2;
- end
- if dim==1
- switch nbin
- case 0 , p = def_evenodd;
- case 1 , p = IN2;
- otherwise , error('Too many input arguments.');
- end
- y = x(2-rem(p,2):2:end);
- else
- switch nbin
- case 0
- o = 'c'; p = def_evenodd;
- case 1
- if ischar(IN2)
- p = def_evenodd; o = lower(IN2(1));
- else
- p = IN2; o = 'c';
- end
- otherwise
- if ischar(IN2)
- p = IN3; o = lower(IN2(1));
- else
- p = IN2; o = lower(IN3(1));
- end
- end
- first = 2-rem(p,2);
- switch o
- case 'c' , y = x(:,first:2:c);
- case 'r' , y = x(first:2:r,:);
- case 'm' , y = x(first:2:r,first:2:c);
- otherwise , error('Invalid argument value.');
- end
- end