- /* kernel_ex.s - Motorola 68040 FP exception routines (EXC) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01d,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01c,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01b,10jan92,kdl added modification history; general cleanup.
- 01a,15aug91,kdl original version, from Motorola FPSP v2.0.
- */
- /*
- kernel_exsa 3.3 12/19/90
- This file contains routines to force exception status in the
- fpu for exceptional cases detected or reported within the
- transcendental functions. Typically, the t_xx routine will
- set the appropriate bits in the USER_FPSR word on the stack.
- The bits are tested in __x_gen_exceptsa to determine if an exceptional
- situation needs to be created on return from the FPSP.
- Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
- All Rights Reserved
- The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- actual or intended publication of such source code.
- KERNEL_EX idnt 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- section 8
- */
- #include "fpsp040E.h"
- mns_inf: .long 0xffff0000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- pls_inf: .long 0x7fff0000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- nan: .long 0x7fff0000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff
- huge: .long 0x7ffe0000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff
- | xref __x_ovf_r_k
- | xref __x_unf_sub
- | xref __x_nrm_set
- .globl __x_t_dz
- .globl __x_t_dz2
- .globl __x_t_operr
- .globl __x_t_unfl
- .globl __x_t_ovfl
- .globl __x_t_ovfl2
- .globl __x_t_inx2
- .globl __x_t_frcinx
- .globl __x_t_extdnrm
- .globl __x_t_resdnrm
- .globl __x_dst_nan
- .globl __x_src_nan
- .text
- |
- | DZ exception
- |
- |
- | if dz trap disabled
- | store properly signed inf (use sign of etemp) into fp0
- | set FPSR exception status dz bit, condition code
- | inf bit, and accrued dz bit
- | return
- | frestore the frame into the machine (done by unimp_hd)
- |
- | else dz trap enabled
- | set exception status bit # accrued bits in FPSR
- | set flag to disable __x_sto_res from corrupting fp register
- | return
- | frestore the frame into the machine (done by unimp_hd)
- |
- | __x_t_dz2 is used by monadic functions such as flogn (from __x_do_func).
- | __x_t_dz is used by monadic functions such as __x_satanh (from the
- | transcendental function).
- |
- __x_t_dz2:
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC) | set neg bit in FPSR
- fmovel #0,FPSR | clr status bits (Z set)
- btst #__x_dz_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE) | test fpcr for dz exc enabled
- jne __x_dz_ena_end
- jra m_inf | flogx always returns -inf
- __x_t_dz:
- fmovel #0,FPSR | clr status bits (Z set)
- btst #__x_dz_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE) | test fpcr for dz exc enabled
- jne __x_dz_ena
- |
- | __x_dz disabled
- |
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP_EX) | check sign for neg or pos
- jeq p_inf | branch if pos sign
- m_inf:
- fmovemx mns_inf,fp0-fp0 | load -inf
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC) | set neg bit in FPSR
- jra set_fpsr
- p_inf:
- fmovemx pls_inf,fp0-fp0 | load +inf
- set_fpsr:
- orl #__x_dzinf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set I,DZ,ADZ
- rts
- |
- | __x_dz enabled
- |
- __x_dz_ena:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP_EX) | check sign for neg or pos
- jeq __x_dz_ena_end
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC) | set neg bit in FPSR
- __x_dz_ena_end:
- orl #__x_dzinf_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set I,DZ,ADZ
- st a6@(STORE_FLG)
- rts
- |
- | OPERR exception
- |
- | if (operr trap disabled)
- | set FPSR exception status operr bit, condition code
- | nan bit| Store default NAN into fp0
- | frestore the frame into the machine (done by unimp_hd)
- |
- | else (operr trap enabled)
- | set FPSR exception status operr bit, accrued operr bit
- | set flag to disable __x_sto_res from corrupting fp register
- | frestore the frame into the machine (done by unimp_hd)
- |
- __x_t_operr:
- orl #opnan_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set NaN, OPERR, AIOP
- btst #__x_operr_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE) | test fpcr for operr enabled
- jne op_ena
- fmovemx nan,fp0-fp0 | load default nan
- rts
- op_ena:
- st a6@(STORE_FLG) | do not corrupt destination
- rts
- |
- | __x_t_unfl --- UNFL exception
- |
- | This entry point is used by all routines requiring unfl, inex2,
- | aunfl, and ainex to be set on exit.
- |
- | On entry, a0 points to the exceptional operand. The final exceptional
- | operand is built in FP_SCR1 and only the sign from the original operand
- | is used.
- |
- __x_t_unfl:
- clrl a6@(FP_SCR1) | set exceptional operand to zero
- clrl a6@(FP_SCR1+4)
- clrl a6@(FP_SCR1+8)
- tstb a0@ /* | extract sign from caller's exop */
- jpl __x_unfl_signok
- bset #sign_bit,a6@(FP_SCR1)
- __x_unfl_signok:
- lea a6@(FP_SCR1),a0
- orl #unfinx_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- __x_unfl_con:
- btst #__x_unfl_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE)
- jeq __x_unfl_dis
- __x_unfl_ena:
- bfclr a6@(STAG){#5:#3} | clear wbtm66,wbtm1,wbtm0
- bset #wbtemp15_bit,a6@(WB_BYTE) | set wbtemp15
- bset #sticky_bit,a6@(STICKY) | set sticky bit
- bclr #E1,a6@(E_BYTE)
- __x_unfl_dis:
- bfextu a6@(fpcr_MODE){#0:#2},d0 | get round precision
- bclr #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- sne a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | convert to internal ext format
- bsrl __x_unf_sub | returns IEEE result at a0
- | | and sets FPSR_CC accordingly
- bfclr a0@(LOCAL_SGN){#0:#8} | convert back to IEEE ext format
- jeq __x_unfl_fin
- bset #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- bset #sign_bit,a6@(FP_SCR1) | set sign bit of exc operand
- __x_unfl_fin:
- fmovemx a0@,fp0-fp0 | store result in fp0
- rts
- |
- | __x_t_ovfl2 --- OVFL exception (without inex2 returned)
- |
- | This entry is used by scale to force catastrophic overflow. The
- | ovfl, aovfl, and ainex bits are set, but not the inex2 bit.
- |
- __x_t_ovfl2:
- orl #__x_ovfl_inx_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- movel a6@(ETEMP),a6@(FP_SCR1)
- movel a6@(ETEMP_HI),a6@(FP_SCR1+4)
- movel a6@(ETEMP_LO),a6@(FP_SCR1+8)
- |
- | Check for single or double round precision. If single, check if
- | the lower 40 bits of ETEMP are zero| if not, set inex2. If double,
- | check if the lower 21 bits are zero| if not, set inex2.
- |
- moveb a6@(fpcr_MODE),d0
- andib #0xc0,d0
- jeq t_work | if extended, finish ovfl processing
- cmpib #0x40,d0 | test for single
- jne t_dbl
- t_sgl:
- tstb a6@(ETEMP_LO)
- jne t_setinx2
- movel a6@(ETEMP_HI),d0
- andil #0xff,d0 | look at only lower 8 bits
- jne t_setinx2
- jra t_work
- t_dbl:
- movel a6@(ETEMP_LO),d0
- andil #0x7ff,d0 | look at only lower 11 bits
- jeq t_work
- t_setinx2:
- orl #__x_inex2_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra t_work
- |
- | __x_t_ovfl --- OVFL exception
- |
- |** Note: the exc operand is returned in ETEMP.
- |
- __x_t_ovfl:
- orl #ovfinx_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- t_work:
- btst #__x_ovfl_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE) | test fpcr for ovfl enabled
- jeq ovf_dis
- ovf_ena:
- clrl a6@(FP_SCR1) | set exceptional operand
- clrl a6@(FP_SCR1+4)
- clrl a6@(FP_SCR1+8)
- bfclr a6@(STAG){#5:#3} | clear wbtm66,wbtm1,wbtm0
- bclr #wbtemp15_bit,a6@(WB_BYTE) | clear wbtemp15
- bset #sticky_bit,a6@(STICKY) | set sticky bit
- bclr #E1,a6@(E_BYTE)
- | | fall through to disabled case
- /* | For disabled overflow call 'ovf_r_k'. This routine loads the */
- | correct result based on the rounding precision, destination
- | format, rounding mode and sign.
- |
- ovf_dis:
- bsrl __x_ovf_r_k | returns unsigned ETEMP_EX
- | | and sets FPSR_CC accordingly.
- bfclr a6@(ETEMP_SGN){#0:#8} | fix sign
- jeq ovf_pos
- bset #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP_EX)
- bset #sign_bit,a6@(FP_SCR1) | set exceptional operand sign
- ovf_pos:
- fmovemx a6@(ETEMP),fp0-fp0 | move the result to fp0
- rts
- |
- | INEX2 exception
- |
- | The inex2 and ainex bits are set.
- |
- __x_t_inx2:
- orl #inx2a_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set INEX2, AINEX
- rts
- |
- | Force Inex2
- |
- | This routine is called by the transcendental routines to force
- | the inex2 exception bits set in the FPSR. If the underflow bit
- | is set, but the underflow trap was not taken, the aunfl bit in
- | the FPSR must be set.
- |
- __x_t_frcinx:
- orl #inx2a_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set INEX2, AINEX
- btst #__x_unfl_bit,a6@(FPSR_EXCEPT) | test for unfl bit set
- jeq no_uacc1 | if clear, do not set aunfl
- bset #aunfl_bit,a6@(FPSR_AEXCEPT)
- no_uacc1:
- rts
- |
- |
- | Determine if the destination nan is signalling or non-signalling,
- /* | and set the FPSR bits accordingly. See the MC68040 User's Manual */
- |* section NOT-A-NUMBERS.
- |
- __x_dst_nan:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(FPTEMP_EX) | test sign of nan
- jeq dst_pos | if clr, it was positive
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC) | set N bit
- dst_pos:
- btst #signan_bit,a6@(FPTEMP_HI) | check if signalling
- jeq dst_snan | branch if signalling
- fmovel d1,fpcr /* | restore user's rmode/prec */
- fmovex a6@(FPTEMP),fp0 | return the non-signalling nan
- |
- | Check the source nan. If it is signalling, snan will be reported.
- |
- moveb a6@(STAG),d0
- andib #0xe0,d0
- cmpib #0x60,d0
- jne no_snan
- btst #signan_bit,a6@(ETEMP_HI) | check if signalling
- jne no_snan
- orl #__x_snaniop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set NAN, SNAN, AIOP
- no_snan:
- rts
- dst_snan:
- btst #__x_snan_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE) | check if trap enabled
- jeq dst_dis | branch if disabled
- orb #nan_tag,a6@(DTAG) | set up dtag for nan
- st a6@(STORE_FLG) | do not store a result
- orl #__x_snaniop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set NAN, SNAN, AIOP
- rts
- dst_dis:
- bset #signan_bit,a6@(FPTEMP_HI) | set SNAN bit in sop
- fmovel d1,fpcr /* | restore user's rmode/prec */
- fmovex a6@(FPTEMP),fp0 | load non-sign. nan
- orl #__x_snaniop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set NAN, SNAN, AIOP
- rts
- |
- |
- | Determine if the source nan is signalling or non-signalling,
- /* | and set the FPSR bits accordingly. See the MC68040 User's Manual */
- |* section NOT-A-NUMBERS.
- |
- __x_src_nan:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP_EX) | test sign of nan
- jeq src_pos | if clr, it was positive
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC) | set N bit
- src_pos:
- btst #signan_bit,a6@(ETEMP_HI) | check if signalling
- jeq src_snan | branch if signalling
- fmovel d1,fpcr /* | restore user's rmode/prec */
- fmovex a6@(ETEMP),fp0 | return the non-signalling nan
- rts
- src_snan:
- btst #__x_snan_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE) | check if trap enabled
- jeq src_dis | branch if disabled
- bset #signan_bit,a6@(ETEMP_HI) | set SNAN bit in sop
- orb #__x_norm_tag,a6@(DTAG) | set up dtag for __x_norm
- orb #nan_tag,a6@(STAG) | set up stag for nan
- st a6@(STORE_FLG) | do not store a result
- orl #__x_snaniop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set NAN, SNAN, AIOP
- rts
- src_dis:
- bset #signan_bit,a6@(ETEMP_HI) | set SNAN bit in sop
- fmovel d1,fpcr /* | restore user's rmode/prec */
- fmovex a6@(ETEMP),fp0 | load non-sign. nan
- orl #__x_snaniop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set NAN, SNAN, AIOP
- rts
- |
- | For all functions that have a denormalized input and that f(x)=x,
- | this is the entry point
- |
- __x_t_extdnrm:
- orl #unfinx_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- jra xdnrm_con
- |
- | Entry point for scale with extended denorm. The function does
- | not set inex2, aunfl, or ainex.
- |
- __x_t_resdnrm:
- orl #__x_unfl_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- xdnrm_con:
- btst #__x_unfl_bit,a6@(fpcr_ENABLE)
- jeq xdnrm_dis
- |
- | If exceptions are enabled, the additional task of setting up WBTEMP
- | is needed so that when the underflow exception handler is entered,
- | the user perceives no difference between what the 040 provides vs.
- | what the FPSP provides.
- |
- xdnrm_ena:
- movel a0,a7@-
- movel a0@(LOCAL_EX),a6@(FP_SCR1)
- movel a0@(LOCAL_HI),a6@(FP_SCR1+4)
- movel a0@(LOCAL_LO),a6@(FP_SCR1+8)
- lea a6@(FP_SCR1),a0
- bclr #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- sne a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | convert to internal ext format
- tstw a0@(LOCAL_EX) | check if input is denorm
- jeq xdnrm_dn | if so, skip __x_nrm_set
- bsrl __x_nrm_set | normalize the result (exponent
- | | will be negative
- xdnrm_dn:
- bclr #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | take off false sign
- bfclr a0@(LOCAL_SGN){#0:#8} | change back to IEEE ext format
- jeq xdep
- bset #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- xdep:
- bfclr a6@(STAG){#5:#3} | clear wbtm66,wbtm1,wbtm0
- bset #wbtemp15_bit,a6@(WB_BYTE) | set wbtemp15
- bclr #sticky_bit,a6@(STICKY) | clear sticky bit
- bclr #E1,a6@(E_BYTE)
- movel a7@+,a0
- xdnrm_dis:
- bfextu a6@(fpcr_MODE){#0:#2},d0 | get round precision
- jne not_ext | if not round extended, store
- | | IEEE defaults
- is_ext:
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- jeq xdnrm_store
- bset #neg_bit,a6@(FPSR_CC) | set N bit in FPSR_CC
- jra xdnrm_store
- not_ext:
- bclr #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- sne a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | convert to internal ext format
- bsrl __x_unf_sub | returns IEEE result pointed by
- | | a0| sets FPSR_CC accordingly
- bfclr a0@(LOCAL_SGN){#0:#8} | convert back to IEEE ext format
- jeq xdnrm_store
- bset #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- xdnrm_store:
- fmovemx a0@,fp0-fp0 | store result in fp0
- rts
- |
- | This subroutine is used for dyadic operations that use an extended
- | denorm within the kernel. The approach used is to capture the frame,
- | fix/restore.
- |
- .globl __x_t_avoid_unsupp
- __x_t_avoid_unsupp:
- link a2,#-LOCAL_SIZE | so that a2 fpsp040E.h negative
- | | offsets may be used
- fsave a7@-
- tstb a7@(1) | check if idle, exit if so
- jeq idle_end
- btst #E1,a2@(E_BYTE) | check for an E1 exception if
- | | enabled, there is an unsupp
- jeq end_avun | else, exit
- btst #7,a2@(DTAG) | check for denorm destination
- jeq src_den | else, must be a source denorm
- |
- | handle destination denorm
- |
- lea a2@(FPTEMP),a0
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- sne a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | convert to internal ext format
- bclr #7,a2@(DTAG) | set DTAG to norm
- bsrl __x_nrm_set | normalize result, exponent
- | | will become negative
- bclr #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | get rid of fake sign
- bfclr a0@(LOCAL_SGN){#0:#8} | convert back to IEEE ext format
- jeq ck_src_den | check if source is also denorm
- bset #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- ck_src_den:
- btst #7,a2@(STAG)
- jeq end_avun
- src_den:
- lea a2@(ETEMP),a0
- btst #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- sne a0@(LOCAL_SGN) | convert to internal ext format
- bclr #7,a2@(STAG) | set STAG to norm
- bsrl __x_nrm_set | normalize result, exponent
- | | will become negative
- bclr #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX) | get rid of fake sign
- bfclr a0@(LOCAL_SGN){#0:#8} | convert back to IEEE ext format
- jeq den_com
- bset #sign_bit,a0@(LOCAL_EX)
- den_com:
- moveb #0xfe,a2@(CU_SAVEPC) | set continue frame
- clrw a2@(NMNEXC) | clear NMNEXC
- bclr #E1,a2@(E_BYTE)
- | fmovel FPSR,a2@(FPSR_SHADOW)
- | bset #SFLAG,a2@(E_BYTE)
- | bset #XFLAG,a2@(T_BYTE)
- end_avun:
- frestore a7@+
- unlk a2
- rts
- idle_end:
- addl #4,a7
- unlk a2
- rts
- | end