- /* sramDrv.c - PCMCIA SRAM device driver */
- /* Copyright 1984-1996 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- 01d,16jan97,hdn added pCtrl->memBase.
- 01c,28mar96,jdi doc: cleaned up language and format.
- 01b,22feb96,hdn cleaned up
- 01a,28feb95,hdn written based on memDrv.c and ramDrv.c.
- */
- /*
- This is a device driver for the SRAM PC card. The memory location and size
- are specified when the "disk" is created.
- Most of the routines in this driver are accessible only through the I/O
- system. However, two routines must be called directly: sramDrv() to
- initialize the driver, and sramDevCreate() to create block devices.
- Additionally, the sramMap() routine is called directly to map the PCMCIA
- memory onto the ISA address space. Note that this routine does not use
- any mutual exclusion or synchronization mechanism; thus, special care must
- be taken in the multitasking environment.
- Before using this driver, it must be initialized by calling sramDrv(). This
- routine should be called only once, before any reads, writes, or calls to
- sramDevCreate() or sramMap(). It can be called from usrRoot() in usrConfig.c
- or at some later point.
- .pG "I/O System"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "drv/pcmcia/pcmciaLib.h"
- #include "drv/pcmcia/sramDrv.h"
- /* defines */
- #define SRAM_WINDOW 1
- /* imports */
- IMPORT SRAM_RESOURCE sramResources[];
- /* globals */
- SRAM_CTRL sramCtrl;
- int sramResourceNumEnt;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL BOOL sramDrvInstalled = FALSE;
- LOCAL PCMCIA_MEMWIN sramMemwin = {1,0,0,0,0,0};
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS sramRead (SRAM_DEV *pSramDev, int startBlk, int numBlks,
- char *pChar);
- LOCAL STATUS sramWrite (SRAM_DEV *pSramDev, int startBlk, int numBlks,
- char *pChar);
- LOCAL STATUS sramIoctl (SRAM_DEV *pSramDev, int function, int arg);
- LOCAL STATUS sramStatusChk (SRAM_DEV *pSramDev);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramDrv - install a PCMCIA SRAM memory driver
- *
- * This routine initializes a PCMCIA SRAM memory driver. It must be called once,
- * before any other routines in the driver.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the I/O system cannot install the driver.
- */
- STATUS sramDrv
- (
- int sock /* socket no. */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[sock];
- SEM_ID muteSemID = &sramCtrl.muteSem[sock];
- SEM_ID syncSemID = &sramCtrl.syncSem[sock];
- int ix;
- if ((!pChip->installed) || (!pCard->detected))
- return (ERROR);
- if (!sramDrvInstalled)
- {
- for (ix = 0; ix < MAX_SOCKETS; ix++)
- {
- semBInit (&sramCtrl.syncSem[ix], SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_EMPTY);
- semMInit (&sramCtrl.muteSem[ix], SEM_Q_PRIORITY |
- }
- sramDrvInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- if (!pCard->installed)
- {
- semBInit (syncSemID, SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_EMPTY);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramMap - map PCMCIA memory onto a specified ISA address space
- *
- * This routine maps PCMCIA memory onto a specified ISA address space.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the memory cannot be mapped.
- */
- STATUS sramMap
- (
- int sock, /* socket no. */
- int type, /* 0: common 1: attribute */
- int start, /* ISA start address */
- int stop, /* ISA stop address */
- int offset, /* card offset address */
- int extraws /* extra wait state */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- if ((!pChip->installed) || (sock >= pChip->socks))
- return (ERROR);
- memwin.window = SRAM_WINDOW;
- memwin.flags = MAP_ACTIVE | MAP_16BIT;
- if (type == 1)
- memwin.flags = MAP_ACTIVE | MAP_16BIT | MAP_ATTRIB;
- memwin.extraws = extraws;
- memwin.start = start;
- memwin.stop = stop;
- memwin.cardstart = offset & 0xfffff000;
- if ((* pChip->memwinSet)(sock, &memwin) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramDevCreate - create a PCMCIA memory disk device
- *
- * This routine creates a PCMCIA memory disk device.
- *
- * A pointer to a block device structure (BLK_DEV), or NULL if memory cannot
- * be allocated for the device structure.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: ramDevCreate()
- */
- BLK_DEV *sramDevCreate
- (
- int sock, /* socket no. */
- int bytesPerBlk, /* number of bytes per block */
- int blksPerTrack, /* number of blocks per track */
- int nBlocks, /* number of blocks on this device */
- int blkOffset /* no. of blks to skip at start of device */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[sock];
- SRAM_RESOURCE *pSram = &sramResources[sock];
- PCCARD_RESOURCE *pResource = &pSram->resource;
- SRAM_DEV *pSramDev; /* ptr to created SRAM_DEV struct */
- BLK_DEV *pBlkDev; /* ptr to BLK_DEV struct in SRAM_DEV */
- if ((!pChip->installed) || (!pCard->installed) ||
- (sock >= sramResourceNumEnt))
- return (NULL);
- /* Set up defaults for any values not specified */
- if (bytesPerBlk == 0)
- bytesPerBlk = DEFAULT_SEC_SIZE;
- if (nBlocks == 0)
- nBlocks = DEFAULT_DISK_SIZE / bytesPerBlk;
- if (blksPerTrack == 0)
- blksPerTrack = nBlocks;
- if ((bytesPerBlk * nBlocks) >= pResource->memLength)
- return (NULL);
- /* Allocate a SRAM_DEV structure for device */
- pSramDev = (SRAM_DEV *) malloc (sizeof (SRAM_DEV));
- if (pSramDev == NULL)
- return (NULL); /* no memory */
- /* Initialize BLK_DEV structure (in SRAM_DEV) */
- pBlkDev = &pSramDev->blkDev;
- pBlkDev->bd_nBlocks = nBlocks; /* number of blocks */
- pBlkDev->bd_bytesPerBlk = bytesPerBlk; /* bytes per block */
- pBlkDev->bd_blksPerTrack = blksPerTrack; /* blocks per track */
- pBlkDev->bd_nHeads = 1; /* one "head" */
- pBlkDev->bd_removable = TRUE; /* removable */
- pBlkDev->bd_retry = 1; /* retry count */
- pBlkDev->bd_readyChanged = TRUE; /* new ready status */
- pBlkDev->bd_mode = O_RDWR; /* initial mode for device */
- pBlkDev->bd_blkRd = sramRead; /* read block function */
- pBlkDev->bd_blkWrt = sramWrite; /* write block function */
- pBlkDev->bd_ioctl = sramIoctl; /* ioctl function */
- pBlkDev->bd_reset = NULL; /* no reset function */
- pBlkDev->bd_statusChk = sramStatusChk; /* check-status function */
- pBlkDev->bd_statusChk = NULL; /* check-status function */
- /* Initialize remainder of device struct */
- pSramDev->blkOffset = blkOffset; /* block offset */
- pSramDev->sock = sock; /* socket no. */
- return (&pSramDev->blkDev);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramRead - read one or more blocks from a PCMCIA memory disk volume
- *
- * This routine reads one or more blocks from the specified volume,
- * starting with the specified block number. The byte offset is
- * calculated and the PCMCIA memory disk data is copied to the specified buffer.
- *
- * If any block offset was specified during sramDevCreate(), it is added
- * to <startBlk> before the transfer takes place.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if mapping or read fails.
- */
- (
- SRAM_DEV *pSramDev, /* pointer to device desriptor */
- int startBlk, /* starting block number to read */
- int numBlks, /* number of blocks to read */
- char *pChar /* pointer to buffer to receive data */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[pSramDev->sock];
- SRAM_RESOURCE *pSram = &sramResources[pSramDev->sock];
- PCCARD_RESOURCE *pResource = &pSram->resource;
- SEM_ID muteSemID = &sramCtrl.muteSem[pSramDev->sock];
- SEM_ID syncSemID = &sramCtrl.syncSem[pSramDev->sock];
- u_int bytesPerBlk = pSramDev->blkDev.bd_bytesPerBlk;
- u_int windowSize = pResource->memStop - pResource->memStart + 1;
- u_int nbytes = bytesPerBlk * numBlks;
- u_int offset = (u_int)pResource->memOffset +
- ((startBlk + pSramDev->blkOffset) *
- bytesPerBlk);
- u_int copiedBytes = 0;
- u_int length;
- /* sanity check */
- if ((!pCard->installed) ||
- ((block_t)(startBlk + numBlks) > pSramDev->blkDev.bd_nBlocks) ||
- (offset >= (u_int)pResource->memLength))
- return (ERROR);
- #ifdef SRAM_DEBUG
- printf ("sramRead: startBlk=%d numBlks=%d p=0x%xn",
- startBlk, numBlks, pChar);
- #endif
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_BATDEAD)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_pcmciaLib_BATTERY_DEAD);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_BATWARN)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_pcmciaLib_BATTERY_WARNING);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_WRPROT)
- pSramDev->blkDev.bd_mode = O_RDONLY;
- /* Read the block(s) */
- if (semTake (muteSemID, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- while (copiedBytes < nbytes)
- {
- memwin.window = SRAM_WINDOW;
- memwin.flags = MAP_ACTIVE | MAP_16BIT;
- memwin.extraws = pResource->memExtraws;
- memwin.start = pResource->memStart;
- memwin.stop = pResource->memStop;
- memwin.cardstart= offset & 0xfffff000;
- if ((* pChip->memwinSet)(pSramDev->sock, &memwin) != OK)
- {
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (((* pChip->status)(pSramDev->sock) & PC_READY) == 0)
- if (semTake(syncSemID, sysClkRateGet()) != OK)
- {
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- length = min (nbytes - copiedBytes, (windowSize - (offset & 0xfff)));
- bcopy ((char *)memwin.start + (offset & 0xfff) + pCtrl->memBase,
- pChar, length);
- offset += length;
- copiedBytes += length;
- pChar += length;
- }
- if ((* pChip->memwinSet)(pSramDev->sock, &sramMemwin) != OK)
- {
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramWrite - write one or more blocks to a PCMCIA memory disk volume
- *
- * This routine writes one or more blocks to the specified volume,
- * starting with the specified block number. The byte offset is
- * calculated and the buffer data is copied to the PCMCIA memory disk.
- *
- * If any block offset was specified during sramDevCreate(), it is added
- * to <startBlk> before the transfer takes place.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if mapping or write fails.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS sramWrite
- (
- SRAM_DEV *pSramDev, /* pointer to device desriptor */
- int startBlk, /* starting block number to write */
- int numBlks, /* number of blocks to write */
- char *pChar /* pointer to buffer of data to write */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[pSramDev->sock];
- SRAM_RESOURCE *pSram = &sramResources[pSramDev->sock];
- PCCARD_RESOURCE *pResource = &pSram->resource;
- SEM_ID muteSemID = &sramCtrl.muteSem[pSramDev->sock];
- SEM_ID syncSemID = &sramCtrl.syncSem[pSramDev->sock];
- u_int bytesPerBlk = pSramDev->blkDev.bd_bytesPerBlk;
- u_int windowSize = pResource->memStop - pResource->memStart + 1;
- u_int nbytes = bytesPerBlk * numBlks;
- u_int offset = (u_int)pResource->memOffset +
- ((startBlk + pSramDev->blkOffset) *
- bytesPerBlk);
- u_int copiedBytes = 0;
- u_int length;
- /* sanity check */
- if ((!pCard->installed) ||
- ((block_t)(startBlk + numBlks) > pSramDev->blkDev.bd_nBlocks) ||
- (offset >= (u_int)pResource->memLength))
- return (ERROR);
- #ifdef SRAM_DEBUG
- printf ("sramWrite: startBlk=%d numBlks=%d p=0x%xn",
- startBlk, numBlks, pChar);
- #endif
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_BATDEAD)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_pcmciaLib_BATTERY_DEAD);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_BATWARN)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_pcmciaLib_BATTERY_WARNING);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_WRPROT)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_ioLib_WRITE_PROTECTED);
- pSramDev->blkDev.bd_mode = O_RDONLY;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Write the block(s) */
- if (semTake (muteSemID, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- while (copiedBytes < nbytes)
- {
- memwin.window = SRAM_WINDOW;
- memwin.flags = MAP_ACTIVE | MAP_16BIT;
- memwin.extraws = pResource->memExtraws;
- memwin.start = pResource->memStart;
- memwin.stop = pResource->memStop;
- memwin.cardstart= offset & 0xfffff000;
- if ((* pChip->memwinSet)(pSramDev->sock, &memwin) != OK)
- {
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (((* pChip->status)(pSramDev->sock) & PC_READY) == 0)
- if (semTake(syncSemID, sysClkRateGet()) != OK)
- {
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- length = min (nbytes - copiedBytes, (windowSize - (offset & 0xfff)));
- bcopy (pChar, (char *)memwin.start + (offset & 0xfff) + pCtrl->memBase,
- length);
- offset += length;
- copiedBytes += length;
- pChar += length;
- }
- if ((* pChip->memwinSet)(pSramDev->sock, &sramMemwin) != OK)
- {
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semGive (muteSemID);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramIoctl - do device specific control function
- *
- * This routine is called when the file system cannot handle an ioctl()
- * function.
- *
- * The FIODISKFORMAT function always returns OK, since a PCMCIA memory disk does
- * not require formatting. All other requests return ERROR.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there is an error.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS sramIoctl
- (
- SRAM_DEV *pSramDev, /* device structure pointer */
- int function, /* function code */
- int arg /* some argument */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[pSramDev->sock];
- int status; /* returned status value */
- if (!pCard->installed)
- return (ERROR);
- #ifdef SRAM_DEBUG
- printf ("sramIoctl: function=0x%x arg=0x%xn", function, arg);
- #endif
- switch (function)
- {
- status = OK;
- break;
- default:
- errnoSet (S_ioLib_UNKNOWN_REQUEST);
- status = ERROR;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * sramStatusChk - check the status
- *
- * This routine is called by the file system to check the status.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there is an error.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS sramStatusChk
- (
- SRAM_DEV *pSramDev /* device structure pointer */
- )
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- PCMCIA_CARD *pCard = &pCtrl->card[pSramDev->sock];
- SEM_ID muteSemID = &sramCtrl.muteSem[pSramDev->sock];
- BLK_DEV *pBlkDev = &pSramDev->blkDev;
- if (!pCard->installed)
- return (ERROR);
- #ifdef SRAM_DEBUG
- printf ("sramStatusChk: n");
- #endif
- if (pCard->changed)
- {
- pBlkDev->bd_readyChanged = TRUE;
- pCard->changed = FALSE;
- }
- if (semTake (muteSemID, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- pCard->cardStatus = (* pChip->status) (pSramDev->sock);
- semGive (muteSemID);
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_BATDEAD)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_pcmciaLib_BATTERY_DEAD);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_BATWARN)
- {
- (void) errnoSet (S_pcmciaLib_BATTERY_WARNING);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (pCard->cardStatus & PC_WRPROT)
- pBlkDev->bd_mode = O_RDONLY;
- else
- pBlkDev->bd_mode = O_RDWR;
- return (OK);
- }