- function y = ffisgray(x)
- %ISGRAY Return true for intensity image.
- % FLAG = ISGRAY(A) returns 1 if A is a grayscale intensity
- % image and 0 otherwise.
- %
- % ISGRAY uses these criteria to decide if A is an intensity
- % image:
- %
- % - If A is of class double, all values must be in the range
- % [0,1], and the number of dimensions of A must be 2.
- %
- % - If A is of class uint8 or uint16, the number of
- % dimensions of A must be 2.
- %
- % Class Support
- % -------------
- % A can be of class uint8, uint16, or double.
- %
- % See also ISBW, ISIND, ISRGB.
- % Copyright 1993-2003 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: $ $Date: 2003/08/23 05:52:53 $
- y = ndims(x)==2 && ~isempty(x);
- if islogical(x)
- y = false;
- elseif ~isa(x, 'uint8') && ~isa(x, 'uint16') && y
- % At first just test a small chunk to get a possible quick negative
- [m,n] = size(x);
- chunk = x(1:min(m,10),1:min(n,10));
- y = min(chunk(:))>=0 && max(chunk(:))<=1;
- % If the chunk is an intensity image, test the whole image
- if y
- y = min(x(:))>=0 && max(x(:))<=1;
- end
- end