- function x = merge(t,node,tnd)
- %MERGE Merge (recompose) the data of a node.
- % X = MERGE(T,N,TNDATA) recomposes the data X
- % associated to the node N of the data tree T,
- % using the data associated to the children of N.
- %
- % TNDATA is a cell array (ORDER x 1) or (1 x ORDER)
- % such that TNDATA{k} contains the data associated to
- % the k-th child of N.
- %
- % The method uses IDWT (respectively IDWT2) for
- % one-dimensional (respectively two-dimensional) data.
- %
- % This method overloads the DTREE method.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 09-Oct-1998.
- % Last Revision: 23-May-2003.
- % Copyright 1995-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/03/15 22:36:10 $
- order = treeord(t);
- mode = t.dwtMode;
- Lo_R = t.waveInfo.Lo_R;
- Hi_R = t.waveInfo.Hi_R;
- s = nodesize(t,node);
- switch order
- case 2 , x = idwt(tnd{1},tnd{2},Lo_R,Hi_R,max(s),'mode',mode,'shift',0);
- case 4
- x = idwt2(tnd{1},tnd{2},tnd{3},tnd{4},...
- Lo_R,Hi_R,s,'mode',mode,'shift',[0 0]);
- end