- /* Copyright 1991-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01c,14jul99,tdl added FUNC / FUNC_LABEL
- 01b,24oct96,yp stuck in a # in USSC mailing addr so cpp will work
- 01a,24jan95,hdn original US Software version.
- */
- #* * * * * * * * * *
- # Filename: EMUSUB.ASM
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1990,1991 By
- # # United States Software Corporation
- # # 14215 N.W. Science Park Drive
- # # Portland, Oregon 97229
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- # and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
- # and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
- # This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided
- # or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to
- # and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without
- # notice and should not be construed as a commitment by United
- # States Software Corporation.
- #
- # Version: V3.09 01/19/95 GOFAST WRS GNU version of GF-PROT
- # Released: 1 March 1991
- #
- #* * * * * * * * * *
- #define _ASMLANGUAGE
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "asm.h"
- .data
- .globl FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .long FUNC(copyright_wind_river)
- .include "emuIncALib.s"
- .text
- # extrn exret:near
- #CGROUP GROUP emuseg
- #hwseg segment RW para public 'DATA'
- # assume ds:DGROUP, es:DGROUP, ss:DGROUP
- # extrn h_ctrl:word,h_stat:word
- #hwseg ends
- #emuseg segment public USE32 'CODE'
- # assume cs:CGROUP
- __lib:
- # IEEE rounding for integers
- # in bl bit 7 = highest truncated bit
- # bit 6 = OR of all truncated bits
- # ecx bit 31 = sign bit
- # eax = low bits of number
- # out carry set if bump needed
- .globl roundi
- roundi:
- andb $0x0fd,h_stat+1
- cmpb $0,%bl #no rounding if already exact
- jz rndi99
- movb h_ctrl+1,%bh
- andb $0x0c,%bh
- jnz rndi3 #jump if not the usual "to nearest"
- btl $0,%eax
- adcb $-1,%bl
- jns rndi9
- rndi8: #PREEX precis+rup
- orw $precis+rup,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL1
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL1:
- stc
- ret
- rndi9: #PREEXS precis
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL2
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL2:
- rndi99: ret
- rndi3: cmpb $0x0c,%bh #analyze rounding bits
- jz rndi9
- rorl $11,%ebx
- xorl %ecx,%ebx
- js rndi9
- jmp rndi8
- # IEEE rounding for EP number
- # in bl bit 7 = highest truncated bit
- # bit 6 = OR of all truncated bits
- # ecx:edx:eax = EP number
- # out number rounded
- .globl rounde,roundx
- roundx: #entry that ignores precision
- andb $0x0fd,h_stat+1
- movb h_ctrl+1,%bh #get control bits
- jmp rnde2
- rounde:
- andb $0x0fd,h_stat+1
- movb h_ctrl+1,%bh #get control bits, jump
- testb $1,%bh # if not 64-bit precision
- jz rnde30
- rnde2: cmpb $0,%bl #no rounding if mantissa is exact
- jz rndx99
- andb $0x0c,%bh #jump if not normal "to nearest"
- jnz rnde7
- btl $0,%eax
- adcb $-1,%bl
- jns rnde9
- rnde8: #PREEX precis+rup #this bumps the 64-bit mantissa
- orw $precis+rup,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL3
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL3:
- addl $1,%eax
- rnde11: adcl $0,%edx
- rnde12: jc rnde18
- rnde99: orw %cx,%cx
- jnz rndx99
- btsl $16,%ecx
- movl %edx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jz rndx99
- addl $0x00010000,%ecx
- rndx99: #PUTEP
- movl %eax,(%edi)
- movl %edx,4(%edi)
- movl %ecx,8(%edi)
- ret
- rnde18: rcrl $1,%edx
- incl %ecx
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx
- jnz rnde99
- btsl $17,%ecx
- jmp rnde99
- rnde7: cmpb $0x0c,%bh #analyze rounding option
- jz rnde9
- rorl $11,%ebx
- xorl %ecx,%ebx
- jns rnde8
- rnde9: #PREEXS precis #rounding done here
- orb $precis,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL4
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL4:
- jmp rndx99
- rnde30: cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #NaN not rounded
- jz rnde99
- testb $2,%bh #jump if 24-bit precision
- jz rnde40
- shrb $1,%bl #calculate new rounding bits
- testb $4,%ah
- jz rnde3a
- orb $0x80,%bl
- rnde3a: testl $0x3ff,%eax
- jz rnde3b
- orb $0x40,%bl
- rnde3b: andw $0xf800,%ax #clear extra bits for 53-bit form
- cmpb $0,%bl #no rounding if already exact
- jz rnde99
- testw $0x7fff,%cx #we may have delayed masked underflow
- jnz rnde36
- orw $underf+precis,h_stat
- rnde36: andb $0x0c,%bh #rounding logic for 53-bits
- cmpb $0x0c,%bh
- jz rnde9
- cmpb $0x00,%bh
- jnz rnde37
- btl $10,%eax
- adcb $-1,%bl
- js rnde38
- jmp rnde9
- rnde37: rorl $11,%ebx
- xorl %ecx,%ebx
- js rnde9
- rnde38: #PREEX precis+rup #bump the 53-bit mantissa
- orw $precis+rup,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL5
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL5:
- addl $0x800,%eax
- jmp rnde11
- rnde40: addb %dl,%dl #calculate new rounding bits
- rcrb $1,%bl
- orb %dl,%al
- orl %eax,%eax
- jz rnde4b
- orb $0x40,%bl
- rnde4b: xorl %eax,%eax #clear extra bits for 24-bit form
- movb $0,%dl
- cmpb $0,%bl #no rounding if already exact
- jz rnde99
- testw $0x7fff,%cx #we may have delayed masked underflow
- jnz rnde46
- orw $underf+precis,h_stat
- rnde46: andb $0x0c,%bh #rounding logic for 24-bits
- cmpb $0x0c,%bh
- jz rnde9
- cmpb $0x00,%bh
- jnz rnde47
- btl $8,%edx
- adcb $-1,%bl
- js rnde48
- jmp rnde9
- rnde47: rorl $11,%ebx
- xorl %ecx,%ebx
- js rnde9
- rnde48: #PREEX precis+rup #bump the 24-bit mantissa
- orw $precis+rup,h_stat
- testb $precis,h_ctrl
- jnz LL6
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- LL6:
- addl $0x100,%edx
- jmp rnde12
- #multiply mantissa by 10
- # in edx:eax = mantissa
- # out edx:eax multiplied by 10
- .globl mul10
- mul10:
- movl %edx,%ebx #save 1x mantissa
- movl %eax,%esi
- shldl $2,%eax,%edx #get 4x mantissa
- shll $2,%eax
- addl %esi,%eax #add 1x to get 5x mantissa
- adcl %ebx,%edx
- addl %eax,%eax #double to get 10x mantissa
- adcl %edx,%edx
- ret
- #renormalize unsigned EP number
- # in ecx:edx:eax:bl = exponent, mantissa
- # out ecx:edx:eax:bl standard normal or denormal
- .globl renorm
- renorm:
- jc renof #carry set means overflow
- orw %cx,%cx #if exponent <= 0, we go normalize
- jle ren30
- ren2: orl %edx,%edx #here exponent OK, if mantissa normal
- js ren8 # we are done
- jnz ren5
- orb %bl,%dl
- orl %eax,%edx
- jz ren8b
- xorl %edx,%edx
- ren5: decw %cx #if exponent is 1 we drop it to 0
- jz ren9a # else shift mantissa left
- addb %bl,%bl
- adcl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns ren5
- ren8: cmpw $0x7fff,%cx #assume INF for maximum exponent
- jz renof
- ret
- ren8b: andl $0x80000000,%ecx
- btsl $16,%ecx
- ret
- ren30a: cmpw $-64,%cx #here exponent had underflowed
- jg ren32 # we try to return a denormal
- movw $-64,%cx
- ren32: shrl $1,%edx
- rcrl $1,%eax
- rcrb $1,%bl
- jnc ren32a
- orb $0x20,%bl
- ren32a: incw %cx
- jle ren32
- andl $0x80000000,%ecx
- btsl $17,%ecx
- ren9: orb %bl,%bl #back to caller
- jz ren91
- orw $underf+precis,h_stat
- ren91: rorl $16,%ecx
- movb $2,%cl
- orl %edx,%edx
- jnz ren92
- orl %eax,%eax
- jnz ren92
- movb $1,%cl
- ren92: rorl $16,%ecx
- ret
- ren9a: testb $underf,h_ctrl
- jnz ren9
- ren30: testb $underf,h_ctrl
- jnz ren30a
- addb $0x60,%ch
- orw $0x8080+underf,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- jren2: jmp ren2
- renof: testb $overf,h_ctrl
- jnz reninf
- orw $0x8080+overf,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- subb $0x60,%ch
- jns jren2
- reninf: orb $overf,h_stat
- andl $0x80000000,%ecx
- movw $0x7ffe,%cx
- movl $-1,%edx
- movl %edx,%eax
- movb %dl,%bl
- ret
- #temporary normalization of EP number
- # in ecx:edx:eax = exponent, mantissa
- # out ecx:edx:eax with number normalized or zero
- .globl tnormal
- tnormal:
- orl %edx,%edx #return if already normal
- js tno11 # or if all zero
- jnz tno5
- orl %eax,%edx
- jz tno9
- xorl %edx,%edx
- tno5: decw %cx #shift left untill high bit = 1
- addl %eax,%eax
- adcl %edx,%edx
- jns tno5
- jmp tno12
- tno11: orw %cx,%cx #handle pseudo-denormal monsters here
- jnz tno9
- tno12: incw %cx
- orb $denorm,h_stat
- call exproc
- tno9: btrl $17,%ecx
- ret
- # routine to return answer for a two-argument function when at least
- # one argument is either NaN or an unsupported number
- # see 387 manual page 3-11
- # in ecx:edx:eax = A
- # [edi] = B
- # out if NaN present, loads answer into registers,
- # pops the stack, returns to one level up if
- # at least one argument is signalling NaN, set exception
- # extrn xcmp:near
- .globl retnan
- retnan:
- pushl %ebx #save registers
- pushl %ecx
- shldl $16,%ecx,%ebx
- cmpb $3,%bl
- movl $0,%ebx
- jnz nan3
- movb $0x80,%bl
- orb $stacku,h_stat
- call exproc
- jmp nan11
- nan3: orw %cx,%cx #set bl bits 7-6 if A is NaN
- jz nan11
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns nan10
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx
- jnz nan11
- movl %edx,%ecx
- addl %ecx,%ecx
- orl %eax,%ecx
- jz nan11
- movl %edx,%ebx
- shrl $24,%ebx
- andb $0x0c0,%bl
- xorb $0x40,%bl
- orb $0x80,%bl
- jmp nan11
- nan10: orb $0x20,%bl #set bl bit 5 if A is unsupported
- nan11: cmpb $3,10(%edi)
- jnz nan13
- movb $0x80,%bh
- orb $stacku,h_stat
- call exproc
- jmp nan30
- nan13: movl 8(%edi),%ecx #set bh bits 7-6 if B is NaN
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz nan21
- testb $0x80,7(%edi)
- jz nan20
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx
- jnz nan21
- movl 4(%edi),%ecx
- addl %ecx,%ecx
- orl (%edi),%ecx
- jz nan21
- movb 7(%edi),%bh
- andb $0x0c0,%bh
- xorb $0x40,%bh
- orb $0x80,%bh
- jmp nan21
- nan20: orb $0x20,%bh #set bh bit 5 if A is unsupported
- nan21: orw %bx,%bx #if no specials, just return
- jnz nan30
- popl %ecx
- popl %ebx
- ret
- nan30: cmpl $xcmp,8(%esp) #comp excepts all nans
- jnz nan37
- testb $1,6(%esp)
- jz nan38
- nan37: movw %bx,%cx #if signaling NaN or unsupported present,
- orb %cl,%ch # set exception
- testb $0x60,%ch
- jz nan31
- nan38: orb $invop,h_stat
- call exproc
- nan31: movw %bx,%cx #if unsupported present, return standard NaN
- orb %cl,%ch
- testb $0x20,%ch
- jnz nanrts
- movl %ebx,%ecx #if just one argument is NaN,
- xorb %cl,%ch # we return that made quiet
- jns nan40
- testb $0x80,%bl
- jnz nanrta
- jmp nanrtb
- nan40: testb $0x40,%ch #both are NaN, if just one is quiet,
- jz nan50 # we return that one
- testb $0x40,%bl
- jz nanrta
- jmp nanrtb
- nan50: pushl %edx #we have two quiet NaNs or two
- pushl %eax # signaling NaNs, we return the
- # one with the larger mantissa
- # (this is a lot of trouble with dubious
- subl (%edi),%eax # use, but that is what the book says)
- sbbl 4(%edi),%edx
- popl %eax
- popl %edx
- jc nanrtb
- nanrta: btsl $30,%edx #this returns A as quiet
- popl %ecx
- jmp nan99
- nanrts: call getqn #this returns standard NaN
- jmp nan98
- nanrtb: #GETEP #this returns B as quiet
- movl (%edi),%eax
- movl 4(%edi),%edx
- movl 8(%edi),%ecx
- btsl $30,%edx
- nan98: addl $4,%esp
- nan99: addl $4+ADDSIZ,%esp #return skipping a level
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- ret
- # routine to eliminate illegals from single argument
- .globl chkarg
- chkarg:
- btl $16,%ecx
- jc chk27
- orw %cx,%cx
- jz chk11
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns chk41
- cmpw $0x7fff,%cx
- jz chk21
- chk9: clc
- ret
- chk11: orb $denorm,h_stat
- call exproc
- orl %edx,%edx
- jns chk9
- incl %ecx
- ret
- chk21: movl %edx,%ebx
- addl %ebx,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- jz chk9
- btsl $30,%edx
- jnc chkinv
- ret
- chk27: btl $17,%ecx
- jnc chk9
- chk51: call getqn
- orb $stacku,h_stat
- jmp chk53
- chk41: call getqn
- chkinv: orb $invop,h_stat
- chk53: call exproc
- stc
- ret
- # shift the works right by cl bits
- # in EP mantissa in edx:eax
- # out EP mantissa shifted right by cl in edx:eax:bl (bl bit 6 sticky bit)
- .globl shiftr
- shiftr:
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- cmpw $32,%cx
- jnc shf11
- shf3: shrdl %cl,%eax,%ebx
- shrdl %cl,%edx,%eax
- shrl %cl,%edx
- shf4: addl %ebx,%ebx
- jz shf8
- movb $0x80,%bl
- shf8: rcrb $1,%bl
- ret
- shf11: xchgl %eax,%ebx
- xchgl %edx,%eax
- subw $32,%cx
- jz shf4
- shf12: cmpl $1,%ebx
- cmc
- rcrl $1,%ebx
- cmpw $32,%cx
- jc shf3
- shrl $1,%ebx
- orl %eax,%ebx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- subw $32,%cx
- jz shf4
- movw $1,%cx
- jmp shf12
- # return standard NaN in registers
- .globl getqn
- getqn:
- movl $0x80027fff,%ecx
- movl $0xc0000000,%edx
- xorl %eax,%eax
- movb %al,%bl
- ret
- # routine to process exception
- .globl exproc, exprop
- exproc:
- pushl %eax
- movw h_ctrl,%ax
- notl %eax
- andw h_stat,%ax
- testb $0x3f,%al
- jz xpp9
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl %ebp,%esp
- jmp exret
- exprop:
- pushl %eax
- movw h_ctrl,%ax
- notl %eax
- andw h_stat,%ax
- testb $0x3f,%al
- jz xpp9
- orw $0x8080,h_stat
- movl $exret,-4(%ebp)
- xpp9: popl %eax
- ret
- #__lib endp
- #emuseg ends
- # end