- /*
- ITU-T G.729 Annex C - Reference C code for floating point
- implementation of G.729 Annex A
- Version 1.01 of 15.September.98
- */
- /*
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ITU-T G.729 Annex C ANSI C source code
- Copyright (C) 1998, AT&T, France Telecom, NTT, University of
- Sherbrooke. All rights reserved.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*
- * ld8a.h - include file for G.729a 8.0 kb/s codec *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #ifdef PI
- #undef PI
- #endif
- #ifdef PI2
- #undef PI2
- #endif
- #define PI (F)3.141592654
- #define PI2 (F)6.283185307
- #define FLT_MAX_G729 (F)1.0e38 /* largest floating point number */
- #define FLT_MIN_G729 (F)-1.0e38 /* largest floating point number */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Codec constant parameters (coder, decoder, and postfilter) *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define L_TOTAL 240 /* Total size of speech buffer */
- #define L_WINDOW 240 /* LPC analysis window size */
- #define L_NEXT 40 /* Samples of next frame needed for LPC ana.*/
- #define L_FRAME 80 /* LPC update frame size */
- #define L_SUBFR 40 /* Sub-frame size */
- #define PIT_MIN 20 /* Minimum pitch lag in samples */
- #define PIT_MAX 143 /* Maximum pitch lag in samples */
- #define L_INTERPOL (10+1) /* Length of filter for interpolation. */
- #define GAMMA1 (F)0.75 /* Bandwitdh expansion for W(z) */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * constants for lpc analysis and lsp quantizer *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define M 10 /* LPC order */
- #define MP1 (M+1) /* LPC order+1 */
- #define NC (M/2) /* LPC order / 2 */
- #define WNC (F)1.0001 /* white noise correction factor */
- #define GRID_POINTS 50 /* resolution of lsp search */
- #define MA_NP 4 /* MA prediction order for LSP */
- #define MODE 2 /* number of modes for MA prediction */
- #define NC0_B 7 /* number of bits in first stage */
- #define NC0 (1<<NC0_B) /* number of entries in first stage */
- #define NC1_B 5 /* number of bits in second stage */
- #define NC1 (1<<NC1_B) /* number of entries in second stage */
- #define L_LIMIT (F)0.005 /* */
- #define M_LIMIT (F)3.135 /* */
- #define GAP1 (F)0.0012 /* */
- #define GAP2 (F)0.0006 /* */
- #define GAP3 (F)0.0392 /* */
- #define PI04 PI*(F)0.04 /* pi*0.04 */
- #define PI92 PI*(F)0.92 /* pi*0.92 */
- #define CONST12 (F)1.2
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Constants for long-term predictor *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define SHARPMAX (F)0.7945 /* Maximum value of pitch sharpening */
- #define SHARPMIN (F)0.2 /* Minimum value of pitch sharpening */
- #define GAIN_PIT_MAX (F)1.2 /* Maximum adaptive codebook gain */
- #define UP_SAMP 3 /* Resolution of fractional delays */
- #define L_INTER10 10 /* Length for pitch interpolation */
- #define FIR_SIZE_SYN (UP_SAMP*L_INTER10+1)
- /*-----------------------*
- * Innovative codebook. *
- *-----------------------*/
- #define DIM_RR 616 /* size of correlation matrix */
- #define NB_POS 8 /* Number of positions for each pulse */
- #define STEP 5 /* Step betweem position of the same pulse. */
- #define MSIZE 64 /* Size of vectors for cross-correlation between 2 pulses*/
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * gain quantizer *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define MEAN_ENER (F)36.0 /* Average innovation energy */
- #define NCODE1 8 /* Codebook 1 size */
- #define NCODE2 16 /* Codebook 2 size */
- #define NCAN1 4 /* Pre-selecting order for #1 */
- #define NCAN2 8 /* Pre-selecting order for #2 */
- #define INV_COEF (F)-0.032623
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Constant for postfilter *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define GAMMA2_PST (F)0.55 /* Formant postfilt factor (numerator) */
- #define GAMMA1_PST (F)0.70 /* Formant postfilt factor (denominator) */
- #define GAMMAP (F)0.50 /* Harmonic postfilt factor */
- #define INV_GAMMAP ((F)1.0/((F)1.0+GAMMAP))
- #define GAMMAP_2 (GAMMAP/((F)1.0+GAMMAP))
- #define MU (F)0.8 /* Factor for tilt compensation filter */
- #define AGC_FAC (F)0.9 /* Factor for automatic gain control */
- #define AGC_FAC1 ((F)1.-AGC_FAC)
- #define L_H 22 /* size of truncated impulse response of A(z/g1)/A(z/g2) */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Constants for taming procedure. *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define GPCLIP (F)0.95 /* Maximum pitch gain if taming is needed */
- #define GPCLIP2 (F)0.94 /* Maximum pitch gain if taming is needed */
- #define GP0999 (F)0.9999 /* Maximum pitch gain if taming is needed */
- #define THRESH_ERR (F)60000. /* Error threshold taming */
- #define INV_L_SUBFR (FLOAT) ((F)1./(FLOAT)L_SUBFR) /* =0.025 */
- /*-----------------------*
- * Bitstream constants *
- *-----------------------*/
- #define BIT_0 (INT16)0x007f /* definition of zero-bit in bit-stream */
- #define BIT_1 (INT16)0x0081 /* definition of one-bit in bit-stream */
- #define SYNC_WORD (INT16)0x6b21 /* definition of frame erasure flag */
- #define PRM_SIZE 11 /* number of parameters per 10 ms frame */
- #define SERIAL_SIZE 82 /* bits per frame */
- #define SIZE_WORD (INT16)80 /* number of speech bits */
- /*-------------------------------*
- * Pre and post-process functions*
- *-------------------------------*/
- void init_post_process( void
- );
- void post_process(
- FLOAT signal[], /* (i/o) : signal */
- int lg /* (i) : lenght of signal */
- );
- void init_pre_process( void
- );
- void pre_process(
- FLOAT signal[], /* (i/o) : signal */
- int lg /* (i) : lenght of signal */
- );
- /*----------------------------------*
- * Main coder and decoder functions *
- *----------------------------------*/
- void init_coder_ld8a(void);
- void coder_ld8a(
- int ana[] /* output: analysis parameters */
- );
- void init_decod_ld8a(void);
- void decod_ld8a(
- int parm[], /* (i) : vector of synthesis parameters
- parm[0] = bad frame indicator (bfi) */
- FLOAT synth[], /* (o) : synthesis speech */
- FLOAT A_t[], /* (o) : decoded LP filter in 2 subframes */
- int *T2, /* (o) : decoded pitch lag in 2 subframes */
- int bfi /* (i) :bad frame indicator (bfi) */
- );
- /*-------------------------------*
- * LPC analysis and filtering. *
- *-------------------------------*/
- void autocorr(FLOAT *x, int m, FLOAT *r);
- void lag_window(int m, FLOAT r[]);
- FLOAT levinson(FLOAT *a, FLOAT *r, FLOAT *r_c);
- void az_lsp(FLOAT *a, FLOAT *lsp, FLOAT *old_lsp);
- void int_qlpc(FLOAT lsp_new[], FLOAT lsp_old[], FLOAT a[]);
- void weight_az(FLOAT *a, FLOAT gamma, int m, FLOAT *ap);
- void residu( /* filter A(z) */
- FLOAT *a, /* input : prediction coefficients a[0:m+1], a[0]=1. */
- FLOAT *x, /* input : input signal x[0:l-1], x[-1:m] are needed */
- FLOAT *y, /* output: output signal y[0:l-1] NOTE: x[] and y[]
- cannot point to same array */
- int l /* input : dimension of x and y */
- );
- void syn_filt(
- FLOAT a[], /* input : predictor coefficients a[0:m] */
- FLOAT x[], /* input : excitation signal */
- FLOAT y[], /* output: filtered output signal */
- int l, /* input : vector dimension */
- FLOAT mem[], /* in/out: filter memory */
- int update_m /* input : 0 = no memory update, 1 = update */
- );
- void convolve(
- FLOAT x[], /* input : input vector x[0:l] */
- FLOAT h[], /* input : impulse response or second input h[0:l] */
- FLOAT y[], /* output: x convolved with h , y[0:l] */
- int l /* input : dimension of all vectors */
- );
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Prototypes of pitch functions *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int pitch_ol_fast( /* output: open loop pitch lag */
- FLOAT signal[], /* input : signal used to compute the open loop pitch */
- /* signal[-pit_max] to signal[-1] should be known */
- int L_frame /* input : length of frame to compute pitch */
- );
- int pitch_fr3_fast( /* output: integer part of pitch period */
- FLOAT exc[], /* input : excitation buffer */
- FLOAT xn[], /* input : target vector */
- FLOAT h[], /* input : impulse response. */
- int L_subfr, /* input : Length of subframe */
- int t0_min, /* input : minimum value in the searched range */
- int t0_max, /* input : maximum value in the searched range */
- int i_subfr, /* input : indicator for first subframe */
- int *pit_frac /* output: chosen fraction */
- );
- FLOAT g_pitch(FLOAT xn[], FLOAT y1[], FLOAT g_coeff[], int l);
- int enc_lag3( /* output: Return index of encoding */
- int T0, /* input : Pitch delay */
- int T0_frac, /* input : Fractional pitch delay */
- int *T0_min, /* in/out: Minimum search delay */
- int *T0_max, /* in/out: Maximum search delay */
- int pit_min, /* input : Minimum pitch delay */
- int pit_max, /* input : Maximum pitch delay */
- int pit_flag /* input : Flag for 1st subframe */
- );
- void dec_lag3( /* Decode the pitch lag */
- int index, /* input : received pitch index */
- int pit_min, /* input : minimum pitch lag */
- int pit_max, /* input : maximum pitch lag */
- int i_subfr, /* input : subframe flag */
- int *T0, /* output: integer part of pitch lag */
- int *T0_frac /* output: fractional part of pitch lag */
- );
- void pred_lt_3( /* Compute adaptive codebook */
- FLOAT exc[], /* in/out: excitation vector, exc[0:l_sub-1] = out */
- int t0, /* input : pitch lag */
- int frac, /* input : Fraction of pitch lag (-1, 0, 1) / 3 */
- int l_sub /* input : length of subframe. */
- );
- int parity_pitch(int pitch_i);
- int check_parity_pitch(int pitch_i, int parity);
- void cor_h_x(
- FLOAT h[], /* (i) :Impulse response of filters */
- FLOAT X[], /* (i) :Target vector */
- FLOAT D[] /* (o) :Correlations between h[] and D[] */
- );
- /*-----------------------*
- * Innovative codebook. *
- *-----------------------*/
- int ACELP_code_A( /* (o) :index of pulses positions */
- FLOAT x[], /* (i) :Target vector */
- FLOAT h[], /* (i) :Inpulse response of filters */
- int T0, /* (i) :Pitch lag */
- FLOAT pitch_sharp, /* (i) :Last quantized pitch gain */
- FLOAT code[], /* (o) :Innovative codebook */
- FLOAT y[], /* (o) :Filtered innovative codebook */
- int *sign /* (o) :Signs of 4 pulses */
- );
- void decod_ACELP(int signs, int positions, FLOAT cod[]);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*
- * Prototypes of LSP VQ functions *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- void qua_lsp(
- FLOAT lsp[], /* (i) : Unquantized LSP */
- FLOAT lsp_q[], /* (o) : Quantized LSP */
- int ana[] /* (o) : indexes */
- );
- void lsp_encw_reset(void);
- void lsp_expand_1( FLOAT buf[], FLOAT c);
- void lsp_expand_2( FLOAT buf[], FLOAT c);
- void lsp_expand_1_2( FLOAT buf[], FLOAT c);
- void lsp_get_quant(
- FLOAT lspcb1[][M],
- FLOAT lspcb2[][M],
- int code0,
- int code1,
- int code2,
- FLOAT fg[][M],
- FLOAT freq_prev[][M],
- FLOAT lspq[],
- FLOAT fg_sum[]
- );
- void d_lsp(
- int index[], /* input : indexes */
- FLOAT lsp_new[], /* output: decoded lsp */
- int bfi /* input : frame erase information */
- );
- void lsp_decw_reset(void);
- void lsp_prev_extract(
- FLOAT lsp[M],
- FLOAT lsp_ele[M],
- FLOAT fg[MA_NP][M],
- FLOAT freq_prev[MA_NP][M],
- FLOAT fg_sum_inv[M]
- );
- void lsp_prev_update(
- FLOAT lsp_ele[M],
- FLOAT freq_prev[MA_NP][M]
- );
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * gain VQ functions. *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int qua_gain(FLOAT code[], FLOAT *coeff, int lcode, FLOAT *gain_pit,
- FLOAT *gain_code, int tameflag );
- void dec_gain(int indice, FLOAT code[], int lcode, int bfi, FLOAT *gain_pit,
- FLOAT *gain_code);
- void gain_predict(
- FLOAT past_qua_en[], /* input :Past quantized energies */
- FLOAT code[], /* input: Innovative vector. */
- int l_subfr, /* input : Subframe length. */
- FLOAT *gcode0 /* output : Predicted codebook gain */
- );
- void gain_update(
- FLOAT past_qua_en[], /* input/output :Past quantized energies */
- FLOAT g_code /* input : quantized gain */
- );
- void gain_update_erasure(FLOAT *past_qua_en);
- void corr_xy2(FLOAT xn[], FLOAT y1[], FLOAT y2[], FLOAT g_coeff[]);
- /*-----------------------*
- * Bitstream function *
- *-----------------------*/
- void prm2bits_ld8k(int prm[], unsigned char * bits);
- void bits2prm_ld8k(unsigned char * bits, int prm[]);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*
- * Prototypes for the post filtering *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- void init_post_filter(void);
- void post_filter(
- FLOAT *syn, /* in/out: synthesis speech (postfiltered is output) */
- FLOAT *a_t, /* input : interpolated LPC parameters in all subframes */
- int *T /* input : decoded pitch lags in all subframes */
- );
- /*------------------------------------------------------------*
- * prototypes for taming procedure. *
- *------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void init_exc_err(void);
- void update_exc_err(FLOAT gain_pit, int t0);
- int test_err(int t0, int t0_frac);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*
- * Prototypes for auxiliary functions *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- void set_zero(
- FLOAT x[], /* (o) : vector to clear */
- int L /* (i) : length of vector */
- );
- void copy(
- FLOAT x[], /* (i) : input vector */
- FLOAT y[], /* (o) : output vector */
- int L /* (i) : vector length */
- );
- INT16 random_g729(void);
- void fwrite16(
- FLOAT *data, /* input: inputdata */
- int length, /* input: length of data array */
- FILE *fp /* input: file pointer */
- );