- function [out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6,out7,out8] = ...
- dw1dmisc(option,win_dw1dtool,in3,in4,in5,in6,in7,in8)
- %DW1DMISC Discrete wavelet 1-D miscellaneous utilities.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 16-Jul-1999.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.14 $
- % Default Value(s).
- %------------------
- def_nbCodeOfColors = 128;
- % MemBloc1 of stored values.
- %---------------------------
- n_param_anal = 'DWAn1d_Par_Anal';
- ind_sig_name = 1;
- ind_sig_size = 2;
- ind_wav_name = 3;
- ind_lev_anal = 4;
- ind_axe_ref = 5;
- ind_act_option = 6;
- ind_ssig_type = 7;
- ind_thr_val = 8;
- nb1_stored = 8;
- % MemBloc2 of stored values.
- %---------------------------
- n_coefs_longs = 'Coefs_and_Longs';
- ind_coefs = 1;
- ind_longs = 2;
- nb2_stored = 2;
- switch option
- case 'col_cfs'
- %************************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'col_cfs' - colored coefficients. **%
- %************************************************%
- % in3,...,in8 optional
- % out1 = colored_cfs
- % out2 = xlim1
- % out3 = xlim2
- % out4 = ymax
- % out5 = ymin
- % out6 = nb_cla
- % out7 = levels
- % out8 = ccfs_vm
- %----------------------
- [coefs,longs] = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw1dtool,n_coefs_longs,...
- ind_coefs,ind_longs);
- len = length(longs);
- xmax = longs(len);
- Level_anal= len-2;
- clear coefs longs
- if nargin<6 , nb_cla = def_nbCodeOfColors; else , nb_cla = in6; end
- if nargin<5
- xlim1 = 1; xlim2 = xmax;
- else
- in5 = round(in5);
- xlim1 = in5(1); xlim2 = in5(2);
- end
- if nargin<4 , levels = [1:Level_anal]; else , levels = in4; end
- if nargin<3 , ccfs_vm = 1; else , ccfs_vm = in3; end
- if find(ccfs_vm==[1 3 5 7]) , absval = 1; else , absval = 0; end
- if find(ccfs_vm==[1 2 5 6]) , levval = 'row'; else , levval = 'mat'; end
- if find(ccfs_vm==[1 2 3 4]) , view_m = 'ini'; else , view_m = 'cur'; end
- out1 = dw1dfile('cfs_beg',win_dw1dtool,levels);
- [out4,nb_comp]= size(out1);
- if out4>1 , out5 = 1; else out5 = 0; end
- out7 = levels;
- if strcmp(view_m,'cur')
- if absval==1 , out1 = abs(out1); end
- if strcmp(levval,'mat')
- cmin = min(min(out1(:,xlim1:xlim2)));
- cmax = max(max(out1(:,xlim1:xlim2)));
- out1(out1<cmin) = cmin;
- out1(out1>cmax) = cmax;
- else
- cmin = min((out1(:,xlim1:xlim2)),[],2);
- cmax = max((out1(:,xlim1:xlim2)),[],2);
- for k=1:length(levels)
- v = cmin(k);
- out1(k,out1(k,:)<v) = v;
- v = cmax(k);
- out1(k,out1(k,:)>v) = v;
- end
- end
- end
- out2 = xlim1;
- out3 = xlim2;
- out1 = wcodemat(out1,nb_cla,levval,absval);
- out6 = nb_cla;
- out8 = ccfs_vm;
- case 'tst_vm'
- %*****************************************%
- %** OPTION = 'tst_vm' - test view mode. **%
- %*****************************************%
- % in3 = view mode
- % in4 = axe_hdl
- % in5 = flg_lev
- %---------------------------------
- num_mode = in3;
- axe_hdl = in4;
- flg_lev = in5;
- Signal_Size = wmemtool('rmb',win_dw1dtool,n_param_anal,ind_sig_size);
- Signal_Size = max(Signal_Size);
- ccfs_vm = dw1dvmod('ccfs_vm',win_dw1dtool,num_mode);
- xlim_axe = get(axe_hdl,'XLim');
- if find(ccfs_vm==[5 6 7 8])
- xlim_selbox = mngmbtn('getbox',win_dw1dtool);
- if ~isempty(xlim_selbox)
- xlim_selbox = [min(xlim_selbox) max(xlim_selbox)];
- else
- xlim_selbox = xlim_axe;
- end
- xlim1 = max(1,xlim_selbox(1));
- xlim2 = min(Signal_Size,xlim_selbox(2));
- else
- xlim1 = 1; xlim2 = Signal_Size;
- end
- out1 = 1;
- out2 = ccfs_vm;
- out3 = find(flg_lev);
- out4(1) = xlim1;
- out4(2) = xlim2;
- out5 = def_nbCodeOfColors;
- img = findobj(axe_hdl,'type','image');
- if ~isempty(img)
- usr = get(img,'Userdata');
- blk = [out2 out3 out4 out5];
- if isequal(usr,blk) , out1 = 0; end
- end
- otherwise
- errargt(mfilename,'Unknown Option','msg');
- error('*');
- end