- /* aioSysDrv.c - AIO system driver */
- /* Copyright 1984-1994 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- -------------------
- 1c,01feb94,dvs documentation changes.
- 1b,12jan94,kdl changed name to aioSysDrv.c; general cleanup.
- 1a,04apr93,elh written.
- */
- /*
- This library is the AIO system driver. The system driver implements
- asynchronous I/O with system AIO tasks performing the AIO requests
- in a synchronous manner. It is installed as the default driver for AIO.
- Two types of tasks are used to implement the system driver: the aioIoTask
- and the aioWaitTask. The aioIoTask services the work queue and performs
- the I/O. It gets an AIO request from the work queue, performs the I/O
- on behalf of the task that initiated the I/O request, and then notifies
- the caller of the I/O completion. The number of aioIoTasks gets specified
- by the user in the call to aioSysInit.
- The aioWaitTask services the wait queue and is used for AIO requests
- that can not be performed immediately due to blocking I/O. The aioWaitTask
- waits for data (or events) to arrive that will allow waiting AIO requests
- to complete successfully.
- Therefore, if the aioIoTask gets an AIO request that will block, the
- aioIoTask will not execute the I/O command but instead put the request in
- "wait" state, add it to the wait queue and notify the aioWaitTask that the I/O
- request is waiting on data.
- Once the data arrives, the aioWaitTask moves the request back to the
- work queue and notifies the aioIoTask the request can now be completed.
- This library uses pipeDrv to communicate between the aioIoTasks and
- aioWaitTask. Therefore pipeDrv must get dragged in to use the system
- driver.
- SEE ALSO: POSIX 1003.1b document
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "aioSysDrv.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "private/iosLibP.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "selectLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "pipeDrv.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- /* defines */
- /* other defines */
- #define AIO_TASK_BASE_NAME "tAioIoTask" /* task base name */
- #define AIO_TASK_NAME_LEN 50 /* expected task name length */
- #define AIO_WAIT_TASK_NAME "tAioWait" /* wait task name */
- #define AIO_PIPE_NAME "/aioPipe" /* pipe name */
- #define AIO_PIPE_MSG_MAX 50 /* max pipe messages */
- #define READ_OP 0 /* read operation */
- #define WRITE_OP 1 /* write operation */
- #define IO_OP(op) ((op) == IO_READ ? READ_OP : WRITE_OP)
- /* AIO system driver flags */
- #define DRV_SELECT 0x4 /* select device */
- #define DRV_NOSELECT 0x8 /* not a select device */
- /* typedefs */
- typedef struct wait_msg /* wait message */
- {
- int op; /* READ_OP || WRITE_OP */
- int fd; /* file descriptor */
- /* globals */
- FUNCPTR aioSysPrintRtn = NULL; /* print routine */
- struct /* aioWaitTask wait fds */
- {
- fd_set ioWait [2];
- fd_set io [2];
- } ioFds;
- /* locals */
- LOCAL AIO_DEV aioDev; /* AIO device structure */
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE aioIOSem; /* I/O semaphore */
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE aioSysQSem; /* Q semaphore (work & done) */
- LOCAL SEMAPHORE aioSysWorkSem; /* work semaphore */
- LOCAL BOOL aioSysInitialized = FALSE; /* library initialized */
- LOCAL int aioSysFd; /* wait task control fd */
- /* forward declarations */
- void aioIoTask (AIO_DEV * pDev);
- void aioWaitTask (void);
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysInsert (int value, struct aiocb * pAiocb, int prio);
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysIoctl (int value, int function, int arg);
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysRead (struct aiocb * pAiocb, int * pError);
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysWrite (struct aiocb * pAiocb, int * pError);
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysSyncReq (AIO_DEV * pDev, AIO_SYS * pReq);
- LOCAL BOOL aioSysOpWillBlock (int fd, int op);
- LOCAL BOOL aioSysBlockingDev (int fd);
- LOCAL BOOL aioSysWaitFind (AIO_SYS * pReq, IO_Q * pQ, int bogus4);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysInit - initialize the AIO system driver
- *
- * This routine initializes the AIO system driver. It should be called
- * once after the AIO library has been initialized. It spawns
- * <numTasks> system I/O tasks to be executed at <taskPrio> priority level,
- * with a stack size of <taskStackSize>. It also starts the wait task and sets
- * the system driver as the default driver for AIO. If <numTasks>, <taskPrio>,
- * or <taskStackSize> is 0, a default value (AIO_IO_TASKS_DFLT, AIO_IO_PRIO_DFLT,
- * or AIO_IO_STACK_DFLT, respectively) is used.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- */
- STATUS aioSysInit
- (
- int numTasks, /* number of system tasks */
- int taskPrio, /* AIO task priority */
- int taskStackSize /* AIO task stack size */
- )
- {
- int ix; /* index */
- char taskName [AIO_TASK_NAME_LEN];
- /* area to build task name */
- if (aioSysInitialized)
- return (OK); /* already initialized */
- /* Set default parameter values */
- taskStackSize = (taskStackSize == 0) ? AIO_IO_STACK_DFLT : taskStackSize;
- numTasks = (numTasks == 0) ? AIO_IO_TASKS_DFLT : numTasks;
- taskPrio = (taskPrio == 0) ? AIO_IO_PRIO_DFLT : min (taskPrio, 254);
- /* Initialize the I/O queues (workQ and waitQ) */
- ioQInit (&aioDev.ioQ, ioQLockSem, ioQUnlockSem, (int) &aioSysQSem);
- /* Create IPC pipe for I/O tasks and wait task */
- pipeDrv ();
- if ((pipeDevCreate (AIO_PIPE_NAME, AIO_PIPE_MSG_MAX,
- sizeof (WAIT_MSG)) == ERROR) ||
- (aioSysFd = open (AIO_PIPE_NAME, O_RDWR, 0666)) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR); /* pipe driver needed */
- /* Start aioWaitTask. It must have a lower priority than aioIoTasks. */
- if (taskSpawn (AIO_WAIT_TASK_NAME, taskPrio + 1, AIO_TASK_OPT,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Initialize the work and position semaphores */
- semCInit (&aioSysWorkSem, SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_EMPTY);
- /* Spawn aioIoTasks */
- while (numTasks-- > 0)
- {
- sprintf (taskName,"%s%d", AIO_TASK_BASE_NAME, numTasks);
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn) ("aioIoTask: %s startingn", (int) taskName,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (taskSpawn (taskName, taskPrio, AIO_TASK_OPT, taskStackSize,
- (FUNCPTR) aioIoTask, (int) &aioDev, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Install AIO system driver as the default driver */
- for (ix = 0 ; ix < maxDrivers; ix++)
- aioDrvInstall (ix, aioSysInsert, aioSysIoctl, 0);
- aioSysInitialized = TRUE; /* mark as initialized */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysInsert - Insert an AIO request into the system work queue
- *
- * This routine accepts an AIO request into the driver. If there are
- * other requests waiting on the fd (for the requested op) it adds
- * the AIO request to the wait queue and notifies the aioWaitTask.
- * Otherwise it adds the request to the work queue and signals the aioIoTask.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successfully inserted, ERROR otherwise.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysInsert
- (
- int value, /* not used */
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- int prio /* priority */
- )
- {
- WAIT_MSG newFd; /* new fd to wait on */
- IO_Q * pQ = &aioDev.ioQ; /* I/O queue */
- AIO_SYS * pReq = &pAiocb->aio_sys;/* AIO request */
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn) ("aioSysInsert: aiocb (0%x) prio (%d) op %dn",
- (int) pAiocb, prio, pReq->ioNode.op, 0, 0, 0);
- IOQ_LOCK (pQ); /* lock access */
- if (pReq->state != AIO_READY)
- {
- return (ERROR); /* requests been mucked */
- }
- /* Check if the wait task is already waiting on the file descriptor
- * for the requested op.
- */
- if (FD_ISSET (pAiocb->aio_fildes, &ioFds.ioWait [IO_OP(pReq->ioNode.op)]))
- {
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn) ("aioSysInsert: will block - move wait queuen");
- IOQ_WAIT_ADD (pQ, &pReq->ioNode, prio); /* add to wait Q */
- pReq->state = AIO_WAIT;
- newFd.op = IO_OP (pReq->ioNode.op); /* notify waitTask */
- newFd.fd = pAiocb->aio_fildes;
- write (aioSysFd, (caddr_t) &newFd, sizeof (WAIT_MSG));
- }
- else
- {
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn) ("aioSysInsert: move to work queuen");
- IOQ_WORK_ADD (pQ, &pReq->ioNode, prio); /* add it to work Q */
- pReq->state = AIO_QUEUED;
- semGive (&aioSysWorkSem); /* notify I/O Task */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysIoctl - control an AIO request
- *
- * This routine performs a control operation on a previously submitted AIO
- * request.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysIoctl
- (
- int value, /* not used */
- int function, /* ioctl function */
- int arg /* argument */
- )
- {
- int retVal = OK; /* return value */
- switch (function)
- {
- case FAIO_CANCEL : /* cancel request */
- retVal = aioCancel (&aioDev, (struct aiocb *) arg);
- break;
- case FAIO_PUSH : /* move to head */
- retVal = aioPush (&aioDev, (struct aiocb *) arg);
- break;
- default: /* unknown function */
- errno = S_ioLib_UNKNOWN_REQUEST;
- retVal = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- return (retVal);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioIoTask - AIO I/O task
- *
- * This routine performs the I/O on behalf of the caller. It gets a requests
- * from the work queue and if the operation will not block, performs the
- * requested operation. If the request will block it moves the request to the
- * wait queue and notifies the wait server of the new addition.
- *
- */
- void aioIoTask
- (
- AIO_DEV * pDev /* AIO device */
- )
- {
- AIO_SYS * pReq; /* AIO request */
- int op; /* operation */
- int fd; /* file descriptor */
- int retVal; /* return value */
- int errorVal; /* error value */
- WAIT_MSG waitMsg; /* wait msg */
- {
- semTake (&aioSysWorkSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* wait for work */
- if ((pReq = aioNext (pDev)) == NULL) /* Get I/O request */
- continue;
- op = pReq->ioNode.op;
- fd = pReq->pAiocb->aio_fildes;
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn) ("aioIoTask: (0x%x) op: %d fd: %dn",
- (int) pReq->pAiocb, op, fd);
- semTake (&aioIOSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Sync function */
- if (op == IO_SYNC)
- {
- aioSync (pDev, pReq->pAiocb, aioSysSyncReq);
- semGive (&aioIOSem);
- continue;
- }
- if (aioSysBlockingDev (fd) && aioSysOpWillBlock (fd, op))
- {
- /* If the device is a blocking device and the requested
- * operation will block, then move it from the work queue to
- * to the wait queue, and notify the aioWaitTask of new waiter.
- */
- semGive (&aioIOSem);
- IOQ_LOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- IOQ_WORK_DELETE (&pDev->ioQ, &pReq->ioNode);
- IOQ_WAIT_ADD (&pDev->ioQ, &pReq->ioNode, pReq->ioNode.prio);
- pReq->state = AIO_WAIT; /* wait state */
- IOQ_UNLOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- waitMsg.op = IO_OP (op);
- waitMsg.fd = fd;
- write (aioSysFd, (char *) &waitMsg, sizeof (WAIT_MSG));
- continue;
- }
- /* Perform the requested I/O */
- switch (op)
- {
- case IO_READ:
- retVal = aioSysRead (pReq->pAiocb, &errorVal);
- break;
- case IO_WRITE:
- retVal = aioSysWrite (pReq->pAiocb, &errorVal);
- break;
- default:
- retVal = ERROR;
- errorVal = EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- semGive (&aioIOSem);
- /* Mark request as completed and send the request back to aioLib */
- IOQ_LOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- AIO_DONE_SET (pReq->pAiocb, retVal, errorVal);
- IOQ_WORK_DELETE (&pDev->ioQ, &pReq->ioNode);
- IOQ_UNLOCK (&pDev->ioQ);
- ioQNodeDone (&pReq->ioNode);
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysSyncReq - synchronize an AIO request
- *
- * This routine attempts to synchronize the AIO request <pReq> to the
- * synchronized I/O completion state.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, ERROR otherwise.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysSyncReq
- (
- AIO_DEV * pDev, /* AIO device */
- AIO_SYS * pReq /* AIO request */
- )
- {
- int errorVal; /* error value */
- IO_Q * pQ = &pDev->ioQ; /* I/O queue */
- STATUS retVal = OK; /* return value */
- if ((pReq->state == AIO_QUEUED) && (pReq->ioNode.op == IO_WRITE))
- {
- if (aioSysWrite (pReq->pAiocb, &errorVal) == ERROR)
- retVal = ERROR; /* write failed */
- /* complete the AIO operation */
- AIO_DONE_SET (pReq->pAiocb, retVal, errorVal);
- IOQ_LOCK (pQ);
- IOQ_WORK_DELETE (pQ, &pReq->ioNode);
- ioQNodeDone (&pReq->ioNode);
- }
- return (retVal);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysWrite - AIO system driver write routine
- *
- * This routine performs a write call for the AIO request <pAiocb>.
- *
- * RETURNS: return value for the write call.
- *
- * POSIX says that writes can append to the file if O_APPEND is set
- * for the file. When we implement O_APPEND, the following code will
- * need to be changed.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS aioSysWrite
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- int * pError
- )
- {
- int retVal = ERROR; /* return value */
- /* lseek protected by aioIOSem */
- lseek (pAiocb->aio_fildes, pAiocb->aio_offset, SEEK_SET);
- retVal = write (pAiocb->aio_fildes, (char *) pAiocb->aio_buf,
- pAiocb->aio_nbytes);
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn)
- ("aioSysWrite:fd (%d) wrote %d bytes buffer 0x%x loc %d n",
- pAiocb->aio_fildes, retVal, pAiocb->aio_buf, pAiocb->aio_offset);
- *pError = (retVal == ERROR) ? errno : 0;
- return (retVal);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysRead - AIO system driver read routine
- *
- * This routine performs a read call for the AIO request <pAiocb>.
- *
- * RETURNS: return value from the read call.
- */
- (
- struct aiocb * pAiocb, /* AIO control block */
- int * pError
- )
- {
- int retVal = ERROR; /* return value */
- /* lseek protected by aioIOSem */
- lseek (pAiocb->aio_fildes, pAiocb->aio_offset, SEEK_SET);
- retVal = read (pAiocb->aio_fildes, (char *) pAiocb->aio_buf,
- pAiocb->aio_nbytes);
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn)
- ("aioSysRead:fd (%d) read %d bytes buffer 0x%x loc %d n",
- pAiocb->aio_fildes, retVal, pAiocb->aio_buf, pAiocb->aio_offset);
- *pError = (retVal == ERROR) ? errno : 0;
- return (retVal);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioWaitTask - AIO wait task
- *
- * The AIO wait task is responsible for managing the AIO requests that are
- * are in AIO_WAIT state. These are requests that can not be completed
- * immediately because they are waiting for I/O on blocking devices.
- * When data becomes available on a file descriptor, the aioWaitTask finds
- * the waiting request and moves it back to the work queue to be executed
- * by the aioIoTask.
- *
- */
- void aioWaitTask (void)
- {
- int ndone; /* num done */
- WAIT_MSG waitMsg; /* control message */
- IO_Q * pIoQ = &aioDev.ioQ; /* I/O queue */
- /* clear out the file descriptors - set control fd */
- FD_ZERO (&ioFds.ioWait [READ_OP]);
- FD_ZERO (&ioFds.ioWait [WRITE_OP]);
- FD_SET (aioSysFd, &ioFds.ioWait [READ_OP]);
- {
- [READ_OP] = ioFds.ioWait [READ_OP];
- [WRITE_OP] = ioFds.ioWait [WRITE_OP];
- /* Wait for data and/or control messages */
- ndone = select (FD_SETSIZE, & [READ_OP], & [WRITE_OP],
- if (FD_ISSET (aioSysFd, & [READ_OP]))
- {
- /* Got a control message with new fd to wait on */
- read (aioSysFd, (caddr_t) &waitMsg, sizeof (WAIT_MSG));
- if (aioSysPrintRtn != NULL)
- (* aioSysPrintRtn) ("aioWaitTask: control op %s fd %dn",
- (waitMsg.op == READ_OP) ? "read" : "write",
- waitMsg.fd);
- /* mask in the new fd to wait on */
- FD_SET (waitMsg.fd, &ioFds.ioWait [waitMsg.op]);
- if (--ndone == 0)
- continue; /* only got control info */
- }
- /* Data became available. Find the request(s) this will satisfy */
- IOQ_LOCK (pIoQ);
- FD_ZERO (&ioFds.ioWait [READ_OP]);
- FD_ZERO (&ioFds.ioWait [WRITE_OP]);
- ioQEach (&pIoQ->waitQ, aioSysWaitFind, (int) pIoQ, 0);
- FD_SET (aioSysFd, &ioFds.ioWait [READ_OP]); /* add control fd */
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysBlockingDev - check if a device is a blocking device
- *
- * This routine determines if the device associated with file descriptor
- * <fd> is a blocking (select) device.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if the device supports select, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- BOOL aioSysBlockingDev
- (
- int fd /* file descriptor */
- )
- {
- fd_set readFds; /* read fds */
- BOOL selectDev; /* device supports select */
- int flags; /* driver flags */
- struct timeval timeOut = {0, 0}; /* timeout */
- if (aioDrvFlagsGet (fd, &flags) == ERROR)
- return (FALSE);
- /* check flags if we already know this information */
- if (flags & DRV_NOSELECT)
- return (FALSE); /* no select */
- if (flags & DRV_SELECT)
- return (TRUE); /* has select */
- /* Poll driver to see if select fails */
- FD_ZERO (&readFds);
- FD_SET (fd, &readFds);
- selectDev = select (FD_SETSIZE, &readFds, NULL, NULL, &timeOut) == ERROR ?
- aioDrvFlagsSet (fd, selectDev ? DRV_SELECT : DRV_NOSELECT);
- return (selectDev);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysOpWillBlock - requested operation will block
- *
- * This routine determines if the the operation specified by <op> will block
- * on the device associated with file descriptor <fd>.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if the operation will block, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioSysOpWillBlock
- (
- int fd, /* file descriptor */
- int op /* operation */
- )
- {
- fd_set readFds; /* read fds */
- fd_set writeFds; /* write fds */
- struct timeval timeOut = {0, 0}; /* timeout */
- /* Poll the device to see if the requested operation will block */
- FD_ZERO (&readFds);
- FD_ZERO (&writeFds);
- FD_SET (fd, (op == IO_READ) ? &readFds : &writeFds);
- return ((select (FD_SETSIZE, &readFds, &writeFds, NULL, &timeOut) == 0) ?
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * aioSysWaitFind - find waiting requests (each routine)
- *
- * This routine gets called once for each AIO request in the wait queue.
- * It looks at the AIO request <pReq> to determine if the waiting request may
- * have been satisfied by the recent wake up. It also reconstructs the
- * file descriptors for the aioWaitTask to select on.
- *
- */
- LOCAL BOOL aioSysWaitFind
- (
- AIO_SYS * pReq, /* AIO request */
- IO_Q * pQ, /* I/O queue */
- int bogus /* not used */
- )
- {
- int op; /* operation */
- int fd; /* file descriptor */
- op = IO_OP (pReq->ioNode.op);
- fd = pReq->pAiocb->aio_fildes;
- if (FD_ISSET (fd, & [op]))
- {
- /* Request may have been satisfied, move it from the
- * wait queue to the work queue and notify the I/O tasks
- * of new work.
- */
- IOQ_WAIT_DELETE (pQ, &pReq->ioNode);
- IOQ_WORK_ADD (pQ, &pReq->ioNode, pReq->ioNode.prio);
- pReq->pAiocb->aio_sys.state = AIO_QUEUED;
- FD_CLR (fd, & [op]);
- semGive (&aioSysWorkSem); /* notify i/o task */
- }
- else
- FD_SET (fd, &ioFds.ioWait [op]);
- return (TRUE); /* do entire list */
- }