- function varargout = plot(t,varargin);
- %PLOT Plot WVTREE object.
- % PLOT(T) plots the WVTREE object T.
- % FIG = PLOT(T) returns the handle of the figure, which
- % contains the tree T.
- % PLOT(T,FIG) plots the tree T in the figure FIG, which
- % already contains a tree.
- %
- % PLOT is a graphical tree-management utility. The figure
- % that contains the tree is a GUI tool. It lets you change
- % the Node Label to Depth_Position or Index, and Node Action
- % to Split-Merge or Visualize.
- % The default values are Depth_Position and Visualize.
- %
- % You can click the nodes to execute the current Node Action.
- %
- % After some split or merge actions you can get the new tree
- % using the handle of the figure, which contains it.
- % You must use the following special syntax:
- % NEWT = PLOT(T,'read',FIG).
- % In fact, the first argument is dummy. Then the most general
- % syntax for this purpose is:
- % where DUMMY is any object parented by an NTREE object.
- %
- % DUMMY can be any object constructor name, which returns
- % an object parented by an NTREE object. For example:
- % NEWT = PLOT(ntree,'read',FIG);
- % NEWT = PLOT(dtree,'read',FIG);
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 07-Oct-1999.
- % Last Revision: 21-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:36:14 $
- nbin = length(varargin);
- fig_tree = NaN;
- switch nbin
- case 0 , option = 'create';
- otherwise
- option = varargin{1};
- if isnumeric(option)
- fig_tree = option;
- option = 'create';
- end
- end
- switch option
- case 'create'
- case {'length','type'} , fig_tree = varargin{2}; % Added Node Labels
- case'Reconstruct' , fig_tree = varargin{2}; % Added Node Action
- end
- switch option
- case 'create'
- fig_tree = plot(get(t,'wtree'),fig_tree);
- if nargout>0 , varargout{1} = fig_tree; end
- set(fig_tree,'NumberTitle','Off','Name',...
- ['Fig ' int2str(fig_tree) ...
- ' - Wavelet Tree Object - DWT extension mode: ',get(t,'dwtMode')]);
- % Store the WVTREE.
- %------------------
- plot(dtree,'write',fig_tree,t);
- % Add Node Label menus.
- %----------------------
- plot(ntree,'addNodeLabel',fig_tree,'length');
- plot(ntree,'addNodeLabel',fig_tree,'type');
- % Add Node Action menu.
- %----------------------
- plot(ntree,'addNodeAction',fig_tree,'Reconstruct');
- % Set default Node Label to 'Index'.
- %-----------------------------------
- plot(ntree,'setNodeLabel',fig_tree,'Index');
- case {'length','type'}
- t = plot(ntree,'read',fig_tree);
- if nbin<3 , nodes = allnodes(t); else , nodes = varargin{3}; end
- n = length(nodes);
- switch option
- case 'length' , labtype = 's';
- case 'type' , labtype = 't';
- end
- labels = tlabels(t,labtype,nodes);
- err = ~isequal(n,size(labels,1));
- varargout = {labels,err};
- case 'Reconstruct'
- node = plot(ntree,'getNode',fig_tree);
- if isempty(node) , return; end
- t = plot(ntree,'read',fig_tree);
- axe_vis = plot(ntree,'getValue',fig_tree,'axe_vis');
- %============================================================%
- mousefrm(fig_tree,'watch')
- x = rnodcoef(t,node);
- if ~isempty(x)
- if min(size(x))<2
- plot(x,'Color','r','parent',axe_vis);
- lx = length(x);
- if lx> 1 , set(axe_vis,'Xlim',[1,lx]); end
- else
- NBC = 128;
- colormap(pink(NBC))
- image(wcodemat(x,NBC,'mat',0),'parent',axe_vis);
- end
- endTitle = '.';
- else
- delete(get(axe_vis,'Children'))
- endTitle = ' ==> NONE.';
- end
- order = treeord(t);
- [d,p] = ind2depo(order,node);
- ldep = sprintf('(%0.f,%0.f)',d,p);
- lind = sprintf('(%0.f)',node);
- axeTitle = ['data for node: ' lind ' or ' ldep endTitle];
- wtitle(axeTitle,'parent',axe_vis);
- mousefrm(fig_tree,'arrow')
- %============================================================%
- otherwise
- try
- nbout = nargout;
- varargout{1:nbout} = plot(dtree,varargin{:});
- end
- end
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- % Internal Functions %
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function labels = tlabels(t,varargin)
- labtype = varargin{1};
- if length(varargin)<2
- nodes = allnodes(t);
- else
- nodes = varargin{2};
- end
- nbnodes = length(nodes);
- labels = [];
- order = treeord(t);
- switch labtype
- case 's'
- sizes = read(t,'sizes',nodes);
- switch order
- case 2
- for k=1:nbnodes
- labels = strvcat(labels,sprintf('%0.f',max(sizes(k,:))));
- end
- case 4
- for k=1:nbnodes
- labels = strvcat(labels,sprintf('(%0.f,%0.f)',sizes(k,:)));
- end
- end
- case 't'
- [d,p] = ind2depo(order,nodes);
- p = rem(p,order);
- pstr = repLine('a',nbnodes);
- if order==2
- I = find(p==1); pd = repLine('d',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- else
- I = find(p==1); pd = repLine('h',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- I = find(p==2); pd = repLine('v',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- I = find(p==3); pd = repLine('d',length(I)); pstr(I,:) = pd;
- end
- lp = repLine('(',nbnodes);
- rp = repLine(')',nbnodes);
- labels = [lp pstr rp];
- end
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function m = repLine(c,n)
- %REPLINE Replicate Lines.
- m = c(ones(n,1),:);
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%