- function [Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs,PRCond,AACond] = filters2lp(type,LoR,varargin)
- %FILTERS2LP Filters to Laurent polynomials.
- % [Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs] = FILTERS2LP('o',LoR) returns the Laurent
- % polynomials (Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs) associated to the low-pass
- % filter LoR and the corresponding high-pass filter
- % HiR = qmf(LoR) (orthogonal case).
- %
- % [Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs] = FILTERS2LP('b',LoR,LoD) returns the
- % Laurent polynomials (Ha,Ga,Hs,Gs) associated to the
- % low-pass filter LoR and the low-pass filter LoD.
- % In that case, HiR = qmf(fliplr(LoD))(biorthogonal case).
- %
- % [...] = FILTERS2LP(...,PmaxHS) let's specify the maximum
- % power of Hs. PmaxHS must be an integer. The default value
- % is zero.
- %
- % [...] = FILTERS2LP(...,AddPOW) let's change the default
- % maximum power of Gs : PmaxGS = PmaxHS + length(Gs) - 2,
- % adding the integer AddPOW. The default value for AddPOW
- % is zero. AddPOW must be an even integer to preserve the
- % perfect condition reconstruction.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 02-Jul-2003.
- % Last Revision: 18-Jul-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:40:35 $
- % Check input arguments.
- nbIn = nargin;
- if nargin<2 , error('Not enough input arguments.'); end
- type = lower(type(1));
- switch type
- case 'o' , firstARG = 0;
- case 'b' , firstARG = 1;
- end
- argNUM = [firstARG :firstARG + 4];
- nbIn = length(varargin);
- switch nbIn
- case argNUM(1)
- PmaxHS = 0; AddPOW = 0; qmfFLAG = 0;
- case argNUM(2)
- PmaxHS = varargin{argNUM(2)};
- qmfFLAG = 0; AddPOW = 0;
- case argNUM(3)
- [PmaxHS,AddPOW] = deal(varargin{argNUM(2:3)});
- qmfFLAG = 0;
- case argNUM(4)
- [PmaxHS,AddPOW,qmfFLAG] = deal(varargin{argNUM(2:4)});
- otherwise
- error('Too much input arguments.');
- end
- switch type
- case 'o' , HiR = qmf(LoR,qmfFLAG);
- case 'b' , HiR = qmf(wrev(varargin{1}),qmfFLAG);
- end
- %--------------------------------------
- % The last input argument qmfFLAG has
- % has no effect on the final result. It's
- % only used for control scope.
- %--------------------------------------
- % Set unit Laurent monomial.
- Z = laurpoly(1,1);
- % Length of filters.
- len_LR = length(LoR);
- len_HR = length(HiR);
- d_LEN = (len_HR-len_LR)/2;
- if isnan(PmaxHS)
- PmaxHS = floor(len_LR/2)-1;
- end
- % Initialize synthesis low-pass polynomial.
- Hs = laurpoly(LoR,PmaxHS);
- % Suppress the null power max coefficients.
- acualPMAX = powers(Hs,'max');
- dPOW = PmaxHS-acualPMAX;
- if dPOW ~= 0 , Hs = Hs * Z^dPOW; end
- % Initialize synthesis high-pass polynomial.
- % In orthogonal case , Ha = Hs and Ga = Gs. So ...
- % PminHS = PmaxHS - len_LR + 1;
- % PmaxGS = - PminHS -1;
- PmaxGS = PmaxHS + len_HR - 2;
- qmfPOW = 1 - qmfFLAG;
- Gs = (-1)^qmfPOW * laurpoly(HiR,PmaxGS);
- %---------------------------------------------------------
- % Perfect Reconstruction is given by (see also praacond):
- % PRCond(z) = Hs(z) * Ha(1/z) + Gs(z) * Ga(1/z)
- % or in an equivalent way:
- % PRCond = -z * ( Hs(z)*Gs(-z)-Hs(-z)*Gs(z))
- %---------------------------------------------------------
- % if d_LEN ~= 0
- HsRGs = Hs*modulate(Gs);
- cfsHsGs = lp2num(HsRGs);
- revCFS = cfsHsGs(end:-1:1);
- idxHsGs = find(revCFS);
- powHsGs = powers(HsRGs);
- powHsGs = powHsGs(idxHsGs);
- idxODD = mod(powHsGs,2);
- nbODD = sum(idxODD);
- nbEVEN = length(idxHsGs)-nbODD;
- if nbODD==1
- oddPOW = powHsGs(logical(idxODD));
- if oddPOW~=-1 , Gs = Gs*Z^(-1-oddPOW); end
- elseif nbEVEN==1
- evenPOW = powHsGs(logical(1-idxODD));
- Gs = Gs*Z^(-1-evenPOW);
- else
- error('Invalid biorthogonal filters');
- end
- % end
- if AddPOW ~= 0 , Gs = Gs*Z^AddPOW; end
- Ha = -Z^(-1) * modulate(reflect(Gs));
- Ga = Z^(-1) * modulate(reflect(Hs));
- if nargout>4
- [PRCond,AACond] = praacond(Hs,Gs,Ha,Ga);
- end