- function varargout = wave2ls(wname,factMode,varargin)
- %WAVE2LS Lifting schemes associated to a wavelet.
- % LS = WAVE2LS(W,FACTMODE) returns the lifting scheme or
- % the cell array of lifting schemes LS associated to the
- % wavelet which name is W. FACTMODE indicates the type
- % of factorization from which LS is issued. The valid
- % values for FACTMODE are:
- % 'd' (dual factorization) or 'p' (primal factorization).
- %
- % LS = WAVE2LS(W) is equivalent to LS = WAVE2LS(W,'d').
- %
- % [LS_d,LS_p] = WAVE2LS(W,'t') or LS_All = WAVE2LS(W,'t')
- % returns the lifting schemes obtained from both factorization.
- %
- % In addition, ... = WAVE2LS(...,PropName,Value,...) let's
- % specify:
- % - the maximum power of the low-pass synthezis Laurent
- % polynomial (POWMAX)
- % - the difference between low-pass and high-pass synthezis
- % Laurent polynomials (DIFPOW)
- % - the tolerance value used to perform the control about
- % lifting scheme(s) reconstruction (TOLERANCE)
- % The corresponding "PropName" are:
- % 'powmax' , 'difpow' , 'tolerance'
- %
- % The default values used for POWMAX, DIFPOW and TOLERANCE are
- % 0, 0 and 1.E-8 respectively.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 24-Jun-2003.
- % Last Revision: 08-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:42:15 $
- % Check input arguments and defaults.
- if nargin<2 , factMode = 'd'; end
- powMAX = 0;
- difPOW = 0;
- tolerance = 1.E-8;
- nbIn = length(varargin);
- for k = 1:2:nbIn
- argNAM = lower(varargin{k});
- argVAL = varargin{k+1};
- switch argNAM
- case 'powmax' , powMAX = argVAL;
- case 'difpow' , difPOW = argVAL;
- case 'tolerance' , tolerance = argVAL;
- end
- end
- factMode = lower(factMode(1));
- % Compute the laurent polynomials associated to the wavelet.
- [Hs,Gs,Ha,Ga,PRCond,AACond] = wave2lp(wname,powMAX,difPOW);
- % Compute lifting schemes.
- if nargout>0
- [varargout{1:nargout}] = lp2ls(Hs,Gs,factMode,tolerance);
- end