- /* vmShow.c - virtual memory show routines (VxVMI Option) */
- /* Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01q,17mar99,jdi doc: updated w/ info about proj facility (SPR 25727).
- 01p,16apr98,hdn fixed typo by renaming XXX_WRITEBACK to XXX_WBACK.
- 01o,09apr98,hdn added support for Pentium, PentiumPro.
- 01k,18aug94,tpr changed VM_STATE_CACHEABLE to VM_STATE_MASK_CACHEABLE in
- vmContextShowNewBlock().
- 01k,13sep93,caf made null for MIPS.
- 01l,18nov93,edm changed BOOL mmuPhysAddrShifted to int mmuPhysAddrShift.
- 01k,23mar93,edm added support for physical addresses->page number option.
- 01j,23feb93,jdi doc: added Availability section.
- 01i,04feb93,rdc fixed bug preventing display of blocks at end of vm space.
- removed display of "V+", minor doc tweak.
- 01h,03feb93,jdi documentation - marked as optional product.
- 01g,02feb93,jdi documentation tweaks.
- 01f,21oct92,jdi doc change as per pme.
- 01e,19oct92,jcf guarded against zero divide.
- 01d,02oct92,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01c,22sep92,rdc changed globalPageBlockArray to type UINT8;
- 01b,30jul92,rdc added show routine to vmContextClass.
- 01a,27jul92,rdc written.
- This library contains virtual memory information display routines.
- The routine vmShowInit() links this facility into the VxWorks system.
- It is called automatically when this facility is configured into
- VxWorks using either of the following methods:
- .iP
- If you use the configuration header files, define both INCLUDE_MMU_FULL
- and INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES in config.h.
- .iP
- If you use the Tornado project facility, select INCLUDE_MMU_FULL_SHOW.
- .LP
- This module and vmLib are distributed as the unbundled virtual memory
- support option, VxVMI.
- SEE ALSO: vmLib,
- .pG "Virtual Memory"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #if (CPU_FAMILY != MIPS)
- #include "private/vmLibP.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- /* macros */
- #define ADDR_IN_GLOBAL_SPACE(vAddr) (globalPageBlockArray[(unsigned) vAddr / mmuPageBlockSize])
- /* imports */
- IMPORT UINT8 *globalPageBlockArray;
- IMPORT int mmuPageBlockSize;
- IMPORT int mmuPhysAddrShift;
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL void vmContextShowNewBlock (UINT blockBegin, UINT blockEnd, UINT physAddr,
- UINT blockState);
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmShowInit - include virtual memory show facility (VxVMI Option)
- *
- * This routine acts as a hook to include vmContextShow().
- * It is called automatically when the virtual memory show facility is
- * configured into VxWorks using either of the following methods:
- * .iP
- * If you use the configuration header files, define both INCLUDE_MMU_FULL
- * and INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES in config.h.
- * .iP
- * If you use the Tornado project facility, select INCLUDE_MMU_FULL_SHOW.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled virtual memory
- * support option, VxVMI.
- *
- */
- void vmShowInit (void)
- {
- classShowConnect ((CLASS_ID) vmContextClassId, (FUNCPTR)vmContextShow);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmContextShow - display the translation table for a context (VxVMI Option)
- *
- * This routine displays the translation table for a specified context.
- * If <context> is specified as NULL, the current context is displayed.
- * Output is formatted to show blocks of virtual memory with consecutive
- * physical addresses and the same state. State information shows the
- * writable and cacheable states. If the block is in global virtual
- * memory, the word "global" is appended to the line. Only virtual memory
- * that has its valid state bit set is displayed.
- *
- * This routine should be used for debugging purposes only.
- *
- * Note that this routine cannot report non-standard architecture-dependent
- * states.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled virtual memory
- * support option, VxVMI.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the virtual memory context is invalid.
- */
- STATUS vmContextShow
- (
- VM_CONTEXT_ID context /* context - NULL == currentContext */
- )
- {
- UINT thisVirtPage;
- UINT thisPhysPage;
- UINT blockBegin;
- UINT physPageAddr;
- UINT thisState;
- UINT blockPhysAddr;
- UINT blockState;
- int vmPageSize;
- int physPageInc;
- int numPages;
- int pageCounter;
- BOOL blockEnd;
- BOOL printIt;
- BOOL previousPageWasInvalid;
- vmPageSize = vmPageSizeGet ();
- if (vmPageSize == 0)
- return (ERROR); /* vmLib is not installed! */
- numPages = (unsigned) 0x80000000 / vmPageSize * 2;
- pageCounter = 0;
- blockEnd = FALSE;
- blockPhysAddr = NULL;
- printIt = TRUE;
- previousPageWasInvalid = TRUE;
- if (context == NULL)
- context = vmCurrentGet ();
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (context, vmContextClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (mmuPhysAddrShift)
- {
- physPageInc = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- physPageInc = vmPageSize;
- }
- semTake (&context->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- thisVirtPage = thisPhysPage = 0;
- vmStateGet (context, (void *) 0, &blockState);
- for (blockBegin = 0;
- pageCounter < numPages;
- pageCounter++,
- thisVirtPage += vmPageSize,
- thisPhysPage += physPageInc)
- {
- if (vmTranslate (context, (void *) thisVirtPage,
- (void **) &physPageAddr) == ERROR)
- {
- blockEnd = TRUE;
- if (previousPageWasInvalid)
- printIt = FALSE;
- previousPageWasInvalid = TRUE;
- thisPhysPage = 0xffffffff;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!previousPageWasInvalid && (physPageAddr != thisPhysPage))
- blockEnd = TRUE;
- if (vmStateGet (context, (void *) thisVirtPage, &thisState)== ERROR)
- {
- printf ("vmContextShow: error getting state for addr %xn",
- thisVirtPage);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (!previousPageWasInvalid && (thisState != blockState))
- blockEnd = TRUE;
- if (previousPageWasInvalid)
- {
- blockBegin = thisVirtPage;
- blockPhysAddr = thisPhysPage = physPageAddr;
- blockState = thisState;
- }
- previousPageWasInvalid = FALSE;
- }
- if (blockEnd)
- {
- if (printIt)
- vmContextShowNewBlock (blockBegin, thisVirtPage,
- blockPhysAddr, blockState);
- blockBegin = thisVirtPage;
- blockState = thisState;
- blockPhysAddr = thisPhysPage = physPageAddr;
- blockEnd = FALSE;
- printIt = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* see if there was a block that went up to the last virtual page */
- if (!previousPageWasInvalid)
- vmContextShowNewBlock (blockBegin, thisVirtPage,
- blockPhysAddr, blockState);
- semGive (&context->sem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmContextShowNewBlock - display info for a block of virtual mem.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void vmContextShowNewBlock
- (
- UINT blockBegin,
- UINT blockEnd,
- UINT physAddr,
- UINT blockState
- )
- {
- printf ("0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x ", blockBegin,
- blockEnd - blockBegin, physAddr);
- if (blockState & VM_STATE_WRITABLE)
- printf ("W+ ");
- else
- printf ("W- ");
- if (blockState & VM_STATE_MASK_CACHEABLE)
- printf ("C+ ");
- else
- printf ("C- ");
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- if ((blockState & VM_STATE_MASK_WBACK) == VM_STATE_WBACK)
- printf ("B+ ");
- else
- printf ("B- ");
- printf ("G+ ");
- else
- printf ("G- ");
- #endif /* (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86) */
- if (ADDR_IN_GLOBAL_SPACE (blockBegin))
- printf (" (global)");
- printf ("n");
- }
- #endif /* (CPU_FAMILY != MIPS) */