- /* Copyright 1991-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,28aug01,hdn added FUNC/FUNC_LABEL, replaced .align with .balign
- 01d,16apr98,hdn fixed comments which cause assembler error.
- 01c,03feb98,hdn fixed sin/cos problem (SPR7764) w USSW v.311
- 01b,24oct96,yp stuck in a # in USSC mailing addr so cpp will work
- 01a,24jan95,hdn original US Software version.
- */
- #
- # Filename: EMUFNC.ASM
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1990,1991 By
- # # United States Software Corporation
- # # 14215 N.W. Science Park Drive
- # # Portland, Oregon 97229
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- # and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
- # and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
- # This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided
- # or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to
- # and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without
- # notice and should not be construed as a commitment by United
- # States Software Corporation.
- #
- # Version: V3.09 01/19/95 GOFAST WRS GNU version of GF-PROT
- # Released: 1 March 1991
- #
- #
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "asm.h"
- .data
- .globl FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .long FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .include "emuIncALib.s"
- .text
- # extrn wiep:near
- # extrn tnormal:near,shiftr:near,exproc:near,exprop:near
- # extrn epmul:near
- # extrn epadd1:near,epmul1:near,epdiv1:near
- # extrn retnan:near,getqn:near,chkarg:near,exret:near
- #CGROUP GROUP emuseg
- #hwseg segment RW para public 'DATA'
- # assume ds:DGROUP, es:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP
- # extrn h_ctrl:word,h_stat:word
- #hwseg ends
- #emuseg segment public USE32 'CODE'
- # assume cs:CGROUP
- __lib:
- # subttl (2 to power x) - 1
- # page
- # raise 2 to power x and subtract 1 (x between -1 and 1)
- # input: EP in cx:edx:eax
- # output: result in cx:edx:eax
- .globl epf2xm1
- .balign 16
- expcon: .word 0,0xf717,0x0001,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^18/18!
- .word 0,0x0889,0x0033,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^17/17!
- .word 0,0xa26b,0x04e3,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^16/16!
- .word 0,0xa10e,0x70db,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^15/15!
- .word 0,0x26ac,0x8a4b,0x0009,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^14/14!
- .word 0,0x8b36,0xb0c9,0x00c0,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^13/13!
- .word 0,0x7e14,0xeb28,0x0e1d,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^12/12!
- .word 0,0x8dd9,0x639a,0xf465,0x0000,0x0000 # ln2^11/11!
- .word 0,0xc764,0x8ac5,0x267a,0x000f,0x0000 # ln2^10/10!
- .word 0,0x3e1e,0x9caf,0x929e,0x00da,0x0000 # ln2^9/9!
- .word 0,0x11fe,0xd2e4,0x0111,0x0b16,0x0000 # ln2^8/8!
- .word 0,0x1a1b,0x22c3,0xff16,0x7ff2,0x0000 # ln2^7/7!
- .word 0,0xdbd2,0xb1e1,0x4be1,0x0c24,0x0005 # ln2^6/6!
- .word 0,0x20e2,0xce62,0xcf14,0xb0ff,0x002b # ln2^5/5!
- .word 0,0x9ccb,0xe772,0xfba4,0x2ab6,0x013b # ln2^4/4!
- .word 0,0xcce9,0x2fe2,0xc128,0xc235,0x071a # ln2^3/3!
- .word 0,0x6f16,0x8ea8,0x82c5,0xbdff,0x1ebf # ln2^2/2!
- .word 0,0xe4f1,0xbcd5,0xe8e7,0x0bfb,0x58b9 # ln2^1/1!
- .word -1
- exp87: orl %ecx,%ecx #argument + or - 1
- jns exp89 # +1 returns +1
- decl %ecx # -1 returns -1/2
- exp89: ret
- expw: btl $16,%ecx #zero returns as such
- jc exp89
- call chkarg #weed out illegals
- jc exp89
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #-INF returns -1, +INF as such
- jnz exp2
- orl %ecx,%ecx
- jns exp89
- movl $0x80003fff,%ecx
- ret
- epf2xm1:
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz expw
- exp2: #PREEXS precis #set precision exception
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL1
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL1:
- cmpw $0x3fff,%cx #handle limit cases +1 and -1
- jz exp87
- movl $expcon,%ebx #call the polynomial routine
- call sigmax
- addw $0x3ffe,%cx
- call epmul #then multiply with x
- ret
- # sin: trigonometric sine of x
- # cos: trigonometric cosine of x
- # tan: trigonometric tangent of x
- # input: x in ecx:edx:eax and ST
- # return: answer in ecx:edx:eax
- .globl epsin,epcos,eptan
- .balign 16
- sincon: #coefficients for sin(x)
- .word 0,0x1dc0,0x654b,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000
- .word 0,0x6332,0x6030,0xff94,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xa1b4,0x184e,0x5849,0x0000,0x0000
- .word 0,0x763a,0x3015,0x3375,0xffca,0xffff
- .word 0,0x338e,0x56c7,0xe3a5,0x171d,0x0000
- .word 0,0x7f98,0x97f9,0xf97f,0x7f97,0xfff9
- .word 0,0x1111,0x1111,0x1111,0x1111,0x0111
- .word 0,0xaaab,0xaaaa,0xaaaa,0xaaaa,0xeaaa
- .word 0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x8000
- .word -1
- .balign 16
- coscon: #coefficients for cos(x)
- .word 0,0x61b8,0xfa5f,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xf9cc,0xb9fc,0x0006,0x0000,0x0000
- .word 0,0xcfe2,0xa2d5,0xf9b1,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0x3624,0x3bfe,0x7bb6,0x0004,0x0000
- .word 0,0x1472,0x10ec,0x3609,0xfdb0,0xffff
- .word 0,0xd00d,0x0d00,0x00d0,0xd00d,0x0000
- .word 0,0x7d28,0x27d2,0xd27d,0x7d27,0xffd2
- .word 0,0x5555,0x5555,0x5555,0x5555,0x0555
- .word 0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0xc000
- .word 0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x8000
- .word -1
- .balign 16
- tancon: #coefficients for tan(x)
- .word 0,0x49fa,0xa843,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xd55c,0x9e11,0xfffc,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0x5074,0x9d9a,0xffde,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xcc5e,0x827f,0xfeb6,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xb1e6,0x0f07,0xf34c,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xd54e,0x9a5c,0x82a0,0xffff,0xffff
- .word 0,0xb45a,0x38a6,0x2a9e,0xfffb,0xffff
- .word 0,0xd548,0xc10c,0x4b63,0xffd0,0xffff
- .word 0,0xe9e2,0xb1f6,0x24d3,0xfe29,0xffff
- .word 0,0x810a,0xbbda,0xfa29,0xedd7,0xffff
- .word 0,0x12ec,0x478a,0x86a0,0x4cab,0xffff
- .word 0,0x54e8,0xc43d,0x1b32,0x10a2,0xfff9
- .word 0,0x5100,0xaa65,0x0ffb,0xa655,0xffba
- .word 0,0xd27d,0x7d27,0x27d2,0xd27d,0xfd27
- .word 0,0x5555,0x5555,0x5555,0x5555,0xd555
- .word 0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x8000
- .word -1
- epsin:
- #PREEXS precis #not precise
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL2
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL2:
- cmpb $4,%bl #sin(x+pi) = -sinx
- jc sin2 # so if octant > 3 we flip the sign
- xorb $0x80,11(%edi) # and subtract 4 from octant number
- andb $-5,%bl
- sin2: jpo cos3 #if octant is 1 or 2 we take cosx
- sin3: movl %eax,(%edi) #store reduced value, leave sign
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movw %cx,8(%edi)
- call square #we use x^2 in the polynomial
- lea sincon,%ebx #do the polynomial
- call sigmax
- addw $0x3ffe,%cx
- call epmul1 #multiply with x
- ret
- epcos:
- #PREEXS precis #not precise
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL3
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL3:
- andl $0xffff,%ecx #store for possible use, sign cleared
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- testb $2,%bl #we flip the sign in octants 2 and 3
- jz cos2
- xorb $0x80,11(%edi)
- cos2: cmpb $4,%bl #cos(x+pi) = -cosx
- jc cos2b # so if octant > 3 we flip the sign
- xorb $0x80,11(%edi) # and subtract 4 from octant number
- andb $-5,%bl
- cos2b: jpo sin3 #if octant is 1 or 2 we take sinx
- cos3: call square #we use x^2 in the polynomial
- lea coscon,%ebx #do the polynomial
- call sigmax
- addw $0x3ffe,%cx
- movw $0,8(%edi) #put in the sign
- orl 8(%edi),%ecx
- ret
- eptan:
- #PREEXS precis #not precise
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL4
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL4:
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movw %cx,8(%edi)
- andb $-5,%bl #tan(x+pi) = tan(x)
- testb $2,%bl #if octant is 2 or 3 flip sign
- jz tan3
- xorb $0x80,11(%edi)
- tan3: call square #we use x^2 in the polynomial
- pushl %ebx #save the octant
- lea tancon,%ebx #do the polynomial
- call sigmax
- addw $0x3ffe,%cx
- popl %ebx #tan(x) = x/SUM
- orb %bl,%bl # if octant is 1 or 2 we take 1/tan(x)
- jpo tan7
- xchgw 8(%edi),%cx
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 0(%edi),%eax
- tan7: call epdiv1
- ret #return
- # subttl base 2 logarithm of x
- # page
- # take base 2 logarithm of x
- # input: x in cx:edx:eax and ST
- # output: log2(x) in cx:edx:eax
- .globl eplog,eplog1
- .balign 16
- logcon: .word 0,0x26b2,0xff99,0xd343,0x0f07,0x04dc #log2(e)/19
- .word 0,0xd0e5,0xc350,0xdd0f,0x6b26,0x056e #log2(e)/17
- .word 0,0xb98d,0xff7d,0xa533,0xcec5,0x0627 #log2(e)/15
- .word 0,0x388f,0xd807,0x34c5,0x3d5a,0x071a #log2(e)/13
- .word 0,0x2b91,0x1694,0xca01,0xd424,0x0864 #log2(e)/11
- .word 0,0x3540,0x54c7,0xbe01,0x589e,0x0a42 #log2(e)/9
- .word 0,0xb22e,0x6c9f,0x3d6f,0xbb15,0x0d30 #log2(e)/7
- .word 0,0x2ca7,0xfe79,0xef9b,0x6c50,0x1277 #log2(e)/5
- .word 0,0x9fc1,0xfd74,0x3a03,0x09dc,0x1ec7 #log2(e)/3
- .word 0,0xdf44,0xf85d,0xae0b,0x1d94,0x5c55 #log2(e)
- .word -1
- .balign 16
- flnlog: .word 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x8000,0x3fff,0x8000 #log2(0.5)
- .word 0xf0c1,0x0852,0xcb8c,0xd47f,0x3ffe,0x8000 #log2(0.5625)
- .word 0xd407,0xcb91,0x1ed0,0xad96,0x3ffe,0x8000 #log2(0.625)
- .word 0xc407,0x3457,0xb07f,0x8a62,0x3ffe,0x8000 #log2(0.6875)
- .word 0xf0c1,0x0852,0xcb8c,0xd47f,0x3ffd,0x8000 #log2(0.75)
- .word 0x432d,0x8773,0xf71b,0x995f,0x3ffd,0x8000 #log2(0.8125)
- .word 0x9333,0xfde9,0xc055,0xc544,0x3ffc,0x8000 #log2(0.875)
- .word 0x633a,0x7dda,0x24b6,0xbeb0,0x3ffb,0x8000 #log2(0.9375)
- .word 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,1 #log2(1)
- .word 0x3cfd,0xdeb4,0xd1cf,0xae00,0x3ffc,0 #log2(1.125)
- .word 0x57f2,0x68dc,0xc25e,0xa4d3,0x3ffd,0 #log2(1.25)
- .word 0x77f2,0x9750,0x9f01,0xeb3a,0x3ffd,0 #log2(1.375)
- .word 0x87a0,0xfbd6,0x1a39,0x95c0,0x3ffe,0 #log2(1.5)
- .word 0x5e69,0x3c46,0x0472,0xb350,0x3ffe,0 #log2(1.625)
- .word 0x9b33,0x8085,0xcfea,0xceae,0x3ffe,0 #log2(1.75)
- .word 0xb399,0x3044,0xfb69,0xe829,0x3ffe,0 #log2(1.875)
- logzer: orb $zerod,h_stat #return -INF
- call exproc
- btsl $31,%edx
- jmp log88
- lognan: orb $invop,h_stat #return NaN
- call exproc
- movl $0xc0000000,%edx
- log88: movl $0x80027fff,%ecx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- log89: ret
- logw: btl $16,%ecx #zero returns -INF
- jc logzer
- call chkarg #weed out illegals
- jc log89
- orl %ecx,%ecx #negative illegal
- js lognan
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #+INF returns as such
- jz log89
- call tnormal #handle denormal
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- eplog:
- testl $0x80030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz logw
- log2: movl %edx,%ebx #precision exception unless power of 2
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jz log3
- #PREEXS precis
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL5
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL5:
- log3: movl %ecx,%ebx #we make the exponent 0 or -1
- cmpw $0x3fff,%cx # depending on if x > 1 or < 1
- movw $0x3fff,%cx # push the needed adjustment
- jge log31
- decl %ecx
- log31: movw %cx,8(%edi)
- subl %ecx,%ebx
- movswl %bx,%ebx
- pushl %ebx
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #calculate area number (0-15)
- shldl $4,%edx,%ebx
- testb $1,%cl
- jnz log5
- andb $7,%bl
- log5: cmpb $7,%bl #handle 0.9375 < x < specially
- jnz log21
- incl %ebx
- pushl %ebx
- stc
- rcrl $1,%edx
- rcrl $1,%eax
- incw %cx
- xchgl (%edi),%eax
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgw 8(%edi),%cx
- notl %edx
- negl %eax
- sbbl $-1,%edx
- xorl $0x80000000,%ecx
- jmp log51
- log21: pushl %ebx #interpolation area number
- movl %edx,%ebx #registers = x+C
- andl $0xf0000000,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%edx
- rcrl $1,%edx
- rcrl $1,%eax
- incw %cx
- xchgl (%edi),%eax #swap arguments
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgw 8(%edi),%cx
- andl $0x0fffffff,%edx #registers = x-C
- log54: jnz log51
- orl %eax,%eax
- jnz log51
- xorl %ecx,%ecx
- jmp log57
- log51: decw %cx
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns log51
- log52: call epdiv1 #calculate d = (M-C)/(M+C)
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- call square #square that
- lea logcon,%ebx #calculate polynomial for d^2
- call sigmax
- addb $0x40,%ch
- call epmul1 #then multiply by d
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- log57: popl %ebx #add base log2(C)
- shll $2,%ebx
- lea flnlog(%ebx,%ebx,2),%ebx
- movl %cs:(%ebx),%esi
- movl %esi,(%edi)
- movl %cs:4(%ebx),%esi
- movl %esi,4(%edi)
- movl %cs:8(%ebx),%esi
- movl %esi,8(%edi)
- call epadd1
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- popl %edx #get exponent adjustment
- call wiep # convert to EP, add to log2(d)
- call epadd1
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- log9: ret
- lgpw61: orl %ecx,%ecx #-INF returns NaN
- js lognan
- ret
- lgpw: btl $16,%ecx #zero returns 0
- jc log9
- call chkarg #weed out illegals
- jc log9
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #INF jumps
- jz lgpw61
- lgpw8: #PREEXS precis #very small multiplied by log2(e)
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL6
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL6:
- movl $0x5C17F0BC,0(%edi)
- movl $0xB8AA3B29,4(%edi)
- movl $0x3fff,8(%edi)
- call epmul
- ret
- eplog1:
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz lgpw
- cmpb $0x10,%ch #very small skip some code
- jc lgpw8
- #PREEXS precis
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL7
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL7:
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #push zero exponent adjustment
- pushl %ebx
- orl %ecx,%ecx #go handle x < 0 separately
- js lgp30
- subw $tBIAS-4,%cx #calculate area number (8-15)
- cmpw $9,%cx
- jnc lgp3
- shldl %cl,%edx,%ebx
- lgp3: addb $8,%bl
- pushl %ebx
- movw $0x4000,%cx #calculate x+1+C
- subw 8(%edi),%cx
- call shiftr
- btsl $30,%edx
- movl %edx,%ebx
- andl $0x78000000,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%edx
- movl $0x4000,%ecx
- xchgl (%edi),%eax #swap arguments
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 8(%edi),%ecx
- movl %ecx,%ebx #registers = x-C
- addw $4-tBIAS,%bx
- jle log52
- xchgl %ecx,%ebx
- shll %cl,%edx
- shrl %cl,%edx
- xchgl %ecx,%ebx
- jmp log54
- lgp30: subw $tBIAS-5,%cx #calculate area number (0-7)
- cmpw $9,%cx
- jnc lgp33
- shldl %cl,%edx,%ebx
- negl %ebx
- lgp33: addl $8,%ebx
- pushl %ebx
- movw $0x3fff,%cx #calculate x+1+C
- subw 8(%edi),%cx
- call shiftr
- movl %edx,%esi
- andl $0x38000000,%esi
- addl %esi,%edx
- addb %bl,%bl
- cmc
- notl %eax
- adcl $0,%eax
- notl %edx
- adcl $0,%edx
- movl $0x3fff,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ecx
- orl $0x80000000,%edx
- xchgl (%edi),%eax #swap arguments
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 8(%edi),%ecx
- movl %ecx,%ebx #registers = x-C
- addw $0xc006,%bx
- jle log52
- xchgl %ecx,%ebx
- shll %cl,%edx
- shrl %cl,%edx
- xchgl %ecx,%ebx
- jmp log54
- # subttl arctangent of x
- # page
- # take arctangent of x
- # input: x in cx:edx:eax and ST
- # output: atan(x) in cx:edx:eax
- .globl epatan
- .balign 16
- atncon: #coefficients for polynomial
- .word 0,0x45d1,0x5d17,0xd174,0x1745,0xf45d
- .word 0,0xe38e,0x8e38,0x38e3,0xe38e,0x0e38
- .word 0,0xdb6e,0x6db6,0xb6db,0xdb6d,0xedb6
- .word 0,0x999a,0x9999,0x9999,0x9999,0x1999
- .word 0,0x5555,0x5555,0x5555,0x5555,0xd555
- .word 0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x8000
- .word -1
- .balign 16
- attab: #interpolation table for n/32
- .word 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,1 # atan(0.000000)
- .word 0x2542,0x4bb1,0xaddd,0xffea,0x3ff9,0 # atan(0.031250)
- .word 0x4e37,0x67ef,0xddb9,0xffaa,0x3ffa,0 # atan(0.062500)
- .word 0x7460,0x1788,0xc130,0xbf70,0x3ffb,0 # atan(0.093750)
- .word 0x6e33,0x617b,0xd4d5,0xfead,0x3ffb,0 # atan(0.125000)
- .word 0x62c4,0x3313,0x7746,0x9eb7,0x3ffc,0 # atan(0.156250)
- .word 0x1135,0x72d8,0xda5e,0xbdcb,0x3ffc,0 # atan(0.187500)
- .word 0x1023,0x9305,0xba94,0xdc86,0x3ffc,0 # atan(0.218750)
- .word 0xeb16,0x6406,0xafc9,0xfadb,0x3ffc,0 # atan(0.250000)
- .word 0xc130,0x5f8b,0xad18,0x8c5f,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.281250)
- .word 0x5e6a,0x3f5e,0xb9b8,0x9b13,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.312500)
- .word 0x4eda,0x8e6a,0x6cca,0xa985,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.343750)
- .word 0x8473,0x26f7,0xca0f,0xb7b0,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.375000)
- .word 0x2b6d,0x50d9,0x69ca,0xc592,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.406250)
- .word 0xe5b6,0x611f,0x761e,0xd327,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.437500)
- .word 0x7c68,0x764f,0xa64a,0xe06d,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.468750)
- .word 0x7b46,0x0dda,0x382b,0xed63,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.500000)
- .word 0xbe5c,0xa0a0,0xe85a,0xfa06,0x3ffd,0 # atan(0.531250)
- .word 0x7e2a,0xd986,0xf4a6,0x832b,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.562500)
- .word 0x47b5,0xde95,0xecdf,0x892a,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.593750)
- .word 0x9f9c,0xf7f5,0x5d5e,0x8f00,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.625000)
- .word 0x86f6,0x8471,0x72c9,0x94ac,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.656250)
- .word 0xda20,0x71bd,0x80e6,0x9a2f,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.687500)
- .word 0xa1ed,0xf4b7,0xfdc4,0x9f89,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.718750)
- .word 0x0924,0x34f7,0x7d19,0xa4bc,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.750000)
- .word 0xf5c8,0x4830,0xabdc,0xa9c7,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.781250)
- .word 0xc080,0xb4d8,0x4c38,0xaeac,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.812500)
- .word 0x3691,0x1f04,0x31c9,0xb36b,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.843750)
- .word 0x9e74,0xc231,0x3e2b,0xb805,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.875000)
- .word 0xf281,0xe98a,0x5dea,0xbc7b,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.906250)
- .word 0x6640,0xac52,0x85b8,0xc0ce,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.937500)
- .word 0xbd54,0xbf8f,0xaffa,0xc4ff,0x3ffe,0 # atan(0.968750)
- atnw8: movl 8(%edi),%ecx #return 3pi/4
- andl $0x80000000,%ecx
- movw $0x4000,%cx
- movl $0x96cbe3f9,%edx
- movl $0x990e91a7,%eax
- orb $precis,h_stat
- call exprop
- ret
- atnzer: movb 11(%edi),%ch #return signed zero
- movb $1,%cl
- shll $16,%ecx
- xorl %edx,%edx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- ret
- atnw11: orl %ecx,%ecx # INF / INF
- js atnw8
- orb $precis,h_stat
- call exprop
- jmp atn90
- atnw3: cmpw $0x7fff,%cx # INF / y
- jz atnw11
- atnw9: orb $precis,h_stat
- call exprop
- atn82: movl $0x3fff,%ecx #INF returns +- pi/2
- jmp atn91
- atnw5: orl %ecx,%ecx # y / INF or 0 / x
- jns atnzer
- orb $precis,h_stat
- call exprop
- atn84: movl $0x4000,%ecx #here return +-pi
- jmp atn91
- atnw:
- call retnan #proper return for illegal arguments
- testb $1,10(%edi) #weed out x = 0
- jnz atnw5
- btl $16,%ecx #weed out y = 0
- jc atnw9
- cmpw $0x7fff,8(%edi) #weed out x = INF
- jz atnw3
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #weed out y = INF
- jz atnw5
- call tnormal #normalize arguments
- xchgl (%edi),%eax
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 8(%edi),%ecx
- call tnormal
- xchgl (%edi),%eax
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 8(%edi),%ecx
- jmp atn2
- atn90: orl %ecx,%ecx
- js atnw8
- movl $0x3ffe,%ecx #atan(1) return +-pi/4
- atn91: movl $0xc90fdaa2,%edx
- movl $0x2168c235,%eax
- jmp atn23
- atn89: movb s_X+5(%ebp),%bl
- testb $1,%bl
- jz atn82
- orb %bl,%bl
- js atn84
- call epdiv1
- jmp atn23
- epatan:
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #save sign bits
- movb 11(%edi),%bl
- movw %bx,s_X+4(%ebp)
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx #weed out special arguments
- orb 10(%edi),%bl
- jnz atnw
- atn2: #PREEXS precis #set precision exception
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL8
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL8:
- cmpw 8(%edi),%cx #compare x and y
- jl atn5
- jnz atn7
- cmpl 4(%edi),%edx
- jc atn5
- jnz atn7
- cmpl (%edi),%eax
- jz atn90
- jc atn5
- atn7: xchgl (%edi),%eax #switch arguments, set flag
- xchgl 4(%edi),%edx
- xchgl 8(%edi),%ecx
- incb s_X+5(%ebp)
- atn5: movl %ecx,%ebx #underflow here means either
- addw $tBIAS,%bx # atn(INF) = +-pi/2 or
- subw 8(%edi),%bx # atn(0) = 0 or pi
- cmpw $0x3f40,%bx
- jl atn89
- atn6: call epdiv1 #divide x / y
- andl $0x7fffffff,%ecx
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #get interpolation interval, 0-31
- subw $tBIAS-6,%cx
- cmpw $9,%cx
- jc atn4
- movw $0,%cx
- atn4: shldl %cl,%edx,%ebx
- pushl %ebx
- shll %cl,%edx #calculate x - C = d
- shrl %cl,%edx
- movw 8(%edi),%cx
- js atn55
- jnz atn51
- orl %eax,%eax
- jnz atn51
- xorl %ecx,%ecx
- jmp atn54
- atn51: decw %cx
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns atn51
- atn55: pushl %eax #push d
- pushl %edx
- pushl %ecx
- rorl $5,%ebx #calculate x * C
- movl 4(%edi),%eax
- mull %ebx
- movl %eax,%ecx
- xchgl %ebx,%edx
- movl (%edi),%eax
- mull %edx
- addl %edx,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ebx
- movl %ebx,%edx #get x * C into right registers
- xchgl %ecx,%eax
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- movl $0x3fff,%ecx
- subw 8(%edi),%cx
- atn11: shrl $1,%edx #normalize x * C to exponent 3fff
- rcrl $1,%eax
- loop atn11
- orl $0x80000000,%edx #calculate 1 + x*C
- movw $0x3fff,%cx
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- popl %ecx #calculate d/(1 + x*C)
- popl %edx
- popl %eax
- call epdiv1
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- call square #polynomial uses x^2
- movl $atncon,%ebx #do the polynomial
- call sigmax
- addw $0x3ffe,%cx
- call epmul1 #multiply with x
- atn54: popl %ebx #then add atan(C)
- shll $2,%ebx
- lea attab(%ebx,%ebx,2),%ebx
- movl %cs:(%ebx),%esi
- movl %esi,(%edi)
- movl %cs:4(%ebx),%esi
- movl %esi,4(%edi)
- movl %cs:8(%ebx),%esi
- movl %esi,8(%edi)
- call epadd1
- movb s_X+5(%ebp),%bl #adjust for actual quadrant
- cmpb $0x01,%bl
- jz atn23
- cmpb $0x80,%bl
- jz atn25
- orl $0x80000000,%ecx
- atn25: movw $0x4000,8(%edi)
- cmpb $0x81,%bl
- jz atn26
- movw $0x3fff,8(%edi)
- atn26: movl $0xc90fdaa2,4(%edi)
- movl $0x2168c235,0(%edi)
- call epadd1
- atn23: roll $8,%ecx #put in sign
- movb s_X+4(%ebp),%cl
- rorl $8,%ecx
- ret
- # routine to compute a Taylor polynomial
- # for speed and accuracy, we perform fixed-point scaled calculations
- # in ebx = pointer to coefficient table
- # ecx:edx:eax = EP argument
- # out ecx:edx:eax = EP result
- shf22: movl %edx,%eax #big shift here
- xorl %edx,%edx
- subw $32,%cx
- cmpw $32,%cx
- jc shf9
- xorl %eax,%eax
- jmp shf19
- sigmax:
- pushl %edi #save registers
- movl %ecx,%esi
- subw $0x3ffe,%cx #get the scaling factor
- negl %ecx
- cmpw $32,%cx
- jnc shf22
- shf9: shrdl %cl,%edx,%eax #shift x right to scale
- shrl %cl,%edx
- shf19: movl %eax,s_A(%ebp) #store x
- movl %edx,s_A+4(%ebp)
- movw %cs:2(%ebx),%ax #initial value of sum = first coefficient
- movl %cs:4(%ebx),%ecx
- movl %cs:8(%ebx),%edx
- addl $12,%ebx
- sig5: pushl %ebx #keep constant pointer on the stack
- movl %edx,%edi
- mulw s_A+6(%ebp) #multiply with x01
- movw %dx,%si # put result in ebx:ecx:si
- movl %edi,%eax
- mull s_A+4(%ebp)
- movl %edx,%ebx
- xchgl %ecx,%eax
- orl %edi,%edi
- jns sig42
- subl s_A(%ebp),%ecx
- sbbl s_A+4(%ebp),%ebx
- sig42: pushl %eax
- mull s_A+4(%ebp)
- shrl $16,%eax
- addw %ax,%si
- adcl %edx,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ebx
- popl %eax #multiply with x23
- shrl $16,%eax
- mulw s_A+2(%ebp)
- addw %dx,%si
- adcl $0,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ebx
- movl %edi,%eax
- mull s_A(%ebp)
- shrl $16,%eax
- addw %si,%ax
- adcl %edx,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ebx
- movl %ebx,%edx #sum now in edx:ecx:ax
- popl %ebx #address of constant table in bx
- orl %esi,%esi #we may have to complement the sum
- jns sig31
- notl %edx
- notl %ecx
- negw %ax
- sbbl $-1,%ecx
- sbbl $-1,%edx
- sig31: addw %cs:2(%ebx),%ax #add next coefficient to sum
- adcl %cs:4(%ebx),%ecx
- adcl %cs:8(%ebx),%edx
- addl $12,%ebx #proceed to next element
- cmpb $-1,(%ebx)
- jnz sig5
- movb %ah,%bl #restore registers
- movl %ecx,%eax
- popl %edi
- movl $1,%ecx #normalize number
- orl %edx,%edx
- js sig18
- decl %ecx
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- sig18: ret
- #routine to raise number to second power
- # in x in ecx:edx:eax
- # out x^2 in same
- squ80: ret #return unchanged
- square:
- orw %cx,%cx #may be called with zero
- jz squ80
- pushl %edi #preserve registers
- pushl %ebx
- pushl %ebp
- pushl %ecx
- movl %edx,%esi #move mantissa
- movl %eax,%edi
- shrl $16,%eax #x23 * x23
- mulw %ax
- movb %dh,%bl
- movl %esi,%eax #x01 * x01 -> bp:cx:bl
- mull %eax
- movl %eax,%ecx
- movl %edx,%ebp
- movl %esi,%eax #double x01 * x23
- mull %edi
- shrl $16,%eax
- addb %al,%bl
- adcl %edx,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ebp
- addb %al,%bl
- adcl %edx,%ecx
- adcl $0,%ebp
- movl %ecx,%eax #move mantissa to proper place
- movl %ebp,%edx
- popl %ecx #double exponent
- addl %ecx,%ecx
- subw $tBIAS-1,%cx
- addb %bl,%bl #round
- adcl $0,%eax
- adcl $0,%edx
- popl %ebp #restore registers
- popl %ebx
- popl %edi
- ret
- # routine to reduce the trigonometric argument to between 0 and pi/4
- # returns octant number (0-7) in cl
- .globl reduct
- red80: orb $4,h_stat+1 #argument too big
- addl $4,%esp
- ret
- red85: call getqn #here INF
- orb $invop,h_stat
- call exproc
- red99: xorb %bl,%bl
- ret
- red96: andl $0x8000ffff,%ecx
- jmp red99
- redw: call chkarg #weed out illegals
- jc red99
- btl $16,%ecx #weed out INF, zero
- jc red99
- cmpw $1,%cx
- jz red96
- orw %cx,%cx
- jnz red85
- btsl $18,%ecx
- cmpb $7,rmcode(%ebp)
- jz red99
- orb $underf,h_stat
- call exproc
- jmp red99
- reduct:
- andb $0x0fb,h_stat+1 #clear reduction bit
- testl $0x00030000,%ecx #jump if special value
- jnz redw
- cmpw $tBIAS-1,%cx #small x, do nothing
- jc red99
- subw $tBIAS-2,%cx #get shift count -> cx
- cmpw $64,%cx # reduce only up to 63
- jg red80
- pushl %edi #preserve register
- movl $0x2168c234,%edi
- movl $0xc90fdaa2,%esi
- xorl %ebx,%ebx #divide by subtraction
- red61: subb $0x0c0,%bh # remainder -> edx:eax:bh
- sbbl %edi,%eax
- sbbl %esi,%edx
- sbbb $0,%ch
- jnc red63
- xorb %ch,%ch
- addb $0x0c0,%bh
- adcl %edi,%eax
- adcl %esi,%edx
- red63: cmc
- adcb %bl,%bl
- decb %cl
- jle red65
- addb %bh,%bh
- adcl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- adcb $0,%ch
- jmp red61
- red65: andb $7,%bl #octant number -> bh
- testb $1,%bl #if octant 1 or 3 return pi/4 - x
- jz red41
- negb %bh
- addb $0x0c0,%bh
- notl %eax
- adcl %edi,%eax
- notl %edx
- adcl %esi,%edx
- red41: movl $0x3ffe,%ecx #exponent of pi/4
- popl %edi
- red37: orl %edx,%edx #normalize so bit 31 = 1
- js red19
- jnz red25
- xchgl %eax,%edx
- xchgb %bh,%al
- shll $16,%eax #fix 10/28/97
- # shll $16,%ebx
- subl $32,%ecx
- jmp red37
- red25: decl %ecx
- addb %bh,%bh
- adcl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns red25
- red19: ret
- #__lib endp
- #emuseg ends
- # end