- function [psi,X] = fbspwavf(LB,UB,N,IN4,IN5,IN6)
- %FBSPWAVF Complex Frequency B-Spline wavelet.
- % [PSI,X] = FBSPWAVF(LB,UB,N,M,FB,FC) returns values of
- % the complex Frequency B-Spline wavelet defined by
- % the order parameter M (M is an integer >=1),
- % a bandwidth parameter FB, and a wavelet center frequency FC.
- %
- % The function PSI is computed using the explicit expression:
- % PSI(X) = (FB^0.5)*((sinc(FB*X/M).^M).*exp(2*i*pi*FC*X))
- % on an N point regular grid for the interval [LB,UB].
- %
- % Output arguments are the wavelet function PSI
- % computed on the grid X.
- %
- % See also WAVEINFO.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 09-Jun-99.
- % Last Revision: 05-Jun-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:40:33 $
- % Check arguments.
- %-----------------
- m = 1;
- Fb = 1;
- Fc = 1;
- nbIn = nargin;
- switch nbIn
- case {0,1,2,3} , error('Not enough input arguments.');
- case 5 , error('Invalid number of input arguments.');
- case 6 , m = IN4; Fb = IN5; Fc = IN6;
- case 4
- if ischar(IN4)
- label = deblank(IN4);
- ind = strncmpi('fbsp',label,4);
- if isequal(ind,1)
- label([1:4]) = [];
- len = length(label);
- if len>0
- ind = findstr('-',label);
- if isempty(ind)
- m = []; % error
- else
- ind = ind(1);
- m = wstr2num(label(1:ind-1));
- label(1:ind) = [];
- ind = findstr('-',label);
- if isempty(ind)
- Fb = []; % error
- else
- Fb = wstr2num(label(1:ind-1));
- label(1:ind) = [];
- Fc = wstr2num(label);
- end
- end
- else
- Fc = []; % error
- end
- else
- Fc = []; % error
- end
- else
- Fc = []; % error
- end
- end
- err = isempty(m) || isempty(Fc) || isempty(Fb);
- if ~err
- err = ~isnumeric(Fc) || ~isnumeric(Fb) || (Fc<=0) || (Fb<=0);
- end
- if err
- error('Invalid Wavelet Number!')
- end
- % Compute values of the Complex Frequency B-Spline wavelet.
- X = linspace(LB,UB,N); % wavelet support.
- psi = (Fb^0.5)*((sinc(Fb*X/m).^m).*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*X));
- %-----------------------------------------------
- function y = sinc(x)
- %
- % | sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) if x ~= 0
- % y = sinc(x) = |
- % | 1 if x == 0
- y = ones(size(x));
- k = find(x);
- y(k) = sin(pi*x(k))./(pi*x(k));
- %-----------------------------------------------