- function varargout = dscedw1d(varargin)
- %DSCEDW1D Demonstrates typical wavelet 1-D scenarios in the Wavelet Toolbox (Auto play).
- %
- % This is a slideshow file for use with wshowdrv.m
- % To see it run, type 'wshowdrv dscedw1d',
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 03-Feb-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $
- % Initialization and Local functions if necessary.
- if nargin>0
- action = varargin{1};
- switch action
- case 'auto' , wshowdrv('#autoMode',mfilename,'close');
- case 'gr_auto' , wshowdrv('#gr_autoMode',mfilename,'close');
- case 'getFigParam'
- figName = 'Short Scenario DW1D';
- showType = 'command';
- varargout = {figName,showType};
- case 'slidePROC'
- wait_mode = 0;
- [figHandle,idxSlide] = deal(varargin{2:end});
- idxPREV = wshowdrv('#get_idxSlide',figHandle);
- localPARAM = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'localPARAM');
- switch idxSlide
- case 1
- if ~isempty(localPARAM)
- win_dw1d = localPARAM{1};
- delete(win_dw1d);
- dmsgfun('close');
- wtbxappdata('del',figHandle,'localPARAM');
- end
- % wshowdrv('#bloc_BackBtn',figHandle);
- return
- case 2
- if ~isempty(localPARAM)
- win_dw1d = localPARAM{1};
- delete(win_dw1d);
- end
- %-------------------------------------------
- % Display main window (demo initialization).
- %-------------------------------------------
- win_dw1d = dw1dtool;
- %----------------------------------------------
- % Main window parameters.
- %----------------------------------------------
- tag_pop_viewm = 'View_Mode';
- tag_valapp_scr = 'ValApp_Scr';
- pop_handles = findobj(win_dw1d,'style','popupmenu');
- pop_viewm = findobj(pop_handles,'tag',tag_pop_viewm);
- pop_app_scr = findobj(pop_handles,'tag',tag_valapp_scr);
- %------------------------------------------------
- localPARAM = {win_dw1d,pop_viewm,pop_app_scr};
- wtbxappdata('set',figHandle,'localPARAM',localPARAM);
- wshowdrv('#modify_cbClose',figHandle,win_dw1d,'dw1dtool');
- msg = get_Message(idxSlide);
- wshowdrv('#disp_msg',figHandle,msg,'step',localPARAM{1});
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- figMSG = dmsgfun('handle');
- wshowdrv('#modify_cbClose',figHandle,figMSG,'dmsgfun');
- end
- return
- otherwise
- [win_dw1d,pop_viewm,pop_app_scr] = deal(localPARAM{:});
- end
- switch idxSlide
- case 3
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- %--------------------------
- % Full decomposition mode.
- %--------------------------
- sig_nam = 'noisdopp'; wav_nam = 'sym4'; lev_dec = 5;
- dw1dmngr('demo',win_dw1d,sig_nam,wav_nam,lev_dec);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_dw1d);
- else
- set(pop_viewm,'value',2);
- eval(get(pop_viewm,'Callback'));
- end
- case 4
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- %----------------
- % Separate mode.
- %----------------
- set(pop_viewm,'value',3);
- eval(get(pop_viewm,'Callback'));
- else
- win_mopt_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- [win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs] = deal(win_mopt_Params{:});
- figure(win_mopt);
- set(chk_det_on,'Value',1);
- pause(0.5);
- dw1ddisp('apply',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- set(pop_app_scr,'Value',1);
- eval(get(pop_app_scr,'Callback'));
- delete(win_mopt)
- wtbxappdata('del',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- end
- case 5
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- %--------------------------------------
- % Show and Scroll mode (app5+sig+cfs).
- %--------------------------------------
- set(pop_viewm,'value',1);
- eval(get(pop_viewm,'Callback'));
- pause(2);
- %----------------------------------------
- % More Display Option window parameters.
- %----------------------------------------
- win_mopt_Params = makeWinOpt(figHandle,win_dw1d);
- [win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs] = deal(win_mopt_Params{:});
- %------------------------------------------------
- pause(1);
- set(chk_det_on,'Value',0);
- pause(1);
- dw1ddisp('apply',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- set(pop_app_scr,'Value',5);
- eval(get(pop_app_scr,'Callback'));
- else
- win_mopt_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- [win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs] = deal(win_mopt_Params{:});
- figure(win_mopt);
- pause(1)
- set(pop_ccfs,'Value',1);
- pause(1)
- dw1ddisp('apply',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- end
- case 6
- %--------------------------------------------
- % Show and Scroll mode (app5+sig+cfs ).
- % coloration : init + all levels + abs
- %--------------------------------------------
- if idxPREV>idxSlide
- makeWinOpt(figHandle,win_dw1d);
- return;
- end
- win_mopt_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- [win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs] = deal(win_mopt_Params{:});
- figure(win_mopt);
- pause(1)
- set(pop_ccfs,'Value',3);
- pause(1)
- dw1ddisp('apply',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- case 7
- %-----------------------------------
- % Close More Display Option window.
- % And message for Histograms.
- %-----------------------------------
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- win_mopt_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- win_mopt = win_mopt_Params{1};
- dw1ddisp('close',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- wtbxappdata('del',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_dw1d);
- else
- win_hist_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_hist_Params');
- win_hist = win_hist_Params{1};
- dw1dhist('close',win_hist);
- delete(win_hist)
- wtbxappdata('del',figHandle,'win_hist_Params');
- end
- case 8
- %--------------------------------------------------
- % Histograms window - all the detail coefficients.
- % And first message for De-noising.
- %--------------------------------------------------
- win_hist = dw1dmngr('hist',win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_hist);
- tag_det_sig = 'Det_sig';
- tag_det_all = 'Det_All';
- tag_sel_cfs = 'Sel_Cfs';
- tag_show_hist = 'Show_Hist';
- uic_win_hist = findobj(win_hist,'Type','uicontrol');
- chk_win_hist = findobj(uic_win_hist,'Style','checkbox');
- pus_win_hist = findobj(uic_win_hist,'Style','pushbutton');
- chk_det_sig = findobj(chk_win_hist,'tag',tag_det_sig);
- pus_det_all = findobj(pus_win_hist,'tag',tag_det_all);
- rad_sel_cfs = findobj(uic_win_hist,'Style','radiobutton','tag',tag_sel_cfs);
- pus_show_hist = findobj(pus_win_hist,'tag',tag_show_hist);
- win_hist_Params = {win_hist,chk_det_sig,pus_det_all,rad_sel_cfs,pus_show_hist};
- wtbxappdata('set',figHandle,'win_hist_Params',win_hist_Params);
- %--------------------------------------------------
- set(chk_det_sig,'value',1)
- eval(get(chk_det_sig,'Callback')); pause(1)
- eval(get(pus_det_all,'Callback')); pause(1)
- eval(get(rad_sel_cfs,'Callback')); pause(1)
- eval(get(pus_show_hist,'Callback'));
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_hist);
- case 9
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- %------------------------------------
- % Close Histograms window.
- % And first message for Compression.
- %------------------------------------
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_hist_Params');
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_dw1d);
- else
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- end
- case 10
- if idxPREV>idxSlide
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- end
- %----------------------------------------
- % Compression: Initialization of window.
- %----------------------------------------
- win_comp = dw1dmngr('comp',win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_comp);
- % UTTHRGBL handlesUIC (Compression).
- %---------------------------------------
- % ud.handlesUIC = ...
- % [fra_utl;txt_top;pop_met;...
- % txt_sel;sli_sel;edi_sel; ...
- % txt_nor;edi_nor;txt_npc;...
- % txt_zer;edi_zer;txt_zpc;...
- % tog_res;pus_est];
- %---------------------------------------
- % Memory of stored values (Compression).
- %---------------------------------------
- n_misc_comp = ['MB1_dw1dcomp'];
- ind_status = 2;
- ind_pop_mod = 8;
- pop_mod = wmemtool('rmb',win_comp,n_misc_comp,ind_pop_mod);
- handlesUIC = utthrgbl('handlesUIC',win_comp);
- edi_zer = handlesUIC(11);
- win_comp_Params = {win_comp,pop_mod,edi_zer,n_misc_comp,ind_status};
- wtbxappdata('set',figHandle,'win_comp_Params',win_comp_Params);
- %--------------------------------------------------
- case 11
- %----------------------------------------------------
- % Compression: Global mode.
- % After compression with the default threshold value.
- %----------------------------------------------------
- win_comp_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- win_comp = win_comp_Params{1};
- dw1dcomp('compress',win_comp,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_comp);
- case 12
- %--------------------------------------
- % Compression: change the zeros value.
- %--------------------------------------
- win_comp_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- [win_comp,pop_mod,edi_zer,n_misc_comp,ind_status] = deal(win_comp_Params{:});
- set(edi_zer,'String',num2str(96.4));
- eval(get(edi_zer,'Callback'));
- dw1dcomp('compress',win_comp,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_comp);
- case 13
- %----------------------------------------------------
- % Compression: By Level mode.
- %----------------------------------------------------
- win_comp_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- [win_comp,pop_mod,edi_zer,n_misc_comp,ind_status] = deal(win_comp_Params{:});
- set(pop_mod,'Value',2)
- eval(get(pop_mod,'Callback'))
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_comp);
- case 14
- %-----------------------------------------------------
- % Compression: By Level mode.
- % After compression with the default threshold values.
- %-----------------------------------------------------
- win_comp_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- win_comp = win_comp_Params{1};
- dw1dcomp('compress',win_comp,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_comp);
- case 15
- %----------------------------
- % Close Compression window.
- % And message for De-noising.
- %----------------------------
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_comp_Params');
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_dw1d);
- case 16
- if idxPREV>idxSlide
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- lin_handles = findobj(win_dw1d,'type','line');
- try
- lin(1) = findobj(lin_handles,'tag','SSig_in_App');
- lin(2) = findobj(lin_handles,'tag','SSig_in_Det');
- delete(lin);
- end
- end
- %--------------------------------------------------
- % De-noising:
- % - Initialization of window.
- % - De-noising with the default threshold values,
- % with Fixed form soft thresholding method.
- %--------------------------------------------------
- win_deno = dw1dmngr('deno',win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_deno);
- % UTTHRW1D handlesUIC (De-noising).
- %-------------------------------------
- % ud.handlesUIC = ...
- % [fra_utl;txt_top;pop_met; ...
- % rad_sof;rad_har;txt_noi;pop_noi; ...
- % txt_BMS;sli_BMS;txt_tit(1:4),...
- % txt_nor;edi_nor;txt_npc; ...
- % txt_zer;edi_zer;txt_zpc; ...
- % tog_thr;tog_res;pus_est];
- %--------------------------------------------------
- handlesUIC = utthrw1d('handlesUIC',win_deno);
- pop_met = handlesUIC(3);
- rad_har = handlesUIC(5);
- win_deno_Params = {win_deno,pop_met,rad_har};
- wtbxappdata('set',figHandle,'win_deno_Params',win_deno_Params);
- %--------------------------------------------------
- pause(1)
- dw1ddeno('denoise',win_deno,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_deno);
- case 17
- %--------------------------------------------------
- % De-noising:
- % - De-noising with the default threshold values.
- % with Fixed form hard thresholding.
- %--------------------------------------------------
- win_deno_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- [win_deno,pop_met,rad_har] = deal(win_deno_Params{:});
- if idxPREV>idxSlide
- set(pop_met,'Value',1)
- eval(get(pop_met,'Callback'))
- end
- set(rad_har,'Value',1)
- eval(get(rad_har,'Callback'))
- dw1ddeno('denoise',win_deno,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_deno);
- case 18
- % De-noising:
- % - Change the method of thresholding to:
- % the Penalize medium thresholding method.
- %--------------------------------------------------
- win_deno_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- [win_deno,pop_met,rad_har] = deal(win_deno_Params{:});
- set(pop_met,'Value',6)
- eval(get(pop_met,'Callback'))
- case 19
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- % De-noising:
- % - De-noising with the default threshold values,
- % with Penalize medium thresholding method.
- %--------------------------------------------------
- win_deno_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- win_deno = win_deno_Params{1};
- dw1ddeno('denoise',win_deno,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_deno);
- else
- dmsgfun('close');
- end
- case 20
- if idxPREV>idxSlide
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- win_deno = dw1dmngr('deno',win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_deno);
- handlesUIC = utthrw1d('handlesUIC',win_deno);
- pop_met = handlesUIC(3);
- rad_har = handlesUIC(5);
- win_deno_Params = {win_deno,pop_met,rad_har};
- wtbxappdata('set',figHandle,'win_deno_Params',win_deno_Params);
- set(pop_met,'Value',6)
- eval(get(pop_met,'Callback'))
- dw1ddeno('denoise',win_deno,win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_deno);
- else
- end
- case 21
- %-------------------------------
- % Close De-noising window
- % and update synthesized signal.
- %-------------------------------
- win_deno_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_deno_Params');
- win_deno = win_deno_Params{1};
- % MemBloc1 of stored values.
- %---------------------------
- n_param_anal = 'DWAn1d_Par_Anal';
- ind_ssig_type = 7;
- wwaiting('msg',win_deno,'Wait ... computing');
- lin_den = utthrw1d('get',win_deno,'handleTHR');
- wmemtool('wmb',win_dw1d,n_param_anal,ind_ssig_type,'ds');
- dw1dmngr('return_deno',win_dw1d,1,lin_den);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_dw1d);
- wwaiting('off',win_deno);
- delete(win_deno)
- dmsgfun('close');
- case 22
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- %----------------------------------------
- % More Display Option window parameters.
- %----------------------------------------
- win_mopt_Params = makeWinOpt(figHandle,win_dw1d);
- win_mopt = win_mopt_Params{1};
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_mopt);
- %-----------------------------------------
- else
- win_mopt_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- [win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs] = deal(win_mopt_Params{:});
- set(chk_cfs_on,'Value',1);
- dw1ddisp('apply',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- end
- case 23
- if idxPREV<idxSlide
- win_mopt_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- else
- win_mopt_Params = makeWinOpt(figHandle,win_dw1d);
- end
- [win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs] = deal(win_mopt_Params{:});
- set(chk_cfs_on,'Value',0);
- pause(1)
- dw1ddisp('apply',win_dw1d,win_mopt);
- case 24
- %-----------------------------------
- % Close More Display Option window.
- %-----------------------------------
- deleteSubFig(figHandle,'win_mopt_Params');
- end
- [msg,ok] = get_Message(idxSlide);
- if ok , wshowdrv('#disp_msg',figHandle,msg,'step',win_dw1d); end
- end
- return
- end
- if nargout<1,
- wshowdrv(mfilename)
- else
- idx = 0; slide(1).code = {}; slide(1).text = {};
- %========== Slide 1 ==========
- idx = idx+1;
- slide(idx).code = {
- 'figHandle = gcf;',
- [mfilename ,'(''slidePROC'',figHandle,',int2str(idx),');']};
- %========== Slide 2 to Slide 24 ==========
- for idx = 2:24
- slide(idx).code = {[mfilename ,'(''slidePROC'',figHandle,',int2str(idx),');']};
- end
- %========== Set "previous" slide indices ==========
- % Compression slides.
- %--------------------
- slide(12).idxPrev = 10;
- slide(13).idxPrev = 10;
- slide(14).idxPrev = 10;
- slide(15).idxPrev = 10;
- % De-noising slides.
- %-------------------
- slide(16).idxPrev = 10;
- slide(21).idxPrev = 20;
- slide(22).idxPrev = 20;
- %===================================================
- varargout{1} = slide;
- end
- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function deleteSubFig(figHandle,win_Params_Name)
- win_Params = wtbxappdata('get',figHandle,win_Params_Name);
- if ~isempty(win_Params)
- win = win_Params{1};
- if ishandle(win) , delete(win); end
- wtbxappdata('del',figHandle,win_Params_Name);
- end
- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function win_mopt_Params = makeWinOpt(figHandle,win_dw1d)
- win_mopt = dw1ddisp('create',win_dw1d);
- wenamngr('Inactive',win_mopt);
- tag_cfs_on = 'Chk_Cfs';
- tag_det_on = 'Chk_Det';
- tag_pop_ccfs = 'Pop_CCfs';
- uic_win_mopt = findobj(win_mopt,'Type','uicontrol');
- chk_det_on = findobj(uic_win_mopt,'Tag',tag_det_on);
- chk_cfs_on = findobj(uic_win_mopt,'Tag',tag_cfs_on);
- pop_ccfs = findobj(uic_win_mopt,'Tag',tag_pop_ccfs);
- win_mopt_Params = {win_mopt,chk_det_on,chk_cfs_on,pop_ccfs};
- wtbxappdata('set',figHandle,'win_mopt_Params',win_mopt_Params);
- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%
- function [msg,ok_msg] = get_Message(idxSlide)
- ok_msg = 1;
- switch idxSlide
- case 2
- str1 = 'This demo shows the 1-D wavelet capabilities of the ';
- str2 = 'Wavelet GUI tools. The scenario supposes that we want to';
- str3 = 'de-noise or compress a 1-D signal. In this example, we ';
- str4 = 'decompose a simple synthetic noisy Doppler signal using ';
- str5 = 'the Symlet 4 wavelet (sym4) into five levels.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5);
- case 3
- str1 = 'The full decomposition appears, with the signal denoted s at the top.';
- str2 = 'This signal is equal to the sum of the coarsest approximation (a5)';
- str3 = 'and the details at levels 1 to 5 (d1 ... d5).';
- str4 = 'i.e., s = a5 + d5 + d4 + d3 + d2 + d1';
- str5 = 'Since sym4 is an orthogonal wavelet, the decomposition is orthogonal.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,'$');
- str1 = 'How do we select the wavelet and decomposition level?';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,'$');
- str1 = 'For de-noising or compression, both the decomposition level and ';
- str2 = 'wavelet are useful tuning parameters.';
- str3 = 'Recall that the de-noised or compressed signal is equal to';
- str4 = 'the coarsest approximation + some signal reconstructed using the ';
- str5 = 'thresholded detail coefficients.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,'$');
- str1 = 'Often the wavelet choice is not crucial, and any "short" wavelet';
- str2 = 'except Haar is a good starting point.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2,'$');
- str1 = 'Having selected a wavelet, the decomposition level needs to be selected.';
- str2 = 'To study this, let us change to the Separate display mode.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2);
- case 4
- str1 = 'As a rule of thumb, we can select the decomposition level in such';
- str2 = 'a way that the corresponding approximation is noise free. In this';
- str3 = 'example 4 or 5 are good candidates, since the approximations at levels';
- str4 = '1 to 3 are clearly noisy. In addition, the detail d5 contains';
- str5 = 'significant noise as it can be seen inspecting the second half of the';
- str6 = 'detail, so 5 should be a good value for the decomposition level.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,'$');
- str1 = 'The Wavelet GUI provides a flexible and configurable interface.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,'$');
- str1 = 'In the current view, one can see the wavelet coefficients, cfs. We';
- str2 = 'focus on the coefficients, selecting Show and Scroll display mode,';
- str3 = 'selecting the approximation at level 5 and using the More Display';
- str4 = 'Options and removing the Detail Axes.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2,str3,str4);
- case 6
- str1 = 'The time-scale pattern shows that the';
- str2 = 'deterministic part of the signal is concentrated in a few big coefficients,';
- str3 = 'and noise corrupts all the time-scale representation.';
- str4 = 'To reinforce this, use the coloration mode init + all levels + abs';
- str5 = 'in order to rescale globally the absolute coefficients.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5);
- case 7
- str1 = 'Clicking on the Histograms button and selecting all the detail coefficients,';
- str2 = 'we can see that the detail coefficients are approximately Gaussian N(0,1)';
- str3 = 'except for extreme values outside the interval [-4 4] which are';
- str4 = 'linked to the decomposition of the deterministic part of the signal.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4);
- case 8
- str1 = 'The de-noising or compression procedure acts on these coefficients killing';
- str2 = 'the lowest coefficients in absolute value terms and keeping large values.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2);
- case 9
- str1 = 'Compression.';
- str2 = '------------';
- str3 = 'We press the Compress button, and the compression window appears.';
- str4 = 'This allows the user to select the threshold value with respect to';
- str5 = 'two design parameters:';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5);
- case 10
- str1 = '- the retained energy in percent which is equal to 100 times';
- str2 = 'the square norm of the compressed signal over the square norm of the';
- str3 = 'original signal (magenta line on the left);';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,'$');
- str4 = '- the number of zeros in percent which is equal to the percentage of zeros of';
- str5 = 'the wavelet representation of the compressed signal (blue line on the left).';
- str6 = 'The threshold default value given by the toolbox in the 1-D case is the one';
- str7 = 'for which the two previously defined design parameters are approximately the';
- str8 = 'same.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8,'$');
- str1 = 'Then compression using the threshold default value leads a smoothed signal,';
- str2 = 'and the explanation of how the compression works is clear from the';
- str3 = 'comparison of original and thresholded coefficients in the time-scale';
- str4 = 'representations.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2,str3,str4);
- case 12
- str1 = 'You can then iterate choosing the threshold value or the retained energy';
- str2 = 'or the number of zeros. A modification of each of the three parameters';
- str3 = 'automatically updates the other two.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3);
- case 13
- str1 = 'To learn more about the compression procedure we select';
- str2 = 'the By-Level thresholding mode.';
- str3 = 'The detail coefficients are thresholded according to the thresholds represented';
- str4 = 'by the yellow lines on the left. With respect to the previous mode, this one';
- str5 = 'allows level-dependent threshold values leading to additional flexibility.';
- str6 = 'The resulting compressed signal can be found in the following figure.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6);
- case 15
- str1 = 'De-noising.';
- str2 = '-----------';
- str3 = 'The design objective is to recover the signal or to remove noise,';
- str4 = 'without reference to an original interesting signal which is supposed to be';
- str5 = 'unknown. It is assumed that additive noise corrupts the signal to be';
- str6 = 'recovered, and is supposed to be stationary (at least at each scale).';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,'$');
- str1 = 'The main ideas for de-noising and for compression are the same. The differences';
- str2 = 'are located at two points:';
- str3 = '- soft thresholding (shrinkage) is often used instead of the more crude';
- str4 = 'hard thresholding.';
- str5 = '- the noise structure (scaled or unscaled white noise, coloured noise) is of';
- str6 = 'interest.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,'$');
- str1 = 'The GUI tools for de-noising are similar to the Compression tools. ';
- str2 = ' ';
- str3 = 'When you push on De-noise, the de-noising window appears,';
- str4 = 'we apply the default selection.';
- msg = strvcat(msg,str1,str2,str3,str4);
- case 16
- str1 = 'As can be seen, the procedure keeps roughly the highest coefficients.';
- str2 = 'Then using the same default, we can show the differences between';
- str3 = 'soft and hard thresholding.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2,str3);
- ok_msg = 1;
- case 177
- str1 = ' ';
- str2 = ' ';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2);
- case 20
- str1 = 'Now we close the de-noising window, update the de-noised signal and compare';
- str2 = 'the two signals in full size.';
- msg = strvcat(str1,str2);
- otherwise
- msg = '';
- ok_msg = 0;
- end
- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%