- /* usbLib.c - USB utility functions */
- /* Copyright 2000-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- Modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,09nov01,wef Test for NULL on OSS_xALLOC calls, change sizeof () to
- structure size macros
- 01k,25oct01,wef repalce automatic buffer creations with calls to OSS_MALLOC
- in places where the buffer is passed to the hardware (related
- to SPR 70492).
- 01j,18sep01,wef merge from wrs.tor2_0.usb1_1-f for veloce
- 01e,25jul01,jgn fixed spr 69287
- 01d,26jan00,rcb Modify usbRecurringTime() to accept <bandwidth> instead
- of <bytesPerFrame>.
- Add usbDescrCopy32() and usbDescrStrCopy32().
- 01c,17jan00,rcb Add usbConfigDescrGet() function.
- 01b,23nov99,rcb Add usbRecurringTime() function.
- 01a,16jul99,rcb First.
- */
- /*
- This modules contains miscellaneous functions which may be used by the
- USB driver (USBD), USB HCD (USB Host Controller Driver), or by USBD clients.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "usb/usbPlatform.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "usb/usbdLib.h"
- #include "usb/usbLib.h"
- /* defines */
- /* USB time constants.
- *
- * NOTE: The following constants use units of picoseconds for improved
- * calculation resolution. The calcTdTime() function - below - rounds
- * the final calculated to the next higher nanosecond, and returns the
- * calculated value in terms of nanoseconds.
- */
- #define TIME_OVRHD_INPUT_NON_ISOCH ((UINT32) 9107000L)
- #define TIME_OVRHD_INPUT_ISOCH ((UINT32) 7268000L)
- #define TIME_OVRHD_OUTPUT_NON_ISOCH ((UINT32) 9107000L)
- #define TIME_OVRHD_OUTPUT_ISOCH ((UINT32) 6265000L)
- #define TIME_OVRHD_INPUT_LS ((UINT32) 64060000L)
- #define TIME_OVRHD_OUTPUT_LS ((UINT32) 64107000L)
- #define TIME_BIT ((UINT32) 83540L)
- #define TIME_BIT_LS_INPUT ((UINT32) 676670L)
- #define TIME_BIT_LS_OUTPUT ((UINT32) 667000L)
- /* BIT_STUFF calculates the worst case number of bits for the indicated
- * number of bytes. (The "19" in the following equation is equal to
- * 3.167*6. Since 19 is added to the bit total which is then divided by
- * 6, this has the effect of ading 3.167 bit times to the total.
- */
- #define BIT_STUFF(bytes) ((UINT32) ((((UINT32) bytes) * 8 * 7 + 19) / 6))
- /* functions */
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbTransferTime - Calculates bus time required for a USB transfer
- *
- * This function calculates the amount of time a transfer of a given number
- * of bytes will require on the bus - measured in nanoseconds (10E-9 seconds).
- * The formulas used here are taken from Section 5.9.3 of Revision 1.1 of the
- * USB spec.
- *
- * <transferType>, <direction>, and <speed> should describe the characteristics
- * of the pipe/transfer as USB_XFRTYPE_xxxx, USB_DIR_xxxx, and USB_SPEED_xxxx,
- * repsectively. <bytes> is the size of the packet for which the transfer time
- * should be calculated. <hostDelay> and <hostHubLsSetup> are the host delay and
- * low-speed hub setup times in nanoseconds, respectively, and are host-controller
- * specific.
- *
- * RETURNS: Worst case number of nanoseconds required for transfer
- */
- UINT32 usbTransferTime
- (
- UINT16 transferType, /* transfer type */
- UINT16 direction, /* transfer direction */
- UINT16 speed, /* speed of pipe */
- UINT32 bytes, /* number of bytes for packet to be calc'd */
- UINT32 hostDelay, /* host controller delay per packet */
- UINT32 hostHubLsSetup /* host controller time for low-speed setup */
- )
- {
- UINT32 bits = BIT_STUFF (bytes);
- UINT32 ps;
- if (speed == USB_SPEED_FULL)
- {
- if (direction == USB_DIR_IN)
- {
- if (transferType == USB_XFRTYPE_ISOCH)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (transferType == USB_XFRTYPE_ISOCH)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (direction == USB_DIR_IN)
- {
- ps = TIME_OVRHD_INPUT_LS + 2 * hostHubLsSetup * 1000L +
- }
- else
- {
- ps = TIME_OVRHD_OUTPUT_LS + 2 * hostHubLsSetup * 1000L +
- }
- }
- ps += hostDelay * 1000L;
- return (ps + 999L) / 1000L; /* returns value in nanoseconds */
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbRecurringTime - calculates recurring time for interrupt/isoch transfers
- *
- * For recurring transfers (e.g., interrupt or isochronous transfers) an HCD
- * needs to be able to calculate the amount of bus time - measured in
- * nanoseconds - which will be used by the transfer.
- *
- * <transferType> specifies the type of transfer. For USB_XFRTYPE_CONTROL and
- * USB_XFRTYPE_BULK, the calculated time is always 0...these are not recurring
- * transfers. For USB_XFRTYPE_INTERRUPT, <bandwidth> must express the number
- * of bytes to be transferred in each frame. For USB_XFRTYPE_ISOCH, <bandwidth>
- * must express the number of bytes to be transferred in each second. The
- * parameter is treated differently to allow greater flexibility in determining
- * the true bandwidth requirements for each type of pipe.
- *
- * RETURNS: worst case number of nanoseconds required for transfer.
- */
- UINT32 usbRecurringTime
- (
- UINT16 transferType, /* transfer type */
- UINT16 direction, /* transfer direction */
- UINT16 speed, /* speed of pipe */
- UINT16 packetSize, /* max packet size for endpoint */
- UINT32 bandwidth, /* bytes/frame or bytes/sec depending on pipe */
- UINT32 hostDelay, /* host controller delay per packet */
- UINT32 hostHubLsSetup /* host controller time for low-speed setup */
- )
- {
- UINT16 packets;
- UINT32 nanosecondsPerPacket;
- UINT16 remainderBytes;
- UINT32 remainderNanoseconds;
- UINT32 bytesPerFrame;
- /* Non-recurring transfers always return 0. */
- if (transferType == USB_XFRTYPE_CONTROL || transferType == USB_XFRTYPE_BULK)
- return 0;
- /* Calculate time for recurring transfer */
- if (transferType == USB_XFRTYPE_INTERRUPT)
- bytesPerFrame = bandwidth;
- else /* transferType == USB_XFRTYPE_ISOCH */
- bytesPerFrame = (bandwidth + 999L) / 1000L;
- packets = bytesPerFrame / packetSize;
- remainderBytes = bytesPerFrame % packetSize;
- nanosecondsPerPacket = usbTransferTime (transferType, direction,
- speed, packetSize, hostDelay, hostHubLsSetup);
- if (remainderBytes > 0)
- remainderNanoseconds = usbTransferTime (transferType, direction,
- speed, remainderBytes, hostDelay, hostHubLsSetup);
- else
- remainderNanoseconds = 0;
- return packets * nanosecondsPerPacket + remainderNanoseconds;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbDescrParseSkip - search for a descriptor and increment buffer
- *
- * Searches <ppBfr> up to <pBfrLen> bytes for a descriptor of type matching
- * <descriptorType>. Returns a pointer to the descriptor if found. <ppBfr>
- * and <pBfrLen> are updated to reflect the next location in the buffer and
- * the remaining size of the buffer, respectively.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to indicated descriptor, or NULL if descr not found.
- */
- pVOID usbDescrParseSkip
- (
- pUINT8 *ppBfr, /* buffer to parse */
- pUINT16 pBfrLen, /* length of buffer to parse */
- UINT8 descriptorType /* type of descriptor being sought */
- )
- {
- /* The remaining buffer length must be at least two bytes to accommodate
- * the descriptor length and descriptorType fields. If not, we're done.
- */
- while (*pBfrLen >= sizeof (pHdr->length) + sizeof (pHdr->descriptorType))
- {
- pHdr = (pUSB_DESCR_HDR) *ppBfr;
- if (pHdr->length == 0)
- return NULL; /* must be invalid */
- *ppBfr += min (pHdr->length, *pBfrLen);
- *pBfrLen -= min (pHdr->length, *pBfrLen);
- if (pHdr->descriptorType == descriptorType)
- return (pVOID) pHdr;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbDescrParse - search a buffer for the a particular USB descriptor
- *
- * Searches <pBfr> up to <bfrLen> bytes for a descriptor of type matching
- * <descriptorType>. Returns a pointer to the descriptor if found.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to indicated descriptor, or NULL if descr not found
- */
- pVOID usbDescrParse
- (
- pUINT8 pBfr, /* buffer to parse */
- UINT16 bfrLen, /* length of buffer to parse */
- UINT8 descriptorType /* type of descriptor being sought */
- )
- {
- return usbDescrParseSkip (&pBfr, &bfrLen, descriptorType);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbConfigCountGet - Retrieves number of device configurations
- *
- * Using the <usbdClientHandle> provided by the caller, this function
- * reads the <nodeId>'s device descriptor and returns the number of
- * configurations supported by the device in <pNumConfig>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to read device descriptor
- */
- STATUS usbConfigCountGet
- (
- USBD_CLIENT_HANDLE usbdClientHandle, /* caller's USBD client handle */
- USBD_NODE_ID nodeId, /* device node ID */
- pUINT16 pNumConfig /* bfr to receive nbr of config */
- )
- {
- UINT16 actLen;
- return ERROR;
- /* Read the device descriptor to determine the number of configurations. */
- if (usbdDescriptorGet (usbdClientHandle,
- nodeId,
- 0,
- 0,
- (UINT8 *) pDevDescr,
- &actLen) != OK ||
- {
- OSS_FREE (pDevDescr);
- return ERROR;
- }
- if (pNumConfig)
- *pNumConfig = pDevDescr->numConfigurations;
- OSS_FREE (pDevDescr);
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbConfigDescrGet - reads full configuration descriptor from device
- *
- * This function reads the configuration descriptor <cfgNo> and all associated
- * descriptors (interface, endpoint, etc.) for the device specified by
- * <nodeId>. The total amount of data returned by a device is variable,
- * so, this function pre-reads just the configuration descriptor and uses
- * the "totalLength" field from that descriptor to determine the total
- * length of the configuration descriptor and its associated descriptors.
- *
- * This function uses the macro OSS_MALLOC() to allocate a buffer for the
- * complete descriptor. The size and location of the buffer are returned
- * in <ppBfr and pBfrLen>. It is the caller's responsibility to free the
- * buffer using the OSS_FREE() macro.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to read descriptor
- */
- STATUS usbConfigDescrGet
- (
- USBD_CLIENT_HANDLE usbdClientHandle, /* caller's USBD client handle */
- USBD_NODE_ID nodeId, /* device node ID */
- UINT16 cfgNo, /* specifies configuration nbr */
- pUINT16 pBfrLen, /* receives length of buffer */
- pUINT8 *ppBfr /* receives pointer to buffer */
- )
- {
- UINT16 actLen;
- UINT16 totalLength;
- pUINT8 pBfr;
- return ERROR;
- /* Validate parameters. ppBfr must be non-NULL */
- if (ppBfr == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- *ppBfr = NULL;
- /* Read the configuration descriptor to determine the totalLengh of the
- * configuration.
- */
- if (usbdDescriptorGet (usbdClientHandle,
- nodeId,
- cfgNo,
- 0,
- (UINT8 *) pCfgDescr,
- &actLen)
- != OK ||
- {
- OSS_FREE (pCfgDescr);
- return ERROR;
- }
- totalLength = FROM_LITTLEW (pCfgDescr->totalLength);
- OSS_FREE (pCfgDescr);
- if (pBfrLen != NULL)
- *pBfrLen = totalLength;
- /* Allocate a buffer of totalLength bytes. */
- if ((pBfr = OSS_MALLOC (totalLength)) == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- /* Read the full configuration descriptor. */
- if (usbdDescriptorGet (usbdClientHandle, nodeId,
- cfgNo, 0, totalLength, pBfr, NULL) != OK)
- {
- OSS_FREE (pBfr);
- return ERROR;
- }
- *ppBfr = pBfr;
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHidReportSet - Issues a SET_REPORT request to a USB HID
- *
- * Using the <usbdClientHandle> provided by the caller, this function
- * issues a SET_REPORT request to the indicated <nodeId>. The caller
- * must also specify the <interface>, <reportType>, <reportId>, <reportBfr>,
- * and <reportLen>. Refer to Section 7.2.2 of the USB HID specification
- * for further detail.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to issue SET_REPORT request.
- */
- STATUS usbHidReportSet
- (
- USBD_CLIENT_HANDLE usbdClientHandle, /* caller's USBD client handle */
- USBD_NODE_ID nodeId, /* desired node */
- UINT16 interface, /* desired interface */
- UINT16 reportType, /* report type */
- UINT16 reportId, /* report Id */
- pUINT8 reportBfr, /* report value */
- UINT16 reportLen /* length of report */
- )
- {
- UINT16 actLen;
- if (usbdVendorSpecific (usbdClientHandle, nodeId,
- USB_REQ_HID_SET_REPORT, (reportType << 8) | reportId, interface,
- reportLen, reportBfr, &actLen) != OK ||
- actLen < reportLen)
- return ERROR;
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHidIdleSet - Issues a SET_IDLE request to a USB HID
- *
- * Using the <usbdClientHandle> provided by the caller, this function
- * issues a SET_IDLE request to the indicated <nodeId>. The caller must
- * also specify the <interface>, <reportId>, and <duration>. If the
- * <duration> is zero, the idle period is infinite. If <duration> is
- * non-zero, then it expresses time in 4msec units (e.g., a <duration>
- * of 1 = 4msec, 2 = 8msec, and so forth). Refer to Section 7.2.4 of the
- * USB HID specification for further details.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to issue SET_IDLE request.
- */
- STATUS usbHidIdleSet
- (
- USBD_CLIENT_HANDLE usbdClientHandle, /* caller's USBD client handle */
- USBD_NODE_ID nodeId, /* desired node */
- UINT16 interface, /* desired interface */
- UINT16 reportId, /* desired report */
- UINT16 duration /* idle duration */
- )
- {
- return usbdVendorSpecific (usbdClientHandle, nodeId,
- USB_REQ_HID_SET_IDLE, (duration << 8) | reportId, interface,
- 0, NULL, NULL);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * usbHidProtocolSet - Issues a SET_PROTOCOL request to a USB HID
- *
- * Using the <usbdClientHandle> provided by the caller, this function
- * issues a SET_PROTOCOL request to the indicated <nodeId>. The caller
- * must specify the <interface> and the desired <protocol>. The <protocol>
- * is expressed as USB_HID_PROTOCOL_xxxx. Refer to Section 7.2.6 of the
- * USB HID specification for further details.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to issue SET_PROTOCOL request.
- */
- STATUS usbHidProtocolSet
- (
- USBD_CLIENT_HANDLE usbdClientHandle, /* caller's USBD client handle */
- USBD_NODE_ID nodeId, /* desired node */
- UINT16 interface, /* desired interface */
- UINT16 protocol /* USB_HID_PROTOCOL_xxxx */
- )
- {
- return usbdVendorSpecific (usbdClientHandle, nodeId,
- USB_REQ_HID_SET_PROTOCOL, protocol, interface, 0, NULL, NULL);
- }
- /* End of file. */