- function varargout = swt2(x,n,varargin)
- %SWT2 Discrete stationary wavelet transform 2-D.
- % SWT2 performs a multilevel 2-D stationary wavelet analysis
- % using either a specific orthogonal wavelet ('wname' see
- % WFILTERS for more information) or specific orthogonal wavelet
- % decomposition filters.
- %
- % SWC = SWT2(X,N,'wname') or [A,H,V,D] = SWT2(X,N,'wname')
- % compute the stationary wavelet decomposition of the
- % matrix X at level N, using 'wname'.
- % N must be a strictly positive integer (see WMAXLEV for more
- % information). 2^N must divide size(X,1) and size(X,2).
- %
- % Outputs [A,H,V,D] are 3-D Arrays which contain the
- % coefficients: for 1 <= i <= N,
- % A(:,:,i) contains the coefficients of approximation
- % of level i.
- % H(:,:,i), V(:,:,i) and D(:,:,i) contain the coefficients
- % of details of level i, (Horiz., Vert., Diag.).
- % SWC = [H(:,:,1:N) ; V(:,:,1:N); D(:,:,1:N); A(:,:,N)].
- %
- % SWC = SWT2(X,N,Lo_D,Hi_D) or [A,H,V,D] = SWT2(X,N,Lo_D,Hi_D)
- % compute the stationary wavelet decomposition as above,
- % given these filters as input:
- % Lo_D is the decomposition low-pass filter and
- % Hi_D is the decomposition high-pass filter.
- % Lo_D and Hi_D must be the same length.
- %
- % See also DWT2, WAVEDEC2.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 02-Oct-95.
- % Last Revision: 14-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:41:48 $
- % Check arguments.
- nbIn = nargin;
- if nbIn < 3
- error('Not enough input arguments.');
- elseif nbIn > 4
- error('Too many input arguments.');
- end
- if errargt(mfilename,n,'int'), error('*'), end
- % Preserve initial size.
- s = size(x);
- pow = 2^n;
- if any(rem(s,pow))
- sOK = ceil(s/pow)*pow;
- oriStr = ['(' int2str(s(1)) ',' int2str(s(2)) ')'];
- sugStr = ['(' int2str(sOK(1)) ',' int2str(sOK(2)) ')'];
- msg = strvcat(...
- ['The level of decomposition ' int2str(n)],...
- ['and the size of the image ' oriStr],...
- 'are not compatible.',...
- ['Suggested size: ' sugStr],...
- '(see Image Extension Tool)', ...
- ' ', ...
- ['2^Level has to divide the size of the image.'] ...
- );
- errargt(mfilename,msg,'msg');
- varargout = {[] };
- return
- end
- % Compute decomposition filters.
- if ischar(varargin{1})
- [lo,hi] = wfilters(varargin{1},'d');
- else
- lo = varargin{1}; hi = varargin{2};
- end
- % Set DWT_Mode to 'per'.
- old_modeDWT = dwtmode('status','nodisp');
- modeDWT = 'per';
- dwtmode(modeDWT,'nodisp');
- % Compute stationary wavelet coefficients.
- evenoddVal = 0;
- evenLEN = 1;
- a = zeros(s(1),s(2),n);
- h = zeros(s(1),s(2),n);
- v = zeros(s(1),s(2),n);
- d = zeros(s(1),s(2),n);
- for k = 1:n
- % Extension.
- lf = length(lo);
- x = wextend('2D',modeDWT,x,[lf/2,lf/2]);
- % Decomposition.
- y = wconv2('row',x,lo);
- a(:,:,k) = wkeep2(wconv2('col',y,lo),s,[lf+1,lf+1]);
- h(:,:,k) = wkeep2(wconv2('col',y,hi),s,[lf+1,lf+1]);
- y = wconv2('row',x,hi);
- v(:,:,k) = wkeep2(wconv2('col',y,lo),s,[lf+1,lf+1]);
- d(:,:,k) = wkeep2(wconv2('col',y,hi),s,[lf+1,lf+1]);
- % upsample filters.
- lo = dyadup(lo,evenoddVal,evenLEN);
- hi = dyadup(hi,evenoddVal,evenLEN);
- % New value of x.
- x = a(:,:,k);
- end
- if nargout==4
- varargout = {a,h,v,d};
- elseif nargout==1
- varargout{1} = cat(3,h,v,d,a(:,:,n));
- end
- % Restore DWT_Mode.
- dwtmode(old_modeDWT,'nodisp');