- function varargout = dcmdcasc(varargin)
- %DCMDCASC Demonstrates cascade algorithm in the Wavelet Toolbox.
- %
- % This is a slideshow file for use with wshowdrv.m
- % To see it run, type 'wshowdrv dcmdcasc',
- %
- % See also WAVEFUN.
- % M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 12-Mar-96.
- % Last Revision: 13-Feb-2002.
- % Copyright 1995-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.14 $
- % Initialization and Local functions if necessary.
- if nargin>0
- action = varargin{1};
- switch action
- case 'auto' , wshowdrv('#autoMode',mfilename,'close');
- case 'gr_auto' , wshowdrv('#gr_autoMode',mfilename,'close');
- case 'getFigParam'
- figName = 'Cascade algorithm';
- showType = 'mix9';
- varargout = {figName,showType};
- case 'initShowViewer'
- figHandle = varargin{2};
- slideData = get(figHandle,'Userdata');
- autoHndl = slideData.autoHndl;
- propAuto = get(autoHndl,{'Units','Position','BackGroundColor'});
- txtBkColor = get(slideData.slitxtHndl,'BackGroundColor');
- pos = propAuto{2};
- hBtn = pos(4);
- pos(2) = pos(2)-2*hBtn;
- popstr = strvcat(...
- 'sym4','sym8','db3','db5',...
- 'db8','coif1','coif5');
- txtstr = 'Wavelet';
- propUIC = {'Units',propAuto{1},'Position',pos,'BackGroundColor',txtBkColor};
- slideData.txtLocHandle = uicontrol('Parent',figHandle,...
- 'style','text','String',txtstr,propUIC{:});
- pos(2) = pos(2)-hBtn+hBtn/3;
- propUIC = {'Units',propAuto{1},'Position',pos,'BackGroundColor',propAuto{3}};
- propAuto{2} = pos;
- propUIC{4} = propAuto{2};
- slideData.popLocHandle = uicontrol('Parent',figHandle,...
- 'style','popupmenu','String',popstr,propUIC{:},'Tag','popWave');
- set(figHandle,'Userdata',slideData);
- end
- return
- end
- if nargout<1,
- wshowdrv(mfilename)
- else
- idx = 0;
- %========== Slide 1 ==========
- idx = idx+1;
- slide(idx).code = {
- 'figHandle = gcf;'
- 'ax = findall(figHandle,''type'',''axes''); delete(ax); drawnow; h = [];',
- 'popTMP = findobj(figHandle,''style'',''popupmenu'');',
- 'set(popTMP,''enable'',''on'');',
- '' };
- slide(idx).text = {
- '',
- sprintf(' Press the "Start" button to see a demonstration of'),
- sprintf(' the cascade algorithm in the Wavelet Toolbox.'),
- '',
- sprintf(' This demo uses Wavelet Toolbox functions.'),
- ''};
- %========== Slide 2 ==========
- idx = idx+1;
- slide(idx).code = {
- 'pop = findobj(figHandle,''style'',''popupmenu'');',
- 'lstWAV = get(pop,''String''); idxWAV = get(pop,''Value'');',
- 'set(pop,''enable'',''off'');',
- 'wname = deblankl(lstWAV(idxWAV,:));',
- 'comma = char(39);',
- 'newTXT = ['' wname = '',comma,wname,comma,'';''];';
- 'wshowdrv(''#modify_Comment'',figHandle,3,newTXT);',
- 'ax = findall(figHandle,''type'',''axes''); delete(ax); h = [];',
- 'strINIT = [''Approximation of the wavelet '' wname];';
- 'beg_title = [strINIT ''. Iteration : ''];',
- 'iter = 10;',
- 'for i = 1:iter',
- ' [phi,psi,xval] = wavefun(wname,i);',
- ' plot(xval,psi);',
- ' hold on',
- ' title([beg_title int2str(i)]);',
- ' if i==1 , pause(2)',
- ' elseif (1<i) & (i<=4) , pause(1)',
- ' else , pause(0.5)',
- ' end',
- ' drawnow',
- 'end',
- 'title([strINIT,'' for 1 to '', int2str(iter),'' iterations'']);',
- 'linw = 2;',
- 'h = plot(xval,psi,''r'',''linewidth'',linw);',
- 'drawnow',
- 'hold off',
- '' };
- slide(idx).text = {
- ' % Compute approximations of the wavelet function',
- ' % using the cascade algorithm.',
- ' wname = ''sym4'';',
- ' iter = 10;',
- ' for i = 1:iter',
- ' [phi,psi,xval] = wavefun(wname,i);',
- ' plot(xval,psi);',
- ' hold on',
- ' drawnow',
- ' end',
- ''};
- slide(idx).info = 'wavefun';
- %========== Slide 3 ==========
- idx = idx+1;
- slide(idx).code = {
- 'ax = findall(figHandle,''type'',''axes''); delete(ax); h = [];',
- 'wshowdrv(''#modify_Comment'',figHandle,3,newTXT);',
- 'strINIT = [''Approximation of the wavelet '' wname];';
- '[phi,psi,xval] = wavefun(wname,iter);',
- 'h = plot(xval,psi,''r'',''linewidth'',linw);',
- 'title([strINIT,'' after '',int2str(iter),'' iterations.'']);',
- 'drawnow',
- '' };
- slide(idx).text = {
- ' % Compute approximations of the wavelet function',
- ' % using the cascade algorithm.',
- ' wname = ''sym4'';',
- ' iter = 10;',
- ' [phi,psi,xval] = wavefun(wname,iter);',
- ' plot(xval,psi,''r'');',
- ''};
- slide(idx).info = 'wavefun';
- varargout{1} = slide;
- end