- /* cmdParser.c - Command line parser routines. */
- /* Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- Modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,18sep01,wef merge from wrs.tor2_0.usb1_1-f for veloce, fixed formatting
- 01e,08aug01,dat Removing warnings
- 01d,31jul01,wef fix man page generation errors
- 01c,23nov99,rcb Make KeywordMatch() function public.
- 01b,16aug99,rcb Add option in CmdParserHelpFunc to display help only for
- a specific command.
- 01a,01jun99,rcb First.
- */
- /*
- This file includes a collection of command-line parsing functions which are
- useful in the creation of command line utilities, such as bus exercisers.
- There are three groups of functions defined by this library. The first is
- a collection of general string parser functions, such as functions to eliminate
- white space, functions to strip tokens out of a string, and so forth.
- The second set of functions drive the actual parsing process. In order to
- use this second set of functions, clients must construct a table of CMD_DESCR
- structures which define the commands to be recognized by the parser. A
- brief example of such a table is shown below.
- .CS
- CMD_DESCR Commands [] =
- {
- {"Help", 4, "Help/?", "Displays list of commands.", CmdParserHelpFunc},
- {"?", 1, NULL, NULL, CmdParserHelpFunc},
- {"Exit", 4, "Exit", "Exits program.", CmdParserExitFunc},
- };
- .CE
- The first field is the keyword for the command. The second field specifies
- the number of characters of the command which must match - allowing the user
- to enter only a portion of the keyword as a shortcut. The third and fourth
- fields are strings giving the command usage and a brief help string. A NULL
- in the Help field indicates that the corresponding keyword is a synonym for
- another command its usage/help should not be shown. The final field is a
- pointer to a function of type CMD_EXEC_FUNC which will be invoked if the
- parser encounters the corresponding command.
- The third group of functions provide standard CMD_EXEC_FUNCs for certain
- commonly used commands, such as CmdParserHelpFunc and CmdParserExitFunc as
- shown in the preceding example.
- The caller may pass a generic (pVOID) parameter to the command line parsing
- functions in the second group. This function is in turn passed to the
- CMD_EXEC_FUNCs. In this way, the caller can specify context information
- for the command execution functions.
- Commands are executed after the user presses [enter]. Multiple commands may
- be entered on the same command line separated by semicolons (';'). Each
- command as if it had been entered on a separate line (unless a command
- terminates with an error, in which case all remaining commands entered on the
- same line will be ignored).
- */
- /* Include files */
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "ctype.h"
- #include "usb/usbPlatform.h" /* Basic definitions */
- #include "usb/tools/cmdParser.h" /* Our API */
- /* Constants */
- #define PAUSE_DISPLAY 22 /* Help display pauses every n lines */
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * PromptAndExecCmd - Prompt for a command and execute it.
- *
- * Displays <pPrompt> to <fout> and prompts for input from <fin>. Then,
- * parses/executes the command. <pCmdTable> points to an array of
- * CMD_DESCR structures defining the command to be recognized by the
- * parser, and <Param> is a generic parameter passed down to individual
- * command execution functions.
- *
- * RETURNS: RET_OK for normal termination
- * RET_ERROR for program failure.
- * RET_CONTINUE if execution should continue.
- */
- UINT16 PromptAndExecCmd
- (
- pVOID param, /* Generic parameter for exec funcs */
- char *pPrompt, /* Prompt to display */
- FILE *fin, /* Input stream */
- FILE *fout, /* Output stream */
- CMD_DESCR *pCmdTable /* CMD_DESCR table */
- )
- {
- char cmd [MAX_CMD_LEN]; /* Buffer for input command */
- /* Display prompt */
- fprintf (fout, pPrompt);
- /* Retrieve input */
- if (fgets (cmd, sizeof (cmd), fin) != cmd)
- return RET_ERROR;
- /* Execute input */
- return ExecCmd (param, cmd, fin, fout, pCmdTable);
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * KeywordMatch - Compare keywords
- *
- * Compares <s1> and <s2> up to <len> characters, case insensitive.
- * Returns 0 if strings are equal.
- *
- * NOTE: This function is equivalent to strnicmp(), but that function is
- * not available in all libraries.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if s1 and s2 are the same
- * -n if s1 < s2
- * +n if s1 > s2
- */
- int KeywordMatch
- (
- char *s1, /* string 1 */
- char *s2, /* string 2 */
- int len /* max length to compare */
- )
- {
- int n = 0;
- for (; len > 0; len--)
- {
- if ((n = toupper (*s1) - toupper (*s2)) != 0 || *s1 == 0 || *s2 == 0)
- break;
- s1++;
- s2++;
- }
- return n;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * ExecCmd - Execute the command line
- *
- * Parses and executes the commands in the <pCmd> buffer. I/O - if any -
- * will go to <fin>/<fout>. The <pCmd> may contain any number of commands
- * separated by CMD_SEPARATOR. <pCmdTable> points to an array of
- * CMD_DESCR structures defining the command to be recognized by the
- * parser, and <param> is a generic parameter passed down to individual
- * command execution functions.
- *
- * RETURNS: RET_OK for normal termination.
- * RET_ERROR for program failure.
- * RET_CONTINUE if execution should continue.
- */
- UINT16 ExecCmd
- (
- pVOID param, /* Generic parameter for exec funcs */
- char *pCmd, /* Cmd buffer to be parsed/executed */
- FILE *fin, /* Stream for input */
- FILE *fout, /* Stream for output */
- CMD_DESCR *pCmdTable /* CMD_DESCR table */
- )
- {
- UINT16 s = RET_CONTINUE; /* Execution status */
- char keyword [MAX_KEYWORD_LEN]; /* Bfr for command keyword */
- CMD_DESCR *pEntry; /* Pointer to entry in CmdTable */
- /* Parse each command on the command line. */
- TruncSpace (pCmd);
- do
- {
- /* Retrieve keyword and match against known keywords. */
- pCmd = GetNextToken (pCmd, keyword, sizeof (keyword));
- if (strlen (keyword) > 0)
- {
- for (pEntry = pCmdTable;
- pEntry != NULL && pEntry->keyword != NULL;
- pEntry++)
- {
- if (KeywordMatch (pEntry->keyword,
- keyword,
- max (strlen (keyword),
- (unsigned)pEntry->minMatch))
- == 0)
- {
- /*
- * We found a matching keyword. Execute the CMD_EXEC_FUNC
- * for this command.
- */
- if (pEntry->execFunc == CmdParserHelpFunc)
- s = (*pEntry->execFunc) (pCmdTable, &pCmd, fin, fout);
- else
- s = (*pEntry->execFunc) (param, &pCmd, fin, fout);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (pEntry == NULL || pEntry->keyword == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (fout, "Unrecognized command: %sn", keyword);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Skip over trailing CMD_SEPARATOR characters. */
- if (*pCmd != CMD_SEPARATOR)
- while (*pCmd != CMD_SEPARATOR && *pCmd != 0)
- pCmd++;
- while (*pCmd == CMD_SEPARATOR)
- pCmd++;
- }
- while (strlen (pCmd) > 0 && s == RET_CONTINUE);
- return s;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * SkipSpace - Skips leading white space in a string
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the first non-white-space character in <pStr>.
- *
- * RETURNS: Ptr to first non-white-space character in <pStr>
- */
- #define IS_SPACE(c) (isspace ((int) (c)) || ((c) > 0 && (c) < 32))
- char *SkipSpace
- (
- char *pStr /* Input string */
- )
- {
- while (IS_SPACE (*pStr))
- pStr++;
- return pStr;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * TruncSpace - Truncates string to eliminate trailing whitespace
- *
- * Trucates <pStr> to eliminate trailing white space. Returns count
- * of characters left in <pStr> upon return.
- *
- * RETURNS: Number of characters in <pStr> after truncation.
- */
- UINT16 TruncSpace
- (
- char *pStr /* Input string */
- )
- {
- UINT16 len;
- while ((len = strlen (pStr)) > 0 && IS_SPACE (pStr [len - 1]))
- pStr [len - 1] = 0;
- return len;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * GetNextToken - Retrieves the next token from an input string
- *
- * Copies the next token from <pStr> to <pToken>. White space before the
- * next token is discarded. Tokens are delimited by white space and by
- * the command separator, CMD_SEPARATOR. No more than <tokenLen> - 1
- * characters from <pStr> will be copied into <pToken>. <tokenLen> must be
- * at least one and <pToken> will be NULL terminated upon return.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer into <pStr> following end of copied <pToken>.
- */
- char *GetNextToken
- (
- char *pStr, /* Input string */
- char *pToken, /* Bfr to receive token */
- UINT16 tokenLen /* Max length of Token bfr */
- )
- {
- UINT16 len; /* Temporary length counter */
- /* Skip leading white space */
- pStr = SkipSpace (pStr);
- /* Copy next token into Token bfr */
- pToken [0] = 0;
- while ((len = strlen (pToken)) < tokenLen &&
- *pStr != 0 &&
- !IS_SPACE (*pStr) &&
- {
- pToken [len] = *pStr;
- pToken [len+1] = 0;
- pStr++;
- }
- return pStr;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * GetHexToken - Retrieves value of hex token
- *
- * Retrieves the next token from <pCmd> line, interprets it as a hex
- * value, and stores the result in <pToken>. If there are no remaining
- * tokens, stores <defVal> in <pToken> instead.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer into <pStr> following end of copied <pToken>
- */
- char *GetHexToken
- (
- char *pStr, /* input string */
- long *pToken, /* buffer to receive token value */
- long defVal /* default value */
- )
- {
- char temp [9]; /* Temp storage for token */
- /* Retrieve next token */
- pStr = GetNextToken (pStr, temp, sizeof (temp));
- /* Evaluate Token value */
- if (strlen (temp) == 0 || sscanf (temp, "%lx", pToken) == 0)
- *pToken = defVal;
- return pStr;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * CmdParserHelpFunc - Displays list of supported commands
- *
- * Displays the list of commands in the parser command table to <fout>.
- * When the parser recognizes that this function is about to be executed,
- * it substitutes a pointer to the current CMD_DESCR table in <param>.
- * If this function is called directly, <param> should point to a table
- * of CMD_DESCR structures.
- *
- */
- UINT16 CmdParserHelpFunc
- (
- pVOID param, /* Generic parameter passed down */
- char **ppCmd, /* Ptr to remainder of cmd line */
- FILE *fin, /* stream for input (if any) */
- FILE *fout /* stream for output (if any) */
- )
- {
- CMD_DESCR *pCmdTable = (CMD_DESCR *) param;
- char keyword [MAX_KEYWORD_LEN];
- int lines = 0;
- *ppCmd = GetNextToken (*ppCmd, keyword, sizeof (keyword));
- if (strlen (keyword) == 0)
- fprintf (fout, "n");
- for (; pCmdTable != NULL && pCmdTable->keyword != NULL; pCmdTable++)
- {
- if (pCmdTable->help != NULL)
- {
- /* If a parameter has been entered, display help only for
- * matching cmds */
- if (strlen (keyword) > 0)
- if (KeywordMatch (pCmdTable->keyword,
- keyword,
- max (strlen (keyword),
- (unsigned)pCmdTable->minMatch))
- != 0)
- continue;
- /* Pause the display every PAUSE_DISPLAY lines */
- if (lines == PAUSE_DISPLAY)
- {
- fprintf (fout, "[Press a key to continue]");
- fgetc (fin);
- fprintf (fout, "r r");
- lines = 0;
- }
- fprintf (fout, "%*s %sn",
- (strlen (keyword) == 0) ? 22 : 0,
- (pCmdTable->usage == NULL) ?
- pCmdTable->keyword : pCmdTable->usage,
- pCmdTable->help);
- ++lines;
- }
- }
- if (strlen (keyword) == 0)
- fprintf (fout, "nn");
- return RET_CONTINUE;
- }
- /*************************************************************************
- *
- * CmdParserExitFunc - Terminates parser execution
- *
- * Returns RET_OK, causing the parser to return RET_OK to the caller
- * signally normal termination of the parser.
- *
- */
- UINT16 CmdParserExitFunc
- (
- pVOID param, /* Generic parameter passed down */
- char **ppCmd, /* Ptr to remainder of cmd line */
- FILE *fin, /* stream for input (if any) */
- FILE *fout /* stream for output (if any) */
- )
- {
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* End of file. */