- /* pcmciaLib.c - generic PCMCIA event-handling facilities */
- /* Copyright 1984-1996 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01g,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- 01f,16jan97,hdn added pCtrl->socks to force a number of sockets.
- 01e,08nov96,dgp doc: final formatting
- 01d,28mar96,jdi doc: cleaned up language and format.
- 01c,08mar96,hdn added more descriptions.
- 01b,22feb96,hdn cleaned up
- 01a,05apr95,hdn written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides generic facilities for handling PCMCIA events.
- Before the driver can be used, it must be initialized by calling pcmciaInit().
- This routine should be called exactly once, before any PC card device driver
- is used. Normally, it is called from usrRoot() in usrConfig.c.
- The pcmciaInit() routine performs the following actions:
- .iP
- Creates a message queue.
- .iP
- Spawns a PCMCIA daemon, which handles jobs in the message queue.
- .iP
- Finds out which PCMCIA chip is installed and fills out the
- PCMCIA_CHIP structure.
- .iP
- Connects the CSC (Card Status Change) interrupt handler.
- .iP
- Searches all sockets for a PC card. If a card is found, it:
- gets CIS (Card Information Structure) information from a card
- determines what type of PC card is in the socket
- allocates a resource for the card if the card is supported
- enables the card
- .iP
- Enables the CSC interrupt.
- .LP
- The CSC interrupt handler performs the following actions:
- .iP
- Searches all sockets for CSC events.
- .iP
- Calls the PC card's CSC interrupt handler, if there is a PC card in the socket.
- .iP
- If the CSC event is a hot insertion, it asks the PCMCIA daemon to call cisGet()
- at task level. This call reads the CIS, determines the type of PC card, and
- initializes a device driver for the card.
- .iP
- If the CSC event is a hot removal, it asks the PCMCIA daemon to call cisFree()
- at task level. This call de-allocates resources.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "msgQLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #include "drv/pcmcia/pcmciaLib.h"
- #include "drv/pcmcia/cisLib.h"
- /* externs */
- IMPORT PCMCIA_ADAPTER pcmciaAdapter[];
- IMPORT int pcmciaAdapterNumEnt;
- /* globals */
- MSG_Q_ID pcmciaMsgQId; /* ID of msgQ to pcmciad */
- int pcmciadId; /* pcmciad parameters */
- int pcmciadPriority = 2;
- int pcmciadStackSize = 8000;
- BOOL pcmciaDebug = FALSE;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL int pcmciaMsgsLost; /* count of msgs to pcmciad lost */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void pcmciaCscIntr (void);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pcmciaInit - initialize the PCMCIA event-handling package
- *
- * This routine installs the PCMCIA event-handling facilities and spawns
- * pcmciad(), which performs special PCMCIA event-handling functions that
- * need to be done at task level. It also creates the message queue used to
- * communicate with pcmciad().
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if a message queue cannot be created or pcmciad() cannot be
- * spawned.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pcmciad()
- */
- STATUS pcmciaInit (void)
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- int sock;
- int ix;
- pcmciaMsgQId = msgQCreate (PCMCIA_MAX_MSGS, sizeof(PCMCIA_MSG), MSG_Q_FIFO);
- if (pcmciaMsgQId == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pcmciadId = taskSpawn ("tPcmciad", pcmciadPriority,
- pcmciadOptions, pcmciadStackSize,
- (FUNCPTR) pcmciad, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (pcmciadId == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- for (ix = 0; ix < pcmciaAdapterNumEnt; ix++)
- {
- pAdapter = &pcmciaAdapter[ix];
- if ((* pAdapter->initRtn) (pAdapter->ioBase,
- pAdapter->intVec,
- pAdapter->intLevel,
- pAdapter->showRtn) == OK)
- break;
- }
- if (ix >= pcmciaAdapterNumEnt)
- return (ERROR);
- semMInit (&cisMuteSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_DELETE_SAFE |
- (void) intConnect ((VOIDFUNCPTR *)INUM_TO_IVEC(pAdapter->intVec),
- (VOIDFUNCPTR)pcmciaCscIntr, 0);
- if (pCtrl->socks != 0) /* if explicitely defined, use it */
- pChip->socks = pCtrl->socks;
- for (sock = 0; sock < pChip->socks; sock++)
- {
- pCard = &pCtrl->card[sock];
- if ((pCard->cardStatus = (* pChip->status) (sock)) & PC_IS_CARD)
- (void) cisGet (sock);
- (void) (* pChip->cscPoll) (sock);
- (void) (* pChip->cscOn) (sock, pChip->intLevel);
- }
- sysIntEnablePIC (pAdapter->intLevel);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pcmciaJobAdd - request a task-level function call from interrupt level
- *
- * This routine allows interrupt level code to request a function call
- * to be made by pcmciad at task-level.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the message is lost.
- */
- STATUS pcmciaJobAdd
- (
- VOIDFUNCPTR func, /* function pointer */
- int arg1, /* argument 1 */
- int arg2, /* argument 2 */
- int arg3, /* argument 3 */
- int arg4, /* argument 4 */
- int arg5, /* argument 5 */
- int arg6 /* argument 6 */
- )
- {
- msg.func = func;
- msg.arg[0] = arg1;
- msg.arg[1] = arg2;
- msg.arg[2] = arg3;
- msg.arg[3] = arg4;
- msg.arg[4] = arg5;
- msg.arg[5] = arg6;
- if (msgQSend (pcmciaMsgQId, (char *) &msg, sizeof (msg),
- {
- ++pcmciaMsgsLost;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pcmciad - handle task-level PCMCIA events
- *
- * This routine is spawned as a task by pcmciaInit() to perform functions
- * that cannot be performed at interrupt or trap level. It has a priority of 0.
- * Do not suspend, delete, or change the priority of this task.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: pcmciaInit()
- */
- void pcmciad (void)
- {
- static int oldMsgsLost = 0;
- int newMsgsLost;
- {
- if (msgQReceive (pcmciaMsgQId, (char *) &msg, sizeof (msg),
- WAIT_FOREVER) != sizeof (msg))
- {
- if (_func_logMsg != NULL)
- (* _func_logMsg) ("pcmciad: error receive msg, status = %#xn",
- errno, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- else
- (* msg.func) (msg.arg[0], msg.arg[1], msg.arg[2],
- msg.arg[3], msg.arg[4], msg.arg[5]);
- /* check to see if interrupt level lost any more calls */
- if ((newMsgsLost = pcmciaMsgsLost) != oldMsgsLost)
- {
- if (_func_logMsg != NULL)
- (* _func_logMsg) ("%d messages from interrupt level lost.n",
- newMsgsLost - oldMsgsLost, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- oldMsgsLost = newMsgsLost;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * pcmciaCscIntr - interrupt handler for card status change
- *
- * This routine is interrupt handler for card status change.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void pcmciaCscIntr (void)
- {
- PCMCIA_CTRL *pCtrl = &pcmciaCtrl;
- PCMCIA_CHIP *pChip = &pCtrl->chip;
- int sock;
- int csc;
- int status;
- for (sock = 0; sock < pChip->socks; sock++)
- {
- pCard = &pCtrl->card[sock];
- /* get changed status bits */
- if ((csc = (* pChip->cscPoll) (sock)) != 0)
- status = (* pChip->status) (sock);
- else
- continue;
- /* ignore if the status doesn't change */
- if (status ^ pCard->cardStatus)
- pCard->cardStatus = status;
- else
- continue;
- if ((pcmciaDebug) && (_func_logMsg != NULL))
- (* _func_logMsg) ("CSC sock=%d csc=0x%-4x status=0x%-4xn",
- sock, csc, pCard->cardStatus, 0, 0, 0);
- /* card's CSC interrupt handler. go next sock if it returns ERROR */
- if (pCard->cscIntr != NULL)
- if ((* pCard->cscIntr) (sock, csc) != OK)
- continue;
- /* hot insertion */
- if ((csc & PC_DETECT) && (pCard->cardStatus & PC_IS_CARD))
- {
- pcmciaJobAdd ((VOIDFUNCPTR)cisGet, sock, 0,0,0,0,0);
- if ((pcmciaDebug) && (_func_logMsg != NULL))
- (* _func_logMsg) ("Inserted: pcmciaJobAdd (cisGet)n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- /* hot removal */
- if ((csc & PC_DETECT) && (pCard->cardStatus & PC_NO_CARD))
- {
- pcmciaJobAdd (cisFree, sock, 0,0,0,0,0);
- if ((pcmciaDebug) && (_func_logMsg != NULL))
- (* _func_logMsg) ("Removed: pcmciaJobAdd (cisFree)n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- }