- function hval = wgethist(signal,nbbar,mode)
- %WGETHIST Build values to plot histogram.
- % P = WGETHIST(X,N) returns a 2xN matrix
- % X is a vector or a matrix.
- % N is the number of bins.
- % P(1,:) = x coordinates of points of histogram.
- % P(2,:) = y coordinates of points of histogram.
- %
- % P = WGETHIST(X) is equivalent to P = WGETHIST(X,10)
- %
- % P = WGETHIST(X,N,MODE) (with MODE = 'center' or 'left')
- % If X is constant, the main class of the histogram is
- % centered or not (depending of MODE).
- %
- % See also WIMGHIST.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 01-May-96.
- % Last Revision: 01-May-1998.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.11 $
- sig_len = length(signal);
- if sig_len==0, hval = []; return; end
- if nargin==1
- nbbar = 10;
- else
- nbbar = fix(nbbar);
- if nbbar<2 , nbbar = 10; end
- end
- if nargin<3 | ~isequal(lower(mode),'left')
- mode = 'center';
- end
- [n,x] = wimghist(signal,nbbar);
- if abs(max(x)-min(x))<1000*eps
- switch mode
- case 'left'
- n = [sum(n) zeros(1,nbbar-1)];
- step = 1;
- xx = linspace(0,step,nbbar);
- x = xx+x(1);
- case 'center'
- nn = (nbbar-1)/2;
- n = [zeros(1,floor(nn)) sum(n) zeros(1,ceil(nn))];
- step = 0.5;
- xx = linspace(-step,step,nbbar);
- x = xx-xx(floor(nn)+1)+x(1);
- end
- end
- d = diff(x)/2;
- d = [d d(1)];
- xs = [x-d;x-d;x+d;x+d];
- ns = zeros(size(xs));
- ns(2:3,:) = [n;n];
- xs = xs(:)';
- ns = ns(:)';
- hval = [xs;ns];